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//! Circular, a stream abstraction designed for use with nom
//! Circular provides a `Buffer` type that wraps a `Vec<u8>` with a position
//! and end. Compared to a stream abstraction that would use `std::io::Read`,
//! it separates the reading and consuming phases. `Read` is designed to write
//! the data in a mutable slice and consume it from the stream as it does that.
//! When used in streaming mode, nom will try to parse a slice, then tell you
//! how much it consumed. So you don't know how much data was actually used
//! until the parser returns. `Circular::Buffer` exposes a `data()` method
//! that gives an immutable slice of all the currently readable data,
//! and a `consume()` method to advance the position in the stream.
//! The `space()` and `fill()` methods are the write counterparts to those methods.
//! ```
//! extern crate circular;
//! use circular::Buffer;
//! use std::io::Write;
//! fn main() {
//! // allocate a new Buffer
//! let mut b = Buffer::with_capacity(10);
//! assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 0);
//! assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 10);
//! let res = b.write(&b"abcd"[..]);
//! assert_eq!(res.ok(), Some(4));
//! assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 4);
//! assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 6);
//! //the 4 bytes we wrote are immediately available and usable for parsing
//! assert_eq!(, &b"abcd"[..]);
//! // this will advance the position from 0 to 2. it does not modify the underlying Vec
//! b.consume(2);
//! assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 2);
//! assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 6);
//! assert_eq!(, &b"cd"[..]);
//! // shift moves the available data at the beginning of the buffer.
//! // the position is now 0
//! b.shift();
//! assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 2);
//! assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 8);
//! assert_eq!(, &b"cd"[..]);
//! }
use std::{cmp, ptr};
use std::io::{self,Write,Read};
use std::iter::repeat;
/// the Buffer contains the underlying memory and data positions
/// In all cases, `0 ≤ position ≤ end ≤ capacity` should be true
pub struct Buffer {
/// the Vec containing the data
memory: Vec<u8>,
/// the current capacity of the Buffer
capacity: usize,
/// the current beginning of the available data
position: usize,
/// the current end of the available data
/// and beginning of the available space
end: usize
impl Buffer {
/// allocates a new buffer of maximum size `capacity`
pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Buffer {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(capacity);
Buffer {
memory: v,
capacity: capacity,
position: 0,
end: 0
/// allocates a new buffer containing the slice `data`
/// the buffer starts full, its available data size is exactly `data.len()`
pub fn from_slice(data: &[u8]) -> Buffer {
Buffer {
memory: Vec::from(data),
capacity: data.len(),
position: 0,
end: data.len()
/// increases the size of the buffer
/// this does nothing if the buffer is already large enough
pub fn grow(&mut self, new_size: usize) -> bool {
if self.capacity >= new_size {
return false;
self.memory.resize(new_size, 0);
self.capacity = new_size;
/// returns how much data can be read from the buffer
pub fn available_data(&self) -> usize {
self.end - self.position
/// returns how much free space is available to write to
pub fn available_space(&self) -> usize {
self.capacity - self.end
/// returns the underlying vector's size
pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
/// returns true if there is no more data to read
pub fn empty(&self) -> bool {
self.position == self.end
/// advances the position tracker
/// if the position gets past the buffer's half,
/// this will call `shift()` to move the remaining data
/// to the beginning of the buffer
pub fn consume(&mut self, count: usize) -> usize {
let cnt = cmp::min(count, self.available_data());
self.position += cnt;
if self.position > self.capacity / 2 {
//trace!("consume shift: pos {}, end {}", self.position, self.end);
/// advances the position tracker
/// This method is similar to `consume()` but will not move data
/// to the beginning of the buffer
pub fn consume_noshift(&mut self, count: usize) -> usize {
let cnt = cmp::min(count, self.available_data());
self.position += cnt;
/// after having written data to the buffer, use this function
/// to indicate how many bytes were written
/// if there is not enough available space, this function can call
/// `shift()` to move the remaining data to the beginning of the
/// buffer
pub fn fill(&mut self, count: usize) -> usize {
let cnt = cmp::min(count, self.available_space());
self.end += cnt;
if self.available_space() < self.available_data() + cnt {
//trace!("fill shift: pos {}, end {}", self.position, self.end);
/// Get the current position
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use circular::Buffer;
/// use std::io::{Read,Write};
/// let mut output = [0;5];
/// let mut b = Buffer::with_capacity(10);
/// let res = b.write(&b"abcdefgh"[..]);
/// output);
/// // Position must be 5
/// assert_eq!(b.position(), 5);
/// assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 3);
/// ```
pub fn position(&self) -> usize {
/// moves the position and end trackers to the beginning
/// this function does not modify the data
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.position = 0;
self.end = 0;
/// returns a slice with all the available data
pub fn data(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// returns a mutable slice with all the available space to
/// write to
pub fn space(&mut self) -> &mut[u8] {
&mut self.memory[self.end..self.capacity]
/// moves the data at the beginning of the buffer
/// if the position was more than 0, it is now 0
pub fn shift(&mut self) {
if self.position > 0 {
unsafe {
let length = self.end - self.position;
ptr::copy( (&self.memory[self.position..self.end]).as_ptr(), (&mut self.memory[..length]).as_mut_ptr(), length);
self.position = 0;
self.end = length;
//FIXME: this should probably be rewritten, and tested extensively
pub fn delete_slice(&mut self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Option<usize> {
if start + length >= self.available_data() {
return None
unsafe {
let begin = self.position + start;
let next_end = self.end - length;
(&mut self.memory[begin..next_end]).as_mut_ptr(),
self.end - (begin+length)
self.end = next_end;
//FIXME: this should probably be rewritten, and tested extensively
pub fn replace_slice(&mut self, data: &[u8], start: usize, length: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let data_len = data.len();
if start + length > self.available_data() ||
self.position + start + data_len > self.capacity {
return None
unsafe {
let begin = self.position + start;
let slice_end = begin + data_len;
// we reduced the data size
if data_len < length {
ptr::copy(data.as_ptr(), (&mut self.memory[begin..slice_end]).as_mut_ptr(), data_len);
ptr::copy((&self.memory[start+length..self.end]).as_ptr(), (&mut self.memory[slice_end..]).as_mut_ptr(), self.end - (start + length));
self.end = self.end - (length - data_len);
// we put more data in the buffer
} else {
ptr::copy((&self.memory[start+length..self.end]).as_ptr(), (&mut self.memory[start+data_len..]).as_mut_ptr(), self.end - (start + length));
ptr::copy(data.as_ptr(), (&mut self.memory[begin..slice_end]).as_mut_ptr(), data_len);
self.end = self.end + data_len - length;
//FIXME: this should probably be rewritten, and tested extensively
pub fn insert_slice(&mut self, data: &[u8], start: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let data_len = data.len();
if start > self.available_data() ||
self.position + self.end + data_len > self.capacity {
return None
unsafe {
let begin = self.position + start;
let slice_end = begin + data_len;
ptr::copy((&self.memory[start..self.end]).as_ptr(), (&mut self.memory[start+data_len..]).as_mut_ptr(), self.end - start);
ptr::copy(data.as_ptr(), (&mut self.memory[begin..slice_end]).as_mut_ptr(), data_len);
self.end = self.end + data_len;
impl Write for Buffer {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
match {
Ok(size) => { self.fill(size); Ok(size) },
err => err
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl Read for Buffer {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let len = cmp::min(self.available_data(), buf.len());
unsafe {
ptr::copy((&self.memory[self.position..self.position+len]).as_ptr(), buf.as_mut_ptr(), len);
self.position += len;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::io::Write;
fn fill_and_consume() {
let mut b = Buffer::with_capacity(10);
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 0);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 10);
let res = b.write(&b"abcd"[..]);
assert_eq!(res.ok(), Some(4));
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 4);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 6);
assert_eq!(, &b"abcd"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 2);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 6);
assert_eq!(, &b"cd"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 2);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 8);
assert_eq!(, &b"cd"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.write(&b"efghijklmnop"[..]).ok(), Some(8));
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 10);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 0);
assert_eq!(, &b"cdefghijkl"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 10);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 0);
assert_eq!(, &b"cdefghijkl"[..]);
fn delete() {
let mut b = Buffer::with_capacity(10);
let _ = b.write(&b"abcdefgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 8);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 2);
assert_eq!(b.delete_slice(2, 3), Some(5));
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 5);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 5);
assert_eq!(, &b"abfgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.delete_slice(5, 2), None);
assert_eq!(b.delete_slice(4, 2), None);
fn replace() {
let mut b = Buffer::with_capacity(10);
let _ = b.write(&b"abcdefgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 8);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 2);
assert_eq!(b.replace_slice(&b"ABC"[..], 2, 3), Some(8));
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 8);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 2);
assert_eq!(, &b"abABCfgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.replace_slice(&b"XYZ"[..], 8, 3), None);
assert_eq!(b.replace_slice(&b"XYZ"[..], 6, 3), None);
assert_eq!(b.replace_slice(&b"XYZ"[..], 2, 4), Some(7));
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 7);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 3);
assert_eq!(, &b"abXYZgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.replace_slice(&b"123"[..], 2, 2), Some(8));
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 8);
assert_eq!(b.available_space(), 2);
assert_eq!(, &b"ab123Zgh"[..]);
use std::str;
fn set_position() {
let mut output = [0;5];
let mut b = Buffer::with_capacity(10);
let _ = b.write(&b"abcdefgh"[..]);
let _ = output);
assert_eq!(b.available_data(), 3);
println!("{:?}", b.position());
fn consume_without_shift() {
let mut b = Buffer::with_capacity(10);
let _ = b.write(&b"abcdefgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(b.position(), 6);