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* Copyright 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_list.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "rtc_base/gunit.h"
#include "test/gmock.h"
using testing::ElementsAre;
using testing::IsEmpty;
namespace webrtc {
struct Garment {
int price = 0;
std::string color = "";
bool has_glitter = false;
// Only needed for testing.
Garment() = default;
Garment(int p, absl::string_view c, bool g)
: price(p), color(c), has_glitter(g) {}
bool operator==(const Garment& other) const {
return price == other.price && color == other.color &&
has_glitter == other.has_glitter;
TEST(FieldTrialListTest, ParsesListParameter) {
FieldTrialList<int> my_list("l", {5});
EXPECT_THAT(my_list.Get(), ElementsAre(5));
// If one element is invalid the list is unchanged.
ParseFieldTrial({&my_list}, "l:1|2|hat");
EXPECT_THAT(my_list.Get(), ElementsAre(5));
ParseFieldTrial({&my_list}, "l");
EXPECT_THAT(my_list.Get(), IsEmpty());
ParseFieldTrial({&my_list}, "l:1|2|3");
EXPECT_THAT(my_list.Get(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 3));
ParseFieldTrial({&my_list}, "l:-1");
EXPECT_THAT(my_list.Get(), ElementsAre(-1));
FieldTrialList<std::string> another_list("l", {"hat"});
EXPECT_THAT(another_list.Get(), ElementsAre("hat"));
ParseFieldTrial({&another_list}, "l");
EXPECT_THAT(another_list.Get(), IsEmpty());
ParseFieldTrial({&another_list}, "l:");
EXPECT_THAT(another_list.Get(), ElementsAre(""));
ParseFieldTrial({&another_list}, "l:scarf|hat|mittens");
EXPECT_THAT(another_list.Get(), ElementsAre("scarf", "hat", "mittens"));
ParseFieldTrial({&another_list}, "l:scarf");
EXPECT_THAT(another_list.Get(), ElementsAre("scarf"));
// Normal usage.
TEST(FieldTrialListTest, ParsesStructList) {
FieldTrialStructList<Garment> my_list(
{FieldTrialStructMember("color", [](Garment* g) { return &g->color; }),
FieldTrialStructMember("price", [](Garment* g) { return &g->price; }),
[](Garment* g) { return &g->has_glitter; })},
{{1, "blue", false}, {2, "red", true}});
ElementsAre(Garment{10, "mauve", true}, Garment{20, "red", false},
Garment{30, "gold", true}));
// One FieldTrialList has the wrong length, so we use the user-provided default
// list.
TEST(FieldTrialListTest, StructListKeepsDefaultWithMismatchingLength) {
FieldTrialStructList<Garment> my_list(
[](Garment* g) { return &g->color; }),
FieldTrialStructMember("price", [](Garment* g) { return &g->price; })},
{{1, "blue", true}, {2, "red", false}});
ElementsAre(Garment{1, "blue", true}, Garment{2, "red", false}));
// One list is missing. We set the values we're given, and the others remain
// as whatever the Garment default constructor set them to.
TEST(FieldTrialListTest, StructListUsesDefaultForMissingList) {
FieldTrialStructList<Garment> my_list(
{FieldTrialStructMember("color", [](Garment* g) { return &g->color; }),
FieldTrialStructMember("price", [](Garment* g) { return &g->price; })},
{{1, "blue", true}, {2, "red", false}});
ParseFieldTrial({&my_list}, "price:10|20|30");
ElementsAre(Garment{10, "", false}, Garment{20, "", false},
Garment{30, "", false}));
// The user haven't provided values for any lists, so we use the default list.
TEST(FieldTrialListTest, StructListUsesDefaultListWithoutValues) {
FieldTrialStructList<Garment> my_list(
{FieldTrialStructMember("color", [](Garment* g) { return &g->color; }),
FieldTrialStructMember("price", [](Garment* g) { return &g->price; })},
{{1, "blue", true}, {2, "red", false}});
ParseFieldTrial({&my_list}, "");
ElementsAre(Garment{1, "blue", true}, Garment{2, "red", false}));
// Some lists are provided and all are empty, so we return a empty list.
TEST(FieldTrialListTest, StructListHandlesEmptyLists) {
FieldTrialStructList<Garment> my_list(
{FieldTrialStructMember("color", [](Garment* g) { return &g->color; }),
FieldTrialStructMember("price", [](Garment* g) { return &g->price; })},
{{1, "blue", true}, {2, "red", false}});
ParseFieldTrial({&my_list}, "color,price");
ASSERT_EQ(my_list.Get().size(), 0u);
} // namespace webrtc