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Do transforms specific to l10n kind
import json
from mozbuild.chunkify import chunkify
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.copy import deepcopy
from taskgraph.util.dependencies import get_dependencies, get_primary_dependency
from taskgraph.util.schema import (
from taskgraph.util.taskcluster import get_artifact_prefix
from taskgraph.util.treeherder import add_suffix
from voluptuous import Any, Optional, Required
from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.job import job_description_schema
from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.task import task_description_schema
from gecko_taskgraph.util.attributes import (
def _by_platform(arg):
return optionally_keyed_by("build-platform", arg)
l10n_description_schema = Schema(
# Name for this job, inferred from the dependent job before validation
Required("name"): str,
# build-platform, inferred from dependent job before validation
Required("build-platform"): str,
# max run time of the task
Required("run-time"): _by_platform(int),
# Locales not to repack for
Required("ignore-locales"): _by_platform([str]),
# All l10n jobs use mozharness
Required("mozharness"): {
# Script to invoke for mozharness
Required("script"): _by_platform(str),
# Config files passed to the mozharness script
Required("config"): _by_platform([str]),
# Additional paths to look for mozharness configs in. These should be
# relative to the base of the source checkout
Optional("config-paths"): [str],
# Options to pass to the mozharness script
Optional("options"): _by_platform([str]),
# Action commands to provide to mozharness script
Required("actions"): _by_platform([str]),
# if true, perform a checkout of a comm-central based branch inside the
# gecko checkout
Optional("comm-checkout"): bool,
# Items for the taskcluster index
Optional("index"): {
# Product to identify as in the taskcluster index
Required("product"): _by_platform(str),
# Job name to identify as in the taskcluster index
Required("job-name"): _by_platform(str),
# Type of index
Optional("type"): _by_platform(str),
# Description of the localized task
Required("description"): _by_platform(str),
Optional("run-on-projects"): job_description_schema["run-on-projects"],
# worker-type to utilize
Required("worker-type"): _by_platform(str),
# File which contains the used locales
Required("locales-file"): _by_platform(str),
# Tooltool visibility required for task.
Required("tooltool"): _by_platform(Any("internal", "public")),
# Docker image required for task. We accept only in-tree images
# -- generally desktop-build or android-build -- for now.
Optional("docker-image"): _by_platform(
# an in-tree generated docker image (from `taskcluster/docker/<name>`)
{"in-tree": str},
Optional("fetches"): {
str: _by_platform([str]),
# The set of secret names to which the task has access; these are prefixed
# with `project/releng/gecko/{treeherder.kind}/level-{level}/`. Setting
# this will enable any worker features required and set the task's scopes
# appropriately. `true` here means ['*'], all secrets. Not supported on
# Windows
Optional("secrets"): _by_platform(Any(bool, [str])),
# Information for treeherder
Required("treeherder"): {
# Platform to display the task on in treeherder
Required("platform"): _by_platform(str),
# Symbol to use
Required("symbol"): str,
# Tier this task is
Required("tier"): _by_platform(int),
# Extra environment values to pass to the worker
Optional("env"): _by_platform({str: taskref_or_string}),
# Max number locales per chunk
Optional("locales-per-chunk"): _by_platform(int),
# Task deps to chain this task with, added in transforms from primary dependency
# if this is a shippable-style build
Optional("dependencies"): {str: str},
# Run the task when the listed files change (if present).
Optional("when"): {"files-changed": [str]},
# passed through directly to the job description
Optional("attributes"): job_description_schema["attributes"],
Optional("extra"): job_description_schema["extra"],
# Shipping product and phase
Optional("shipping-product"): task_description_schema["shipping-product"],
Optional("shipping-phase"): task_description_schema["shipping-phase"],
Optional("task-from"): task_description_schema["task-from"],
transforms = TransformSequence()
def parse_locales_file(locales_file, platform=None):
"""Parse the passed locales file for a list of locales."""
locales = []
with open(locales_file, mode="r") as f:
if locales_file.endswith("json"):
all_locales = json.load(f)
# XXX Only single locales are fetched
locales = {
locale: data["revision"]
for locale, data in all_locales.items()
if platform is None or platform in data["platforms"]
all_locales =
# 'default' is the hg revision at the top of hg repo, in this context
locales = {locale: "default" for locale in all_locales}
return locales
def _remove_locales(locales, to_remove=None):
# ja-JP-mac is a mac-only locale, but there are no mac builds being repacked,
# so just omit it unconditionally
return {
locale: revision
for locale, revision in locales.items()
if locale not in to_remove
def setup_name(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep = get_primary_dependency(config, job)
assert dep
# Set the name to the same as the dep task, without kind name.
# Label will get set automatically with this kinds name.
job["name"] = job.get("name", task_name(dep))
yield job
def copy_in_useful_magic(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep = get_primary_dependency(config, job)
assert dep
attributes = copy_attributes_from_dependent_job(dep)
attributes.update(job.get("attributes", {}))
# build-platform is needed on `job` for by-build-platform
job["build-platform"] = attributes.get("build_platform")
job["attributes"] = attributes
yield job
def gather_required_signoffs(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
job.setdefault("attributes", {})["required_signoffs"] = sorted_unique_list(
dep.attributes.get("required_signoffs", [])
for dep in get_dependencies(config, job)
yield job
def remove_repackage_dependency(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
build_platform = job["attributes"]["build_platform"]
if not build_platform.startswith("macosx"):
del job["dependencies"]["repackage"]
yield job
def handle_keyed_by(config, jobs):
"""Resolve fields that can be keyed by platform, etc."""
fields = [
for job in jobs:
job = deepcopy(job) # don't overwrite dict values here
for field in fields:
resolve_keyed_by(item=job, field=field, item_name=job["name"])
yield job
def handle_artifact_prefix(config, jobs):
"""Resolve ``artifact_prefix`` in env vars"""
for job in jobs:
artifact_prefix = get_artifact_prefix(job)
for k1, v1 in job.get("env", {}).items():
if isinstance(v1, str):
job["env"][k1] = v1.format(artifact_prefix=artifact_prefix)
elif isinstance(v1, dict):
for k2, v2 in v1.items():
job["env"][k1][k2] = v2.format(artifact_prefix=artifact_prefix)
yield job
def all_locales_attribute(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
locales_platform = job["attributes"]["build_platform"].replace("-shippable", "")
locales_platform = locales_platform.replace("-pgo", "")
locales_with_changesets = parse_locales_file(
job["locales-file"], platform=locales_platform
locales_with_changesets = _remove_locales(
locales_with_changesets, to_remove=job["ignore-locales"]
locales = sorted(locales_with_changesets.keys())
attributes = job.setdefault("attributes", {})
attributes["all_locales"] = locales
attributes["all_locales_with_changesets"] = locales_with_changesets
if job.get("shipping-product"):
attributes["shipping_product"] = job["shipping-product"]
yield job
def chunk_locales(config, jobs):
"""Utilizes chunking for l10n stuff"""
for job in jobs:
locales_per_chunk = job.get("locales-per-chunk")
locales_with_changesets = job["attributes"]["all_locales_with_changesets"]
if locales_per_chunk:
chunks, remainder = divmod(len(locales_with_changesets), locales_per_chunk)
if remainder:
chunks = int(chunks + 1)
for this_chunk in range(1, chunks + 1):
chunked = deepcopy(job)
chunked["name"] = chunked["name"].replace("/", f"-{this_chunk}/", 1)
chunked["mozharness"]["options"] = chunked["mozharness"].get(
"options", []
# chunkify doesn't work with dicts
locales_with_changesets_as_list = sorted(
chunked_locales = chunkify(
locales_with_changesets_as_list, this_chunk, chunks
for locale, changeset in chunked_locales
chunked["attributes"]["l10n_chunk"] = str(this_chunk)
# strip revision
chunked["attributes"]["chunk_locales"] = [
locale for locale, _ in chunked_locales
# add the chunk number to the TH symbol
chunked["treeherder"]["symbol"] = add_suffix(
chunked["treeherder"]["symbol"], this_chunk
yield chunked
job["mozharness"]["options"] = job["mozharness"].get("options", [])
for locale, changeset in sorted(locales_with_changesets.items())
yield job
def stub_installer(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
job.setdefault("attributes", {})
job.setdefault("env", {})
if job["attributes"].get("stub-installer"):
job["env"].update({"USE_STUB_INSTALLER": "1"})
yield job
def set_extra_config(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
job["mozharness"].setdefault("extra-config", {})["branch"] = config.params[
if "update-channel" in job["attributes"]:
job["mozharness"]["extra-config"]["update_channel"] = job["attributes"][
yield job
def make_job_description(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
"using": "mozharness",
"job-script": "taskcluster/scripts/builder/",
"secrets": job.get("secrets", False),
job_description = {
"name": job["name"],
"worker-type": job["worker-type"],
"description": job["description"],
"run": job["mozharness"],
"attributes": job["attributes"],
"treeherder": {
"kind": "build",
"tier": job["treeherder"]["tier"],
"symbol": job["treeherder"]["symbol"],
"platform": job["treeherder"]["platform"],
"run-on-projects": (
job.get("run-on-projects") if job.get("run-on-projects") else []
if job.get("extra"):
job_description["extra"] = job["extra"]
job_description["run"]["tooltool-downloads"] = job["tooltool"]
job_description["worker"] = {
"max-run-time": job["run-time"],
"chain-of-trust": True,
if job["worker-type"] in ["b-win2012", "b-win2022"]:
job_description["worker"]["os"] = "windows"
job_description["run"]["use-simple-package"] = False
job_description["run"]["use-magic-mh-args"] = False
if job.get("docker-image"):
job_description["worker"]["docker-image"] = job["docker-image"]
if job.get("fetches"):
job_description["fetches"] = job["fetches"]
if job.get("index"):
job_description["index"] = {
"product": job["index"]["product"],
"job-name": job["index"]["job-name"],
"type": job["index"].get("type", "generic"),
if job.get("dependencies"):
job_description["dependencies"] = job["dependencies"]
if job.get("env"):
job_description["worker"]["env"] = job["env"]
if job.get("when", {}).get("files-changed"):
job_description.setdefault("when", {})
job_description["when"]["files-changed"] = [job["locales-file"]] + job[
if "shipping-phase" in job:
job_description["shipping-phase"] = job["shipping-phase"]
if "shipping-product" in job:
job_description["shipping-product"] = job["shipping-product"]
yield job_description