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# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Use the windows_manifest template to declare a manifest generation step.
# This will combine all listed .manifest files. To link this manifest, just
# depend on the manifest target from your executable or shared library.
# This will define an empty placeholder target on non-Windows platforms so
# the manifest declarations and dependencies do not need to be inside of OS
# conditionals.
# A binary can depend on only one manifest target, but the manifest target
# can depend on many individual .manifest files which will be merged. As a
# result, only executables and shared libraries should depend on manifest
# targets. If you want to add a manifest to a component, put the dependency
# behind a "if (is_component_build)" conditional.
# Generally you will just want the defaults for the Chrome build. In this case
# the binary should just depend on one of the targets in //build/win/. There
# are also individual manifest files in that directory you can reference via
# the *_manifest variables defined below to pick and choose only some defaults.
# You might combine these with a custom manifest file to get specific behavior.
# Reference this manifest as a source from windows_manifest targets to get
# the default Chrome OS compatibility list.
default_compatibility_manifest = "//build/win/compatibility.manifest"
# Reference this manifest as a source from windows_manifest targets to get
# the default Chrome common constrols compatibility.
common_controls_manifest = "//build/win/common_controls.manifest"
# Reference this manifest to request that Windows not perform any elevation
# when running your program. Otherwise, it might do some autodetection and
# request elevated privileges from the user. This is normally what you want.
as_invoker_manifest = "//build/win/as_invoker.manifest"
# An alternative to as_invoker_manifest when you want the application to always
# elevate.
require_administrator_manifest = "//build/win/require_administrator.manifest"
# Request the segment heap. See for details.
declare_args() {
enable_segment_heap = false
segment_heap_manifest = "//build/win/segment_heap.manifest"
# Construct a target to combine the given manifest files into a .rc file.
# Variables for the windows_manifest template:
# sources: (required)
# List of source .manifest files to add.
# deps: (optional)
# visibility: (optional)
# Normal meaning.
# Example:
# windows_manifest("doom_melon_manifest") {
# sources = [
# "doom_melon.manifest", # Custom values in here.
# default_compatibility_manifest, # Want the normal OS compat list.
# ]
# }
# executable("doom_melon") {
# deps = [ ":doom_melon_manifest" ]
# ...
# }
if (is_win) {
template("windows_manifest") {
config_name = "${target_name}__config"
source_set_name = target_name
config(config_name) {
visibility = [ ":$source_set_name" ]
"\"sources\" must be defined for a windows_manifest target")
manifests = []
foreach(i, rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir)) {
manifests += [ "/manifestinput:" + i ]
ldflags = [
# We handle UAC by adding explicit .manifest files instead.
] + manifests
# This source set only exists to add a dep on the invoker's deps and to
# add a public_config that sets ldflags on dependents.
source_set(source_set_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
public_configs = [ ":$config_name" ]
# Apply any dependencies from the invoker to this target, since those
# dependencies may have created the input manifest files.
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
} else {
# Make a no-op group on non-Windows platforms so windows_manifest
# instantiations don't need to be inside windows blocks.
template("windows_manifest") {
group(target_name) {
# Prevent unused variable warnings on non-Windows platforms.
assert(invoker.sources != "")
assert(!defined(invoker.deps) || invoker.deps != "")
assert(!defined(invoker.visibility) || invoker.visibility != "")