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# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Turn this on to have the linker output extra timing information.
win_linker_timing = false
# possible values for target_winuwp_version:
# "10" - Windows UWP 10
# "8.1" - Windows RT 8.1
# "8.0" - Windows RT 8.0
target_winuwp_version = "10"
# possible values:
# "app" - Windows Store Applications
# "phone" - Windows Phone Applications
# "system" - Windows Drivers and Tools
# "server" - Windows Server Applications
# "desktop" - Windows Desktop Applications
target_winuwp_family = "app"
# Set this to use clang-style diagnostics format instead of MSVC-style, which
# is useful in e.g. Emacs compilation mode.
# E.g.:
# Without this, clang emits a diagnostic message like this:
# foo/,34): error: something went wrong
# and with this switch, clang emits it like this:
# foo/ error: something went wrong
use_clang_diagnostics_format = false
# This is included by reference in the //build/config/compiler config that
# is applied to all targets. It is here to separate out the logic that is
# Windows-only.
config("compiler") {
if (target_cpu == "x86") {
asmflags = [
# When /safeseh is specified, the linker will only produce an image if it
# can also produce a table of the image's safe exception handlers. This
# table specifies for the operating system which exception handlers are
# valid for the image. Note that /SAFESEH isn't accepted on the command
# line, only /safeseh. This is only accepted by ml.exe, not ml64.exe.
cflags = [
"/Gy", # Enable function-level linking.
"/FS", # Preserve previous PDB behavior.
"/bigobj", # Some of our files are bigger than the regular limits.
"/utf-8", # Assume UTF-8 by default to avoid code page dependencies.
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [ "/Zc:twoPhase" ]
# Force C/C++ mode for the given GN detected file type. This is necessary
# for precompiled headers where the same source file is compiled in both
# modes.
cflags_c = [ "/TC" ]
cflags_cc = [ "/TP" ]
cflags += [
# Work around, bug in VS 2015 RTM compiler.
if (is_clang) {
# Required to make the 19041 SDK compatible with clang-cl.
# See issue #2 for details.
# Tell clang which version of MSVC to emulate.
cflags += [ "-fmsc-version=1916" ]
if (is_component_build) {
cflags += [
# Do not export inline member functions. This makes component builds
# faster. This is similar to -fvisibility-inlines-hidden.
if (target_cpu == "x86") {
cflags += [ "-m32" ]
} else if (target_cpu == "x64") {
cflags += [ "-m64" ]
} else if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
cflags += [ "--target=arm64-windows" ]
} else {
assert(false, "unknown target_cpu " + target_cpu)
# Chrome currently requires SSE3. Clang supports targeting any Intel
# microarchitecture. MSVC only supports a subset of architectures, and the
# next step after SSE2 will be AVX.
if (target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64") {
cflags += [ "-msse3" ]
if (exec_script("//build/win/", [], "trim string") ==
"True") {
cflags += [
# cmd.exe doesn't understand ANSI escape codes by default,
# so only enable them if something emulating them is around.
if (use_clang_diagnostics_format) {
cflags += [ "/clang:-fdiagnostics-format=clang" ]
# Disabled with cc_wrapper because of
if (use_lld && !use_thin_lto && (is_clang || !use_goma) && cc_wrapper == "") {
# /Brepro lets the compiler not write the mtime field in the .obj output.
# link.exe /incremental relies on this field to work correctly, but lld
# never looks at this timestamp, so it's safe to pass this flag with
# lld and get more deterministic compiler output in return.
# In LTO builds, the compiler doesn't write .obj files containing mtimes,
# so /Brepro is ignored there.
cflags += [ "/Brepro" ]
ldflags = []
if (use_lld) {
# lld defaults to writing the current time in the pe/coff header.
# For build reproducibility, pass an explicit timestamp. See
# build/ for how the timestamp is chosen.
# (link.exe also writes the current time, but it doesn't have a flag to
# override that behavior.)
ldflags += [ "/TIMESTAMP:" + build_timestamp ]
# Don't look for libpaths in %LIB%, similar to /X in cflags above.
ldflags += [ "/lldignoreenv" ]
if (!is_debug && !is_component_build) {
# Enable standard linker optimizations like GC (/OPT:REF) and ICF in static
# release builds.
# Release builds always want these optimizations, so enable them explicitly.
ldflags += [
if (use_lld) {
# String tail merging leads to smaller binaries, but they don't compress
# as well, leading to increased mini_installer size (
ldflags += [ "/OPT:NOLLDTAILMERGE" ]
# TODO(siggi): Is this of any use anymore?
# /PROFILE ensures that the PDB file contains FIXUP information (growing the
# PDB file by about 5%) but does not otherwise alter the output binary. It
# is enabled opportunistically for builds where it is not prohibited (not
# supported when incrementally linking, or using /debug:fastlink).
ldflags += [ "/PROFILE" ]
# arflags apply only to static_libraries. The normal linker configs are only
# set for executable and shared library targets so arflags must be set
# elsewhere. Since this is relatively contained, we just apply them in this
# more general config and they will only have an effect on static libraries.
arflags = [
# "No public symbols found; archive member will be inaccessible." This
# means that one or more object files in the library can never be
# pulled in to targets that link to this library. It's just a warning that
# the source file is a no-op.
# This is included by reference in the //build/config/compiler:runtime_library
# config that is applied to all targets. It is here to separate out the logic
# that is Windows-only. Please see that target for advice on what should go in
# :runtime_library vs. :compiler.
config("runtime_library") {
cflags = []
cflags_cc = []
# Defines that set up the CRT.
defines = [
# Defines that set up the Windows SDK.
defines += [
if (current_os == "winuwp") {
# When targeting Windows Runtime, certain compiler/linker flags are
# necessary.
defines += [
if (target_winuwp_family == "app") {
} else if (target_winuwp_family == "phone") {
} else if (target_winuwp_family == "system") {
} else if (target_winuwp_family == "server") {
} else {
cflags_cc += [ "/EHsc" ]
# This warning is given because the linker cannot tell the difference
# between consuming WinRT APIs versus authoring WinRT within static
# libraries as such this warning is always given by the linker. Since
# consuming WinRT APIs within a library is legitimate but authoring
# WinRT APis is not allowed, this warning is disabled to ignore the
# legitimate consumption of WinRT APIs within static library builds.
arflags = [ "/IGNORE:4264" ]
if (target_winuwp_version == "10") {
defines += [ "WIN10=_WIN32_WINNT_WIN10" ]
} else if (target_winuwp_version == "8.1") {
defines += [ "WIN8_1=_WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE" ]
} else if (target_winuwp_version == "8.0") {
defines += [ "WIN8=_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8" ]
} else {
# When not targeting Windows Runtime, make sure the WINAPI family is set
# to desktop.
# Chromium supports running on Windows 7, but if these constants are set to
# Windows 7, then newer APIs aren't made available by the Windows SDK.
# So we set this to Windows 10 and then are careful to check at runtime
# to only call newer APIs when they're available.
# Some third-party libraries assume that these defines set what version of
# Windows is available at runtime. Targets using these libraries need to
# manually override this config for their compiles.
config("winver") {
defines = [
# We can't say `=_WIN32_WINNT_WIN10` here because some files do
# `#if WINVER < 0x0600` without including windows.h before,
# and then _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 isn't yet known to be 0x0A00.
# Linker flags for Windows SDK setup, this is applied only to EXEs and DLLs.
config("sdk_link") {
assert(target_cpu == "x64" || target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "arm" ||
target_cpu == "arm64",
"Only supports x64, x86, arm and arm64 CPUs")
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
ldflags = [ "/MACHINE:X64" ]
} else if (target_cpu == "x86") {
ldflags = [
"/SAFESEH", # Not compatible with x64 so use only for x86.
} else if (target_cpu == "arm") {
ldflags = [ "/MACHINE:ARM" ]
} else if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
ldflags = [ "/MACHINE:ARM64" ]
vcvars_toolchain_data = exec_script("../../toolchain/win/",
vc_lib_path = vcvars_toolchain_data.vc_lib_path
if (defined(vcvars_toolchain_data.vc_lib_atlmfc_path)) {
vc_lib_atlmfc_path = vcvars_toolchain_data.vc_lib_atlmfc_path
vc_lib_um_path = vcvars_toolchain_data.vc_lib_um_path
lib_dirs = [
if (defined(vc_lib_atlmfc_path)) {
lib_dirs += [ "$vc_lib_atlmfc_path" ]
# This default linker setup is provided separately from the SDK setup so
# targets who want different library configurations can remove this and specify
# their own.
config("common_linker_setup") {
ldflags = [
if (win_linker_timing) {
ldflags += [
config("default_cfg_compiler") {
# Emit table of address-taken functions for Control-Flow Guard (CFG).
# This is needed to allow functions to be called by code that is built
# with CFG enabled, such as system libraries.
# The CFG guards are only emitted if |win_enable_cfg_guards| is enabled.
if (is_clang) {
if (win_enable_cfg_guards) {
cflags = [ "/guard:cf" ]
} else {
cflags = [ "/guard:cf,nochecks" ]
# To disable CFG guards for a target, remove the "default_cfg_compiler"
# config, and add "disable_guards_cfg_compiler" config.
config("disable_guards_cfg_compiler") {
# Emit table of address-taken functions for Control-Flow Guard (CFG).
# This is needed to allow functions to be called by code that is built
# with CFG enabled, such as system libraries.
if (is_clang) {
cflags = [ "/guard:cf,nochecks" ]
config("cfi_linker") {
# Control Flow Guard (CFG)
# /DYNAMICBASE (ASLR) is turned off in debug builds, therefore CFG cannot be
# turned on either.
# ASan and CFG leads to slow process startup. Chromium's test runner uses
# lots of child processes, so this means things are really slow. Disable CFG
if (!is_debug && !is_asan) {
# Turn on CFG bitmap generation and CFG load config.
ldflags = [ "/guard:cf" ]
# This is a superset of all the delayloads needed for chrome.exe, chrome.dll,
# chrome_child.dll, and chrome_elf.dll. The linker will automatically ignore
# anything which is not linked to the binary at all.
# Most of the dlls are simply not required at startup (or at all, depending
# on how the browser is used). The following dlls are interconnected and need to
# be delayloaded together to ensure user32 does not load too early or at all,
# depending on the process type: user32, gdi32, comctl32, comdlg32, cryptui,
# d3d9, dwmapi, imm32, msi, ole32, oleacc, rstrtmgr, shell32, shlwapi, and
# uxtheme.
# There are some exceptions to this list which need to be declared separately.
# Some dlls cannot be delayloaded by chrome_child.dll due to the sandbox
# restrictions that prevent them from being loaded properly. Those dlls are
# specified in the separate config below.
# This config should also be used for any test binary whose goal is to run
# tests with the full browser.
config("delayloads") {
ldflags = [
config("delayloads_not_for_child_dll") {
ldflags = [
# CRT --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configures how the runtime library (CRT) is going to be used.
# what each value does.
config("default_crt") {
if (is_component_build) {
# Component mode: dynamic CRT. Since the library is shared, it requires
# exceptions or will give errors about things not matching, so keep
# exceptions on.
configs = [ ":dynamic_crt" ]
} else {
if (current_os == "winuwp") {
# contains a details explanation of what is happening with the Windows
# CRT in Visual Studio releases related to Windows store applications.
configs = [ ":dynamic_crt" ]
} else {
# Desktop Windows: static CRT.
configs = [ ":static_crt" ]
# Use this to force use of the release CRT when building perf-critical build
# tools that need to be fully optimized even in debug builds, for those times
# when the debug CRT is part of the bottleneck. This also avoids *implicitly*
# defining _DEBUG.
config("release_crt") {
if (is_component_build) {
cflags = [ "/MD" ]
if (use_custom_libcxx) {
# On Windows, including libcpmt[d]/msvcprt[d] explicitly links the C++
# standard library, which libc++ needs for exception_ptr internals.
ldflags = [ "/DEFAULTLIB:msvcprt.lib" ]
} else {
cflags = [ "/MT" ]
if (use_custom_libcxx) {
ldflags = [ "/DEFAULTLIB:libcpmt.lib" ]
config("dynamic_crt") {
if (is_debug) {
# This pulls in the DLL debug CRT and defines _DEBUG
cflags = [ "/MDd" ]
if (use_custom_libcxx) {
ldflags = [ "/DEFAULTLIB:msvcprtd.lib" ]
} else {
cflags = [ "/MD" ]
if (use_custom_libcxx) {
ldflags = [ "/DEFAULTLIB:msvcprt.lib" ]
config("static_crt") {
if (is_debug) {
# This pulls in the static debug CRT and defines _DEBUG
cflags = [ "/MTd" ]
if (use_custom_libcxx) {
ldflags = [ "/DEFAULTLIB:libcpmtd.lib" ]
} else {
cflags = [ "/MT" ]
if (use_custom_libcxx) {
ldflags = [ "/DEFAULTLIB:libcpmt.lib" ]
# Subsystem --------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is appended to the subsystem to specify a minimum version.
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
# The number after the comma is the minimum required OS version.
# 5.02 = Windows Server 2003.
subsystem_version_suffix = ",5.02"
} else if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
# Windows ARM64 requires Windows 10.
subsystem_version_suffix = ",10.0"
} else {
# 5.01 = Windows XP.
subsystem_version_suffix = ",5.01"
config("console") {
ldflags = [ "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$subsystem_version_suffix" ]
config("windowed") {
ldflags = [ "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS$subsystem_version_suffix" ]
# Incremental linking ----------------------------------------------------------
# Applies incremental linking or not depending on the current configuration.
config("default_incremental_linking") {
# Enable incremental linking for debug builds and all component builds - any
# builds where performance is not job one.
# TODO(thakis): Always turn this on with lld, no reason not to.
if (is_debug || is_component_build) {
ldflags = [ "/INCREMENTAL" ]
if (use_lld) {
# lld doesn't use ilk files and doesn't really have an incremental link
# mode; the only effect of the flag is that the .lib file timestamp isn't
# updated if the .lib doesn't change.
# TODO(thakis): Why pass /OPT:NOREF for lld, but not otherwise?
# TODO(thakis): /INCREMENTAL is on by default in link.exe, but not in
# lld.
ldflags += [ "/OPT:NOREF" ]
} else {
ldflags = [ "/INCREMENTAL:NO" ]
# Character set ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Not including this config means "ansi" (8-bit system codepage).
config("unicode") {
defines = [
# Lean and mean ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Some third party code might not compile with WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN so we have
# to have a separate config for it. Remove this config from your target to
# get the "bloaty and accommodating" version of windows.h.
config("lean_and_mean") {
defines = [ "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" ]
# Nominmax --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some third party code defines NOMINMAX before including windows.h, which
# then causes warnings when it's been previously defined on the command line.
# For such targets, this config can be removed.
config("nominmax") {
defines = [ "NOMINMAX" ]