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Apply some defaults and minor modifications to the jobs defined in the
APK and AAB signing kinds.
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.schema import resolve_keyed_by
transforms = TransformSequence()
def resolve_keys(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
for key in (
"build-type": task["attributes"]["build-type"],
"level": config.params["level"],
yield task
def set_worker_type(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
worker_type = "linux-depsigning"
if (
str(config.params["level"]) == "3"
and task["attributes"]["build-type"] in PRODUCTION_SIGNING_BUILD_TYPES
worker_type = "linux-signing"
task["worker-type"] = worker_type
yield task
def add_signing_cert_scope(config, tasks):
scope_prefix = config.graph_config["scriptworker"]["scope-prefix"]
for task in tasks:
cert = "dep-signing"
if str(config.params["level"]) == "3":
if task["attributes"]["build-type"] in ("fenix-beta", "fenix-release"):
cert = "fennec-production-signing"
elif task["attributes"]["build-type"] in PRODUCTION_SIGNING_BUILD_TYPES:
cert = "production-signing"
task.setdefault("scopes", []).append(f"{scope_prefix}:signing:cert:{cert}")
yield task
def set_index_job_name(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if task.get("index"):
task["index"]["job-name"] = task["attributes"]["build-type"]
yield task
def set_signing_attributes(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
task["attributes"]["signed"] = True
yield task
def set_signing_format(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
signing_format = task.pop("signing-format")
for upstream_artifact in task["worker"]["upstream-artifacts"]:
upstream_artifact["formats"] = [signing_format]
yield task
def format_email(config, tasks):
version = config.params["version"]
for task in tasks:
if "notify" in task:
email = task["notify"].get("email")
if email:
email["subject"] = email["subject"].format(version=version)
email["content"] = email["content"].format(version=version)
yield task