Name Description Size
execute-start.tentative.html Check execution of WebAssembly start function 739
exported-names.tentative.html Exported names from a WebAssembly module 670
invalid-bytecode.tentative.html Handling of importing invalid WebAssembly modules 974
js-wasm-cycle-errors.tentative.html Cyclic linking between JavaScript and WebAssembly (JS higher) 1559
js-wasm-cycle.tentative.html Check bindings in JavaScript and WebAssembly cycle (JS higher) 344
module-parse-error.tentative.html Handling of importing invalid WebAssembly modules 974
resolve-export.js 53
resolve-export.tentative.html Check ResolveExport on invalid re-export from WebAssembly 825
script-src-allows-wasm.tentative.html script-src allows Wasm execution 772
script-src-blocks-wasm.tentative.sub.html script-src blocks Wasm execution 822
source-phase.tentative.html Source phase imports 1121
wasm-import-wasm-export.tentative.html Check import and export between WebAssembly modules 418
wasm-import.tentative.html Errors for imports of WebAssembly modules 1288
wasm-js-cycle.tentative.html Check bindings in JavaScript and WebAssembly cycle (Wasm higher) 925
wasm-to-wasm-link-error.tentative.html Errors for linking WebAssembly module scripts 893
worker-import-source-phase.tentative.html Testing import of WebAssembly source phase from JavaScript worker 421
worker-import.tentative.html Testing import of WebAssembly from JavaScript worker 395
worker.tentative.html Testing WebAssembly worker 436