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# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import time
import common
import remote_cmd
import runner_logs
_SHUTDOWN_CMD = ['dm', 'poweroff']
# Amount of time to wait for a complete package installation, as a
# mitigation against hangs due to pkg/network-related failures.
def _GetPackageUri(package_name):
"""Returns the URI for the specified package name."""
return 'fuchsia-pkg://' % (package_name)
def _GetPackageInfo(package_path):
"""Returns a tuple with the name and version of a package."""
# Query the metadata file which resides next to the package file.
package_info = json.load(
open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(package_path), 'package')))
return package_info['name'], package_info['version'],
class _MapIsolatedPathsForPackage:
"""Callable object which remaps /data and /tmp paths to their component-
specific locations, based on the package name and test realm path."""
def __init__(self, package_name, package_version, realms):
realms_path_fragment = '/r/'.join(['r/sys'] + realms)
package_sub_path = '{2}/{0}:{1}#meta:{0}.cmx/'.format(
package_name, package_version, realms_path_fragment)
self.isolated_format = '{0}' + package_sub_path + '{1}'
def __call__(self, path):
for isolated_directory in ['/data/' , '/tmp/']:
if (path+'/').startswith(isolated_directory):
return self.isolated_format.format(isolated_directory,
return path
class FuchsiaTargetException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
super(FuchsiaTargetException, self).__init__(message)
class Target(object):
"""Base class representing a Fuchsia deployment target."""
def __init__(self, out_dir, target_cpu):
self._out_dir = out_dir
self._started = False
self._dry_run = False
self._target_cpu = target_cpu
self._command_runner = None
self._ffx_path = os.path.join(common.SDK_ROOT, 'tools',
common.GetHostArchFromPlatform(), 'ffx')
def CreateFromArgs(args):
raise NotImplementedError()
def RegisterArgs(arg_parser):
# Functions used by the Python context manager for teardown.
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def Start(self):
"""Handles the instantiation and connection process for the Fuchsia
target instance."""
def IsStarted(self):
"""Returns True if the Fuchsia target instance is ready to accept
return self._started
def IsNewInstance(self):
"""Returns True if the connected target instance is newly provisioned."""
return True
def GetCommandRunner(self):
"""Returns CommandRunner that can be used to execute commands on the
target. Most clients should prefer RunCommandPiped() and RunCommand()."""
if self._command_runner is None:
host, port = self._GetEndpoint()
self._command_runner = \
remote_cmd.CommandRunner(self._GetSshConfigPath(), host, port)
return self._command_runner
def RunCommandPiped(self, command, **kwargs):
"""Starts a remote command and immediately returns a Popen object for the
command. The caller may interact with the streams, inspect the status code,
wait on command termination, etc.
command: A list of strings representing the command and arguments.
kwargs: A dictionary of parameters to be passed to subprocess.Popen().
The parameters can be used to override stdin and stdout, for
Returns: a Popen object.
Note: method does not block.
logging.debug('running (non-blocking) \'%s\'.', ' '.join(command))
return self.GetCommandRunner().RunCommandPiped(command, **kwargs)
def RunCommand(self, command, silent=False, timeout_secs=None):
"""Executes a remote command and waits for it to finish executing.
Returns the exit code of the command.
logging.debug('running \'%s\'.', ' '.join(command))
return self.GetCommandRunner().RunCommand(command, silent,
def EnsureIsolatedPathsExist(self, for_package, for_realms):
"""Ensures that the package's isolated /data and /tmp exist."""
for isolated_directory in ['/data', '/tmp']:
'mkdir', '-p',
_MapIsolatedPathsForPackage(for_package, 0,
def PutFile(self,
"""Copies a file from the local filesystem to the target filesystem.
source: The path of the file being copied.
dest: The path on the remote filesystem which will be copied to.
recursive: If true, performs a recursive copy.
for_package: If specified, isolated paths in the |dest| are mapped to their
obsolute paths for the package, on the target. This currently
affects the /data and /tmp directories.
for_realms: If specified, identifies the sub-realm of 'sys' under which
isolated paths (see |for_package|) are stored.
assert type(source) is str
self.PutFiles([source], dest, recursive, for_package, for_realms)
def PutFiles(self,
"""Copies files from the local filesystem to the target filesystem.
sources: List of local file paths to copy from, or a single path.
dest: The path on the remote filesystem which will be copied to.
recursive: If true, performs a recursive copy.
for_package: If specified, /data in the |dest| is mapped to the package's
isolated /data location.
for_realms: If specified, identifies the sub-realm of 'sys' under which
isolated paths (see |for_package|) are stored.
assert type(sources) is tuple or type(sources) is list
if for_package:
self.EnsureIsolatedPathsExist(for_package, for_realms)
dest = _MapIsolatedPathsForPackage(for_package, 0, for_realms)(dest)
logging.debug('copy local:%s => remote:%s', sources, dest)
self.GetCommandRunner().RunScp(sources, dest, remote_cmd.COPY_TO_TARGET,
def GetFile(self,
"""Copies a file from the target filesystem to the local filesystem.
source: The path of the file being copied.
dest: The path on the local filesystem which will be copied to.
for_package: If specified, /data in paths in |sources| is mapped to the
package's isolated /data location.
for_realms: If specified, identifies the sub-realm of 'sys' under which
isolated paths (see |for_package|) are stored.
recursive: If true, performs a recursive copy.
assert type(source) is str
self.GetFiles([source], dest, for_package, for_realms, recursive)
def GetFiles(self,
"""Copies files from the target filesystem to the local filesystem.
sources: List of remote file paths to copy.
dest: The path on the local filesystem which will be copied to.
for_package: If specified, /data in paths in |sources| is mapped to the
package's isolated /data location.
for_realms: If specified, identifies the sub-realm of 'sys' under which
isolated paths (see |for_package|) are stored.
recursive: If true, performs a recursive copy.
assert type(sources) is tuple or type(sources) is list
if for_package:
sources = map(_MapIsolatedPathsForPackage(for_package, 0, for_realms),
logging.debug('copy remote:%s => local:%s', sources, dest)
return self.GetCommandRunner().RunScp(sources, dest,
def _GetEndpoint(self):
"""Returns a (host, port) tuple for the SSH connection to the target."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _GetTargetSdkArch(self):
"""Returns the Fuchsia SDK architecture name for the target CPU."""
if self._target_cpu == 'arm64' or self._target_cpu == 'x64':
return self._target_cpu
raise FuchsiaTargetException('Unknown target_cpu:' + self._target_cpu)
def _AssertIsStarted(self):
assert self.IsStarted()
def _WaitUntilReady(self):'Connecting to Fuchsia using SSH.')
host, port = self._GetEndpoint()
end_time = time.time() + _ATTACH_RETRY_SECONDS
ssh_diagnostic_log = runner_logs.FileStreamFor('ssh_diagnostic_log')
while time.time() < end_time:
runner = remote_cmd.CommandRunner(self._GetSshConfigPath(), host, port)
ssh_proc = runner.RunCommandPiped(['true'],
if ssh_proc.wait() == 0:'Connected!')
self._started = True
return True
logging.error('Timeout limit reached.')
raise FuchsiaTargetException('Couldn\'t connect using SSH.')
def _GetSshConfigPath(self, path):
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetPkgRepo(self):
"""Returns an PkgRepo instance which serves packages for this Target.
Callers should typically call GetPkgRepo() in a |with| statement, and
install and execute commands inside the |with| block, so that the returned
PkgRepo can teardown correctly, if necessary.
raise NotImplementedError()
def InstallPackage(self, package_paths):
"""Installs a package and it's dependencies on the device. If the package is
already installed then it will be updated to the new version.
package_paths: Paths to the .far files to install.
with self.GetPkgRepo() as pkg_repo:
# Publish all packages to the serving TUF repository under |tuf_root|.
for package_path in package_paths:
# Resolve all packages, to have them pulled into the device/VM cache.
for package_path in package_paths:
package_name, package_version = _GetPackageInfo(package_path)'Resolving %s into cache.', package_name)
return_code = self.RunCommand(
['pkgctl', 'resolve',
_GetPackageUri(package_name), '>/dev/null'],
if return_code != 0:
raise Exception(
'Error {} while resolving {}.'.format(return_code, package_name))
# Verify that the newly resolved versions of packages are reported.
for package_path in package_paths:
# Use pkgctl get-hash to determine which version will be resolved.
package_name, package_version = _GetPackageInfo(package_path)
pkgctl = self.RunCommandPiped(
['pkgctl', 'get-hash',
pkgctl_out, pkgctl_err = pkgctl.communicate()
# Read the expected version from the meta.far Merkel hash file alongside
# the package's FAR.
meta_far_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(package_path), 'meta.far')
meta_far_merkel = subprocess.check_output(
if pkgctl_out != meta_far_merkel:
raise Exception('Hash mismatch for %s after resolve (%s vs %s).' %
(package_name, pkgctl_out, meta_far_merkel))
def RunFFXCommand(self, ffx_args, **kwargs):
"""Automatically gets the FFX path and runs FFX based on the
arguments provided. Extra args can be added to be used with Popen.
ffx_args: The arguments for a ffx command.
kwargs: A dictionary of parameters to be passed to subprocess.Popen().
Returns a Popen object for the command."""
command = [self._ffx_path] + ffx_args
return subprocess.Popen(command, **kwargs)