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set -euo pipefail
# Path to mach relative to /third_party/js/cfworker
MACH=$(realpath "../../../mach")
if [[ $(uname -a) == *MSYS* ]]; then
MACH="python ${MACH}"
NODE="${MACH} node"
NPM="${MACH} npm"
# Delete empty vestigial directories.
rm -rf .changeset/ .github/ .vscode/
# Patch typescript config to ensure we have LF endings.
patch tsconfig-base.json tsconfig-base.json.patch
cd packages/json-schema
# Install dependencies.
${NPM} install --also=dev
# Compile TypeScript into JavaScript.
${NPM} run build
# Install rollup and bundle into a single module.
${NPM} install rollup@~2.67.x
${NODE} node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup \
dist/index.js \
--file json-schema.js \
--format cjs
cd ../..
# Patch the CommonJS module into a regular JS file and include a copyright notice.
patch packages/json-schema/json-schema.js json-schema.js.patch
awk -f exports.awk packages/json-schema/json-schema.js >json-schema.js
# Remove source files we no longer need.
rm -rf packages/ tsconfig-base.json