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use std::{slice, vec};
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use syn::ext::IdentExt;
use syn::parse::Parser;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::Token;
use crate::usage::{
self, IdentRefSet, IdentSet, LifetimeRefSet, LifetimeSet, UsesLifetimes, UsesTypeParams,
use crate::{Error, FromField, FromVariant, Result};
/// A struct or enum body.
/// `V` is the type which receives any encountered variants, and `F` receives struct fields.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Data<V, F> {
impl<V, F> Data<V, F> {
/// Creates an empty body of the same shape as the passed-in body.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if passed `syn::Data::Union`.
pub fn empty_from(src: &syn::Data) -> Self {
match *src {
syn::Data::Enum(_) => Data::Enum(vec![]),
syn::Data::Struct(ref vd) => Data::Struct(Fields::empty_from(&vd.fields)),
syn::Data::Union(_) => panic!("Unions are not supported"),
/// Creates an empty body of the same shape as the passed-in body.
/// `darling` does not support unions; calling this function with a union body will return an error.
pub fn try_empty_from(src: &syn::Data) -> Result<Self> {
match *src {
syn::Data::Enum(_) => Ok(Data::Enum(vec![])),
syn::Data::Struct(ref vd) => Ok(Data::Struct(Fields::empty_from(&vd.fields))),
// This deliberately doesn't set a span on the error message, as the error is most useful if
// applied to the call site of the offending macro. Given that the message is very generic,
// putting it on the union keyword ends up being confusing.
syn::Data::Union(_) => Err(Error::custom("Unions are not supported")),
/// Creates a new `Data<&'a V, &'a F>` instance from `Data<V, F>`.
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Data<&V, &F> {
match *self {
Data::Enum(ref variants) => Data::Enum(variants.iter().collect()),
Data::Struct(ref data) => Data::Struct(data.as_ref()),
/// Applies a function `V -> U` on enum variants, if this is an enum.
pub fn map_enum_variants<T, U>(self, map: T) -> Data<U, F>
T: FnMut(V) -> U,
match self {
Data::Enum(v) => Data::Enum(v.into_iter().map(map).collect()),
Data::Struct(f) => Data::Struct(f),
/// Applies a function `F -> U` on struct fields, if this is a struct.
pub fn map_struct_fields<T, U>(self, map: T) -> Data<V, U>
T: FnMut(F) -> U,
match self {
Data::Enum(v) => Data::Enum(v),
Data::Struct(f) => Data::Struct(,
/// Applies a function to the `Fields` if this is a struct.
pub fn map_struct<T, U>(self, mut map: T) -> Data<V, U>
T: FnMut(Fields<F>) -> Fields<U>,
match self {
Data::Enum(v) => Data::Enum(v),
Data::Struct(f) => Data::Struct(map(f)),
/// Consumes the `Data`, returning `Fields<F>` if it was a struct.
pub fn take_struct(self) -> Option<Fields<F>> {
match self {
Data::Enum(_) => None,
Data::Struct(f) => Some(f),
/// Consumes the `Data`, returning `Vec<V>` if it was an enum.
pub fn take_enum(self) -> Option<Vec<V>> {
match self {
Data::Enum(v) => Some(v),
Data::Struct(_) => None,
/// Returns `true` if this instance is `Data::Enum`.
pub fn is_enum(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Data::Enum(_) => true,
Data::Struct(_) => false,
/// Returns `true` if this instance is `Data::Struct`.
pub fn is_struct(&self) -> bool {
impl<V: FromVariant, F: FromField> Data<V, F> {
/// Attempt to convert from a `syn::Data` instance.
pub fn try_from(body: &syn::Data) -> Result<Self> {
match *body {
syn::Data::Enum(ref data) => {
let mut errors = Error::accumulator();
let items = data
.filter_map(|v| errors.handle(FromVariant::from_variant(v)))
syn::Data::Struct(ref data) => Ok(Data::Struct(Fields::try_from(&data.fields)?)),
// This deliberately doesn't set a span on the error message, as the error is most useful if
// applied to the call site of the offending macro. Given that the message is very generic,
// putting it on the union keyword ends up being confusing.
syn::Data::Union(_) => Err(Error::custom("Unions are not supported")),
impl<V: UsesTypeParams, F: UsesTypeParams> UsesTypeParams for Data<V, F> {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(
options: &usage::Options,
type_set: &'a IdentSet,
) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
Data::Struct(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Data::Enum(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
impl<V: UsesLifetimes, F: UsesLifetimes> UsesLifetimes for Data<V, F> {
fn uses_lifetimes<'a>(
options: &usage::Options,
lifetimes: &'a LifetimeSet,
) -> LifetimeRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
Data::Struct(ref v) => v.uses_lifetimes(options, lifetimes),
Data::Enum(ref v) => v.uses_lifetimes(options, lifetimes),
/// Equivalent to `syn::Fields`, but replaces the AST element with a generic.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Fields<T> {
pub style: Style,
pub fields: Vec<T>,
span: Option<Span>,
__nonexhaustive: (),
impl<T> Fields<T> {
/// Creates a new [`Fields`] struct.
pub fn new(style: Style, fields: Vec<T>) -> Self {
Self {
span: None,
__nonexhaustive: (),
/// Adds a [`Span`] to [`Fields`].
pub fn with_span(mut self, span: Span) -> Self {
if self.span.is_none() {
self.span = Some(span);
pub fn empty_from(vd: &syn::Fields) -> Self {
Self::new(vd.into(), Vec::new())
/// Splits the `Fields` into its style and fields for further processing.
/// Returns an empty `Vec` for `Unit` data.
pub fn split(self) -> (Style, Vec<T>) {
(, self.fields)
/// Returns true if this variant's data makes it a newtype.
pub fn is_newtype(&self) -> bool { == Style::Tuple && self.len() == 1
pub fn is_unit(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_tuple(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_struct(&self) -> bool {
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Fields<&T> {
Fields {
fields: self.fields.iter().collect(),
span: self.span,
__nonexhaustive: (),
pub fn map<F, U>(self, map: F) -> Fields<U>
F: FnMut(T) -> U,
Fields {
fields: self.fields.into_iter().map(map).collect(),
span: self.span,
__nonexhaustive: (),
pub fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<'_, T> {
/// Returns the number of fields in the structure.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns `true` if the `Fields` contains no fields.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl<F: FromField> Fields<F> {
pub fn try_from(fields: &syn::Fields) -> Result<Self> {
let mut errors = Error::accumulator();
let items = {
match &fields {
syn::Fields::Named(fields) => fields
.filter_map(|field| {
errors.handle(FromField::from_field(field).map_err(|err| {
// There should always be an ident here, since this is a collection
// of named fields, but `syn` doesn't prevent someone from manually
// constructing an invalid collection so a guard is still warranted.
if let Some(ident) = &field.ident {
} else {
syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => fields
.filter_map(|field| errors.handle(FromField::from_field(field)))
syn::Fields::Unit => vec![],
Ok(Self::new(fields.into(), items).with_span(fields.span()))
impl<T: ToTokens> ToTokens for Fields<T> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let fields = &self.fields;
// An unknown Span should be `Span::call_site()`;
let span = self.span.unwrap_or_else(Span::call_site);
match {
Style::Struct => {
let trailing_comma = {
if fields.is_empty() {
} else {
tokens.extend(quote_spanned![span => { #(#fields),* #trailing_comma }]);
Style::Tuple => {
tokens.extend(quote_spanned![span => ( #(#fields),* )]);
Style::Unit => {}
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Fields<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { == && self.fields == other.fields
impl<T: Eq> Eq for Fields<T> {}
impl<T> IntoIterator for Fields<T> {
type Item = T;
type IntoIter = vec::IntoIter<T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<T> From<Style> for Fields<T> {
fn from(style: Style) -> Self {
Self::new(style, Vec::new())
impl<T, U: Into<Vec<T>>> From<(Style, U)> for Fields<T> {
fn from((style, fields): (Style, U)) -> Self {
impl<T: UsesTypeParams> UsesTypeParams for Fields<T> {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(
options: &usage::Options,
type_set: &'a IdentSet,
) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
self.fields.uses_type_params(options, type_set)
impl<T: UsesLifetimes> UsesLifetimes for Fields<T> {
fn uses_lifetimes<'a>(
options: &usage::Options,
lifetimes: &'a LifetimeSet,
) -> LifetimeRefSet<'a> {
self.fields.uses_lifetimes(options, lifetimes)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Style {
impl Style {
pub fn is_unit(self) -> bool {
self == Style::Unit
pub fn is_tuple(self) -> bool {
self == Style::Tuple
pub fn is_struct(self) -> bool {
self == Style::Struct
/// Creates a new `Fields` of the specified style with the passed-in fields.
fn with_fields<T, U: Into<Vec<T>>>(self, fields: U) -> Fields<T> {
Fields::new(self, fields.into())
impl From<syn::Fields> for Style {
fn from(vd: syn::Fields) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a syn::Fields> for Style {
fn from(vd: &syn::Fields) -> Self {
match *vd {
syn::Fields::Named(_) => Style::Struct,
syn::Fields::Unnamed(_) => Style::Tuple,
syn::Fields::Unit => Style::Unit,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum NestedMeta {
impl NestedMeta {
pub fn parse_meta_list(tokens: TokenStream) -> syn::Result<Vec<Self>> {
syn::punctuated::Punctuated::<NestedMeta, Token![,]>::parse_terminated
.map(|punctuated| punctuated.into_iter().collect())
impl syn::parse::Parse for NestedMeta {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
if input.peek(syn::Lit) && !(input.peek(syn::LitBool) && input.peek2(Token![=])) {
} else if input.peek(syn::Ident::peek_any)
|| input.peek(Token![::]) && input.peek3(syn::Ident::peek_any)
} else {
Err(input.error("expected identifier or literal"))
impl ToTokens for NestedMeta {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
match self {
NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => meta.to_tokens(tokens),
NestedMeta::Lit(lit) => lit.to_tokens(tokens),
mod tests {
use super::*;
// it is not possible to directly convert a TokenStream into syn::Fields, so you have
// to convert the TokenStream into DeriveInput first and then pass the syn::Fields to
// Fields::try_from.
fn token_stream_to_fields(input: TokenStream) -> Fields<syn::Field> {
if let syn::Data::Struct(s) = syn::parse2::<syn::DeriveInput>(input).unwrap().data {
} else {
fn test_style_eq() {
// `Fields` implements `Eq` manually, so it has to be ensured, that all fields of `Fields`
// implement `Eq`, this test would fail, if someone accidentally removed the Eq
// implementation from `Style`.
struct _AssertEq
Style: Eq;
fn test_fields_to_tokens_struct() {
let reference = quote!(
executable: String,
args: Vec<String>,
env: Vec<String>,
index: usize,
optional: Option<String>,
current_dir: String,
let input = quote!(
struct ExampleTest #reference
let fields = token_stream_to_fields(input);
let mut result = quote!();
fields.to_tokens(&mut result);
assert_eq!(result.to_string(), reference.to_string());
fn test_fields_to_tokens_tuple() {
let reference = quote!((u64, usize, &'a T));
let input = quote!(
struct ExampleTest #reference;
let fields = token_stream_to_fields(input);
let mut result = quote!();
fields.to_tokens(&mut result);
assert_eq!(result.to_string(), reference.to_string());