RTCDefaultShader.h |
Default RTCVideoViewShading that will be used in RTCNSGLVideoView
and RTCEAGLVideoView if no external shader is specified. This shader will render
the video in a rectangle without any color or geometric transformations.
810 |
RTCDefaultShader.mm |
6426 |
RTCDisplayLinkTimer.h |
894 |
RTCDisplayLinkTimer.m |
1517 |
RTCEAGLVideoView.h |
RTCEAGLVideoView is an RTCVideoRenderer which renders video frames
in its bounds using OpenGLES 2.0 or OpenGLES 3.0.
1471 |
RTCEAGLVideoView.m |
9980 |
RTCI420TextureCache.h |
856 |
RTCI420TextureCache.mm |
4786 |
RTCNV12TextureCache.h |
929 |
RTCNV12TextureCache.m |
3536 |
RTCOpenGLDefines.h |
789 |
RTCShader.h |
911 |
RTCShader.mm |
6228 |
RTCVideoViewShading.h |
RTCVideoViewShading provides a way for apps to customize the OpenGL(ES shaders
used in rendering for the RTCEAGLVideoView/RTCNSGLVideoView.
1359 |