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from typing import List, Union
from . import ast
def indent_except_first_line(content: str) -> str:
return " ".join(
def includes_new_line(elem: Union[ast.TextElement, ast.Placeable]) -> bool:
return isinstance(elem, ast.TextElement) and "\n" in elem.value
def is_select_expr(elem: Union[ast.TextElement, ast.Placeable]) -> bool:
return (
isinstance(elem, ast.Placeable) and
isinstance(elem.expression, ast.SelectExpression))
def should_start_on_new_line(pattern: ast.Pattern) -> bool:
is_multiline = any(is_select_expr(elem) for elem in pattern.elements) \
or any(includes_new_line(elem) for elem in pattern.elements)
if is_multiline:
first_element = pattern.elements[0]
if isinstance(first_element, ast.TextElement):
first_char = first_element.value[0]
if first_char in ("[", ".", "*"):
return False
return True
return False
class FluentSerializer:
"""FluentSerializer converts :class:`.ast.SyntaxNode` objects to unicode strings.
`with_junk` controls if parse errors are written back or not.
def __init__(self, with_junk: bool = False):
self.with_junk = with_junk
def serialize(self, resource: ast.Resource) -> str:
"Serialize a :class:`.ast.Resource` to a string."
if not isinstance(resource, ast.Resource):
raise Exception('Unknown resource type: {}'.format(type(resource)))
state = 0
parts: List[str] = []
for entry in resource.body:
if not isinstance(entry, ast.Junk) or self.with_junk:
parts.append(self.serialize_entry(entry, state))
if not state & self.HAS_ENTRIES:
state |= self.HAS_ENTRIES
return "".join(parts)
def serialize_entry(self, entry: ast.EntryType, state: int = 0) -> str:
"Serialize an :class:`.ast.Entry` to a string."
if isinstance(entry, ast.Message):
return serialize_message(entry)
if isinstance(entry, ast.Term):
return serialize_term(entry)
if isinstance(entry, ast.Comment):
if state & self.HAS_ENTRIES:
return "\n{}\n".format(serialize_comment(entry, "#"))
return "{}\n".format(serialize_comment(entry, "#"))
if isinstance(entry, ast.GroupComment):
if state & self.HAS_ENTRIES:
return "\n{}\n".format(serialize_comment(entry, "##"))
return "{}\n".format(serialize_comment(entry, "##"))
if isinstance(entry, ast.ResourceComment):
if state & self.HAS_ENTRIES:
return "\n{}\n".format(serialize_comment(entry, "###"))
return "{}\n".format(serialize_comment(entry, "###"))
if isinstance(entry, ast.Junk):
return serialize_junk(entry)
raise Exception('Unknown entry type: {}'.format(type(entry)))
def serialize_comment(comment: Union[ast.Comment, ast.GroupComment, ast.ResourceComment], prefix: str = "#") -> str:
if not comment.content:
return f'{prefix}\n'
prefixed = "\n".join([
prefix if len(line) == 0 else f"{prefix} {line}"
for line in comment.content.split("\n")
# Add the trailing line break.
return f'{prefixed}\n'
def serialize_junk(junk: ast.Junk) -> str:
return junk.content or ''
def serialize_message(message: ast.Message) -> str:
parts: List[str] = []
if message.comment:
parts.append(f"{} =")
if message.value:
if message.attributes:
for attribute in message.attributes:
return ''.join(parts)
def serialize_term(term: ast.Term) -> str:
parts: List[str] = []
if term.comment:
parts.append(f"-{} =")
if term.attributes:
for attribute in term.attributes:
return ''.join(parts)
def serialize_attribute(attribute: ast.Attribute) -> str:
return "\n .{} ={}".format(,
def serialize_pattern(pattern: ast.Pattern) -> str:
content = "".join(serialize_element(elem) for elem in pattern.elements)
content = indent_except_first_line(content)
if should_start_on_new_line(pattern):
return f'\n {content}'
return f' {content}'
def serialize_element(element: ast.PatternElement) -> str:
if isinstance(element, ast.TextElement):
return element.value
if isinstance(element, ast.Placeable):
return serialize_placeable(element)
raise Exception('Unknown element type: {}'.format(type(element)))
def serialize_placeable(placeable: ast.Placeable) -> str:
expr = placeable.expression
if isinstance(expr, ast.Placeable):
return "{{{}}}".format(serialize_placeable(expr))
if isinstance(expr, ast.SelectExpression):
# Special-case select expressions to control the withespace around the
# opening and the closing brace.
return "{{ {}}}".format(serialize_expression(expr))
if isinstance(expr, ast.Expression):
return "{{ {} }}".format(serialize_expression(expr))
raise Exception('Unknown expression type: {}'.format(type(expr)))
def serialize_expression(expression: Union[ast.Expression, ast.Placeable]) -> str:
if isinstance(expression, ast.StringLiteral):
return f'"{expression.value}"'
if isinstance(expression, ast.NumberLiteral):
return expression.value
if isinstance(expression, ast.VariableReference):
return f"${}"
if isinstance(expression, ast.TermReference):
out = f"-{}"
if expression.attribute is not None:
out += f".{}"
if expression.arguments is not None:
out += serialize_call_arguments(expression.arguments)
return out
if isinstance(expression, ast.MessageReference):
out =
if expression.attribute is not None:
out += f".{}"
return out
if isinstance(expression, ast.FunctionReference):
args = serialize_call_arguments(expression.arguments)
return f"{}{args}"
if isinstance(expression, ast.SelectExpression):
out = "{} ->".format(
for variant in expression.variants:
out += serialize_variant(variant)
return f"{out}\n"
if isinstance(expression, ast.Placeable):
return serialize_placeable(expression)
raise Exception('Unknown expression type: {}'.format(type(expression)))
def serialize_variant(variant: ast.Variant) -> str:
return "\n{}[{}]{}".format(
" *" if variant.default else " ",
def serialize_call_arguments(expr: ast.CallArguments) -> str:
positional = ", ".join(
serialize_expression(arg) for arg in expr.positional)
named = ", ".join(
serialize_named_argument(arg) for arg in expr.named)
if len(expr.positional) > 0 and len(expr.named) > 0:
return f'({positional}, {named})'
return '({})'.format(positional or named)
def serialize_named_argument(arg: ast.NamedArgument) -> str:
return "{}: {}".format(,
def serialize_variant_key(key: Union[ast.Identifier, ast.NumberLiteral]) -> str:
if isinstance(key, ast.Identifier):
if isinstance(key, ast.NumberLiteral):
return key.value
raise Exception('Unknown variant key type: {}'.format(type(key)))