Name Description Size
RTCDefaultShader.h Default RTCVideoViewShading that will be used in RTCNSGLVideoView and RTCEAGLVideoView if no external shader is specified. This shader will render the video in a rectangle without any color or geometric transformations. 810 6426
RTCDisplayLinkTimer.h 894
RTCDisplayLinkTimer.m 1517
RTCEAGLVideoView.h RTCEAGLVideoView is an RTCVideoRenderer which renders video frames in its bounds using OpenGLES 2.0 or OpenGLES 3.0. 1471
RTCEAGLVideoView.m 9980
RTCI420TextureCache.h 856 4786
RTCNV12TextureCache.h 929
RTCNV12TextureCache.m 3536
RTCOpenGLDefines.h 789
RTCShader.h 911 6228
RTCVideoViewShading.h RTCVideoViewShading provides a way for apps to customize the OpenGL(ES shaders used in rendering for the RTCEAGLVideoView/RTCNSGLVideoView. 1359