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# Chromium's Java Toolchain
This doc aims to describe the Chrome build process that takes a set of `.java`
files and turns them into a `classes.dex` file.
## Core GN Target Types
The following have `supports_android` and `requires_android` set to false by
* `java_library()`: Compiles `.java` -> `.jar`
* `java_prebuilt()`: Imports a prebuilt `.jar` file.
The following have `supports_android` and `requires_android` set to true. They
also have a default `jar_excluded_patterns` set (more on that later):
* `android_library()`
* `android_java_prebuilt()`
All target names must end with "_java" so that the build system can distinguish
Most targets produce two separate `.jar` files:
* Device `.jar`: Used to produce `.dex.jar`, which is used on-device.
* Host `.jar`: For use on the host machine (`junit_binary` / `java_binary`).
* Host `.jar` files live in `` so that they are archived in
builder/tester bots (which do not archive `obj/`).
## From Source to Final Dex
### Step 1: Create interface .jar with turbine or ijar
For prebuilt `.jar` files, use [//third_party/ijar] to create interface `.jar`
from prebuilt `.jar`.
For non-prebuilt targets, use [//third_party/turbine] to create interface `.jar`
from `.java` source files. Turbine is much faster than javac, and so enables
full compilation to happen more concurrently.
What are interface jars?:
* The contain `.class` files with all non-public symbols and function bodies
* Dependant targets use interface `.jar` files to skip having to be rebuilt
when only private implementation details change.
[//third_party/ijar]: /third_party/ijar/README.chromium
[//third_party/turbine]: /third_party/turbine/README.chromium
### Step 2a: Compile with javac
This step is the only step that does not apply to prebuilt targets.
* All `.java` files in a target are compiled by `javac` into `.class` files.
* This includes `.java` files that live within `.srcjar` files, referenced
through `srcjar_deps`.
* The `classpath` used when compiling a target is comprised of `.jar` files of
its deps.
* When deps are library targets, the Step 1 `.jar` file is used.
* When deps are prebuilt targets, the original `.jar` file is used.
* All `.jar` processing done in subsequent steps does not impact compilation
* `.class` files are zipped into an output `.jar` file.
* There is **no support** for incremental compilation at this level.
* If one source file changes within a library, then the entire library is
* Prefer smaller targets to avoid slow compiles.
### Step 2b: Compile with ErrorProne
This step can be disabled via GN arg: `use_errorprone_java_compiler = false`
* Concurrently with step 1a: [ErrorProne] compiles java files and checks for bug
patterns, including some [custom to Chromium][ep_plugins].
* ErrorProne used to replace step 1a, but was changed to a concurrent step after
being identified as being slower.
[ep_plugins]: /tools/android/errorprone_plugin/
### Step 3: Desugaring (Device .jar Only)
This step happens only when targets have `supports_android = true`. It is not
applied to `.jar` files used by `junit_binary`.
* `//third_party/bazel/desugar` converts certain Java 8 constructs, such as
lambdas and default interface methods, into constructs that are compatible
with Java 7.
### Step 4: Instrumenting (Device .jar Only)
This step happens only when this GN arg is set: `use_jacoco_coverage = true`
* [Jacoco] adds instrumentation hooks to methods.
### Step 5: Filtering
This step happens only when targets that have `jar_excluded_patterns` or
`jar_included_patterns` set (e.g. all `android_` targets).
* Remove `.class` files that match the filters from the `.jar`. These `.class`
files are generally those that are re-created with different implementations
further on in the build process.
* E.g.: `R.class` files - a part of [Android Resources].
* E.g.: `GEN_JNI.class` - a part of our [JNI] glue.
* E.g.: `AppHooksImpl.class` - how `chrome_java` wires up different
implementations for [non-public builds][apphooks].
[JNI]: /base/android/jni_generator/
[Android Resources]:
[apphooks]: /chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/
### Step 6: Per-Library Dexing
This step happens only when targets have `supports_android = true`.
* [d8] converts `.jar` files containing `.class` files into `.dex.jar` files
containing `classes.dex` files.
* Dexing is incremental - it will reuse dex'ed classes from a previous build if
the corresponding `.class` file is unchanged.
* These per-library `.dex.jar` files are used directly by [incremental install],
and are inputs to the Apk step when `enable_proguard = false`.
* Even when `is_java_debug = false`, many apk targets do not enable ProGuard
(e.g. unit tests).
[incremental install]: /build/android/incremental_install/
### Step 7: Apk / Bundle Module Compile
* Each `android_apk` and `android_bundle_module` template has a nested
`java_library` target. The nested library includes final copies of files
stripped out by prior filtering steps. These files include:
* Final `` files, created by ``.
* Final `` for [JNI glue].
* `` and `` (//base dependencies).
[JNI glue]: /base/android/jni_generator/
### Step 8: Final Dexing
This step is skipped when building using [Incremental Install].
When `is_java_debug = true`:
* [d8] merges all library `.dex.jar` files into a final `.mergeddex.jar`.
When `is_java_debug = false`:
* [R8] performs whole-program optimization on all library `` `.jar`
files and outputs a final `.r8dex.jar`.
* For App Bundles, R8 creates a `.r8dex.jar` for each module.
[Incremental Install]: /build/android/incremental_install/
## Test APKs with apk_under_test
Test APKs are normal APKs that contain an `<instrumentation>` tag within their
`AndroidManifest.xml`. If this tag specifies an `android:targetPackage`
different from itself, then Android will add that package's `classes.dex` to the
test APK's Java classpath when run. In GN, you can enable this behavior using
the `apk_under_test` parameter on `instrumentation_test_apk` targets. Using it
is discouraged if APKs have `proguard_enabled=true`.
### Difference in Final Dex
When `enable_proguard=false`:
* Any library depended on by the test APK that is also depended on by the
apk-under-test is excluded from the test APK's final dex step.
When `enable_proguard=true`:
* Test APKs cannot make use of the apk-under-test's dex because only symbols
explicitly kept by `-keep` directives are guaranteed to exist after
ProGuarding. As a work-around, test APKs include all of the apk-under-test's
libraries directly in its own final dex such that the under-test apk's Java
code is never used (because it is entirely shadowed by the test apk's dex).
* We've found this configuration to be fragile, and are trying to [move away
### Difference in
* Calling native methods using [JNI glue] requires that a `` class
be generated that contains all native methods for an APK. There cannot be
conflicting `GEN_JNI` classes in both the test apk and the apk-under-test, so
only the apk-under-test has one generated for it. As a result this,
instrumentation test APKs that use apk-under-test cannot use native methods
that aren't already part of the apk-under-test.
## How to Generate Java Source Code
There are two ways to go about generating source files: Annotation Processors
and custom build steps.
### Annotation Processors
* These are run by `javac` as part of the compile step.
* They **cannot** modify the source files that they apply to. They can only
generate new sources.
* Use these when:
* an existing Annotation Processor does what you want
(E.g. Dagger, AutoService, etc.), or
* you need to understand Java types to do generation.
### Custom Build Steps
* These use discrete build actions to generate source files.
* Some generate `.java` directly, but most generate a zip file of sources
(called a `.srcjar`) to simplify the number of inputs / outputs.
* Examples of existing templates:
* `jinja_template`: Generates source files using [Jinja].
* `java_cpp_template`: Generates source files using the C preprocessor.
* `java_cpp_enum`: Generates `@IntDef`s based on enums within `.h` files.
* `java_cpp_strings`: Generates String constants based on strings defined in
`.cc` files.
* Custom build steps are preferred over Annotation Processors because they are
generally easier to understand, and can run in parallel with other steps
(rather than being tied to compiles).
## Static Analysis & Code Checks
We use several tools for static analysis.
### [ErrorProne](
* Runs as part of normal compilation. Controlled by GN arg: `use_errorprone_java_compiler`.
* Most useful check:
* Enforcement of `@GuardedBy` annotations.
* List of enabled / disabled checks exists [within](
* Many checks are currently disabled because there is work involved in fixing
violations they introduce. Please help!
* Custom checks for Chrome:
* [//tools/android/errorprone_plugin/src/org/chromium/tools/errorprone/plugin/](/tools/android/errorprone_plugin/src/org/chromium/tools/errorprone/plugin/)
* Use ErrorProne checks when you need something more sophisticated than pattern
* Checks run on the entire codebase, not only on changed lines.
* Does not run when `chromium_code = false` (e.g. for //third_party).
* Runs as part of normal compilation. Controlled by GN arg: `disable_android_lint`
* Most useful check:
* Enforcing `@TargetApi` annotations (ensure you don't call a function that
does not exist on all versions of Android unless guarded by an version
* List of disabled checks:
* [//build/android/lint/suppressions.xml](/build/android/lint/suppressions.xml)
* Custom lint checks [are possible](lint_plugins), but we don't have any.
* Checks run on the entire codebase, not only on changed lines.
* Does not run when `chromium_code = false` (e.g. for //third_party).
### [Bytecode Processor](/build/android/bytecode/)
* Performs a single check:
* That target `deps` are not missing any entries.
* In other words: Enforces that targets do not rely on indirect dependencies
to populate their classpath.
* Checks run on the entire codebase, not only on changed lines.
### [](/
* Checks for banned patterns via `_BANNED_JAVA_FUNCTIONS`.
* (These should likely be moved to checkstyle).
* Checks for a random set of things in `ChecksAndroidSpecificOnUpload()`.
* Including running Checkstyle.
* (Some of these other checks should likely also be moved to checkstyle).
* Checks run only on changed lines.
* Checks Java style rules that are not covered by clang-format.
* E.g.: Unused imports and naming conventions.
* Allows custom checks to be added via XML. Here [is ours].
* Preferred over adding checks directly in because the tool
understands `@SuppressWarnings` annotations.
* Checks run only on changed lines.
[is ours]: /tools/android/checkstyle/chromium-style-5.0.xml
* Formats `.java` files via `git cl format`.
* Can be toggle on/off with code comments.
// clang-format off
... non-formatted code here ...
// clang-format on
* Does not work great for multiple annotations or on some lambda expressions,
but is generally agreed it is better than not having it at all.