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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(eustas): reduce includes (move to .cc)
// Macros and functions useful for tests.
#include <jxl/codestream_header.h>
#include <jxl/memory_manager.h>
#include <jxl/thread_parallel_runner_cxx.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/extras/dec/jxl.h"
#include "lib/extras/enc/jxl.h"
#include "lib/extras/packed_image.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/data_parallel.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/span.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/butteraugli/butteraugli.h"
#include "lib/jxl/codec_in_out.h"
#include "lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h"
#include "lib/jxl/enc_params.h"
do { \
if (!jxl::extras::CanDecode(jxl::extras::Codec::kJPG)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping test because of missing libjpeg codec.\n"); \
return; \
} \
} while (0)
namespace jxl {
struct AuxOut;
class CodecInOut;
class PaddedBytes;
struct PassesEncoderState;
class ThreadPool;
namespace test {
void Check(bool ok);
#define JXL_TEST_ASSIGN_OR_DIE(lhs, statusor) \
JXL_JOIN(assign_or_die_temporary_variable, __LINE__), lhs, statusor)
// NOLINTBEGIN(bugprone-macro-parentheses)
#define PRIVATE_JXL_TEST_ASSIGN_OR_DIE_IMPL(name, lhs, statusor) \
auto name = statusor; \
::jxl::test::Check(name.ok()); \
lhs = std::move(name).value_();
// NOLINTEND(bugprone-macro-parentheses)
std::string GetTestDataPath(const std::string& filename);
// Returns an ICC profile output by the JPEG XL decoder for RGB_D65_SRG_Rel_Lin,
// but with, on purpose, rXYZ, bXYZ and gXYZ (the RGB primaries) switched to a
// different order to ensure the profile does not match any known profile, so
// the encoder cannot encode it in a compact struct instead.
jxl::IccBytes GetIccTestProfile();
std::vector<uint8_t> GetCompressedIccTestProfile();
std::vector<uint8_t> ReadTestData(const std::string& filename);
void JxlBasicInfoSetFromPixelFormat(JxlBasicInfo* basic_info,
const JxlPixelFormat* pixel_format);
void DefaultAcceptedFormats(extras::JXLDecompressParams& dparams);
template <typename Params>
void SetThreadParallelRunner(Params params, ThreadPool* pool) {
if (pool && !params.runner_opaque) {
params.runner = pool->runner();
params.runner_opaque = pool->runner_opaque();
Status DecodeFile(extras::JXLDecompressParams dparams, Span<const uint8_t> file,
CodecInOut* JXL_RESTRICT io, ThreadPool* pool = nullptr);
bool Roundtrip(CodecInOut* io, const CompressParams& cparams,
extras::JXLDecompressParams dparams,
CodecInOut* JXL_RESTRICT io2, std::stringstream& failures,
size_t* compressed_size = nullptr, ThreadPool* pool = nullptr);
// Returns compressed size [bytes].
size_t Roundtrip(const extras::PackedPixelFile& ppf_in,
const extras::JXLCompressParams& cparams,
extras::JXLDecompressParams dparams, ThreadPool* pool,
extras::PackedPixelFile* ppf_out);
// A POD descriptor of a ColorEncoding. Only used in tests as the return value
// of AllEncodings().
struct ColorEncodingDescriptor {
ColorSpace color_space;
WhitePoint white_point;
Primaries primaries;
TransferFunction tf;
RenderingIntent rendering_intent;
ColorEncoding ColorEncodingFromDescriptor(const ColorEncodingDescriptor& desc);
// Define the operator<< for tests.
static inline ::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os,
const ColorEncodingDescriptor& c) {
return os << "ColorEncoding/" << Description(ColorEncodingFromDescriptor(c));
// Returns ColorEncodingDescriptors, which are only used in tests. To obtain a
// ColorEncoding object call ColorEncodingFromDescriptor and then call
// ColorEncoding::CreateProfile() on that object to generate a profile.
std::vector<ColorEncodingDescriptor> AllEncodings();
// Returns a CodecInOut based on the buf, xsize, ysize, and the assumption
// that the buffer was created using `GetSomeTestImage`.
jxl::CodecInOut SomeTestImageToCodecInOut(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf,
size_t num_channels, size_t xsize,
size_t ysize);
bool Near(double expected, double value, double max_dist);
float LoadLEFloat16(const uint8_t* p);
float LoadBEFloat16(const uint8_t* p);
size_t GetPrecision(JxlDataType data_type);
size_t GetDataBits(JxlDataType data_type);
// Procedure to convert pixels to double precision, not efficient, but
// well-controlled for testing. It uses double, to be able to represent all
// precisions needed for the maximum data types the API supports: uint32_t
// integers, and, single precision float. The values are in range 0-1 for SDR.
std::vector<double> ConvertToRGBA32(const uint8_t* pixels, size_t xsize,
size_t ysize, const JxlPixelFormat& format,
double factor = 0.0);
// Returns amount of pixels which differ between the two pictures. Image b is
// the image after roundtrip after roundtrip, image a before roundtrip. There
// are more strict requirements for the alpha channel and grayscale values of
// the output image.
size_t ComparePixels(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b, size_t xsize,
size_t ysize, const JxlPixelFormat& format_a,
const JxlPixelFormat& format_b,
double threshold_multiplier = 1.0);
double DistanceRMS(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b, size_t xsize,
size_t ysize, const JxlPixelFormat& format);
float ButteraugliDistance(const extras::PackedPixelFile& a,
const extras::PackedPixelFile& b,
ThreadPool* pool = nullptr);
float ButteraugliDistance(const ImageBundle& rgb0, const ImageBundle& rgb1,
const ButteraugliParams& params,
const JxlCmsInterface& cms, ImageF* distmap = nullptr,
ThreadPool* pool = nullptr,
bool ignore_alpha = false);
float ButteraugliDistance(const std::vector<ImageBundle>& frames0,
const std::vector<ImageBundle>& frames1,
const ButteraugliParams& params,
const JxlCmsInterface& cms, ImageF* distmap = nullptr,
ThreadPool* pool = nullptr);
float Butteraugli3Norm(const extras::PackedPixelFile& a,
const extras::PackedPixelFile& b,
ThreadPool* pool = nullptr);
float ComputeDistance2(const extras::PackedPixelFile& a,
const extras::PackedPixelFile& b);
float ComputePSNR(const extras::PackedPixelFile& a,
const extras::PackedPixelFile& b);
bool SameAlpha(const extras::PackedPixelFile& a,
const extras::PackedPixelFile& b);
bool SamePixels(const extras::PackedImage& a, const extras::PackedImage& b);
bool SamePixels(const extras::PackedPixelFile& a,
const extras::PackedPixelFile& b);
class ThreadPoolForTests {
explicit ThreadPoolForTests(int num_threads) {
runner_ =
JxlThreadParallelRunnerMake(/* memory_manager */ nullptr, num_threads);
pool_ =
jxl::make_unique<ThreadPool>(JxlThreadParallelRunner, runner_.get());
ThreadPoolForTests(const ThreadPoolForTests&) = delete;
ThreadPoolForTests& operator&(const ThreadPoolForTests&) = delete;
ThreadPool* get() { return pool_.get(); }
JxlThreadParallelRunnerPtr runner_;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> pool_;
// `icc` may be empty afterwards - if so, call CreateProfile. Does not append,
// clears any original data that was in icc.
// If `output_limit` is not 0, then returns error if resulting profile would be
// longer than `output_limit`
Status ReadICC(BitReader* JXL_RESTRICT reader,
std::vector<uint8_t>* JXL_RESTRICT icc);
// Compresses pixels from `io` (given in any ColorEncoding).
// `io->metadata.m.original` must be set.
Status EncodeFile(const CompressParams& params, CodecInOut* io,
std::vector<uint8_t>* compressed, ThreadPool* pool = nullptr);
constexpr const char* BoolToCStr(bool b) { return b ? "true" : "false"; }
} // namespace test
bool operator==(const jxl::Bytes& a, const jxl::Bytes& b);
// Allow using EXPECT_EQ on jxl::Bytes
bool operator!=(const jxl::Bytes& a, const jxl::Bytes& b);
} // namespace jxl