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pytest-2.6.2: few fixes and cx_freeze support
pytest is a mature Python testing tool with more than 1100 tests
against itself, passing on many different interpreters and platforms.
This release is drop-in compatible to 2.5.2 and 2.6.X. It also
brings support for including pytest with cx_freeze or similar
freezing tools into your single-file app distribution. For details
see the CHANGELOG below.
See docs at:
As usual, you can upgrade from pypi via::
pip install -U pytest
Thanks to all who contributed, among them:
Floris Bruynooghe
Benjamin Peterson
Bruno Oliveira
have fun,
holger krekel
- Added function pytest.freeze_includes(), which makes it easy to embed
pytest into executables using tools like cx_freeze.
See docs for examples and rationale. Thanks Bruno Oliveira.
- Improve assertion rewriting cache invalidation precision.
- fixed issue561: adapt autouse fixture example for python3.
- fixed issue453: assertion rewriting issue with __repr__ containing
"\n{", "\n}" and "\n~".
- fix issue560: correctly display code if an "else:" or "finally:" is
followed by statements on the same line.
- Fix example in monkeypatch documentation, thanks t-8ch.
- fix issue572: correct tmpdir doc example for python3.
- Do not mark as universal wheel because Python 2.6 is different from
other builds due to the extra argparse dependency. Fixes issue566.
Thanks sontek.