Name Description Size
blur-on-shadow-host-delegatesFocus.html HTML Test: Blur on shadow host 1318
click-focus-delegatesFocus-click.html HTML Test: click on shadow host with delegatesFocus 4982
click-focus-delegatesFocus-tabindex-varies.html HTML Test: click on shadow host with delegatesFocus 2045
click-focus-delegatesFocus-tabindex-zero.html HTML Test: click on shadow host with delegatesFocus 2000
click-focus-slot-ancestor.html 2749
delegatesFocus-tabindex-change.html 832
DocumentOrShadowRoot-activeElement.html HTML Test: DocumentOrShadowRoot.activeElement 3637
focus-autofocus.html 9407
focus-click-on-shadow-host.html HTML Test: click on shadow host with delegatesFocus 1510
focus-method-delegatesFocus-nested-browsing-context.html HTML Test: focus() on shadow host within an iframe with delegatesFocus 1417
focus-method-delegatesFocus.html HTML Test: focus() on shadow host with delegatesFocus 10908
focus-method-with-delegatesFocus.html 3735
focus-pseudo-matches-on-shadow-host.html 4943
focus-pseudo-on-shadow-host-1.html 853
focus-pseudo-on-shadow-host-2.html 1018
focus-pseudo-on-shadow-host-3.html 917
focus-scroll-under-delegatesFocus.html 1239
focus-selector-delegatesFocus.html CSS Test (Selectors): :focus behavior with shadow hosts & delegatesFocus 4031
focus-shadowhost-display-none.html 2399
focus-slot-box-generated-tabindex-0.html HTML Test: focus - slot with tabindex=0 that generates a box should be focusable 986
focus-tab-on-shadow-host.html HTML Test: Use tab to navigate the focus to an element inside shadow host with delegatesFocus 1166
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-negative-delegatesFocus.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom that delegates focus and all tabindex=-1 in shadow tree 1523
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-negative.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and negative tabindex in shadow scope 1402
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-slot-one.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and all tabindex=0 except for one of the slot 1769
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-varying-delegatesFocus.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom that delegates focus and tabindex in shadow tree varies 1573
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-varying-tabindex-2.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom with varying tabindex values 2316
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-varying-tabindex-3.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with nested shadow dom with varying tabindex values 2836
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-varying-tabindex.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom with varying tabindex values 1499
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-zero-delegatesFocus.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom that delegates focus and all tabindex=0 1525
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-zero-host-negative.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and negative host tabindex 1465
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-zero-host-not-set-scrollable.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and scrollable/non-focusable host 1793
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-zero-host-not-set.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and non-focusable host 1711
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-zero-host-one.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and all tabindex=0 except host (tabindex=1) 1669
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-zero-host-scrollable.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and host is scrollable 1543
focus-tabindex-order-shadow-zero.html HTML Test: focus - the sequential focus navigation order with shadow dom and all tabindex=0 1486
ShadowRoot-delegatesFocus.html ShadowRoot's delegatesFocus attribute 974
text-selection-with-delegatesFocus-on-slotted-content.html 1250
text-selection-with-delegatesFocus.html 2414