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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.copy import deepcopy
from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema, optionally_keyed_by, resolve_keyed_by
from taskgraph.util.treeherder import join_symbol, split_symbol
from voluptuous import Extra, Optional, Required
from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.test import test_description_schema
from gecko_taskgraph.util.perftest import is_external_browser
transforms = TransformSequence()
task_transforms = TransformSequence()
raptor_description_schema = Schema(
# Raptor specific configs.
Optional("raptor"): {
Optional("activity"): optionally_keyed_by("app", str),
Optional("apps"): optionally_keyed_by("test-platform", "subtest", [str]),
Optional("binary-path"): optionally_keyed_by("app", str),
Optional("run-visual-metrics"): optionally_keyed_by(
"app", "test-platform", bool
Optional("subtests"): optionally_keyed_by("app", "test-platform", list),
Optional("test"): str,
Optional("test-url-param"): optionally_keyed_by(
"subtest", "test-platform", str
Optional("lull-schedule"): optionally_keyed_by(
"subtest", "test-platform", str
Optional("network-conditions"): optionally_keyed_by("subtest", list),
# Configs defined in the 'test_description_schema'.
Optional("max-run-time"): optionally_keyed_by(
"app", "subtest", "test-platform", test_description_schema["max-run-time"]
Optional("run-on-projects"): optionally_keyed_by(
Optional("variants"): test_description_schema["variants"],
Optional("target"): optionally_keyed_by(
"app", test_description_schema["target"]
Optional("tier"): optionally_keyed_by(
"app", "raptor.test", "subtest", "variant", test_description_schema["tier"]
Required("test-name"): test_description_schema["test-name"],
Required("test-platform"): test_description_schema["test-platform"],
Required("require-signed-extensions"): test_description_schema[
Required("treeherder-symbol"): test_description_schema["treeherder-symbol"],
# Any unrecognized keys will be validated against the test_description_schema.
Extra: object,
def set_defaults(config, tests):
for test in tests:
test.setdefault("raptor", {}).setdefault("run-visual-metrics", False)
yield test
def split_apps(config, tests):
app_symbols = {
"chrome": "ChR",
"chrome-m": "ChR",
"fenix": "fenix",
"refbrow": "refbrow",
"safari": "Saf",
"safari-tp": "STP",
"custom-car": "CaR",
"cstm-car-m": "CaR",
for test in tests:
apps = test["raptor"].pop("apps", None)
if not apps:
yield test
for app in apps:
# Ignore variants for non-Firefox or non-mobile applications.
if app not in [
] and test["attributes"].get("unittest_variant"):
atest = deepcopy(test)
suffix = f"-{app}"
atest["app"] = app
atest["description"] += f" on {app.capitalize()}"
name = atest["test-name"] + suffix
atest["test-name"] = name
atest["try-name"] = name
if app in app_symbols:
group, symbol = split_symbol(atest["treeherder-symbol"])
group += f"-{app_symbols[app]}"
atest["treeherder-symbol"] = join_symbol(group, symbol)
yield atest
def handle_keyed_by_prereqs(config, tests):
Only resolve keys for prerequisite fields here since the
these keyed-by options might have keyed-by fields
as well.
for test in tests:
resolve_keyed_by(test, "raptor.subtests", item_name=test["test-name"])
yield test
def split_raptor_subtests(config, tests):
for test in tests:
# For tests that have 'subtests' listed, we want to create a separate
# test job for every subtest (i.e. split out each page-load URL into its own job)
subtests = test["raptor"].pop("subtests", None)
if not subtests:
if "macosx1400" not in test["test-platform"]:
yield test
for chunk_number, subtest in enumerate(subtests):
# Create new test job
chunked = deepcopy(test)
chunked["chunk-number"] = 1 + chunk_number
chunked["subtest"] = subtest
chunked["subtest-symbol"] = subtest
if isinstance(chunked["subtest"], list):
chunked["subtest"] = subtest[0]
chunked["subtest-symbol"] = subtest[1]
chunked = resolve_keyed_by(
chunked, "tier", chunked["subtest"], defer=["variant"]
yield chunked
def handle_keyed_by(config, tests):
fields = [
for test in tests:
for field in fields:
test, field, item_name=test["test-name"], defer=["variant"]
yield test
def handle_network_conditions(config, tests):
for test in tests:
conditions = test["raptor"].pop("network-conditions", None)
if not conditions:
yield test
for condition in conditions:
new_test = deepcopy(test)
network_type, packet_loss_rate = condition
subtest = new_test.pop("subtest")
new_test["raptor"]["test"] = subtest
group, _ = split_symbol(new_test["treeherder-symbol"])
new_group = f"{group}-{network_type}"
subtest_symbol = f"{new_test['subtest-symbol']}-{packet_loss_rate}"
new_test["treeherder-symbol"] = join_symbol(new_group, subtest_symbol)
mozharness = new_test.setdefault("mozharness", {})
extra_options = mozharness.setdefault("extra-options", [])
new_test["test-name"] += f"-{subtest}-{network_type}-{packet_loss_rate}"
new_test["try-name"] += f"-{subtest}-{network_type}-{packet_loss_rate}"
new_test["description"] += (
f" on {subtest} with {network_type} network type and "
f" {packet_loss_rate} loss rate"
yield new_test
yield test
def split_page_load_by_url(config, tests):
for test in tests:
# `chunk-number` and 'subtest' only exists when the task had a
# definition for `subtests`
chunk_number = test.pop("chunk-number", None)
subtest = test.get(
) # don't pop as some tasks need this value after splitting variants
subtest_symbol = test.pop("subtest-symbol", None)
if not chunk_number or not subtest:
yield test
if len(subtest_symbol) > 10 and "ytp" not in subtest_symbol:
raise Exception(
"Treeherder symbol %s is larger than 10 char! Please use a different symbol."
% subtest_symbol
if test["test-name"].startswith("browsertime-"):
test["raptor"]["test"] = subtest
# Remove youtube-playback in the test name to avoid duplication
test["test-name"] = test["test-name"].replace("youtube-playback-", "")
# Use full test name if running on webextension
test["raptor"]["test"] = "raptor-tp6-" + subtest + "-{}".format(test["app"])
# Only run the subtest/single URL
test["test-name"] += f"-{subtest}"
test["try-name"] += f"-{subtest}"
# Set treeherder symbol and description
group, _ = split_symbol(test["treeherder-symbol"])
test["treeherder-symbol"] = join_symbol(group, subtest_symbol)
test["description"] += f" on {subtest}"
yield test
def modify_extra_options(config, tests):
for test in tests:
test_name = test.get("test-name", None)
if "first-install" in test_name:
# First-install tests should never use conditioned profiles
extra_options = test.setdefault("mozharness", {}).setdefault(
"extra-options", []
for i, opt in enumerate(extra_options):
if "conditioned-profile" in opt:
if i:
if "-widevine" in test_name:
extra_options = test.setdefault("mozharness", {}).setdefault(
"extra-options", []
for i, opt in enumerate(extra_options):
if "--conditioned-profile=settled" in opt:
if i:
extra_options[i] += "-youtube"
if "unity-webgl" in test_name:
# Disable the extra-profiler-run for unity-webgl tests.
extra_options = test.setdefault("mozharness", {}).setdefault(
"extra-options", []
for i, opt in enumerate(extra_options):
if "extra-profiler-run" in opt:
if i:
yield test
def add_extra_options(config, tests):
for test in tests:
mozharness = test.setdefault("mozharness", {})
if test.get("app", "") == "chrome-m":
mozharness["tooltool-downloads"] = "internal"
extra_options = mozharness.setdefault("extra-options", [])
# Adding device name if we're on android
test_platform = test["test-platform"]
if test_platform.startswith("android-hw-a55"):
elif test_platform.startswith("android-hw-p5"):
elif test_platform.startswith("android-hw-p6"):
elif test_platform.startswith("android-hw-s24"):
if test["raptor"].pop("run-visual-metrics", False):
test["attributes"]["run-visual-metrics"] = True
if "app" in test:
) # don't pop as some tasks need this value after splitting variants
if "activity" in test["raptor"]:
if "binary-path" in test["raptor"]:
if "test" in test["raptor"]:
if test["require-signed-extensions"]:
if "test-url-param" in test["raptor"]:
param = test["raptor"].pop("test-url-param")
if not param == []:
"--test-url-params={}".format(param.replace(" ", ""))
if "android-hw-p6" in test_platform or "android-hw-s24" in test_platform:
if "--power-test" not in extra_options:
elif "android-hw-a55" in test_platform and "tp6" in test["test-name"]:
if "--power-test" not in extra_options:
elif "windows" in test_platform and any(
t in test["test-name"] for t in ("speedometer3", "tp6")
yield test
def modify_mozharness_configs(config, tests):
for test in tests:
if not is_external_browser(test["app"]):
yield test
test_platform = test["test-platform"]
mozharness = test.setdefault("mozharness", {})
if "mac" in test_platform:
mozharness["config"] = ["raptor/"]
elif "windows" in test_platform:
mozharness["config"] = ["raptor/"]
elif "linux" in test_platform:
mozharness["config"] = ["raptor/"]
elif "android" in test_platform:
test["target"] = "target.tar.xz"
mozharness["config"] = ["raptor/"]
yield test
def handle_lull_schedule(config, tests):
# Setup lull schedule attribute here since the attributes
# can't have any keyed by settings
for test in tests:
if "lull-schedule" in test["raptor"]:
lull_schedule = test["raptor"].pop("lull-schedule")
if lull_schedule:
test.setdefault("attributes", {})["lull-schedule"] = lull_schedule
yield test
def apply_raptor_device_optimization(config, tests):
# For now, only change the back stop optimization strategy for A55 devices
for test in tests:
if test["test-platform"].startswith("android-hw-a55"):
test["optimization"] = {"skip-unless-backstop": None}
yield test
def add_scopes_and_proxy(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
task.setdefault("worker", {})["taskcluster-proxy"] = True
task.setdefault("scopes", []).append(
yield task
def setup_lull_schedule(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
attrs = task.setdefault("attributes", {})
if attrs.get("lull-schedule", None) is not None:
# Move the lull schedule attribute into the extras
# so that it can be accessible through mozci
lull_schedule = attrs.pop("lull-schedule")
task.setdefault("extra", {})["lull-schedule"] = lull_schedule
yield task