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import re
import sys
import unicodedata
from html.entities import name2codepoint
import unidecode
except ImportError:
import text_unidecode as unidecode
__all__ = ['slugify', 'smart_truncate']
CHAR_ENTITY_PATTERN = re.compile(r'&(%s);' % '|'.join(name2codepoint))
DECIMAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'&#(\d+);')
HEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r'&#x([\da-fA-F]+);')
QUOTE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'[\']+')
DISALLOWED_CHARS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'[^-a-zA-Z0-9]+')
DUPLICATE_DASH_PATTERN = re.compile(r'-{2,}')
NUMBERS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?<=\d),(?=\d)')
def smart_truncate(string, max_length=0, word_boundary=False, separator=' ', save_order=False):
Truncate a string.
:param string (str): string for modification
:param max_length (int): output string length
:param word_boundary (bool):
:param save_order (bool): if True then word order of output string is like input string
:param separator (str): separator between words
string = string.strip(separator)
if not max_length:
return string
if len(string) < max_length:
return string
if not word_boundary:
return string[:max_length].strip(separator)
if separator not in string:
return string[:max_length]
truncated = ''
for word in string.split(separator):
if word:
next_len = len(truncated) + len(word)
if next_len < max_length:
truncated += '{}{}'.format(word, separator)
elif next_len == max_length:
truncated += '{}'.format(word)
if save_order:
if not truncated: # pragma: no cover
truncated = string[:max_length]
return truncated.strip(separator)
def slugify(text, entities=True, decimal=True, hexadecimal=True, max_length=0, word_boundary=False,
separator=DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, save_order=False, stopwords=(), regex_pattern=None, lowercase=True,
replacements=(), allow_unicode=False):
Make a slug from the given text.
:param text (str): initial text
:param entities (bool): converts html entities to unicode
:param decimal (bool): converts html decimal to unicode
:param hexadecimal (bool): converts html hexadecimal to unicode
:param max_length (int): output string length
:param word_boundary (bool): truncates to complete word even if length ends up shorter than max_length
:param save_order (bool): if parameter is True and max_length > 0 return whole words in the initial order
:param separator (str): separator between words
:param stopwords (iterable): words to discount
:param regex_pattern (str): regex pattern for disallowed characters
:param lowercase (bool): activate case sensitivity by setting it to False
:param replacements (iterable): list of replacement rules e.g. [['|', 'or'], ['%', 'percent']]
:param allow_unicode (bool): allow unicode characters
:return (str):
# user-specific replacements
if replacements:
for old, new in replacements:
text = text.replace(old, new)
# ensure text is unicode
if not isinstance(text, str):
text = str(text, 'utf-8', 'ignore')
# replace quotes with dashes - pre-process
# decode unicode
if not allow_unicode:
text = unidecode.unidecode(text)
# ensure text is still in unicode
if not isinstance(text, str):
text = str(text, 'utf-8', 'ignore')
# character entity reference
if entities:
text = CHAR_ENTITY_PATTERN.sub(lambda m: chr(name2codepoint[]), text)
# decimal character reference
if decimal:
text = DECIMAL_PATTERN.sub(lambda m: chr(int(, text)
except Exception:
# hexadecimal character reference
if hexadecimal:
text = HEX_PATTERN.sub(lambda m: chr(int(, 16)), text)
except Exception:
# translate
if allow_unicode:
text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', text)
text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text)
if sys.version_info < (3,):
text = text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
# make the text lowercase (optional)
if lowercase:
text = text.lower()
# remove generated quotes -- post-process
text = QUOTE_PATTERN.sub('', text)
# cleanup numbers
text = NUMBERS_PATTERN.sub('', text)
# replace all other unwanted characters
if allow_unicode:
pattern = regex_pattern or DISALLOWED_UNICODE_CHARS_PATTERN
pattern = regex_pattern or DISALLOWED_CHARS_PATTERN
text = re.sub(pattern, DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, text)
# remove redundant
# remove stopwords
if stopwords:
if lowercase:
stopwords_lower = [s.lower() for s in stopwords]
words = [w for w in text.split(DEFAULT_SEPARATOR) if w not in stopwords_lower]
words = [w for w in text.split(DEFAULT_SEPARATOR) if w not in stopwords]
text = DEFAULT_SEPARATOR.join(words)
# finalize user-specific replacements
if replacements:
for old, new in replacements:
text = text.replace(old, new)
# smart truncate if requested
if max_length > 0:
text = smart_truncate(text, max_length, word_boundary, DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, save_order)
if separator != DEFAULT_SEPARATOR:
text = text.replace(DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, separator)
return text