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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import json
import os
from argparse import Namespace
import mozinfo
import pytest
import six
from manifestparser import TestManifest, expression
from moztest.selftest.fixtures import binary_fixture, setup_test_harness # noqa
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
setup_args = [os.path.join(here, "files"), "mochitest", "testing/mochitest"]
def create_manifest(tmpdir, build_obj):
def inner(string, name="manifest.ini"):
manifest = tmpdir.join(name)
manifest.write(string, ensure=True)
# pylint --py3k: W1612
path = six.text_type(manifest)
return TestManifest(manifests=(path,), strict=False, rootdir=tmpdir.strpath)
return inner
def parser(request):
parser = pytest.importorskip("mochitest_options")
app = getattr(request.module, "APP", "generic")
return parser.MochitestArgumentParser(app=app)
def runtests(setup_test_harness, binary, parser, request):
"""Creates an easy to use entry point into the mochitest harness.
:returns: A function with the signature `*tests, **opts`. Each test is a file name
(relative to the `files` dir). At least one is required. The opts are
used to override the default mochitest options, they are optional.
flavor = "plain"
if "flavor" in request.fixturenames:
flavor = request.getfixturevalue("flavor")
runFailures = ""
if "runFailures" in request.fixturenames:
runFailures = request.getfixturevalue("runFailures")
restartAfterFailure = False
if "restartAfterFailure" in request.fixturenames:
restartAfterFailure = request.getfixturevalue("restartAfterFailure")
setup_test_harness(*setup_args, flavor=flavor)
runtests = pytest.importorskip("runtests")
mochitest_root = runtests.SCRIPT_DIR
if flavor == "plain":
test_root = os.path.join(mochitest_root, "tests", "selftests")
manifest_name = "mochitest.ini"
elif flavor == "browser-chrome":
test_root = os.path.join(mochitest_root, "browser", "tests", "selftests")
manifest_name = "browser.ini"
raise Exception(f"Invalid flavor {flavor}!")
# pylint --py3k: W1648
buf = six.StringIO()
options = vars(parser.parse_args([]))
"app": binary,
"flavor": flavor,
"runFailures": runFailures,
"restartAfterFailure": restartAfterFailure,
"keep_open": False,
"log_raw": [buf],
if runFailures == "selftest":
options["crashAsPass"] = True
options["timeoutAsPass"] = True
runtests.mozinfo.update({"selftest": True})
if not os.path.isdir(runtests.build_obj.bindir):
package_root = os.path.dirname(mochitest_root)
"certPath": os.path.join(package_root, "certs"),
"utilityPath": os.path.join(package_root, "bin"),
os.path.join(package_root, "bin", "plugins")
options.update(getattr(request.module, "OPTIONS", {}))
def normalize(test):
if isinstance(test, str):
test = [test]
return [
"name": t,
"relpath": t,
"path": os.path.join(test_root, t),
# add a dummy manifest file because mochitest expects it
"manifest": os.path.join(test_root, manifest_name),
"manifest_relpath": manifest_name,
"skip-if": runFailures,
for t in test
def inner(*tests, **opts):
assert len(tests) > 0
# Inject a TestManifest in the runtests option if one
# has not been already included by the caller.
if not isinstance(options["manifestFile"], TestManifest):
manifest = TestManifest()
options["manifestFile"] = manifest
# pylint --py3k: W1636
manifest.tests.extend(list(map(normalize, tests))[0])
result = runtests.run_test_harness(parser, Namespace(**options))
out = json.loads("[" + ",".join(buf.getvalue().splitlines()) + "]")
return result, out
return inner
def build_obj(setup_test_harness):
mochitest_options = pytest.importorskip("mochitest_options")
return mochitest_options.build_obj
def skip_using_mozinfo(request, setup_test_harness):
"""Gives tests the ability to skip based on values from mozinfo.
@pytest.mark.skip_mozinfo("!e10s || os == 'linux'")
def test_foo():
runtests = pytest.importorskip("runtests")
skip_mozinfo = request.node.get_closest_marker("skip_mozinfo")
if skip_mozinfo:
value = skip_mozinfo.args[0]
if expression.parse(value, **
pytest.skip("skipped due to mozinfo match: \n{}".format(value))