Name Description Size 0 Build localization files for release. Iterates source files as defined by --config, reads localization sources from --base, and writes to --target. Trims out all comments and messages not in the source files for each of the --locales. For Fluent, adds empty files for any missing from the target locale. For other formats, copies file from the source locale if they are missing from the target. 6283 Build one localization file for release. Uses the --source file as a baseline, applying --l10n localizations to build --target. Trims out all comments and messages not in the source file. 2577 Compare localizations to their `source`, which may be - a directory (using L10nDiscoverPaths), - a TOML config file (using L10nConfigPaths), or - a JSON file containing a mapping of file paths to arrays of messages. 5938 Fix the formatting for localization resources. If `paths` is a single directory, it is iterated with L10nConfigPaths if --config is set, or L10nDiscoverPaths otherwise. If `paths` is not a single directory, its values are treated as glob expressions, with ** support. 5791