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// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Per-target
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hwy/contrib/sort/order.h" // SortDescending
#include "hwy/contrib/sort/shared-inl.h" // SortConstants
#include "hwy/highway.h"
namespace hwy {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
namespace detail {
// Base class of both KeyLane (with or without VQSORT_ENABLED)
template <typename LaneTypeArg, typename KeyTypeArg>
struct KeyLaneBase {
static constexpr bool Is128() { return false; }
constexpr size_t LanesPerKey() const { return 1; }
// What type bench_sort should allocate for generating inputs.
using LaneType = LaneTypeArg;
// What type to pass to VQSort.
using KeyType = KeyTypeArg;
const char* KeyString() const {
return IsSame<KeyTypeArg, float16_t>() ? "f16"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, float>() ? "f32"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, double>() ? "f64"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, int16_t>() ? "i16"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, int32_t>() ? "i32"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, int64_t>() ? "i64"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, uint16_t>() ? "u32"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, uint32_t>() ? "u32"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, uint64_t>() ? "u64"
: IsSame<KeyTypeArg, hwy::K32V32>() ? "k+v=64"
: "?";
// Wrapper functions so we can specialize for floats - infinity trumps
// HighestValue (the normal value with the largest magnitude). Must be outside
// Order* classes to enable SFINAE. LargestSortValue is used even if
template <class D, HWY_IF_FLOAT_OR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> LargestSortValue(D d) {
return Inf(d);
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_FLOAT_NOR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> LargestSortValue(D d) {
return Set(d, hwy::HighestValue<TFromD<D>>());
template <class D, HWY_IF_FLOAT_OR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> SmallestSortValue(D d) {
return Neg(Inf(d));
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_FLOAT_NOR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> SmallestSortValue(D d) {
return Set(d, hwy::LowestValue<TFromD<D>>());
// Returns the next distinct larger value unless already +inf.
template <class D, HWY_IF_FLOAT_OR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> LargerSortValue(D d, Vec<D> v) {
HWY_DASSERT(AllFalse(d, IsNaN(v))); // we replaced all NaN with LastValue.
using T = TFromD<decltype(d)>;
const RebindToUnsigned<D> du;
using VU = Vec<decltype(du)>;
using TU = TFromD<decltype(du)>;
const VU vu = BitCast(du, Abs(v));
// The direction depends on the original sign. Integer comparison is cheaper
// than float comparison and treats -0 as 0 (so we return +epsilon).
const Mask<decltype(du)> was_pos = Le(BitCast(du, v), SignBit(du));
// If positive, add 1, else -1.
const VU add = IfThenElse(was_pos, Set(du, 1u), Set(du, LimitsMax<TU>()));
// Prev/next integer is the prev/next value, even if mantissa under/overflows.
v = BitCast(d, Add(vu, add));
// But we may have overflowed into inf or NaN; replace with inf if positive,
// but the largest (later negated!) value if the input was -inf.
const Mask<D> was_pos_f = RebindMask(d, was_pos);
v = IfThenElse(IsFinite(v), v,
IfThenElse(was_pos_f, Inf(d), Set(d, HighestValue<T>())));
// Restore the original sign - not via CopySignToAbs because we used a mask.
return IfThenElse(was_pos_f, v, Neg(v));
// Returns the next distinct smaller value unless already -inf.
template <class D, HWY_IF_FLOAT_OR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> SmallerSortValue(D d, Vec<D> v) {
HWY_DASSERT(AllFalse(d, IsNaN(v))); // we replaced all NaN with LastValue.
using T = TFromD<decltype(d)>;
const RebindToUnsigned<D> du;
using VU = Vec<decltype(du)>;
using TU = TFromD<decltype(du)>;
const VU vu = BitCast(du, Abs(v));
// The direction depends on the original sign. Float comparison because we
// want to treat 0 as -0 so we return -epsilon.
const Mask<D> was_pos = Gt(v, Zero(d));
// If positive, add -1, else 1.
const VU add =
IfThenElse(RebindMask(du, was_pos), Set(du, LimitsMax<TU>()), Set(du, 1));
// Prev/next integer is the prev/next value, even if mantissa under/overflows.
v = BitCast(d, Add(vu, add));
// But we may have overflowed into inf or NaN; replace with +inf (which will
// later be negated) if negative, but the largest value if the input was +inf.
v = IfThenElse(IsFinite(v), v,
IfThenElse(was_pos, Set(d, HighestValue<T>()), Inf(d)));
// Restore the original sign - not via CopySignToAbs because we used a mask.
return IfThenElse(was_pos, v, Neg(v));
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_FLOAT_NOR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> LargerSortValue(D d, Vec<D> v) {
return Add(v, Set(d, TFromD<D>{1}));
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_FLOAT_NOR_SPECIAL_D(D)>
Vec<D> SmallerSortValue(D d, Vec<D> v) {
return Sub(v, Set(d, TFromD<D>{1}));
// Highway does not provide a lane type for 128-bit keys, so we use uint64_t
// along with an abstraction layer for single-lane vs. lane-pair, which is
// independent of the order.
template <typename LaneType, typename KeyType>
struct KeyLane : public KeyLaneBase<LaneType, KeyType> {
// For HeapSort
HWY_INLINE void Swap(LaneType* a, LaneType* b) const {
const LaneType temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
template <class V, class M>
HWY_INLINE V CompressKeys(V keys, M mask) const {
return CompressNot(keys, mask);
// Broadcasts one key into a vector
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SetKey(D d, const LaneType* key) const {
return Set(d, *key);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> EqualKeys(D /*tag*/, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Eq(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> NotEqualKeys(D /*tag*/, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Ne(a, b);
// For keys=lanes, any difference counts.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE bool NoKeyDifference(D /*tag*/, Vec<D> diff) const {
// Must avoid floating-point comparisons (for -0)
const RebindToUnsigned<D> du;
return AllTrue(du, Eq(BitCast(du, diff), Zero(du)));
HWY_INLINE bool Equal1(const LaneType* a, const LaneType* b) const {
return *a == *b;
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> ReverseKeys(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return Reverse(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> ReverseKeys2(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return Reverse2(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> ReverseKeys4(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return Reverse4(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> ReverseKeys8(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return Reverse8(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> ReverseKeys16(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
static_assert(SortConstants::kMaxCols <= 16, "Assumes u32x16 = 512 bit");
return ReverseKeys(d, v);
template <class V>
HWY_INLINE V OddEvenKeys(const V odd, const V even) const {
return OddEven(odd, even);
template <class D, HWY_IF_T_SIZE_D(D, 2)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SwapAdjacentPairs(D d, const Vec<D> v) const {
const Repartition<uint32_t, D> du32;
return BitCast(d, Shuffle2301(BitCast(du32, v)));
template <class D, HWY_IF_T_SIZE_D(D, 4)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SwapAdjacentPairs(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> v) const {
return Shuffle1032(v);
template <class D, HWY_IF_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SwapAdjacentPairs(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> v) const {
return SwapAdjacentBlocks(v);
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SwapAdjacentQuads(D d, const Vec<D> v) const {
#if HWY_HAVE_FLOAT64 // in case D is float32
const RepartitionToWide<D> dw;
const RepartitionToWide<RebindToUnsigned<D>> dw;
return BitCast(d, SwapAdjacentPairs(dw, BitCast(dw, v)));
template <class D, HWY_IF_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SwapAdjacentQuads(D d, const Vec<D> v) const {
// Assumes max vector size = 512
return ConcatLowerUpper(d, v, v);
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> OddEvenPairs(D d, const Vec<D> odd,
const Vec<D> even) const {
#if HWY_HAVE_FLOAT64 // in case D is float32
const RepartitionToWide<D> dw;
const RepartitionToWide<RebindToUnsigned<D>> dw;
return BitCast(d, OddEven(BitCast(dw, odd), BitCast(dw, even)));
template <class D, HWY_IF_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> OddEvenPairs(D /* tag */, Vec<D> odd, Vec<D> even) const {
return OddEvenBlocks(odd, even);
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> OddEvenQuads(D d, Vec<D> odd, Vec<D> even) const {
#if HWY_HAVE_FLOAT64 // in case D is float32
const RepartitionToWide<D> dw;
const RepartitionToWide<RebindToUnsigned<D>> dw;
return BitCast(d, OddEvenPairs(dw, BitCast(dw, odd), BitCast(dw, even)));
template <class D, HWY_IF_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> OddEvenQuads(D d, Vec<D> odd, Vec<D> even) const {
return ConcatUpperLower(d, odd, even);
// Anything order-related depends on the key traits *and* the order (see
// FirstOfLanes). We cannot implement just one Compare function because Lt128
// only compiles if the lane type is u64. Thus we need either overloaded
// functions with a tag type, class specializations, or separate classes.
// We avoid overloaded functions because we want all functions to be callable
// from a SortTraits without per-function wrappers. Specializing would work, but
// we are anyway going to specialize at a higher level.
template <typename T>
struct OrderAscending : public KeyLane<T, T> {
// False indicates the entire key (i.e. lane) should be compared. KV stands
// for key-value.
static constexpr bool IsKV() { return false; }
using Order = SortAscending;
using OrderForSortingNetwork = OrderAscending<T>;
HWY_INLINE bool Compare1(const T* a, const T* b) const { return *a < *b; }
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> Compare(D /* tag */, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Lt(a, b);
// Two halves of Sort2, used in ScanMinMax.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> First(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Min(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> Last(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Max(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
T* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MinOfLanes(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
T* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MaxOfLanes(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstValue(D d) const {
return SmallestSortValue(d);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastValue(D d) const {
return LargestSortValue(d);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> PrevValue(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return SmallerSortValue(d, v);
template <typename T>
struct OrderDescending : public KeyLane<T, T> {
// False indicates the entire key (i.e. lane) should be compared. KV stands
// for key-value.
static constexpr bool IsKV() { return false; }
using Order = SortDescending;
using OrderForSortingNetwork = OrderDescending<T>;
HWY_INLINE bool Compare1(const T* a, const T* b) const { return *b < *a; }
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> Compare(D /* tag */, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Lt(b, a);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> First(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Max(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> Last(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Min(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
T* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MaxOfLanes(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
T* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MinOfLanes(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstValue(D d) const {
return LargestSortValue(d);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastValue(D d) const {
return SmallestSortValue(d);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> PrevValue(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return LargerSortValue(d, v);
struct KeyValue64 : public KeyLane<uint64_t, hwy::K32V32> {
// True indicates only part of the key (i.e. lane) should be compared. KV
// stands for key-value.
static constexpr bool IsKV() { return true; }
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> EqualKeys(D /*tag*/, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Eq(ShiftRight<32>(a), ShiftRight<32>(b));
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> NotEqualKeys(D /*tag*/, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Ne(ShiftRight<32>(a), ShiftRight<32>(b));
HWY_INLINE bool Equal1(const uint64_t* a, const uint64_t* b) const {
return (*a >> 32) == (*b >> 32);
// Only count differences in the actual key, not the value.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE bool NoKeyDifference(D /*tag*/, Vec<D> diff) const {
// Must avoid floating-point comparisons (for -0)
const RebindToUnsigned<D> du;
const Vec<decltype(du)> zero = Zero(du);
const Vec<decltype(du)> keys = ShiftRight<32>(diff); // clear values
return AllTrue(du, Eq(BitCast(du, keys), zero));
struct OrderAscendingKV64 : public KeyValue64 {
using Order = SortAscending;
using OrderForSortingNetwork = OrderAscending<LaneType>;
HWY_INLINE bool Compare1(const LaneType* a, const LaneType* b) const {
return (*a >> 32) < (*b >> 32);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> Compare(D /* tag */, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Lt(ShiftRight<32>(a), ShiftRight<32>(b));
// Not required to be stable (preserving the order of equivalent keys), so
// we can include the value in the comparison.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> First(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Min(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> Last(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Max(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
uint64_t* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MinOfLanes(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
uint64_t* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MaxOfLanes(d, v);
// Same as for regular lanes.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstValue(D d) const {
return Set(d, hwy::LowestValue<TFromD<D>>());
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastValue(D d) const {
return Set(d, hwy::HighestValue<TFromD<D>>());
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> PrevValue(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return Sub(v, Set(d, uint64_t{1} << 32));
struct OrderDescendingKV64 : public KeyValue64 {
using Order = SortDescending;
using OrderForSortingNetwork = OrderDescending<LaneType>;
HWY_INLINE bool Compare1(const LaneType* a, const LaneType* b) const {
return (*b >> 32) < (*a >> 32);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> Compare(D /* tag */, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) const {
return Lt(ShiftRight<32>(b), ShiftRight<32>(a));
// Not required to be stable (preserving the order of equivalent keys), so
// we can include the value in the comparison.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> First(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Max(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> Last(D /* tag */, const Vec<D> a, const Vec<D> b) const {
return Min(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
uint64_t* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MaxOfLanes(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastOfLanes(D d, Vec<D> v,
uint64_t* HWY_RESTRICT /* buf */) const {
return MinOfLanes(d, v);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> FirstValue(D d) const {
return Set(d, hwy::HighestValue<TFromD<D>>());
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastValue(D d) const {
return Set(d, hwy::LowestValue<TFromD<D>>());
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> PrevValue(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
return Add(v, Set(d, uint64_t{1} << 32));
// Shared code that depends on Order.
template <class Base>
struct TraitsLane : public Base {
using TraitsForSortingNetwork =
TraitsLane<typename Base::OrderForSortingNetwork>;
// For each lane i: replaces a[i] with the first and b[i] with the second
// according to Base.
// Corresponds to a conditional swap, which is one "node" of a sorting
// network. Min/Max are cheaper than compare + blend at least for integers.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE void Sort2(D d, Vec<D>& a, Vec<D>& b) const {
const Base* base = static_cast<const Base*>(this);
const Vec<D> a_copy = a;
// Prior to AVX3, there is no native 64-bit Min/Max, so they compile to 4
// instructions. We can reduce it to a compare + 2 IfThenElse.
if (sizeof(TFromD<D>) == 8) {
const Mask<D> cmp = base->Compare(d, a, b);
a = IfThenElse(cmp, a, b);
b = IfThenElse(cmp, b, a_copy);
a = base->First(d, a, b);
b = base->Last(d, a_copy, b);
// Conditionally swaps even-numbered lanes with their odd-numbered neighbor.
template <class D, HWY_IF_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SortPairsDistance1(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
const Base* base = static_cast<const Base*>(this);
Vec<D> swapped = base->ReverseKeys2(d, v);
// Further to the above optimization, Sort2+OddEvenKeys compile to four
// instructions; we can save one by combining two blends.
const Vec<D> cmp = VecFromMask(d, base->Compare(d, v, swapped));
return IfVecThenElse(DupOdd(cmp), swapped, v);
Sort2(d, v, swapped);
return base->OddEvenKeys(swapped, v);
// (See above - we use Sort2 for non-64-bit types.)
template <class D, HWY_IF_NOT_T_SIZE_D(D, 8)>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SortPairsDistance1(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
const Base* base = static_cast<const Base*>(this);
Vec<D> swapped = base->ReverseKeys2(d, v);
Sort2(d, v, swapped);
return base->OddEvenKeys(swapped, v);
// Swaps with the vector formed by reversing contiguous groups of 4 keys.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SortPairsReverse4(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
const Base* base = static_cast<const Base*>(this);
Vec<D> swapped = base->ReverseKeys4(d, v);
Sort2(d, v, swapped);
return base->OddEvenPairs(d, swapped, v);
// Conditionally swaps lane 0 with 4, 1 with 5 etc.
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SortPairsDistance4(D d, Vec<D> v) const {
const Base* base = static_cast<const Base*>(this);
Vec<D> swapped = base->SwapAdjacentQuads(d, v);
// Only used in Merge16, so this will not be used on AVX2 (which only has 4
// u64 lanes), so skip the above optimization for 64-bit AVX2.
Sort2(d, v, swapped);
return base->OddEvenQuads(d, swapped, v);
template <typename T>
struct OrderAscending : public KeyLaneBase<T, T> {
using Order = SortAscending;
HWY_INLINE bool Compare1(const T* a, const T* b) const { return *a < *b; }
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> Compare(D /* tag */, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) {
return Lt(a, b);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastValue(D d) const {
return LargestSortValue(d);
template <typename T>
struct OrderDescending : public KeyLaneBase<T, T> {
using Order = SortDescending;
HWY_INLINE bool Compare1(const T* a, const T* b) const { return *b < *a; }
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Mask<D> Compare(D /* tag */, Vec<D> a, Vec<D> b) {
return Lt(b, a);
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> LastValue(D d) const {
return SmallestSortValue(d);
template <class Order>
struct TraitsLane : public Order {
// For HeapSort
template <typename T> // MSVC doesn't find typename Order::LaneType.
HWY_INLINE void Swap(T* a, T* b) const {
const T temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
template <class D>
HWY_INLINE Vec<D> SetKey(D d, const TFromD<D>* key) const {
return Set(d, *key);
} // namespace detail
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace hwy