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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for convert_dex_profile.
Can be run from build/android/:
$ cd build/android
$ python
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
import convert_dex_profile as cp
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gyp'))
from util import build_utils
# There are two obfuscations used in the tests below, each with the same
# unobfuscated profile. The first, corresponding to DEX_DUMP, PROGUARD_MAPPING,
# and OBFUSCATED_PROFILE, has an ambiguous method a() which is mapped to both
# getInstance and initialize. The second, corresponding to DEX_DUMP_2,
# PROGUARD_MAPPING_2 and OBFUSCATED_PROFILE_2, removes the ambiguity.
DEX_DUMP = """
Class descriptor : 'La;'
Direct methods -
#0 : (in La;)
name : '<clinit>'
type : '(Ljava/lang/String;)V'
code -
catches : 1
0x000f - 0x001e
<any> -> 0x0093
positions :
0x0001 line=310
0x0057 line=313
locals :
#1 : (in La;)
name : '<init>'
type : '()V'
positions :
locals :
Virtual methods -
#0 : (in La;)
name : 'a'
type : '(Ljava/lang/String;)I'
positions :
0x0000 line=2
0x0003 line=3
0x001b line=8
locals :
0x0000 - 0x0021 reg=3 this La;
#1 : (in La;)
name : 'a'
type : '(Ljava/lang/Object;)I'
positions :
0x0000 line=8
0x0003 line=9
locals :
0x0000 - 0x0021 reg=3 this La;
#2 : (in La;)
name : 'b'
type : '()La;'
positions :
0x0000 line=1
locals :
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""org.chromium.Original -> a:
org.chromium.Original sDisplayAndroidManager -> e
org.chromium.Original another() -> b
4:4:void inlined():237:237 -> a
4:4:org.chromium.Original getInstance():203 -> a
5:5:void org.chromium.Original$Subclass.<init>(org.chromium.Original,byte):130:130 -> a
5:5:void initialize():237 -> a
5:5:org.chromium.Original getInstance():203 -> a
6:6:void initialize():237:237 -> a
9:9:android.content.Context org.chromium.base.ContextUtils.getApplicationContext():49:49 -> a
9:9:android.content.Context getContext():219 -> a
9:9:void initialize():245 -> a
9:9:org.chromium.Original getInstance():203 -> a"""
DEX_DUMP_2 = """
Class descriptor : 'La;'
Direct methods -
#0 : (in La;)
name : '<clinit>'
type : '(Ljava/lang/String;)V'
code -
catches : 1
0x000f - 0x001e
<any> -> 0x0093
positions :
0x0001 line=310
0x0057 line=313
locals :
#1 : (in La;)
name : '<init>'
type : '()V'
positions :
locals :
Virtual methods -
#0 : (in La;)
name : 'a'
type : '(Ljava/lang/String;)I'
positions :
0x0000 line=2
0x0003 line=3
0x001b line=8
locals :
0x0000 - 0x0021 reg=3 this La;
#1 : (in La;)
name : 'c'
type : '(Ljava/lang/Object;)I'
positions :
0x0000 line=8
0x0003 line=9
locals :
0x0000 - 0x0021 reg=3 this La;
#2 : (in La;)
name : 'b'
type : '()La;'
positions :
0x0000 line=1
locals :
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""org.chromium.Original -> a:
org.chromium.Original sDisplayAndroidManager -> e
org.chromium.Original another() -> b
void initialize() -> c
org.chromium.Original getInstance():203 -> a
4:4:void inlined():237:237 -> a"""
class GenerateProfileTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testProcessDex(self):
dex = cp.ProcessDex(DEX_DUMP.splitlines())
self.assertEqual(len(dex['a'].FindMethodsAtLine('<clinit>', 311, 313)), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(dex['a'].FindMethodsAtLine('<clinit>', 309, 315)), 1)
clinit = dex['a'].FindMethodsAtLine('<clinit>', 311, 313)[0]
self.assertEqual(, '<clinit>')
self.assertEqual(clinit.return_type, 'V')
self.assertEqual(clinit.param_types, 'Ljava/lang/String;')
self.assertEqual(len(dex['a'].FindMethodsAtLine('a', 8, None)), 2)
self.assertIsNone(dex['a'].FindMethodsAtLine('a', 100, None))
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def testProcessProguardMapping(self):
dex = cp.ProcessDex(DEX_DUMP.splitlines())
mapping, reverse = cp.ProcessProguardMapping(
PROGUARD_MAPPING.splitlines(), dex)
self.assertEqual('La;', reverse.GetClassMapping('Lorg/chromium/Original;'))
getInstance = cp.Method(
'getInstance', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;', '', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;')
initialize = cp.Method('initialize', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;', '', 'V')
another = cp.Method(
'another', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;', '', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;')
subclassInit = cp.Method(
'<init>', 'Lorg/chromium/Original$Subclass;',
'Lorg/chromium/Original;B', 'V')
mapped = mapping.GetMethodMapping(
cp.Method('a', 'La;', 'Ljava/lang/String;', 'I'))
self.assertEqual(len(mapped), 2)
self.assertIn(getInstance, mapped)
self.assertNotIn(subclassInit, mapped)
cp.Method('inlined', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;', '', 'V'), mapped)
self.assertIn(initialize, mapped)
mapped = mapping.GetMethodMapping(
cp.Method('a', 'La;', 'Ljava/lang/Object;', 'I'))
self.assertEqual(len(mapped), 1)
self.assertIn(getInstance, mapped)
mapped = mapping.GetMethodMapping(cp.Method('b', 'La;', '', 'La;'))
self.assertEqual(len(mapped), 1)
self.assertIn(another, mapped)
for from_method, to_methods in mapping._method_mapping.items():
for to_method in to_methods:
self.assertIn(from_method, reverse.GetMethodMapping(to_method))
for from_class, to_class in mapping._class_mapping.items():
self.assertEqual(from_class, reverse.GetClassMapping(to_class))
def testProcessProfile(self):
dex = cp.ProcessDex(DEX_DUMP.splitlines())
mapping, _ = cp.ProcessProguardMapping(PROGUARD_MAPPING.splitlines(), dex)
profile = cp.ProcessProfile(OBFUSCATED_PROFILE.splitlines(), mapping)
getInstance = cp.Method(
'getInstance', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;', '', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;')
initialize = cp.Method('initialize', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;', '', 'V')
another = cp.Method(
'another', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;', '', 'Lorg/chromium/Original;')
self.assertIn('Lorg/chromium/Original;', profile._classes)
self.assertIn(getInstance, profile._methods)
self.assertIn(initialize, profile._methods)
self.assertIn(another, profile._methods)
self.assertEqual(profile._methods[getInstance], set(['H', 'S', 'P']))
self.assertEqual(profile._methods[initialize], set(['H', 'P']))
self.assertEqual(profile._methods[another], set(['P']))
def testEndToEnd(self):
dex = cp.ProcessDex(DEX_DUMP.splitlines())
mapping, _ = cp.ProcessProguardMapping(PROGUARD_MAPPING.splitlines(), dex)
profile = cp.ProcessProfile(OBFUSCATED_PROFILE.splitlines(), mapping)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
with open(, 'r') as f:
for a, b in zip(sorted(f), sorted(UNOBFUSCATED_PROFILE.splitlines())):
self.assertEqual(a.strip(), b.strip())
def testObfuscateProfile(self):
with build_utils.TempDir() as temp_dir:
# The dex dump is used as the dexfile, by passing /bin/cat as the dexdump
# program.
dex_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'dexdump')
with open(dex_path, 'w') as dex_file:
mapping_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'mapping')
with open(mapping_path, 'w') as mapping_file:
unobfuscated_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'unobfuscated')
with open(unobfuscated_path, 'w') as unobfuscated_file:
obfuscated_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'obfuscated')
cp.ObfuscateProfile(unobfuscated_path, dex_path, mapping_path, '/bin/cat',
with open(obfuscated_path) as obfuscated_file:
obfuscated_profile = sorted(obfuscated_file.readlines())
for a, b in zip(
sorted(OBFUSCATED_PROFILE_2.splitlines()), obfuscated_profile):
self.assertEqual(a.strip(), b.strip())
if __name__ == '__main__':