Name Description Size 166 An incremental parser for the output of Android instrumentation tests. Example: stream = adb.IterShell('am instrument -r ...') parser = InstrumentationParser(stream) for code, bundle in parser.IterStatus(): # do something with each instrumentation status print('status:', code, bundle) # do something with the final instrumentation result code, bundle = parser.GetResult() print('result:', code, bundle) Args: stream: a sequence of lines as produced by the raw output of an instrumentation test (e.g. by |am instrument -r|). 3495 Unit tests for instrumentation.InstrumentationParser. 4064 Parses the output of an |am instrument -r| call. Args: raw_output: the output of an |am instrument -r| call as a list of lines Returns: A 3-tuple containing: - the instrumentation code as an integer - the instrumentation result as a list of lines - the instrumentation statuses received as a list of 2-tuples containing: - the status code as an integer - the bundle dump as a dict mapping string keys to a list of strings, one for each line. 40379 Unit tests for instrumentation_test_instance. 37092 A helper module for parsing JSON objects from perf tests results. 4377
render_test.html.jinja 1109 Result information for a single instrumentation test. 1088