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use serde::Serialize;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use super::docs::Docs;
use super::{Attrs, Ident, Lifetime, LifetimeEnv, Mutability, PathType, TypeName};
/// A method declared in the `impl` associated with an FFI struct.
/// Includes both static and non-static methods, which can be distinguished
/// by inspecting [`Method::self_param`].
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct Method {
/// The name of the method as initially declared.
pub name: Ident,
/// Lines of documentation for the method.
pub docs: Docs,
/// The name of the FFI function wrapping around the method.
pub full_path_name: Ident,
/// The `self` param of the method, if any.
pub self_param: Option<SelfParam>,
/// All non-`self` params taken by the method.
pub params: Vec<Param>,
/// The return type of the method, if any.
pub return_type: Option<TypeName>,
/// The lifetimes introduced in this method and surrounding impl block.
pub lifetime_env: LifetimeEnv,
/// The list of `cfg` attributes (if any).
/// These are strings instead of `syn::Attribute` or `proc_macro2::TokenStream`
/// because those types are not `PartialEq`, `Hash`, `Serialize`, etc.
pub attrs: Attrs,
impl Method {
/// Extracts a [`Method`] from an AST node inside an `impl`.
pub fn from_syn(
m: &syn::ImplItemFn,
self_path_type: PathType,
impl_generics: Option<&syn::Generics>,
impl_attrs: &Attrs,
) -> Method {
let mut attrs = impl_attrs.clone();
let self_ident = self_path_type.path.elements.last().unwrap();
let method_ident = &m.sig.ident;
let concat_method_ident = format!("{self_ident}_{method_ident}");
let extern_ident = syn::Ident::new(
let all_params = m
.filter_map(|a| match a {
syn::FnArg::Receiver(_) => None,
syn::FnArg::Typed(ref t) => Some(Param::from_syn(t, self_path_type.clone())),
let self_param = m
.map(|rec| SelfParam::from_syn(rec, self_path_type.clone()));
let return_ty = match &m.sig.output {
syn::ReturnType::Type(_, return_typ) => {
// When we allow lifetime elision, this is where we would want to
// support it so we can insert the expanded explicit lifetimes.
syn::ReturnType::Default => None,
let lifetime_env = LifetimeEnv::from_method_item(
Method {
name: Ident::from(method_ident),
docs: Docs::from_attrs(&m.attrs),
full_path_name: Ident::from(&extern_ident),
params: all_params,
return_type: return_ty,
/// Returns the parameters that the output is lifetime-bound to.
/// # Examples
/// Given the following method:
/// ```ignore
/// fn foo<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c>(&'a self, bar: Bar<'b>, baz: Baz<'c>) -> FooBar<'a> { ... }
/// ```
/// Then this method would return the `&'a self` and `bar: Bar<'b>` params
/// because `'a` is in the return type, and `'b` must live at least as long
/// as `'a`. It wouldn't include `baz: Baz<'c>` though, because the return
/// type isn't bound by `'c` in any way.
/// # Panics
/// This method may panic if `TypeName::check_result_type_validity` (called by
/// `Method::check_validity`) doesn't pass first, since the result type may
/// contain elided lifetimes that we depend on for this method. The validity
/// checks ensure that the return type doesn't elide any lifetimes, ensuring
/// that this method will produce correct results.
pub fn borrowed_params(&self) -> BorrowedParams {
// To determine which params the return type is bound to, we just have to
// find the params that contain a lifetime that's also in the return type.
if let Some(ref return_type) = self.return_type {
// The lifetimes that must outlive the return type
let lifetimes = return_type.longer_lifetimes(&self.lifetime_env);
let held_self_param = self.self_param.as_ref().filter(|self_param| {
// Check if `self` is a reference with a lifetime in the return type.
if let Some((Lifetime::Named(ref name), _)) = self_param.reference {
if lifetimes.contains(&name) {
return true;
self_param.path_type.lifetimes.iter().any(|lt| {
if let Lifetime::Named(name) = lt {
} else {
// Collect all the params that contain a named lifetime that's also
// in the return type.
let held_params = self
.filter_map(|param| {
let mut lt_kind = LifetimeKind::ReturnValue;
.visit_lifetimes(&mut |lt, _| {
// Thanks to `TypeName::visit_lifetimes`, we can
// traverse the lifetimes without allocations and
// short-circuit if we find a match.
match lt {
Lifetime::Named(name) if lifetimes.contains(&name) => {
return ControlFlow::Break(());
Lifetime::Static => {
lt_kind = LifetimeKind::Static;
return ControlFlow::Break(());
_ => {}
.then(|| (param, lt_kind))
BorrowedParams(held_self_param, held_params)
} else {
BorrowedParams(None, vec![])
/// Checks whether the method qualifies for special writeable handling.
/// To qualify, a method must:
/// - not return any value
/// - have the last argument be an `&mut diplomat_runtime::DiplomatWriteable`
/// Typically, methods of this form will be transformed in the bindings to a
/// method that doesn't take the writeable as an argument but instead creates
/// one locally and just returns the final string.
pub fn is_writeable_out(&self) -> bool {
let return_compatible = self
.map(|return_type| match return_type {
TypeName::Unit => true,
TypeName::Result(ok, _, _) => {
matches!(ok.as_ref(), TypeName::Unit)
_ => false,
return_compatible && self.params.last().map(Param::is_writeable).unwrap_or(false)
/// Checks if any parameters are writeable (regardless of other compatibilities for writeable output)
pub fn has_writeable_param(&self) -> bool {
self.params.iter().any(|p| p.is_writeable())
/// Returns the documentation block
pub fn docs(&self) -> &Docs {
/// The `self` parameter taken by a [`Method`].
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct SelfParam {
/// The lifetime and mutability of the `self` param, if it's a reference.
pub reference: Option<(Lifetime, Mutability)>,
/// The type of the parameter, which will be a named reference to
/// the associated struct,
pub path_type: PathType,
impl SelfParam {
pub fn to_typename(&self) -> TypeName {
let typ = TypeName::Named(self.path_type.clone());
if let Some((ref lifetime, ref mutability)) = self.reference {
return TypeName::Reference(lifetime.clone(), *mutability, Box::new(typ));
pub fn from_syn(rec: &syn::Receiver, path_type: PathType) -> Self {
SelfParam {
reference: rec
.map(|(_, lt)| (lt.into(), Mutability::from_syn(&rec.mutability))),
/// A parameter taken by a [`Method`], not including `self`.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct Param {
/// The name of the parameter in the original method declaration.
pub name: Ident,
/// The type of the parameter.
pub ty: TypeName,
impl Param {
/// Check if this parameter is a Writeable
pub fn is_writeable(&self) -> bool {
match self.ty {
TypeName::Reference(_, Mutability::Mutable, ref w) => **w == TypeName::Writeable,
_ => false,
pub fn from_syn(t: &syn::PatType, self_path_type: PathType) -> Self {
let ident = match t.pat.as_ref() {
syn::Pat::Ident(ident) => ident,
_ => panic!("Unexpected param type"),
Param {
name: (&ident.ident).into(),
ty: TypeName::from_syn(&t.ty, Some(self_path_type)),
/// The type of lifetime.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum LifetimeKind {
/// Param must live at least as long as the returned object.
/// Param must live for the duration of the program.
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
/// Parameters in a method that might be borrowed in the return type.
pub struct BorrowedParams<'a>(
pub Option<&'a SelfParam>,
pub Vec<(&'a Param, LifetimeKind)>,
impl BorrowedParams<'_> {
/// Returns an [`Iterator`] through the names of the parameters that are borrowed
/// for the lifetime of the return value, accepting an `Ident` that the `self`
/// param will be called if present.
pub fn return_names<'a>(&'a self, self_name: &'a Ident) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Ident> {
self.0.iter().map(move |_| self_name).chain(
.filter(|(_, ltk)| (*ltk == LifetimeKind::ReturnValue))
.map(|(param, _)| &,
/// Returns an [`Iterator`] through the names of the parameters that are borrowed for a
/// static lifetime.
pub fn static_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'_ Ident> {
.filter(|(_, ltk)| (*ltk == LifetimeKind::Static))
.map(|(param, _)| &
/// Returns `true` if a provided param name is included in the borrowed params,
/// otherwise `false`.
/// This method doesn't check the `self` parameter. Use
/// [`BorrowedParams::borrows_self`] instead.
pub fn contains(&self, param_name: &Ident) -> bool {
self.1.iter().any(|(param, _)| & == param_name)
/// Returns `true` if there are no borrowed parameters, otherwise `false`.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.0.is_none() && self.1.is_empty()
/// Returns `true` if the `self` param is borrowed, otherwise `false`.
pub fn borrows_self(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if there are any borrowed params, otherwise `false`.
pub fn borrows_params(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the number of borrowed params.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
self.1.len() + usize::from(self.0.is_some())
mod tests {
use insta;
use syn;
use crate::ast::{Attrs, Ident, Method, Path, PathType};
fn static_methods() {
&syn::parse_quote! {
/// Some docs.
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
fn foo(x: u64, y: MyCustomStruct) {
&syn::parse_quote! {
/// Some docs.
/// Some more docs.
/// Even more docs.
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInEnum)]
fn foo(x: u64, y: MyCustomStruct) -> u64 {
fn cfged_method() {
&syn::parse_quote! {
/// Some docs.
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
#[cfg(any(feature = "foo", not(feature = "bar")))]
fn foo(x: u64, y: MyCustomStruct) {
fn nonstatic_methods() {
&syn::parse_quote! {
fn foo(&self, x: u64, y: MyCustomStruct) {
&syn::parse_quote! {
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
fn foo(&mut self, x: u64, y: MyCustomStruct) -> u64 {
macro_rules! assert_borrowed_params {
([$($return_param:ident),*] $(, [$($static_param:ident),*])? => $($tokens:tt)* ) => {{
let method = Method::from_syn(
&syn::parse_quote! { $($tokens)* },
let borrowed_params = method.borrowed_params();
// The ident parser in syn doesn't allow `self`, so we use "this" as a placeholder
// and then change it.
let mut actual_return: Vec<&str> = borrowed_params.return_names(&Ident::THIS).map(|ident| ident.as_str()).collect();
if borrowed_params.0.is_some() {
actual_return[0] = "self";
let expected_return: &[&str] = &[$(stringify!($return_param)),*];
assert_eq!(actual_return, expected_return);
let actual_static: Vec<&str> = borrowed_params.static_names().map(|ident| ident.as_str()).collect();
let expected_static: &[&str] = &[$($(stringify!($static_param)),*)?];
assert_eq!(actual_static, expected_static);
fn static_params_held_by_return_type() {
assert_borrowed_params! { [first, second] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
fn foo<'a, 'b>(first: &'a First, second: &'b Second, third: &Third) -> Foo<'a, 'b> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [hold] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn transitivity<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'b, 'd: 'c, 'e: 'd, 'x>(hold: &'x One<'e>, nohold: &One<'x>) -> Box<Foo<'a>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [hold] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn a_le_b_and_b_le_a<'a: 'b, 'b: 'a>(hold: &'b Bar, nohold: &'c Bar) -> Box<Foo<'a>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [a, b, c, d] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn many_dependents<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'a, 'd: 'b, 'x, 'y>(a: &'x One<'a>, b: &'b One<'a>, c: &Two<'x, 'c>, d: &'x Two<'d, 'y>, nohold: &'x Two<'x, 'y>) -> Box<Foo<'a>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [hold] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn return_outlives_param<'short, 'long: 'short>(hold: &Two<'long, 'short>, nohold: &'short One<'short>) -> Box<Foo<'long>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [hold] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn transitivity_deep_types<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'b, 'd: 'c>(hold: Option<Box<Bar<'d>>>, nohold: &'a Box<Option<Baz<'a>>>) -> Result<Box<Foo<'b>>, Error> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [top, left, right, bottom] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn diamond_top<'top, 'left: 'top, 'right: 'top, 'bottom: 'left + 'right>(top: One<'top>, left: One<'left>, right: One<'right>, bottom: One<'bottom>) -> Box<Foo<'top>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [left, bottom] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn diamond_left<'top, 'left: 'top, 'right: 'top, 'bottom: 'left + 'right>(top: One<'top>, left: One<'left>, right: One<'right>, bottom: One<'bottom>) -> Box<Foo<'left>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [right, bottom] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn diamond_right<'top, 'left: 'top, 'right: 'top, 'bottom: 'left + 'right>(top: One<'top>, left: One<'left>, right: One<'right>, bottom: One<'bottom>) -> Box<Foo<'right>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [bottom] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn diamond_bottom<'top, 'left: 'top, 'right: 'top, 'bottom: 'left + 'right>(top: One<'top>, left: One<'left>, right: One<'right>, bottom: One<'bottom>) -> Box<Foo<'bottom>> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [a, b, c, d] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(Foo, FnInStruct)]
fn diamond_and_nested_types<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'b, 'd: 'b + 'c, 'x, 'y>(a: &'x One<'a>, b: &'y One<'b>, c: &One<'c>, d: &One<'d>, nohold: &One<'x>) -> Box<Foo<'a>> {
fn nonstatic_params_held_by_return_type() {
assert_borrowed_params! { [self] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
fn foo<'a>(&'a self) -> Foo<'a> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [self, foo, bar] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
fn foo<'x, 'y>(&'x self, foo: &'x Foo, bar: &Bar<'y>, baz: &Baz) -> Foo<'x, 'y> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [self, bar] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
fn foo<'a, 'b>(&'a self, bar: Bar<'b>) -> Foo<'a, 'b> {
assert_borrowed_params! { [self, bar], [baz] =>
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar::batz, FnInStruct)]
fn foo<'a, 'b>(&'a self, bar: Bar<'b>, baz: &'static str) -> Foo<'a, 'b, 'static> {