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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
import pytest
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import text, binary, sets, one_of
from hpack import (
from hpack.hpack import _dict_to_iterable, _to_bytes
class TestHPACKEncoder:
# These tests are stolen entirely from the IETF specification examples.
def test_literal_header_field_with_indexing(self):
The header field representation uses a literal name and a literal
e = Encoder()
header_set = {'custom-key': 'custom-header'}
result = b'\x40\x0acustom-key\x0dcustom-header'
assert e.encode(header_set, huffman=False) == result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == [
(n.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
for n, v in header_set.items()
def test_sensitive_headers(self):
Test encoding header values
e = Encoder()
result = (b'\x82\x14\x88\x63\xa1\xa9' +
b'\x32\x08\x73\xd0\xc7\x10' +
b'\x87\x25\xa8\x49\xe9\xea' +
b'\x5f\x5f\x89\x41\x6a\x41' +
header_set = [
(':method', 'GET', True),
(':path', '/jimiscool/', True),
('customkey', 'sensitiveinfo', True),
assert e.encode(header_set, huffman=True) == result
def test_non_sensitive_headers_with_header_tuples(self):
A header field stored in a HeaderTuple emits a representation that
allows indexing.
e = Encoder()
result = (b'\x82\x44\x88\x63\xa1\xa9' +
b'\x32\x08\x73\xd0\xc7\x40' +
b'\x87\x25\xa8\x49\xe9\xea' +
b'\x5f\x5f\x89\x41\x6a\x41' +
header_set = [
HeaderTuple(':method', 'GET'),
HeaderTuple(':path', '/jimiscool/'),
HeaderTuple('customkey', 'sensitiveinfo'),
assert e.encode(header_set, huffman=True) == result
def test_sensitive_headers_with_header_tuples(self):
A header field stored in a NeverIndexedHeaderTuple emits a
representation that forbids indexing.
e = Encoder()
result = (b'\x82\x14\x88\x63\xa1\xa9' +
b'\x32\x08\x73\xd0\xc7\x10' +
b'\x87\x25\xa8\x49\xe9\xea' +
b'\x5f\x5f\x89\x41\x6a\x41' +
header_set = [
NeverIndexedHeaderTuple(':method', 'GET'),
NeverIndexedHeaderTuple(':path', '/jimiscool/'),
NeverIndexedHeaderTuple('customkey', 'sensitiveinfo'),
assert e.encode(header_set, huffman=True) == result
def test_header_table_size_getter(self):
e = Encoder()
assert e.header_table_size == 4096
def test_indexed_literal_header_field_with_indexing(self):
The header field representation uses an indexed name and a literal
value and performs incremental indexing.
e = Encoder()
header_set = {':path': '/sample/path'}
result = b'\x44\x0c/sample/path'
assert e.encode(header_set, huffman=False) == result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == [
(n.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
for n, v in header_set.items()
def test_indexed_header_field(self):
The header field representation uses an indexed header field, from
the static table.
e = Encoder()
header_set = {':method': 'GET'}
result = b'\x82'
assert e.encode(header_set, huffman=False) == result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
def test_indexed_header_field_from_static_table(self):
e = Encoder()
e.header_table_size = 0
header_set = {':method': 'GET'}
result = b'\x82'
# Make sure we don't emit an encoding context update.
e.header_table.resized = False
assert e.encode(header_set, huffman=False) == result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
def test_request_examples_without_huffman(self):
This section shows several consecutive header sets, corresponding to
HTTP requests, on the same connection.
e = Encoder()
first_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', ''),
# We should have :authority in first_header_table since we index it
first_header_table = [(':authority', '')]
first_result = b'\x82\x86\x84\x41\'
assert e.encode(first_header_set, huffman=False) == first_result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == [
(n.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
for n, v in first_header_table
second_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', '',),
('cache-control', 'no-cache'),
second_header_table = [
('cache-control', 'no-cache'),
(':authority', '')
second_result = b'\x82\x86\x84\xbeX\x08no-cache'
assert e.encode(second_header_set, huffman=False) == second_result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == [
(n.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
for n, v in second_header_table
third_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'https',),
(':path', '/index.html',),
(':authority', '',),
('custom-key', 'custom-value'),
third_result = (
assert e.encode(third_header_set, huffman=False) == third_result
# Don't check the header table here, it's just too complex to be
# reliable. Check its length though.
assert len(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == 3
def test_request_examples_with_huffman(self):
This section shows the same examples as the previous section, but
using Huffman encoding for the literal values.
e = Encoder()
first_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', ''),
first_header_table = [(':authority', '')]
first_result = (
assert e.encode(first_header_set, huffman=True) == first_result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == [
(n.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
for n, v in first_header_table
second_header_table = [
('cache-control', 'no-cache'),
(':authority', '')
second_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', '',),
('cache-control', 'no-cache'),
second_result = b'\x82\x86\x84\xbeX\x86\xa8\xeb\x10d\x9c\xbf'
assert e.encode(second_header_set, huffman=True) == second_result
assert list(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == [
(n.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
for n, v in second_header_table
third_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'https',),
(':path', '/index.html',),
(':authority', '',),
('custom-key', 'custom-value'),
third_result = (
assert e.encode(third_header_set, huffman=True) == third_result
assert len(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == 3
# These tests are custom, for hyper.
def test_resizing_header_table(self):
# We need to encode a substantial number of headers, to populate the
# header table.
e = Encoder()
header_set = [
(':method', 'GET'),
(':scheme', 'https'),
(':path', '/some/path'),
(':authority', ''),
('custom-key', 'custom-value'),
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:16.0) "
"Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0",
('X-Lukasa-Test', '88989'),
e.encode(header_set, huffman=True)
# Resize the header table to a size so small that nothing can be in it.
e.header_table_size = 40
assert len(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == 0
def test_resizing_header_table_sends_multiple_updates(self):
e = Encoder()
e.header_table_size = 40
e.header_table_size = 100
e.header_table_size = 40
header_set = [(':method', 'GET')]
out = e.encode(header_set, huffman=True)
assert out == b'\x3F\x09\x3F\x45\x3F\x09\x82'
def test_resizing_header_table_to_same_size_ignored(self):
e = Encoder()
# These size changes should be ignored
e.header_table_size = 4096
e.header_table_size = 4096
e.header_table_size = 4096
# These size changes should be encoded
e.header_table_size = 40
e.header_table_size = 100
e.header_table_size = 40
header_set = [(':method', 'GET')]
out = e.encode(header_set, huffman=True)
assert out == b'\x3F\x09\x3F\x45\x3F\x09\x82'
def test_resizing_header_table_sends_context_update(self):
e = Encoder()
# Resize the header table to a size so small that nothing can be in it.
e.header_table_size = 40
# Now, encode a header set. Just a small one, with a well-defined
# output.
header_set = [(':method', 'GET')]
out = e.encode(header_set, huffman=True)
assert out == b'?\t\x82'
def test_setting_table_size_to_the_same_does_nothing(self):
e = Encoder()
# Set the header table size to the default.
e.header_table_size = 4096
# Now encode a header set. Just a small one, with a well-defined
# output.
header_set = [(':method', 'GET')]
out = e.encode(header_set, huffman=True)
assert out == b'\x82'
def test_evicting_header_table_objects(self):
e = Encoder()
# Set the header table size large enough to include one header.
e.header_table_size = 66
header_set = [('a', 'b'), ('long-custom-header', 'longish value')]
assert len(e.header_table.dynamic_entries) == 1
def test_headers_generator(self):
e = Encoder()
def headers_generator():
return (("k" + str(i), "v" + str(i)) for i in range(3))
header_set = headers_generator()
out = e.encode(header_set)
assert Decoder().decode(out) == list(headers_generator())
class TestHPACKDecoder:
# These tests are stolen entirely from the IETF specification examples.
def test_literal_header_field_with_indexing(self):
The header field representation uses a literal name and a literal
d = Decoder()
header_set = [('custom-key', 'custom-header')]
data = b'\x40\x0acustom-key\x0dcustom-header'
assert d.decode(data) == header_set
assert list(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == [
(n.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')) for n, v in header_set
def test_raw_decoding(self):
The header field representation is decoded as a raw byte string instead
of UTF-8
d = Decoder()
header_set = [
(b'\x00\x01\x99\x30\x11\x22\x55\x21\x89\x14', b'custom-header')
data = (
assert d.decode(data, raw=True) == header_set
def test_literal_header_field_without_indexing(self):
The header field representation uses an indexed name and a literal
d = Decoder()
header_set = [(':path', '/sample/path')]
data = b'\x04\x0c/sample/path'
assert d.decode(data) == header_set
assert list(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
def test_header_table_size_getter(self):
d = Decoder()
assert d.header_table_size
def test_indexed_header_field(self):
The header field representation uses an indexed header field, from
the static table.
d = Decoder()
header_set = [(':method', 'GET')]
data = b'\x82'
assert d.decode(data) == header_set
assert list(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
def test_request_examples_without_huffman(self):
This section shows several consecutive header sets, corresponding to
HTTP requests, on the same connection.
d = Decoder()
first_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', ''),
# The first_header_table doesn't contain 'authority'
first_data = b'\x82\x86\x84\x01\'
assert d.decode(first_data) == first_header_set
assert list(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
# This request takes advantage of the differential encoding of header
# sets.
second_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', '',),
('cache-control', 'no-cache'),
second_data = (
assert d.decode(second_data) == second_header_set
assert list(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
third_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'https',),
(':path', '/index.html',),
(':authority', '',),
('custom-key', 'custom-value'),
third_data = (
assert d.decode(third_data) == third_header_set
# Don't check the header table here, it's just too complex to be
# reliable. Check its length though.
assert len(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == 1
def test_request_examples_with_huffman(self):
This section shows the same examples as the previous section, but
using Huffman encoding for the literal values.
d = Decoder()
first_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', ''),
first_data = (
assert d.decode(first_data) == first_header_set
assert list(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
second_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'http',),
(':path', '/',),
(':authority', '',),
('cache-control', 'no-cache'),
second_data = (
assert d.decode(second_data) == second_header_set
assert list(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == []
third_header_set = [
(':method', 'GET',),
(':scheme', 'https',),
(':path', '/index.html',),
(':authority', '',),
('custom-key', 'custom-value'),
third_data = (
assert d.decode(third_data) == third_header_set
assert len(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == 1
# These tests are custom, for hyper.
def test_resizing_header_table(self):
# We need to decode a substantial number of headers, to populate the
# header table. This string isn't magic: it's the output from the
# equivalent test for the Encoder.
d = Decoder()
data = (
b'\xa9g{\x81qp\x7fjb):\x9d\x81\x00 \x00@\x150\x9a\xc2\xca\x7f,\x05'
# Resize the header table to a size so small that nothing can be in it.
d.header_table_size = 40
assert len(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == 0
def test_apache_trafficserver(self):
# This test reproduces the bug in #110, using exactly the same header
# data.
d = Decoder()
data = (
b'@\x04date\x1dTue, 31 Mar 2015 08:09:51 GMT'
b'@\rlast-modified\x1dTue, 31 Mar 2015 01:55:51 GMT'
b'@\x03via2https/1.1 ATS (ApacheTrafficServer/6.0.0 [cSsNfU])'
expect = [
(':status', '200'),
('server', 'ATS/6.0.0'),
('date', 'Tue, 31 Mar 2015 08:09:51 GMT'),
('content-type', 'text/html'),
('content-length', '42468'),
('last-modified', 'Tue, 31 Mar 2015 01:55:51 GMT'),
('vary', 'Accept-Encoding'),
('etag', '"5519fea7-a5e4"'),
('x-served', 'Nginx'),
('x-subdomain-tryfiles', 'True'),
('x-deity', 'hydra-lts'),
('accept-ranges', 'bytes'),
('age', '0'),
('strict-transport-security', 'max-age=86400'),
('via', 'https/1.1 ATS (ApacheTrafficServer/6.0.0 [cSsNfU])'),
result = d.decode(data)
assert result == expect
# The status header shouldn't be indexed.
assert len(d.header_table.dynamic_entries) == len(expect) - 1
def test_utf8_errors_raise_hpack_decoding_error(self):
d = Decoder()
# Invalid UTF-8 data.
data = b'\x82\x86\x84\x01\x10www.\x07\xaa\xd7\x95\xd7\xa8\xd7\'
with pytest.raises(HPACKDecodingError):
def test_invalid_indexed_literal(self):
d = Decoder()
# Refer to an index that is too large.
data = b'\x82\x86\x84\x7f\x0a\'
with pytest.raises(InvalidTableIndex):
def test_invalid_indexed_header(self):
d = Decoder()
# Refer to an indexed header that is too large.
data = b'\xBE\x86\x84\x01\'
with pytest.raises(InvalidTableIndex):
def test_literal_header_field_with_indexing_emits_headertuple(self):
A header field with indexing emits a HeaderTuple.
d = Decoder()
data = b'\x00\x0acustom-key\x0dcustom-header'
headers = d.decode(data)
assert len(headers) == 1
header = headers[0]
assert isinstance(header, HeaderTuple)
assert not isinstance(header, NeverIndexedHeaderTuple)
def test_literal_never_indexed_emits_neverindexedheadertuple(self):
A literal header field that must never be indexed emits a
d = Decoder()
data = b'\x10\x0acustom-key\x0dcustom-header'
headers = d.decode(data)
assert len(headers) == 1
header = headers[0]
assert isinstance(header, NeverIndexedHeaderTuple)
def test_indexed_never_indexed_emits_neverindexedheadertuple(self):
A header field with an indexed name that must never be indexed emits a
d = Decoder()
data = b'\x14\x0c/sample/path'
headers = d.decode(data)
assert len(headers) == 1
header = headers[0]
assert isinstance(header, NeverIndexedHeaderTuple)
def test_max_header_list_size(self):
If the header block is larger than the max_header_list_size, the HPACK
decoder throws an OversizedHeaderListError.
d = Decoder(max_header_list_size=44)
data = b'\x14\x0c/sample/path'
with pytest.raises(OversizedHeaderListError):
def test_can_decode_multiple_header_table_size_changes(self):
If multiple header table size changes are sent in at once, they are
successfully decoded.
d = Decoder()
data = b'?a?\xe1\x1f\x82\x87\x84A\x8a\x08\x9d\\\x0b\x81p\xdcy\xa6\x99'
expect = [
(':method', 'GET'),
(':scheme', 'https'),
(':path', '/'),
(':authority', '')
assert d.decode(data) == expect
def test_header_table_size_change_above_maximum(self):
If a header table size change is received that exceeds the maximum
allowed table size, it is rejected.
d = Decoder()
d.max_allowed_table_size = 127
data = b'?a\x82\x87\x84A\x8a\x08\x9d\\\x0b\x81p\xdcy\xa6\x99'
with pytest.raises(InvalidTableSizeError):
def test_table_size_not_adjusting(self):
If the header table size is shrunk, and then the remote peer doesn't
join in the shrinking, then an error is raised.
d = Decoder()
d.max_allowed_table_size = 128
data = b'\x82\x87\x84A\x8a\x08\x9d\\\x0b\x81p\xdcy\xa6\x99'
with pytest.raises(InvalidTableSizeError):
def test_table_size_last_rejected(self):
If a header table size change comes last in the header block, it is
d = Decoder()
data = b'\x82\x87\x84A\x8a\x08\x9d\\\x0b\x81p\xdcy\xa6\x99?a'
with pytest.raises(HPACKDecodingError):
def test_table_size_middle_rejected(self):
If a header table size change comes anywhere but first in the header
block, it is forbidden.
d = Decoder()
data = b'\x82?a\x87\x84A\x8a\x08\x9d\\\x0b\x81p\xdcy\xa6\x99'
with pytest.raises(HPACKDecodingError):
def test_truncated_header_name(self):
If a header name is truncated an error is raised.
d = Decoder()
# This is a simple header block that has a bad ending. The interesting
# part begins on the second line. This indicates a string that has
# literal name and value. The name is a 5 character huffman-encoded
# string that is only three bytes long.
data = (
with pytest.raises(HPACKDecodingError):
def test_truncated_header_value(self):
If a header value is truncated an error is raised.
d = Decoder()
# This is a simple header block that has a bad ending. The interesting
# part begins on the second line. This indicates a string that has
# literal name and value. The name is a 5 character huffman-encoded
# string, but the entire EOS character has been written over the end.
# This causes hpack to see the header value as being supposed to be
# 622462 bytes long, which it clearly is not, and so this must fail.
data = (
with pytest.raises(HPACKDecodingError):
class TestDictToIterable:
The dict_to_iterable function has some subtle requirements: validates that
everything behaves as expected.
As much as possible this tries to be exhaustive.
keys = one_of(
text().filter(lambda k: k and not k.startswith(':')),
binary().filter(lambda k: k and not k.startswith(b':'))
def test_ordering(self, special_keys, boring_keys):
_dict_to_iterable produces an iterable where all the keys beginning
with a colon are emitted first.
def _prepend_colon(k):
if isinstance(k, str):
return ':' + k
return b':' + k
special_keys = set(map(_prepend_colon, special_keys))
input_dict = {
k: b'testval' for k in itertools.chain(
filtered = _dict_to_iterable(input_dict)
received_special = set()
received_boring = set()
for _ in special_keys:
k, _ = next(filtered)
for _ in boring_keys:
k, _ = next(filtered)
assert special_keys == received_special
assert boring_keys == received_boring
def test_ordering_applies_to_encoding(self, special_keys, boring_keys):
When encoding a dictionary the special keys all appear first.
def _prepend_colon(k):
if isinstance(k, str):
return ':' + k
return b':' + k
special_keys = set(map(_prepend_colon, special_keys))
input_dict = {
k: b'testval' for k in itertools.chain(
e = Encoder()
d = Decoder()
encoded = e.encode(input_dict)
decoded = iter(d.decode(encoded, raw=True))
received_special = set()
received_boring = set()
expected_special = set(map(_to_bytes, special_keys))
expected_boring = set(map(_to_bytes, boring_keys))
for _ in special_keys:
k, _ = next(decoded)
for _ in boring_keys:
k, _ = next(decoded)
assert expected_special == received_special
assert expected_boring == received_boring