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use crate::{
usage::{self, UsesLifetimes, UsesTypeParams},
FromDeriveInput, FromField, FromGenericParam, FromGenerics, FromMeta, FromTypeParam,
FromVariant, Result,
/// An efficient way of discarding data from a syntax element.
/// All syntax elements will be successfully read into
/// the `Ignored` struct, with all properties discarded.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Default)]
pub struct Ignored;
macro_rules! ignored {
($trayt:ident, $method:ident, $syn:path) => {
impl $trayt for Ignored {
fn $method(_: &$syn) -> Result<Self> {
ignored!(FromGenericParam, from_generic_param, syn::GenericParam);
ignored!(FromGenerics, from_generics, syn::Generics);
ignored!(FromTypeParam, from_type_param, syn::TypeParam);
ignored!(FromMeta, from_meta, syn::Meta);
ignored!(FromDeriveInput, from_derive_input, syn::DeriveInput);
ignored!(FromField, from_field, syn::Field);
ignored!(FromVariant, from_variant, syn::Variant);
impl UsesTypeParams for Ignored {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(
_opts: &usage::Options,
_: &'a usage::IdentSet,
) -> usage::IdentRefSet<'a> {
impl UsesLifetimes for Ignored {
fn uses_lifetimes<'a>(
_opts: &usage::Options,
_: &'a usage::LifetimeSet,
) -> usage::LifetimeRefSet<'a> {