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Transform the signing task into an actual task description.
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.dependencies import get_primary_dependency
from taskgraph.util.keyed_by import evaluate_keyed_by
from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema, taskref_or_string
from voluptuous import Optional, Required
from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.task import task_description_schema
from gecko_taskgraph.util.attributes import copy_attributes_from_dependent_job
from gecko_taskgraph.util.scriptworker import (
transforms = TransformSequence()
signing_description_schema = Schema(
# Artifacts from dep task to sign - Sync with taskgraph/transforms/
# because this is passed directly into the signingscript worker
Required("upstream-artifacts"): [
# taskId of the task with the artifact
Required("taskId"): taskref_or_string,
# type of signing task (for CoT)
Required("taskType"): str,
# Paths to the artifacts to sign
Required("paths"): [str],
# Signing formats to use on each of the paths
Required("formats"): [str],
# attributes for this task
Optional("attributes"): {str: object},
# unique label to describe this signing task, defaults to {dep.label}-signing
Optional("label"): str,
# treeherder is allowed here to override any defaults we use for signing. See
# taskcluster/gecko_taskgraph/transforms/ for the schema details, and the
# below transforms for defaults of various values.
Optional("treeherder"): task_description_schema["treeherder"],
# Routes specific to this task, if defined
Optional("routes"): [str],
Optional("shipping-phase"): task_description_schema["shipping-phase"],
Optional("shipping-product"): task_description_schema["shipping-product"],
Required("dependencies"): task_description_schema["dependencies"],
# Optional control for how long a task may run (aka maxRunTime)
Optional("max-run-time"): int,
Optional("extra"): {str: object},
# Max number of partner repacks per chunk
Optional("repacks-per-chunk"): int,
# Override the default priority for the project
Optional("priority"): task_description_schema["priority"],
Optional("task-from"): task_description_schema["task-from"],
def get_locales_description(attributes, default):
"""Returns the [list] of locales for task description usage"""
chunk_locales = attributes.get("chunk_locales")
if chunk_locales:
return ", ".join(chunk_locales)
return attributes.get("locale", default)
def delete_name(config, jobs):
"""Delete the 'name' key if it exists, we don't use it."""
for job in jobs:
if "name" in job:
del job["name"]
yield job
def add_requirements_link(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep_job = get_primary_dependency(config, job)
assert dep_job
requirements_path = evaluate_keyed_by(
"mac requirements",
"platform": dep_job.attributes.get("build_platform"),
if requirements_path:
job["requirements-plist-url"] = config.params.file_url(
yield job
def make_task_description(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep_job = get_primary_dependency(config, job)
assert dep_job
attributes = dep_job.attributes
signing_format_scopes = []
formats = set()
for artifacts in job["upstream-artifacts"]:
for f in artifacts["formats"]:
formats.add(f) # Add each format only once
is_shippable = dep_job.attributes.get("shippable", False)
build_platform = dep_job.attributes.get("build_platform")
assert build_platform
treeherder = None
if "partner" not in config.kind and "eme-free" not in config.kind:
treeherder = job.get("treeherder", {})
dep_th_platform = (
dep_job.task.get("extra", {})
.get("treeherder", {})
.get("machine", {})
.get("platform", "")
build_type = dep_job.attributes.get("build_type")
dep_th_platform, build_platform, build_type
# ccov builds are tier 2, so they cannot have tier 1 tasks
# depending on them.
dep_job.task.get("extra", {}).get("treeherder", {}).get("tier", 1),
dep_job.task.get("extra", {}).get("treeherder", {}).get("symbol")
treeherder.setdefault("kind", "build")
label = job["label"]
description = (
"Signing of locale(s) '{locale}' for build '"
locale=get_locales_description(attributes, "en-US"),
attributes = (
if job.get("attributes")
else copy_attributes_from_dependent_job(dep_job)
attributes["signed"] = True
if "linux" in build_platform:
attributes["release_artifacts"] = ["public/build/KEY"]
if dep_job.attributes.get("chunk_locales"):
# Used for l10n attribute passthrough
attributes["chunk_locales"] = dep_job.attributes.get("chunk_locales")
signing_cert_scope = get_signing_cert_scope_per_platform(
build_platform, is_shippable, config
worker_type_alias = "linux-signing" if is_shippable else "linux-depsigning"
task = {
"label": label,
"description": description,
"worker": {
"implementation": "scriptworker-signing",
"upstream-artifacts": job["upstream-artifacts"],
"max-run-time": job.get("max-run-time", 3600),
"scopes": [signing_cert_scope] + signing_format_scopes,
"dependencies": job["dependencies"],
"attributes": attributes,
"run-on-projects": dep_job.attributes.get("run_on_projects"),
"optimization": dep_job.optimization,
"routes": job.get("routes", []),
"shipping-product": job.get("shipping-product"),
"shipping-phase": job.get("shipping-phase"),
if dep_job.kind in task["dependencies"]:
task["if-dependencies"] = [dep_job.kind]
# build-mac-{signing,notarization} uses signingscript instead of iscript
if "macosx" in build_platform and config.kind.endswith("-mac-notarization"):
task["scopes"] = [
add_scope_prefix(config, "signing:cert:release-apple-notarization")
task["description"] = (
"Notarization of '{}' locales for build '{}/{}'".format(
get_locales_description(attributes, "en-US"),
elif "macosx" in build_platform:
# iscript overrides
task["worker"]["mac-behavior"] = "mac_sign_and_pkg"
worker_type_alias_map = {
"linux-depsigning": "mac-depsigning",
"linux-signing": "mac-signing",
assert worker_type_alias in worker_type_alias_map, (
"Make sure to adjust the below worker_type_alias logic for "
"mac if you change the signing workerType aliases!"
" ({} not found in mapping)".format(worker_type_alias)
worker_type_alias = worker_type_alias_map[worker_type_alias]
for attr in ("entitlements-url", "requirements-plist-url"):
if job.get(attr):
task["worker"][attr] = job[attr]
task["worker-type"] = worker_type_alias
if treeherder:
task["treeherder"] = treeherder
if job.get("extra"):
task["extra"] = job["extra"]
# we may have reduced the priority for partner jobs, otherwise will set it
if job.get("priority"):
task["priority"] = job["priority"]
yield task
def _generate_treeherder_platform(dep_th_platform, build_platform, build_type):
if "-pgo" in build_platform:
actual_build_type = "pgo"
elif "-ccov" in build_platform:
actual_build_type = "ccov"
actual_build_type = build_type
return f"{dep_th_platform}/{actual_build_type}"
def _generate_treeherder_symbol(build_symbol):
symbol = build_symbol + "s"
return symbol