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The pytest team is proud to announce the 6.1.0 release!
This release contains new features, improvements, bug fixes, and breaking changes, so users
are encouraged to take a look at the CHANGELOG carefully:
For complete documentation, please visit:
As usual, you can upgrade from PyPI via:
pip install -U pytest
Thanks to all of the contributors to this release:
* Anthony Sottile
* Bruno Oliveira
* C. Titus Brown
* Drew Devereux
* Faris A Chugthai
* Florian Bruhin
* Hugo van Kemenade
* Hynek Schlawack
* Joseph Lucas
* Kamran Ahmad
* Mattreex
* Maximilian Cosmo Sitter
* Ran Benita
* RĂ¼diger Busche
* Sam Estep
* Sorin Sbarnea
* Thomas Grainger
* Vipul Kumar
* Yutaro Ikeda
* hp310780
Happy testing,
The pytest Development Team