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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use std::cmp::min;
/// An Equation\<W\> is a representation of a GF(2) linear functional
/// a(x) = b + sum_i a_i x_i
/// where a_i is equal to zero except for i in a block of 64*W coefficients
/// starting at i=s. We say an Equation is /aligned/ if a_s = 1.
/// (Note: a_i above denotes the i-th bit, not the i'th 64-bit limb.)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Equation<const W: usize> {
pub s: usize, // the row number
pub a: [u64; W], // the non-trivial columns
pub b: u8, // the constant term
impl<const W: usize> Equation<W> {
/// Construct the equation a(x) = sum_{i=s}^{s+64*W} a_i x^i.
/// The result is aligned.
pub fn homogeneous(s: usize, a: [u64; W]) -> Equation<W> {
Equation::inhomogeneous(s, a, 0)
/// Construct the equation a(x) = b + sum_{i=s}^{s+64*W} a_i x^i.
/// The result is aligned.
pub fn inhomogeneous(s: usize, a: [u64; W], b: u8) -> Equation<W> {
let mut eq = Equation { s: 0, a, b };
eq.s += s;
/// Construct the equation a(x) = 0.
pub fn zero() -> Self {
Equation {
s: 0,
a: [0u64; W],
b: 0,
/// Is this a(x) = 1 or a(x) = 0?
pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
// TODO: is_const? or maybe this gets the point across.
self.a == [0u64; W]
/// Adds `other` into `self`, i.e. sets self.a ^= other.a and self.b ^= other.b and then aligns
/// the result.
pub fn add(&mut self, other: &Equation<W>) {
assert!(self.s == other.s);
// Add the equations in GF(2)
for i in 0..W {
self.a[i] ^= other.a[i];
self.b ^= other.b;
// Exit early if this equation is now zero.
if self.is_zero() {
// Shift until there is a non-zero bit in the lowest limb.
while self.a[0] == 0 {
// Shift first non-zero bit to position 0.
let k = self.a[0].trailing_zeros();
if k == 0 {
for i in 0..W - 1 {
self.a[i] >>= k;
self.a[i] |= self.a[i + 1] << (64 - k);
self.a[W - 1] >>= k;
// Update the starting position
self.s += k as usize;
/// Computes a(z) = sum a_i z_i.
pub fn eval(&self, z: &[u64]) -> u8 {
// Compute a(z), noting that this only depends
// on 64*W bits of z starting from position s.
let limb = self.s / 64;
let shift = self.s % 64;
let mut r = 0;
for i in limb..min(z.len(), limb + W) {
let mut tmp = z[i] >> shift;
if i + 1 < z.len() && shift != 0 {
tmp |= z[i + 1] << (64 - shift);
r ^= tmp & self.a[i - limb];
(r.count_ones() & 1) as u8
mod tests {
use crate::Equation;
fn test_equation_add() {
let mut e1 = Equation {
s: 127,
a: [0b11],
b: 1,
let e2 = Equation {
s: 127,
a: [0b01],
b: 1,
// test that shifting works
assert!(e1.s == 128);
assert!(e1.a[0] == 0b1);
assert!(e1.b == 0);
let mut e1 = Equation {
s: 127,
a: [0b11, 0b1110, 0b1, 0],
b: 1,
let e2 = Equation {
s: 127,
a: [0b01, 0b0100, 0b0, 0],
b: 1,
// test that shifting works
assert!(e1.s == 128);
assert!(e1.a[0] == 0b1);
// test that bits move between limbs
assert!(e1.a[1] == (1 << 63) | 0b101);
assert!(e1.a[2] == 0);
assert!(e1.a[3] == 0);
assert!(e1.b == 0);
fn test_equation_eval() {
for s in 0..64 {
let eq = Equation {
a: [0xffffffffffffffff, 0, 0, 0],
b: 0,
assert!(0 == eq.eval(&[]));
for i in 0..64 {
assert!(((i >= eq.s) as u8) == eq.eval(&[1 << i, 0]));
assert!(((i < eq.s) as u8) == eq.eval(&[0, 1 << i]));
assert!(0 == eq.eval(&[0, 0, 1 << i]));