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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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from copy import deepcopy
from taskgraph import MAX_DEPENDENCIES
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.treeherder import add_suffix
# XXX Docker images may be added after this transform, so we allow one more dep to be added
transforms = TransformSequence()
def build_task_definition(orig_task, deps, soft_deps, count):
task = deepcopy(orig_task)
task["dependencies"] = {label: label for label in deps}
task["soft-dependencies"] = list(soft_deps)
task["name"] = "{}-{}".format(orig_task["name"], count)
if "treeherder" in task:
task["treeherder"]["symbol"] = add_suffix(
task["treeherder"]["symbol"], f"-{count}"
task["attributes"]["is_final_chunked_task"] = False
return task
def get_chunked_label(config, chunked_task):
return "{}-{}".format(config.kind, chunked_task["name"])
def add_dependencies(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
count = 1
soft_deps = set()
regular_deps = set()
chunked_labels = set()
soft_dep_labels = list(task.pop("soft-dependencies", []))
regular_dep_labels = list(task.get("dependencies", {}).keys())
# sort for deterministic chunking
all_dep_labels = sorted(set(soft_dep_labels + regular_dep_labels))
for dep_label in all_dep_labels:
if dep_label in regular_dep_labels:
if len(regular_deps) + len(soft_deps) == MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEPS:
chunked_task = build_task_definition(
task, regular_deps, soft_deps, count
chunked_label = get_chunked_label(config, chunked_task)
yield chunked_task
count += 1
if regular_deps or soft_deps:
chunked_task = build_task_definition(task, regular_deps, soft_deps, count)
chunked_label = get_chunked_label(config, chunked_task)
yield chunked_task
task["dependencies"] = {label: label for label in chunked_labels}
# Chunk yields a last task that doesn't have a number appended to it.
# It helps configuring Github which waits on a single label.
# Setting this attribute also enables multi_dep to select the right
# task to depend on.
task["attributes"]["is_final_chunked_task"] = True
yield task