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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import copy
import hashlib
import json
import re
from mozbuild.schedules import INCLUSIVE_COMPONENTS
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.attributes import keymatch
from taskgraph.util.keyed_by import evaluate_keyed_by
from taskgraph.util.readonlydict import ReadOnlyDict
from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema, resolve_keyed_by
from taskgraph.util.taskcluster import (
from taskgraph.util.templates import merge
from voluptuous import Any, Optional, Required
from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.test.variant import TEST_VARIANTS
from gecko_taskgraph.util.perftest import is_external_browser
from gecko_taskgraph.util.platforms import platform_family
transforms = TransformSequence()
def limit_platforms(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if not task["limit-platforms"]:
yield task
limited_platforms = {key: key for key in task["limit-platforms"]}
if keymatch(limited_platforms, task["test-platform"]):
yield task
def handle_suite_category(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
task.setdefault("suite", {})
if isinstance(task["suite"], str):
task["suite"] = {"name": task["suite"]}
suite = task["suite"].setdefault("name", task["test-name"])
category = task["suite"].setdefault("category", suite)
task.setdefault("attributes", {})
task["attributes"]["unittest_suite"] = suite
task["attributes"]["unittest_category"] = category
script = task["mozharness"]["script"]
category_arg = None
if suite.startswith("test-verify") or suite.startswith("test-coverage"):
elif script in ("", ""):
category_arg = "--test-suite"
elif script == "":
category_arg = f"--{category}-suite"
if category_arg:
task["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-options", [])
extra = task["mozharness"]["extra-options"]
if not any(arg.startswith(category_arg) for arg in extra):
# From here on out we only use the suite name.
task["suite"] = suite
# in the future we might need to refactor new-test-config to be suite specific
if "mochitest" in task["suite"] and config.params["try_task_config"].get(
"new-test-config", False
task = merge(
task, {"mozharness": {"extra-options": ["--restartAfterFailure"]}}
yield task
def setup_talos(config, tasks):
"""Add options that are specific to talos jobs (identified by suite=talos)"""
for task in tasks:
if task["suite"] != "talos":
yield task
extra_options = task.setdefault("mozharness", {}).setdefault(
"extra-options", []
# win7 needs to test skip
if task["build-platform"].startswith("win32"):
if config.params.get("project", None):
extra_options.append("--project=%s" % config.params["project"])
if "pdfpaint" in task["try-name"]:
max_chunks = 10
for chunk in range(1, max_chunks + 1):
new_task = copy.deepcopy(task)
new_task["test-name"] = task["test-name"].replace(
"pdfpaint", f"pdfpaint-{chunk}"
new_task["try-name"] = task["try-name"].replace(
"pdfpaint", f"pdfpaint-{chunk}"
new_task["treeherder-symbol"] = task["treeherder-symbol"].replace(
"pdfpaint", f"pdfpaint-{chunk}"
yield new_task
yield task
def setup_browsertime_flag(config, tasks):
"""Optionally add `--browsertime` flag to Raptor pageload tests."""
browsertime_flag = config.params["try_task_config"].get("browsertime", False)
for task in tasks:
if not browsertime_flag or task["suite"] != "raptor":
yield task
if task["treeherder-symbol"].startswith("Rap"):
# The Rap group is subdivided as Rap{-fenix,-refbrow(...),
# so `taskgraph.util.treeherder.replace_group` isn't appropriate.
task["treeherder-symbol"] = task["treeherder-symbol"].replace(
"Rap", "Btime", 1
extra_options = task.setdefault("mozharness", {}).setdefault(
"extra-options", []
yield task
def handle_artifact_prefix(config, tasks):
"""Handle translating `artifact_prefix` appropriately"""
for task in tasks:
if task["build-attributes"].get("artifact_prefix"):
task.setdefault("attributes", {}).setdefault(
"artifact_prefix", task["build-attributes"]["artifact_prefix"]
yield task
def set_treeherder_machine_platform(config, tasks):
"""Set the appropriate task.extra.treeherder.machine.platform"""
translation = {
# Linux64 build platform for asan is specified differently to
# treeherder.
"macosx1100-64/opt": "osx-1100/opt",
"macosx1100-64-shippable/opt": "osx-1100-shippable/opt",
"macosx1400-64/opt": "osx-1300/opt",
"macosx1400-64-shippable/opt": "osx-1400-shippable/opt",
"win64-asan/opt": "windows10-64/asan",
"win64-aarch64/opt": "windows10-aarch64/opt",
for task in tasks:
# For most desktop platforms, the above table is not used for "regular"
# builds, so we'll always pick the test platform here.
# On macOS though, the regular builds are in the table. This causes a
# conflict in `verify_task_graph_symbol` once you add a new test
# platform based on regular macOS builds, such as for QR.
# Since it's unclear if the regular macOS builds can be removed from
# the table, workaround the issue for QR.
if "android" in task["test-platform"] and "pgo/opt" in task["test-platform"]:
platform_new = task["test-platform"].replace("-pgo/opt", "/pgo")
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = platform_new
elif "android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"].replace(
".", "-"
elif "android-em-7.0-x86_64-shippable-qr" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"].replace(
".", "-"
elif "android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"].replace(
".", "-"
elif "android-em-7.0-x86_64-shippable-lite-qr" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"].replace(
".", "-"
elif "android-em-7.0-x86-qr" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"].replace(
".", "-"
elif "android-hw" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"]
elif "android-em-7.0-x86_64" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"].replace(
".", "-"
elif "android-em-7.0-x86" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"].replace(
".", "-"
# otherwise causes an exception during taskgraph generation about
# duplicate treeherder platform/symbol.
elif "linux64-asan/opt" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = "linux64/asan"
elif "linux1804-asan/opt" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = "linux1804-64/asan"
elif "-qr" in task["test-platform"]:
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = task["test-platform"]
task["treeherder-machine-platform"] = translation.get(
task["build-platform"], task["test-platform"]
yield task
def set_download_symbols(config, tasks):
"""In general, we download symbols immediately for debug builds, but only
on demand for everything else. ASAN builds shouldn't download
for task in tasks:
if task["test-platform"].split("/")[-1] == "debug":
task["mozharness"]["download-symbols"] = True
elif "asan" in task["build-platform"] or "tsan" in task["build-platform"]:
if "download-symbols" in task["mozharness"]:
del task["mozharness"]["download-symbols"]
task["mozharness"]["download-symbols"] = "ondemand"
yield task
def handle_keyed_by(config, tasks):
"""Resolve fields that can be keyed by platform, etc."""
fields = [
for task in tasks:
for field in fields:
yield task
def setup_raptor_external_browser_platforms(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if task["suite"] != "raptor":
yield task
if is_external_browser(task["try-name"]):
if "win" in task["build-label"]:
task["build-platform"] = "windows2012-64/opt"
task["build-label"] = "build-win64/opt"
task["build-platform"] = "linux64/opt"
task["build-label"] = "build-linux64/opt"
yield task
def set_target(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
build_platform = task["build-platform"]
target = None
if "target" in task:
target = task["target"]
if not target:
if build_platform.startswith("macosx"):
target = "target.dmg"
elif build_platform.startswith("android"):
target = "target.apk"
elif build_platform.startswith("win"):
target = ""
target = "target.tar.xz"
if isinstance(target, dict):
if "index" in target:
# TODO Remove hardcoded mobile artifact prefix
index_url = get_index_url(target["index"])
installer_url = "{}/artifacts/public/{}".format(
index_url, target["name"]
task["mozharness"]["installer-url"] = installer_url
task["mozharness"]["installer-url"] = get_artifact_url(
f'<{target["upstream-task"]}>', target["name"]
task["mozharness"]["build-artifact-name"] = get_artifact_path(task, target)
yield task
def setup_browsertime(config, tasks):
"""Configure browsertime dependencies for Raptor pageload tests that have
`--browsertime` extra option."""
for task in tasks:
# We need to make non-trivial changes to various fetches, and our
# `by-test-platform` may not be "compatible" with existing
# `by-test-platform` filters. Therefore we do everything after
# `handle_keyed_by` so that existing fields have been resolved down to
# simple lists. But we use the `by-test-platform` machinery to express
# filters so that when the time comes to move browsertime into YAML
# files, the transition is straight-forward.
extra_options = task.get("mozharness", {}).get("extra-options", [])
if task["suite"] != "raptor":
yield task
ts = {
"by-test-platform": {
"android.*": ["browsertime", "linux64-geckodriver", "linux64-node"],
"linux.*": ["browsertime", "linux64-geckodriver", "linux64-node"],
"macosx1015.*": [
"macosx1400.*": [
"windows.*aarch64.*": [
"windows.*-32.*": ["browsertime", "win32-geckodriver", "win32-node"],
"windows.*-64.*": ["browsertime", "win64-geckodriver", "win64-node"],
task.setdefault("fetches", {}).setdefault("toolchain", []).extend(
evaluate_keyed_by(ts, "fetches.toolchain", task)
fs = {
"by-test-platform": {
"android.*": ["linux64-ffmpeg-4.4.1"],
"linux.*": ["linux64-ffmpeg-4.4.1"],
"macosx1015.*": ["mac64-ffmpeg-4.4.1"],
"macosx1400.*": ["mac64-ffmpeg-4.4.1"],
"windows.*aarch64.*": ["win64-ffmpeg-4.4.1"],
"windows.*-32.*": ["win64-ffmpeg-4.4.1"],
"windows.*-64.*": ["win64-ffmpeg-4.4.1"],
cd_fetches = {
"android.*": [
"linux.*": [
"macosx1015.*": [
"macosx1400.*": [
"windows.*-64.*": [
chromium_fetches = {
"linux.*": ["linux64-cft-chromedriver"],
"macosx1400.*": ["mac-cft-chromedriver-arm"],
"windows.*-64.*": ["win64-cft-chromedriver"],
"android.*": ["linux64-cft-chromedriver"],
cd_extracted_name = {
"windows": "{}chromedriver.exe",
"mac": "{}chromedriver",
"default": "{}chromedriver",
if "--app=chrome" in extra_options or "--app=chrome-m" in extra_options:
# Only add the chromedriver fetches when chrome is running
for platform in cd_fetches:
if "--app=custom-car" in extra_options or "--app=cstm-car-m" in extra_options:
for platform in chromium_fetches:
# The Chrome-for-Testing chromedrivers are repackaged into the following
# platform specific archives. The versions will always be compatible as
# these are fetched from the `Canary` channel.
cd_extracted_name = {
"windows": "cft-chromedriver-win64/chromedriver.exe",
"mac": "cft-chromedriver-mac/chromedriver",
"default": "cft-chromedriver-linux/chromedriver",
# Disable the Raptor install step
if "--app=chrome-m" in extra_options or "--app=cstm-car-m" in extra_options:
task.setdefault("fetches", {}).setdefault("fetch", []).extend(
evaluate_keyed_by(fs, "fetches.fetch", task)
) # noqa: E501
eos = {
"by-test-platform": {
"windows.*": [
"$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/" + cd_extracted_name["windows"],
"macosx.*": [
"$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/" + cd_extracted_name["mac"],
"default": [
"$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/" + cd_extracted_name["default"],
extra_options.extend(evaluate_keyed_by(eos, "mozharness.extra-options", task))
yield task
def get_mobile_project(task):
"""Returns the mobile project of the specified task or None."""
if not task["build-platform"].startswith("android"):
mobile_projects = ("fenix", "geckoview", "refbrow", "chrome-m", "cstm-car-m")
for name in mobile_projects:
if name in task["test-name"]:
return name
target = None
if "target" in task:
task, "target", item_name=task["test-name"], enforce_single_match=False
target = task["target"]
if target:
if isinstance(target, dict):
target = target["name"]
for name in mobile_projects:
if name in target:
return name
return None
def disable_wpt_timeouts_on_autoland(config, tasks):
"""do not run web-platform-tests that are expected TIMEOUT on autoland"""
for task in tasks:
if (
"web-platform-tests" in task["test-name"]
and config.params["project"] == "autoland"
task["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-options", []).append("--skip-timeout")
yield task
def enable_code_coverage(config, tasks):
"""Enable code coverage for the ccov build-platforms"""
for task in tasks:
if "ccov" in task["build-platform"]:
# Do not run tests on fuzzing builds
if "fuzzing" in task["build-platform"]:
task["run-on-projects"] = []
# Skip this transform for android code coverage builds.
if "android" in task["build-platform"]:
task.setdefault("fetches", {}).setdefault("toolchain", []).append(
task["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-options", []).append(
yield task
task["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-options", []).append("--code-coverage")
task["instance-size"] = "xlarge-noscratch"
if "jittest" in task["test-name"]:
task["instance-size"] = "xlarge"
# Temporarily disable Mac tests on mozilla-central
if "mac" in task["build-platform"]:
task["run-on-projects"] = []
# Ensure we always run on the projects defined by the build, unless the test
# is try only or shouldn't run at all.
if task["run-on-projects"] not in [[]]:
task["run-on-projects"] = "built-projects"
# Ensure we don't optimize test suites out.
# We always want to run all test suites for coverage purposes.
task.pop("schedules-component", None)
task.pop("when", None)
task["optimization"] = None
# Add a toolchain and a fetch task for the grcov binary.
if any(p in task["build-platform"] for p in ("linux", "osx", "win")):
task.setdefault("fetches", {})
task["fetches"].setdefault("fetch", [])
task["fetches"].setdefault("toolchain", [])
task["fetches"].setdefault("build", [])
if "linux" in task["build-platform"]:
elif "osx" in task["build-platform"]:
elif "win" in task["build-platform"]:
task["fetches"]["build"].append({"artifact": "target.mozinfo.json"})
if "talos" in task["test-name"]:
task["max-run-time"] = 7200
if "linux" in task["build-platform"]:
task["docker-image"] = {"in-tree": "ubuntu1804-test"}
if "raptor" in task["test-name"]:
task["max-run-time"] = 1800
yield task
def handle_run_on_projects(config, tasks):
"""Handle translating `built-projects` appropriately"""
for task in tasks:
if task["run-on-projects"] == "built-projects":
task["run-on-projects"] = task["build-attributes"].get(
"run_on_projects", ["all"]
if task.pop("built-projects-only", False):
built_projects = set(
task["build-attributes"].get("run_on_projects", {"all"})
run_on_projects = set(task.get("run-on-projects", set()))
# If 'all' exists in run-on-projects, then the intersection of both
# is built-projects. Similarly if 'all' exists in built-projects,
# the intersection is run-on-projects (so do nothing). When neither
# contains 'all', take the actual set intersection.
if "all" in run_on_projects:
task["run-on-projects"] = sorted(built_projects)
elif "all" not in built_projects:
task["run-on-projects"] = sorted(run_on_projects & built_projects)
yield task
def handle_tier(config, tasks):
"""Set the tier based on policy for all test descriptions that do not
specify a tier otherwise."""
for task in tasks:
if "tier" in task:
# only override if not set for the test
if "tier" not in task or task["tier"] == "default":
if task["test-platform"] in [
task["tier"] = 1
task["tier"] = 2
yield task
def apply_raptor_tier_optimization(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if task["suite"] != "raptor":
yield task
if "regression-tests" in task["test-name"]:
# Don't optimize the regression tests
yield task
if not task["test-platform"].startswith("android-hw"):
task["optimization"] = {"skip-unless-expanded": None}
if task["tier"] > 1:
task["optimization"] = {"skip-unless-backstop": None}
if task["attributes"].get("unittest_variant"):
task["tier"] = max(task["tier"], 2)
yield task
def disable_try_only_platforms(config, tasks):
"""Turns off platforms that should only run on try."""
try_only_platforms = ()
for task in tasks:
if any(re.match(k + "$", task["test-platform"]) for k in try_only_platforms):
task["run-on-projects"] = []
yield task
def ensure_spi_disabled_on_all_but_spi(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
variant = task["attributes"].get("unittest_variant", "")
has_no_setpref = (
if (
all(s not in task["suite"] for s in has_no_setpref)
and "socketprocess" not in variant
yield task
test_setting_description_schema = Schema(
Required("_hash"): str,
"platform": {
Required("arch"): Any("32", "64", "aarch64", "arm7", "x86", "x86_64"),
Required("os"): {
Required("name"): Any("android", "linux", "macosx", "windows"),
Required("version"): str,
Optional("build"): str,
Optional("device"): str,
Optional("display"): "wayland",
Optional("machine"): "hw-ref",
"build": {
Required("type"): Any("opt", "debug", "debug-isolated-process"),
): bool,
"runtime": {Any(*list(TEST_VARIANTS.keys()) + ["1proc"]): bool},
"""Schema test settings must conform to. Validated by
def set_test_setting(config, tasks):
"""A test ``setting`` is the set of configuration that uniquely
distinguishes a test task from other tasks that run the same suite
(ignoring chunks).
There are three different types of information that make up a setting:
1. Platform - Information describing the underlying platform tests run on,
e.g, OS, CPU architecture, etc.
2. Build - Information describing the build being tested, e.g build type,
ccov, asan/tsan, etc.
3. Runtime - Information describing which runtime parameters are enabled,
e.g, prefs, environment variables, etc.
This transform adds a ``test-setting`` object to the ``extra`` portion of
all test tasks, of the form:
.. code-block::
"platform": { ... },
"build": { ... },
"runtime": { ... }
This information could be derived from the label, but consuming this
object is less brittle.
# Some attributes have a dash in them which complicates parsing. Ensure we
# don't split them up.
# TODO Rename these so they don't have a dash.
dash_attrs = [
dash_token = "%D%"
platform_re = re.compile(r"(\D+)(\d*)")
for task in tasks:
setting = {
"platform": {
"os": {},
"build": {},
"runtime": {},
# parse platform and build information out of 'test-platform'
platform, build_type = task["test-platform"].split("/", 1)
# ensure dashed attributes don't get split up
for attr in dash_attrs:
if attr in platform:
platform = platform.replace(attr, attr.replace("-", dash_token))
parts = platform.split("-")
# restore dashes now that split is finished
for i, part in enumerate(parts):
if dash_token in part:
parts[i] = part.replace(dash_token, "-")
match = platform_re.match(parts.pop(0))
assert match
os_name, os_version = match.groups()
device = machine = os_build = display = None
if os_name == "android":
device = parts.pop(0)
if device == "hw":
device = parts.pop(0)
device = "emulator"
os_version = parts.pop(0)
if parts[0].isdigit():
os_version = f"{os_version}.{parts.pop(0)}"
if parts[0] == "android":
arch = parts.pop(0)
arch = parts.pop(0)
if parts and parts[0].isdigit():
os_build = parts.pop(0)
if parts and parts[0] == "hw-ref":
machine = parts.pop(0)
if parts and parts[0] == "wayland":
display = parts.pop(0)
if parts and parts[0] == "aarch64":
arch = parts.pop(0)
# It's not always possible to glean the exact architecture used from
# the task, so sometimes this will just be set to "32" or "64".
setting["platform"]["arch"] = arch
setting["platform"]["os"] = {
"name": os_name,
"version": os_version,
if os_build:
setting["platform"]["os"]["build"] = os_build
if device:
setting["platform"]["device"] = device
if machine:
setting["platform"]["machine"] = machine
if display:
setting["platform"]["display"] = display
# parse remaining parts as build attributes
setting["build"]["type"] = build_type
while parts:
attr = parts.pop(0)
if attr == "qr":
# all tasks are webrender now, no need to store it
setting["build"][attr] = True
unittest_variant = task["attributes"].get("unittest_variant")
if unittest_variant:
for variant in unittest_variant.split("+"):
setting["runtime"][variant] = True
# add a hash of the setting object for easy comparisons
setting["_hash"] = hashlib.sha256(
json.dumps(setting, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8")
task["test-setting"] = ReadOnlyDict(**setting)
yield task
def allow_software_gl_layers(config, tasks):
Handle the "allow-software-gl-layers" property for platforms where it
for task in tasks:
if task.get("allow-software-gl-layers"):
task["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-options", []).append(
yield task
def enable_webrender(config, tasks):
Handle the "webrender" property by passing a flag to mozharness if it is
for task in tasks:
# TODO: this was all conditionally in enable_webrender- do we still need this?
extra_options = task["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-options", [])
# We only want to 'setpref' on tests that have a profile
if not task["attributes"]["unittest_category"] in [
yield task
def set_schedules_for_webrender_android(config, tasks):
"""android-hw has limited resources, we need webrender on phones"""
for task in tasks:
if task["suite"] in ["crashtest", "reftest"] and task[
task["schedules-component"] = "android-hw-gfx"
yield task
def set_retry_exit_status(config, tasks):
"""Set the retry exit status to TBPL_RETRY, the value returned by mozharness
scripts to indicate a transient failure that should be retried."""
for task in tasks:
# add in 137 as it is an error with GCP workers
task["retry-exit-status"] = [4, 137]
yield task
def set_profile(config, tasks):
"""Set profiling mode for tests."""
ttconfig = config.params["try_task_config"]
profile = ttconfig.get("gecko-profile", False)
settings = (
for task in tasks:
if profile and task["suite"] in ["talos", "raptor"]:
extras = task["mozharness"]["extra-options"]
for setting in settings:
value = ttconfig.get(setting)
if value is not None:
# These values can contain spaces (eg the "DOM Worker"
# thread) and the command is constructed in different,
# incompatible ways on different platforms.
if task["test-platform"].startswith("win"):
# Double quotes for Windows (single won't work).
extras.append("--" + setting + '="' + str(value) + '"')
# Other platforms keep things as separate values,
# rather than joining with spaces.
extras.append("--" + setting + "=" + str(value))
yield task
def set_tag(config, tasks):
"""Set test for a specific tag."""
tag = None
if config.params["try_mode"] == "try_option_syntax":
tag = config.params["try_options"]["tag"]
for task in tasks:
if tag:
task["mozharness"]["extra-options"].extend(["--tag", tag])
yield task
def set_test_type(config, tasks):
types = ["mochitest", "reftest", "talos", "raptor", "geckoview-junit", "gtest"]
for task in tasks:
for test_type in types:
if test_type in task["suite"] and "web-platform" not in task["suite"]:
task.setdefault("tags", {})["test-type"] = test_type
yield task
def set_schedules_components(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if "optimization" in task or "when" in task:
yield task
category = task["attributes"]["unittest_category"]
schedules = task.get("schedules-component", category)
if isinstance(schedules, str):
schedules = [schedules]
schedules = set(schedules)
if schedules & set(INCLUSIVE_COMPONENTS):
# if this is an "inclusive" test, then all files which might
# cause it to run are annotated with SCHEDULES in,
# so do not include the platform or any other components here
task["schedules-component"] = sorted(schedules)
yield task
task["schedules-component"] = sorted(schedules)
yield task
def enable_parallel_marking_in_tsan_tests(config, tasks):
"""Enable parallel marking in TSAN tests"""
skip_list = ["cppunittest", "gtest"]
for task in tasks:
if "-tsan-" in task["test-platform"]:
if task["suite"] not in skip_list:
extra_options = task["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-options", [])
yield task