Name Description Size
async_001.htm Async property on a dynamically-created script is true by default 914
async_002.htm Changes to the 'async' attribute are reflected in the async property 1451
async_003.htm An async script does not block the parser while downloading 1417
async_004.htm An async script executes as soon as possible after a download is complete 1455
async_005.htm A script element with both async and defer set should execute asynchronously 1703
async_006.htm A dynamically created external script executes asynchronously 1666
async_007.htm Ordered async script execution when script.async == false 1789
async_008.htm Async script element execution delays the window's load event 1685
async_009.htm Document.write() silently fails from an Async script 1091
async_010.htm Removing an async script before execution 2137
async_011.htm An empty parser-inserted script element should return async=true 910 185
change-src-attr-prepare-a-script.html Adding/changing src attribute does "prepare the script" 1614
data-url.html Test data URL and scripts errors 1159
defer.js 102
emptyish-script-elements.html Treatment of various empty-ish script elements 3756
external-script-utf8.js 200
external-script-windows1250.js 195
historical.html Historical script element features should not be supported 1919
is-module-goal.mjs 95
is-script-goal.js 18
load-error-events-1.html load/error events for classic scripts 3950
load-error-events-2.html load/error events for classic scripts with a style sheet that is blocking scripts 970
load-error-events-3.html load/error events for classic scripts with a style sheet that is blocking scripts and script nesting level > 1 835 344
moving-between-documents-during-evaluation.html Moving script elements between documents during evaluation 2240
muted-errors-iframe.html 73
muted-errors.sub.html Muted Errors 4545
nomodule-reflect.html noModule IDL attribute must reflect nomodule content attribute 3066
nomodule-set-on-async-classic-script.html External classic scripts with nomodule content attribute must not run 1977
nomodule-set-on-external-module-script.html An external module script with nomodule must run 864
nomodule-set-on-inline-classic-scripts.html Inline classic scripts with nomodule content attribute must not run 1557
nomodule-set-on-inline-module-script.html An inline module script with nomodule must run 930
nomodule-set-on-synchronously-loaded-classic-scripts.html External classic scripts with nomodule content attribute must not run 1216
promise-reject-and-remove.html 358
remove-src-attr-prepare-a-script.html Remove src attribute does not "prepare the script" 1223
script-charset-01.html Script @type: unknown parameters 3626
script-charset-02.html Script encoding for document encoding windows-1250 1767
script-charset-03.html Script changing @charset 650
script-crossorigin-network.sub.html HTMLScriptElement: crossorigin attribute network test 3579
script-crossorigin.html HTMLScriptElement: crossOrigin IDL attribute 1948
script-defer-xhtml.xhtml XHTML Test: HTMLScriptElement - defer 711
script-defer.html HTML Test: HTMLScriptElement - defer 597
script-for-event-xhtml.xhtml Scripts with for and event attributes 621
script-for-event.html Scripts with for and event attributes 2129
script-noembed-noframes-iframe.xhtml Script inside noembed, noframes and iframe 693
script-not-executed-after-shutdown-child.html Script is not executed after script thread is shutdown 367
script-not-executed-after-shutdown.html Script is not executed after script thread is shutdown 653
script-not-executed-after-shutdown.js 19 162
script-not-found-not-executed.html 626 162
script-onerror-insertion-point-1.html Test that the insertion point is defined in the error event of a parser-inserted script that actually started a fetch (but just had it fail). 514
script-onerror-insertion-point-2.html Test that the insertion point is not defined in the error event of a parser-inserted script that has an unparseable URL 489
script-onload-insertion-point.html Test that the insertion point is defined in the load event of a parser-inserted script. 457
script-onload-string.html Script: setting onload to a string 584
script-referrerpolicy-idl.html <script> referrerPolicy IDL 1298
script-supports.html HTMLScriptElement.supports 2524
script-text-modifications-csp.html Modify HTMLScriptElement's text after #prepare-a-script that violates CSP 2146
script-text-modifications.html Modify HTMLScriptElement's text after #prepare-a-script 1602
script-text-xhtml.xhtml HTMLScriptElement.text 696
script-text.html HTMLScriptElement.text 2379
script-type-and-language-empty.html Script @type and @language: empty strings 1197
script-type-and-language-js-svg.svg 2024
script-type-and-language-js-xhtml.xhtml Script @type and @language: JavaScript types 2039
script-type-and-language-js.html Script @type and @language: JavaScript types 2023
script-type-and-language-with-params.html Script @type and @language: unknown type parameters 1243
script-type-whitespace.html <script type> non-ASCII whitespace handling 1176
scripting-enabled.html JS is disabled on documents created without a browsing context 689 837 553