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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
# On mac, the values of these globals are modified when parsing -Wcrl, flags. On
# ios, the script uses the defaults.
DSYMUTIL_INVOKE = ['xcrun', 'dsymutil']
STRIP_INVOKE = ['xcrun', 'strip']
# Setting this flag will emit a deterministic binary by stripping dates from the
# N_OSO field.
DETERMINISTIC_FLAG = '--deterministic'
# The is responsible for forwarding a linker invocation to
# the compiler driver, while processing special arguments itself.
# Usage: clang++ main.o -L. -llib -o prog -Wcrl,dsym,out
# On Mac, the logical step of linking is handled by three discrete tools to
# perform the image link, debug info link, and strip. The
# combines these three steps into a single tool.
# The command passed to the should be the compiler driver
# invocation for the linker. It is first invoked unaltered (except for the
# removal of the special driver arguments, described below). Then the driver
# performs additional actions, based on these arguments:
# -Wcrl,dsym,<dsym_path_prefix>
# After invoking the linker, this will run `dsymutil` on the linker's
# output, producing a dSYM bundle, stored at dsym_path_prefix. As an
# example, if the linker driver were invoked with:
# "... -o out/gn/obj/foo/libbar.dylib ... -Wcrl,dsym,out/gn ..."
# The resulting dSYM would be out/gn/libbar.dylib.dSYM/.
# -Wcrl,dsymutilpath,<dsymutil_path>
# Sets the path to the dsymutil to run with -Wcrl,dsym, in which case
# `xcrun` is not used to invoke it.
# -Wcrl,unstripped,<unstripped_path_prefix>
# After invoking the linker, and before strip, this will save a copy of
# the unstripped linker output in the directory unstripped_path_prefix.
# -Wcrl,strip,<strip_arguments>
# After invoking the linker, and optionally dsymutil, this will run
# the strip command on the linker's output. strip_arguments are
# comma-separated arguments to be passed to the strip command.
# -Wcrl,strippath,<strip_path>
# Sets the path to the strip to run with -Wcrl,strip, in which case
# `xcrun` is not used to invoke it.
def Main(args):
"""Main function for the linker driver. Separates out the arguments for
the main compiler driver and the linker driver, then invokes all the
required tools.
args: list of string, Arguments to the script.
if len(args) < 2:
raise RuntimeError("Usage: [linker-invocation]")
# Collect arguments to the linker driver (this script) and remove them from
# the arguments being passed to the compiler driver.
linker_driver_actions = {}
compiler_driver_args = []
deterministic = False
for arg in args[1:]:
if arg.startswith(_LINKER_DRIVER_ARG_PREFIX):
# Convert driver actions into a map of name => lambda to invoke.
driver_action = ProcessLinkerDriverArg(arg)
assert driver_action[0] not in linker_driver_actions
linker_driver_actions[driver_action[0]] = driver_action[1]
deterministic = True
linker_driver_outputs = [_FindLinkerOutput(compiler_driver_args)]
# Zero the mtime in OSO fields for deterministic builds.
env = os.environ.copy()
if deterministic:
env['ZERO_AR_DATE'] = '1'
# Run the linker by invoking the compiler driver.
subprocess.check_call(compiler_driver_args, env=env)
# Run the linker driver actions, in the order specified by the actions list.
name = action[0]
if name in linker_driver_actions:
linker_driver_outputs += linker_driver_actions[name](args)
# If a linker driver action failed, remove all the outputs to make the
# build step atomic.
map(_RemovePath, linker_driver_outputs)
# Re-report the original failure.
def ProcessLinkerDriverArg(arg):
"""Processes a linker driver argument and returns a tuple containing the
name and unary lambda to invoke for that linker driver action.
arg: string, The linker driver argument.
A 2-tuple:
0: The driver action name, as in _LINKER_DRIVER_ACTIONS.
1: An 1-ary lambda that takes the full list of arguments passed to
Main(). The lambda should call the linker driver action that
corresponds to the argument and return a list of outputs from the
if not arg.startswith(_LINKER_DRIVER_ARG_PREFIX):
raise ValueError('%s is not a linker driver argument' % (arg, ))
sub_arg = arg[len(_LINKER_DRIVER_ARG_PREFIX):]
for driver_action in _LINKER_DRIVER_ACTIONS:
(name, action) = driver_action
if sub_arg.startswith(name):
return (name, lambda full_args: action(sub_arg[len(name):], full_args))
raise ValueError('Unknown linker driver argument: %s' % (arg, ))
def RunDsymUtil(dsym_path_prefix, full_args):
"""Linker driver action for -Wcrl,dsym,<dsym-path-prefix>. Invokes dsymutil
on the linker's output and produces a dsym file at |dsym_file| path.
dsym_path_prefix: string, The path at which the dsymutil output should be
full_args: list of string, Full argument list for the linker driver.
list of string, Build step outputs.
if not len(dsym_path_prefix):
raise ValueError('Unspecified dSYM output file')
linker_out = _FindLinkerOutput(full_args)
base = os.path.basename(linker_out)
dsym_out = os.path.join(dsym_path_prefix, base + '.dSYM')
# Remove old dSYMs before invoking dsymutil.
tools_paths = _FindToolsPaths(full_args)
if os.environ.get('PATH'):
dsymutil_env = os.environ.copy()
dsymutil_env['PATH'] = ':'.join(tools_paths)
subprocess.check_call(DSYMUTIL_INVOKE + ['-o', dsym_out, linker_out],
return [dsym_out]
def SetDsymutilPath(dsymutil_path, full_args):
"""Linker driver action for -Wcrl,dsymutilpath,<dsymutil_path>.
Sets the invocation command for dsymutil, which allows the caller to specify
an alternate dsymutil. This action is always processed before the RunDsymUtil
dsymutil_path: string, The path to the dsymutil binary to run
full_args: list of string, Full argument list for the linker driver.
No output - this step is run purely for its side-effect.
DSYMUTIL_INVOKE = [dsymutil_path]
return []
def RunSaveUnstripped(unstripped_path_prefix, full_args):
"""Linker driver action for -Wcrl,unstripped,<unstripped_path_prefix>. Copies
the linker output to |unstripped_path_prefix| before stripping.
unstripped_path_prefix: string, The path at which the unstripped output
should be located.
full_args: list of string, Full argument list for the linker driver.
list of string, Build step outputs.
if not len(unstripped_path_prefix):
raise ValueError('Unspecified unstripped output file')
linker_out = _FindLinkerOutput(full_args)
base = os.path.basename(linker_out)
unstripped_out = os.path.join(unstripped_path_prefix, base + '.unstripped')
shutil.copyfile(linker_out, unstripped_out)
return [unstripped_out]
def RunStrip(strip_args_string, full_args):
"""Linker driver action for -Wcrl,strip,<strip_arguments>.
strip_args_string: string, Comma-separated arguments for `strip`.
full_args: list of string, Full arguments for the linker driver.
list of string, Build step outputs.
strip_command = list(STRIP_INVOKE)
if len(strip_args_string) > 0:
strip_command += strip_args_string.split(',')
return []
def SetStripPath(strip_path, full_args):
"""Linker driver action for -Wcrl,strippath,<strip_path>.
Sets the invocation command for strip, which allows the caller to specify
an alternate strip. This action is always processed before the RunStrip
strip_path: string, The path to the strip binary to run
full_args: list of string, Full argument list for the linker driver.
No output - this step is run purely for its side-effect.
STRIP_INVOKE = [strip_path]
return []
def _FindLinkerOutput(full_args):
"""Finds the output of the linker by looking for the output flag in its
argument list. As this is a required linker argument, raises an error if it
cannot be found.
# The script may be used to wrap either the compiler linker
# (uses -o to configure the output) or lipo (uses -output to configure the
# output). Since wrapping the compiler linker is the most likely possibility
# use try/except and fallback to checking for -output if -o is not found.
output_flag_index = full_args.index('-o')
except ValueError:
output_flag_index = full_args.index('-output')
return full_args[output_flag_index + 1]
def _FindToolsPaths(full_args):
"""Finds all paths where the script should look for additional tools."""
paths = []
for idx, arg in enumerate(full_args):
if arg in ['-B', '--prefix']:
paths.append(full_args[idx + 1])
elif arg.startswith('-B'):
elif arg.startswith('--prefix='):
return paths
def _RemovePath(path):
"""Removes the file or directory at |path| if it exists."""
if os.path.exists(path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
"""List of linker driver actions. The sort order of this list affects the
order in which the actions are invoked. The first item in the tuple is the
argument's -Wcrl,<sub_argument> and the second is the function to invoke.
('dsymutilpath,', SetDsymutilPath),
('dsym,', RunDsymUtil),
('unstripped,', RunSaveUnstripped),
('strippath,', SetStripPath),
('strip,', RunStrip),
if __name__ == '__main__':