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# Copyright Mozilla Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator
from glob import glob
from os import sep
from os.path import dirname, isfile, join, normpath, relpath
from re import Pattern, compile
from typing import Any, Dict
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
from tomllib import load
from tomli import load
path_stars = compile(r"[*](?:[*](?:[/\\][*]*)?)?")
path_var = compile(r"{(\w+)}")
def path_regex(path: str) -> Pattern[str]:
Captures * groups as indexed and {vars} as named.
Expects `path` to use `/` as separator.
if path.startswith("{l10n_base}/"):
path = path[12:]
path = path_stars.sub(
lambda m: (
"([^/]*)" if m[0] == "*" else "((?:.*/)?)" if m[0] == "**/" else "(.*)"
path = path_var.sub(r"(?P<\1>[^/]*)", path)
return compile(path)
class PartialMap(Dict[str, str]):
"""Allows `str.format_map()` calls with partial values."""
def __missing__(self, key: str) -> str:
return "{" + str(key) + "}"
class L10nConfigPaths:
Wrapper for localization config files.
Supports a subset of the format specified at:
- `[build]` is ignored
- `[[excludes]]` are not supported
- `[[filters]]` are ignored
- `[[paths]]` must always include both `reference` and `l10n`
Does not consider `.l10n-ignore` files.
def __init__(
cfg_path: str,
cfg_load: Callable[[str], dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
force_paths: list[str] | None = None,
locale_map: dict[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None,
_seen: set[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
To customize the loading of a configuration at `cfg_path`, set `cfg_load`.
As configurations may include others, `cfg_load` can get called multiple times.
`_seen` is used internally to deduplicate file loads.
Use `force_paths` to list fully-qualified file paths to include
as reference paths if they match the `[[paths]]` config,
even if no file is present at those paths.
To use custom path variables for locales,
set `locale_map` to be a mapping of path variable names to functions,
which will be called with `locale` as their only argument.
if cfg_load:
toml = cfg_load(cfg_path)
with open(cfg_path, mode="rb") as file:
toml = load(file)
self._cfg_path = cfg_path
self._locale_map = locale_map or {}
base = toml.get("basepath", ".")
self._base = normpath(join(dirname(cfg_path), base))
self._ref_root = self._base
self._locales: list[str] | None = toml.get("locales", None)
env = toml.get("env", None)
env_map = PartialMap(env) if env else None
self._templates: list[tuple[str, Pattern[str]]] = [] #
`[(ref, target)]`
To find references for targets,
retains a `ref` string with `{}` slots for the corresponding
`*` and `**` parts of the template paths,
which are also the indexed groups captured in `target`.
self._path_data: dict[str, tuple[str, list[str] | None]] = {}
""" ref -> (target, locales) """
fp = set(force_paths) if force_paths else None
for path in toml.get("paths", []):
ref: str = normpath(join(self._ref_root, path["reference"]))
target: str = path["l10n"] # Note: not normalised, so sep=="/"
if env_map:
target = target.format_map(env_map)
self._templates.append((path_stars.sub("{}", ref), path_regex(target)))
locales: list[str] | None = path.get("locales", None)
if "*" in ref:
if ref.count("*") != target.count("*"):
raise ValueError(
f"Wildcard mismatch between reference & l10n: {path}"
ref_re = compile(
path_stars.sub("(.*)", ref.replace(sep, "/").replace(".", r"\."))
*tgt_parts, tgt_end = path_stars.split(target)
def get_target(ref_file: str) -> str:
m = ref_re.fullmatch(ref_file.replace(sep, "/"))
assert m is not None, f"Unexpected ref with path {path}"
return (
"".join(a + b for a, b in zip(tgt_parts, m.groups())) + tgt_end
(ref_file, (get_target(ref_file), locales))
for ref_file in glob(ref, recursive=True)
if isfile(ref_file)
if fp:
ref_re = path_regex(ref.replace(sep, "/"))
fp_match = {
path for path in fp if ref_re.fullmatch(path.replace(sep, "/"))
if fp_match:
(path, (get_target(path), locales)) for path in fp_match
fp -= fp_match
self._path_data[ref] = (target, locales)
self._includes: list[L10nConfigPaths] = []
if "includes" in toml:
if _seen is None:
_seen = set()
for incl in toml["includes"]:
incl_path: str = incl["path"]
if env_map:
incl_path = incl_path.format_map(env_map)
incl_path = normpath(join(self._ref_root, incl_path))
if incl_path not in _seen:
L10nConfigPaths(incl_path, cfg_load=cfg_load, _seen=_seen)
def base(self) -> str:
The configuration root,
determined in the TOML by `basepath` relative to the config file path
or set by the user.
return self._base
def base(self, base: str) -> None:
for incl in self._includes:
incl.base = base
self._base = base
def locales(self) -> list[str] | None:
Locales for the config,
determined in the TOML by `locales` or set directly by the user.
return self._locales
def locales(self, locales: list[str] | None) -> None:
self._locales = locales
for incl in self._includes:
incl.locales = locales
def ref_root(self) -> str:
"""The reference root directory."""
return self._ref_root
def ref_paths(self) -> Iterator[str]:
yield from self._path_data
for incl in self._includes:
yield from incl.ref_paths
def config_paths(self) -> Iterator[str]:
yield self._cfg_path
for incl in self._includes:
yield from incl.config_paths()
def all(
self, format_map: dict[str, str] | None = None
) -> dict[tuple[str, str], list[str] | None]:
Returns a mapping of `(reference_path, target_path)` to `locales`
for all resources.
In target paths, `{l10n_base}` is replaced by `self.base`.
Any `{locale}` or `locale_map` variables will be left in.
Additional format variables may be set in `format_map`.
all: dict[tuple[str, str], list[str] | None] = {}
for key, locales in self._all(format_map):
prev = all.get(key, None)
if prev is None:
all[key] = locales
elif locales:
locales_ = list(set(prev).union(locales))
all[key] = locales_
return all
def _all(
self, format_map: dict[str, str] | None
) -> Iterator[tuple[tuple[str, str], list[str] | None]]:
lc_map = PartialMap(format_map or ())
lc_map["l10n_base"] = self._base
for ref, (target, locales) in self._path_data.items():
target = target.format_map(lc_map)
if target.endswith(".pot"):
target = target[:-1]
target = normpath(join(self._base, target))
yield (ref, target), locales or self._locales
for incl in self._includes:
yield from incl._all(format_map)
def target(
ref_path: str,
format_map: dict[str, str] | None = None,
) -> tuple[str | None, Iterable[str]]:
If `ref_path` is a valid reference path,
returns its corresponding target path and locales.
Otherwise, returns `None` for the path.
In the target path, `{l10n_base}` is replaced by `self.base`.
Any `{locale}` or `locale_map` variables will be left in.
Additional format variables may be set in `format_map`.
norm_ref_path = normpath(join(self._ref_root, ref_path))
if norm_ref_path.endswith(".po"):
norm_ref_path += "t"
pd = self._path_data.get(norm_ref_path, None)
if pd is None:
for incl in self._includes:
target =, format_map=format_map)
if target[0] is not None:
return target
return None, ()
pd_path, pd_locales = pd
fmt_map = PartialMap(format_map or ())
fmt_map["l10n_base"] = self._base
path = pd_path.format_map(fmt_map)
if path.endswith(".pot"):
path = path[:-1]
path = normpath(join(self._base, path))
locales = (
if pd_locales and self._locales
else pd_locales or self._locales or ()
return path, locales
def format_target_path(self, target: str, locale: str) -> str:
lc_map = {"locale": locale}
for key, fn in self._locale_map.items():
lc_map[key] = fn(locale)
return normpath(join(self._base, target.format_map(lc_map)))
def find_reference(self, target: str) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]] | None:
A reverse lookup for the reference path and variables matching `target`,
or `None` if not found.
abs_target = join(self._base, normpath(target))
rel_target = normpath(relpath(abs_target, self._base)).replace(sep, "/")
for ref, pattern in self._templates:
match = pattern.fullmatch(rel_target)
if match:
vars = match.groupdict()
var_spans = {match.span(name) for name in vars}
star_values = [
for idx, group in enumerate(match.groups())
if match.span(idx + 1) not in var_spans
ref_path = normpath(ref.format(*star_values))
if ref_path in self._path_data:
return ref_path, vars
elif ref_path.endswith(".po") and ref_path + "t" in self._path_data:
return ref_path + "t", vars
for incl in self._includes:
res = incl.find_reference(abs_target)
if res is not None:
return res
return None