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use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::ffi::c_void;
use core::{fmt, ptr};
/// An object that can one can write UTF-8 strings to
/// This allows the C API to write to arbitrary kinds of objects, for example a
/// C++ std::string or a char buffer.
/// The way to use this object is to fill out the `buf`, `len`, `cap` fields with
/// appropriate values for the buffer, its current length, and its current capacity,
/// and `flush` and `grow` with appropriate callbacks (using `context` to reference any
/// state they need). This object will be passed by mutable reference to the Rust side,
/// and Rust will write to it, calling `grow()` as necessary. Once done, it will call `flush()`
/// to update any state on `context` (e.g. adding a null terminator, updating the length).
/// The object on the foreign side will be directly usable after this, the foreign side
/// need not perform additional state updates after passing an [`DiplomatWriteable`] to
/// a function.
/// [`diplomat_simple_writeable()`] can be used to write to a fixed-size char buffer.
/// May be extended in the future to support further invariants
/// DiplomatWriteable will not perform any cleanup on `context` or `buf`, these are logically
/// "borrows" from the FFI side.
/// # Safety invariants:
/// - `flush()` and `grow()` will be passed `self` including `context` and it should always be safe to do so.
/// `context` may be null, however `flush()` and `grow()` must then be ready to receive it as such.
/// - `buf` must be `cap` bytes long
/// - `grow()` must either return false or update `buf` and `cap` for a valid buffer
/// of at least the requested buffer size
/// - `DiplomatWriteable::flush()` will be automatically called by Diplomat. `flush()` might also be called
/// (erroneously) on the Rust side (it's a public method), so it must be idempotent.
pub struct DiplomatWriteable {
/// Context pointer for additional data needed by `grow()` and `flush()`. May be `null`.
/// The pointer may reference structured data on the foreign side,
/// such as C++ std::string, used to reallocate buf.
context: *mut c_void,
/// The raw string buffer, which will be mutated on the Rust side.
buf: *mut u8,
/// The current filled size of the buffer
len: usize,
/// The current capacity of the buffer
cap: usize,
/// Called by Rust to indicate that there is no more data to write.
/// May be called multiple times.
/// Arguments:
/// - `self` (`*mut DiplomatWriteable`): This `DiplomatWriteable`
flush: extern "C" fn(*mut DiplomatWriteable),
/// Called by Rust to request more capacity in the buffer. The implementation should allocate a new
/// buffer and copy the contents of the old buffer into the new buffer, updating `self.buf` and `self.cap`
/// Arguments:
/// - `self` (`*mut DiplomatWriteable`): This `DiplomatWriteable`
/// - `capacity` (`usize`): The requested capacity.
/// Returns: `true` if the allocation succeeded. Should not update any state if it failed.
grow: extern "C" fn(*mut DiplomatWriteable, usize) -> bool,
impl DiplomatWriteable {
/// Call this function before releasing the buffer to C
pub fn flush(&mut self) {
impl fmt::Write for DiplomatWriteable {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
let needed_len = self.len + s.len();
if needed_len > self.cap {
let success = (self.grow)(self, needed_len);
if !success {
return Err(fmt::Error);
debug_assert!(needed_len <= self.cap);
unsafe {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(s.as_bytes().as_ptr(), self.buf.add(self.len), s.len());
self.len = needed_len;
/// Create an `DiplomatWriteable` that can write to a fixed-length stack allocated `u8` buffer.
/// Once done, this will append a null terminator to the written string.
/// # Safety
/// - `buf` must be a valid pointer to a region of memory that can hold at `buf_size` bytes
pub unsafe extern "C" fn diplomat_simple_writeable(
buf: *mut u8,
buf_size: usize,
) -> DiplomatWriteable {
extern "C" fn grow(_this: *mut DiplomatWriteable, _cap: usize) -> bool {
extern "C" fn flush(this: *mut DiplomatWriteable) {
unsafe {
debug_assert!((*this).len <= (*this).cap);
let buf = (*this).buf;
ptr::write(buf.add((*this).len), 0)
DiplomatWriteable {
context: ptr::null_mut(),
len: 0,
// keep an extra byte in our pocket for the null terminator
cap: buf_size - 1,
/// Create an [`DiplomatWriteable`] that can write to a dynamically allocated buffer managed by Rust.
/// Use [`diplomat_buffer_writeable_destroy()`] to free the writable and its underlying buffer.
pub extern "C" fn diplomat_buffer_writeable_create(cap: usize) -> *mut DiplomatWriteable {
extern "C" fn grow(this: *mut DiplomatWriteable, new_cap: usize) -> bool {
unsafe {
let this = this.as_mut().unwrap();
let mut vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(this.buf, 0, this.cap);
this.cap = vec.capacity();
this.buf = vec.as_mut_ptr();
extern "C" fn flush(_: *mut DiplomatWriteable) {}
let mut vec = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(cap);
let ret = DiplomatWriteable {
context: ptr::null_mut(),
buf: vec.as_mut_ptr(),
len: 0,
/// Grabs a pointer to the underlying buffer of a writable.
/// # Safety
/// - The returned pointer is valid until the passed writable is destroyed.
/// - `this` must be a pointer to a valid [`DiplomatWriteable`] constructed by
/// [`diplomat_buffer_writeable_create()`].
pub extern "C" fn diplomat_buffer_writeable_get_bytes(this: &DiplomatWriteable) -> *mut u8 {
/// Gets the length in bytes of the content written to the writable.
/// # Safety
/// - `this` must be a pointer to a valid [`DiplomatWriteable`] constructed by
/// [`diplomat_buffer_writeable_create()`].
pub extern "C" fn diplomat_buffer_writeable_len(this: &DiplomatWriteable) -> usize {
/// Destructor for Rust-memory backed writables.
/// # Safety
/// - `this` must be a pointer to a valid [`DiplomatWriteable`] constructed by
/// [`diplomat_buffer_writeable_create()`].
pub unsafe extern "C" fn diplomat_buffer_writeable_destroy(this: *mut DiplomatWriteable) {
let this = Box::from_raw(this);
let vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(this.buf, 0, this.cap);