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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
<%namespace name="helpers" file="/" />
from data import to_idl_name, SYSTEM_FONT_LONGHANDS, to_camel_case
from itertools import groupby
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")] use crate::gecko_bindings::structs::nsCSSPropertyID;
use crate::properties::{
self, visibility::computed_value::T as Visibility,
CSSWideKeyword, LonghandId, NonCustomPropertyIterator,
PropertyDeclaration, PropertyDeclarationId,
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")] use crate::properties::{
longhands::content_visibility::computed_value::T as ContentVisibility,
use std::ptr;
use std::mem;
use fxhash::FxHashMap;
use super::ComputedValues;
use crate::properties::OwnedPropertyDeclarationId;
use crate::values::animated::{Animate, Procedure, ToAnimatedValue, ToAnimatedZero};
use crate::values::animated::effects::AnimatedFilter;
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")] use crate::values::computed::TransitionProperty;
use crate::values::computed::{ClipRect, Context};
use crate::values::computed::ToComputedValue;
use crate::values::distance::{ComputeSquaredDistance, SquaredDistance};
use crate::values::generics::effects::Filter;
use void::{self, Void};
use crate::properties_and_values::value::CustomAnimatedValue;
/// Convert nsCSSPropertyID to TransitionProperty
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
impl From<nsCSSPropertyID> for TransitionProperty {
fn from(property: nsCSSPropertyID) -> TransitionProperty {
/// A collection of AnimationValue that were composed on an element.
/// This HashMap stores the values that are the last AnimationValue to be
/// composed for each TransitionProperty.
pub type AnimationValueMap = FxHashMap<OwnedPropertyDeclarationId, AnimationValue>;
/// An enum to represent a single computed value belonging to an animated
/// property in order to be interpolated with another one. When interpolating,
/// both values need to belong to the same property.
#[derive(Debug, MallocSizeOf)]
pub enum AnimationValue {
% for prop in data.longhands:
/// `${}`
% if prop.animatable and not prop.logical:
% else:
% endif
% endfor
/// A custom property.
animated = []
unanimated = []
animated_with_logical = []
for prop in data.longhands:
if prop.animatable:
if prop.animatable and not prop.logical:
struct AnimationValueVariantRepr<T> {
tag: u16,
value: T
impl Clone for AnimationValue {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
use self::AnimationValue::*;
[copy, others] = [list(g) for _, g in groupby(animated, key=lambda x: not x.specified_is_copy())]
let self_tag = unsafe { *(self as *const _ as *const u16) };
if self_tag <= LonghandId::${copy[-1].camel_case} as u16 {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum CopyVariants {
% for prop in copy:
% endfor
unsafe {
let mut out = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut CopyVariants,
*(self as *const _ as *const CopyVariants),
return out.assume_init();
match *self {
% for ty, props in groupby(others, key=lambda x: x.animated_type()):
<% props = list(props) %>
${" |\n".join("{}(ref value)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in props)} => {
% if len(props) == 1:
% else:
unsafe {
let mut out = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut AnimationValueVariantRepr<${ty}>,
AnimationValueVariantRepr {
tag: *(self as *const _ as *const u16),
value: value.clone(),
% endif
% endfor
Custom(ref animated_value) => Custom(animated_value.clone()),
_ => unsafe { debug_unreachable!() }
impl PartialEq for AnimationValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
use self::AnimationValue::*;
unsafe {
let this_tag = *(self as *const _ as *const u16);
let other_tag = *(other as *const _ as *const u16);
if this_tag != other_tag {
return false;
match *self {
% for ty, props in groupby(animated, key=lambda x: x.animated_type()):
${" |\n".join("{}(ref this)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in props)} => {
let other_repr =
&*(other as *const _ as *const AnimationValueVariantRepr<${ty}>);
*this == other_repr.value
% endfor
${" |\n".join("{}(void)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in unanimated)} => {
AnimationValue::Custom(ref this) => {
let other_repr =
&*(other as *const _ as *const AnimationValueVariantRepr<CustomAnimatedValue>);
*this == other_repr.value
impl AnimationValue {
/// Returns the longhand id this animated value corresponds to.
pub fn id(&self) -> PropertyDeclarationId {
if let AnimationValue::Custom(animated_value) = self {
return PropertyDeclarationId::Custom(&;
let id = unsafe { *(self as *const _ as *const LonghandId) };
debug_assert_eq!(id, match *self {
% for prop in data.longhands:
% if prop.animatable and not prop.logical:
AnimationValue::${prop.camel_case}(..) => LonghandId::${prop.camel_case},
% else:
AnimationValue::${prop.camel_case}(void) => void::unreachable(void),
% endif
% endfor
AnimationValue::Custom(..) => unsafe { debug_unreachable!() },
/// Returns whether this value is interpolable with another one.
pub fn interpolable_with(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.animate(other, Procedure::Interpolate { progress: 0.5 }).is_ok()
/// "Uncompute" this animation value in order to be used inside the CSS
/// cascade.
pub fn uncompute(&self) -> PropertyDeclaration {
use crate::properties::longhands;
use self::AnimationValue::*;
use super::PropertyDeclarationVariantRepr;
match *self {
<% keyfunc = lambda x: (x.base_type(), x.specified_type(), x.boxed, x.animation_type != "discrete") %>
% for (ty, specified, boxed, to_animated), props in groupby(animated, key=keyfunc):
<% props = list(props) %>
${" |\n".join("{}(ref value)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in props)} => {
% if to_animated:
let value = ToAnimatedValue::from_animated_value(value.clone());
% endif
let value = ${ty}::from_computed_value(&value);
% if boxed:
let value = Box::new(value);
% endif
% if len(props) == 1:
% else:
unsafe {
let mut out = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut PropertyDeclarationVariantRepr<${specified}>,
PropertyDeclarationVariantRepr {
tag: *(self as *const _ as *const u16),
% endif
% endfor
${" |\n".join("{}(void)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in unanimated)} => {
Custom(ref animated_value) => animated_value.to_declaration(),
/// Construct an AnimationValue from a property declaration.
pub fn from_declaration(
decl: &PropertyDeclaration,
context: &mut Context,
style: &ComputedValues,
initial: &ComputedValues,
) -> Option<Self> {
use super::PropertyDeclarationVariantRepr;
keyfunc = lambda x: (
x.animation_type not in ["discrete", "none"],
x.ident in SYSTEM_FONT_LONGHANDS and engine == "gecko",
let animatable = match *decl {
% for (specified_ty, ty, boxed, to_animated, inherit, system), props in groupby(animated_with_logical, key=keyfunc):
${" |\n".join("PropertyDeclaration::{}(ref value)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in props)} => {
let decl_repr = unsafe {
&*(decl as *const _ as *const PropertyDeclarationVariantRepr<${specified_ty}>)
let longhand_id = unsafe {
*(&decl_repr.tag as *const u16 as *const LonghandId)
context.for_non_inherited_property = ${"false" if inherit else "true"};
% if system:
if let Some(sf) = value.get_system() {
longhands::system_font::resolve_system_font(sf, context)
% endif
% if boxed:
let value = (**value).to_computed_value(context);
% else:
let value = value.to_computed_value(context);
% endif
% if to_animated:
let value = value.to_animated_value(&crate::values::animated::Context { style });
% endif
unsafe {
let mut out = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut AnimationValueVariantRepr<${ty}>,
AnimationValueVariantRepr {
tag: longhand_id.to_physical(context.builder.writing_mode) as u16,
% endfor
PropertyDeclaration::CSSWideKeyword(ref declaration) => {
match {
// We put all the animatable properties first in the hopes
// that it might increase match locality.
% for prop in data.longhands:
% if prop.animatable and not prop.logical:
LonghandId::${prop.camel_case} => {
// FIXME(emilio, bug 1533327): I think revert (and
// revert-layer) handling is not fine here, but what to
// do instead?
// Seems we'd need the computed value as if it was
// revert, somehow. Treating it as `unset` seems fine
// for now...
let style_struct = match declaration.keyword {
% if not prop.style_struct.inherited:
CSSWideKeyword::Revert |
CSSWideKeyword::RevertLayer |
CSSWideKeyword::Unset |
% endif
CSSWideKeyword::Initial => {
% if prop.style_struct.inherited:
CSSWideKeyword::Revert |
CSSWideKeyword::RevertLayer |
CSSWideKeyword::Unset |
% endif
CSSWideKeyword::Inherit => {
let computed = style_struct
% if prop.logical:
% else:
% endif
% if prop.animation_type != "discrete":
let computed = computed.to_animated_value(&crate::values::animated::Context {
% endif
% endif
% endfor
% for prop in data.longhands:
% if not prop.animatable or prop.logical:
LonghandId::${prop.camel_case} => return None,
% endif
% endfor
PropertyDeclaration::WithVariables(ref declaration) => {
let mut cache = Default::default();
let substituted = {
let custom_properties = &;
"Need a Stylist to substitute variables!"
&mut cache,
return AnimationValue::from_declaration(
PropertyDeclaration::Custom(ref declaration) => {
_ => return None // non animatable properties will get included because of shorthands. ignore.
/// Get an AnimationValue for an declaration id from a given computed values.
pub fn from_computed_values(
property: PropertyDeclarationId,
style: &ComputedValues,
) -> Option<Self> {
let property = match property {
PropertyDeclarationId::Longhand(id) => id,
PropertyDeclarationId::Custom(ref name) => {
// FIXME(bug 1869476): This should use a stylist to determine whether the name
// corresponds to an inherited custom property and then choose the
// inherited/non_inherited map accordingly.
let p = &style.custom_properties();
let value = p.inherited.get(*name).or_else(|| p.non_inherited.get(*name))?;
return Some(AnimationValue::Custom(CustomAnimatedValue::from_computed(name, value)))
Some(match property {
% for prop in data.longhands:
% if prop.animatable and not prop.logical:
LonghandId::${prop.camel_case} => {
let computed = style.clone_${prop.ident}();
% if prop.animation_type == "discrete":
% else:
computed.to_animated_value(&crate::values::animated::Context { style })
% endif
% endif
% endfor
_ => return None,
/// Update `style` with the value of this `AnimationValue`.
/// SERVO ONLY: This doesn't properly handle things like updating 'em' units
/// when animated font-size.
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
pub fn set_in_style_for_servo(&self, style: &mut ComputedValues) {
match self {
% for prop in data.longhands:
% if prop.animatable and not prop.logical:
AnimationValue::${prop.camel_case}(ref value) => {
let value: longhands::${prop.ident}::computed_value::T =
% if prop.animation_type != "discrete":
% else:
% endif
% else:
AnimationValue::${prop.camel_case}(..) => unreachable!(),
% endif
% endfor
AnimationValue::Custom(..) => unreachable!(),
/// As above, but a stub for Gecko.
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
pub fn set_in_style_for_servo(&self, _: &mut ComputedValues) {
fn animate_discrete<T: Clone>(this: &T, other: &T, procedure: Procedure) -> Result<T, ()> {
if let Procedure::Interpolate { progress } = procedure {
Ok(if progress < 0.5 { this.clone() } else { other.clone() })
} else {
impl Animate for AnimationValue {
fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result<Self, ()> {
Ok(unsafe {
use self::AnimationValue::*;
let this_tag = *(self as *const _ as *const u16);
let other_tag = *(other as *const _ as *const u16);
if this_tag != other_tag {
panic!("Unexpected AnimationValue::animate call");
match *self {
<% keyfunc = lambda x: (x.animated_type(), x.animation_type == "discrete") %>
% for (ty, discrete), props in groupby(animated, key=keyfunc):
${" |\n".join("{}(ref this)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in props)} => {
let other_repr =
&*(other as *const _ as *const AnimationValueVariantRepr<${ty}>);
% if discrete:
let value = animate_discrete(this, &other_repr.value, procedure)?;
% else:
let value = this.animate(&other_repr.value, procedure)?;
% endif
let mut out = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut AnimationValueVariantRepr<${ty}>,
AnimationValueVariantRepr {
tag: this_tag,
% endfor
${" |\n".join("{}(void)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in unanimated)} => {
Custom(ref self_value) => {
let Custom(ref other_value) = *other else { unreachable!() };
Custom(self_value.animate(other_value, procedure)?)
nondiscrete = []
for prop in animated:
if prop.animation_type != "discrete":
impl ComputeSquaredDistance for AnimationValue {
fn compute_squared_distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<SquaredDistance, ()> {
unsafe {
use self::AnimationValue::*;
let this_tag = *(self as *const _ as *const u16);
let other_tag = *(other as *const _ as *const u16);
if this_tag != other_tag {
panic!("Unexpected AnimationValue::compute_squared_distance call");
match *self {
% for ty, props in groupby(nondiscrete, key=lambda x: x.animated_type()):
${" |\n".join("{}(ref this)".format(prop.camel_case) for prop in props)} => {
let other_repr =
&*(other as *const _ as *const AnimationValueVariantRepr<${ty}>);
% endfor
_ => Err(()),
impl ToAnimatedZero for AnimationValue {
fn to_animated_zero(&self) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match *self {
% for prop in data.longhands:
% if prop.animatable and not prop.logical and prop.animation_type != "discrete":
AnimationValue::${prop.camel_case}(ref base) => {
% endif
% endfor
AnimationValue::Custom(..) => {
// TODO(bug 1869185): For some non-universal registered custom properties, it may make sense to implement this.
_ => Err(()),
impl Animate for Visibility {
fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match procedure {
Procedure::Interpolate { .. } => {
let (this_weight, other_weight) = procedure.weights();
match (*self, *other) {
(Visibility::Visible, _) => {
Ok(if this_weight > 0.0 { *self } else { *other })
(_, Visibility::Visible) => {
Ok(if other_weight > 0.0 { *other } else { *self })
_ => Err(()),
_ => Err(()),
impl ComputeSquaredDistance for Visibility {
fn compute_squared_distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<SquaredDistance, ()> {
Ok(SquaredDistance::from_sqrt(if *self == *other { 0. } else { 1. }))
impl ToAnimatedZero for Visibility {
fn to_animated_zero(&self) -> Result<Self, ()> {
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
impl Animate for ContentVisibility {
fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match procedure {
Procedure::Interpolate { .. } => {
let (this_weight, other_weight) = procedure.weights();
match (*self, *other) {
(ContentVisibility::Hidden, _) => {
Ok(if other_weight > 0.0 { *other } else { *self })
(_, ContentVisibility::Hidden) => {
Ok(if this_weight > 0.0 { *self } else { *other })
_ => Err(()),
_ => Err(()),
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
impl ComputeSquaredDistance for ContentVisibility {
fn compute_squared_distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<SquaredDistance, ()> {
Ok(SquaredDistance::from_sqrt(if *self == *other { 0. } else { 1. }))
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
impl ToAnimatedZero for ContentVisibility {
fn to_animated_zero(&self) -> Result<Self, ()> {
impl Animate for ClipRect {
fn animate(&self, other: &Self, procedure: Procedure) -> Result<Self, ()> {
use crate::values::computed::LengthOrAuto;
let animate_component = |this: &LengthOrAuto, other: &LengthOrAuto| {
let result = this.animate(other, procedure)?;
if let Procedure::Interpolate { .. } = procedure {
return Ok(result);
if result.is_auto() {
// FIXME(emilio): Why? A couple SMIL tests fail without this,
// but it seems extremely fishy.
return Err(());
Ok(ClipRect {
top: animate_component(&, &,
right: animate_component(&self.right, &other.right)?,
bottom: animate_component(&self.bottom, &other.bottom)?,
left: animate_component(&self.left, &other.left)?,
FILTER_FUNCTIONS = [ 'Blur', 'Brightness', 'Contrast', 'Grayscale',
'HueRotate', 'Invert', 'Opacity', 'Saturate',
'Sepia' ]
impl Animate for AnimatedFilter {
fn animate(
other: &Self,
procedure: Procedure,
) -> Result<Self, ()> {
use crate::values::animated::animate_multiplicative_factor;
match (self, other) {
% for func in ['Blur', 'DropShadow', 'Grayscale', 'HueRotate', 'Invert', 'Sepia']:
(&Filter::${func}(ref this), &Filter::${func}(ref other)) => {
Ok(Filter::${func}(this.animate(other, procedure)?))
% endfor
% for func in ['Brightness', 'Contrast', 'Opacity', 'Saturate']:
(&Filter::${func}(this), &Filter::${func}(other)) => {
Ok(Filter::${func}(animate_multiplicative_factor(this, other, procedure)?))
% endfor
_ => Err(()),
impl ToAnimatedZero for AnimatedFilter {
fn to_animated_zero(&self) -> Result<Self, ()> {
match *self {
% for func in ['Blur', 'DropShadow', 'Grayscale', 'HueRotate', 'Invert', 'Sepia']:
Filter::${func}(ref this) => Ok(Filter::${func}(this.to_animated_zero()?)),
% endfor
% for func in ['Brightness', 'Contrast', 'Opacity', 'Saturate']:
Filter::${func}(_) => Ok(Filter::${func}(1.)),
% endfor
_ => Err(()),
/// An iterator over all the properties that transition on a given style.
pub struct TransitionPropertyIterator<'a> {
style: &'a ComputedValues,
index_range: core::ops::Range<usize>,
longhand_iterator: Option<NonCustomPropertyIterator<LonghandId>>,
impl<'a> TransitionPropertyIterator<'a> {
/// Create a `TransitionPropertyIterator` for the given style.
pub fn from_style(style: &'a ComputedValues) -> Self {
Self {
longhand_iterator: None,
/// A single iteration of the TransitionPropertyIterator.
pub struct TransitionPropertyIteration {
/// The id of the longhand for this property.
pub property: OwnedPropertyDeclarationId,
/// The index of this property in the list of transition properties for this
/// iterator's style.
pub index: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for TransitionPropertyIterator<'a> {
type Item = TransitionPropertyIteration;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
use crate::values::computed::TransitionProperty;
loop {
if let Some(ref mut longhand_iterator) = self.longhand_iterator {
if let Some(longhand_id) = {
return Some(TransitionPropertyIteration {
property: OwnedPropertyDeclarationId::Longhand(longhand_id),
index: self.index_range.start - 1,
self.longhand_iterator = None;
let index =;
match {
TransitionProperty::NonCustom(id) => {
match id.longhand_or_shorthand() {
Ok(longhand_id) => {
return Some(TransitionPropertyIteration {
property: OwnedPropertyDeclarationId::Longhand(longhand_id),
Err(shorthand_id) => {
// In the other cases, we set up our state so that we are ready to
// compute the next value of the iterator and then loop (equivalent
// to calling
self.longhand_iterator = Some(shorthand_id.longhands());
TransitionProperty::Custom(name) => {
return Some(TransitionPropertyIteration {
property: OwnedPropertyDeclarationId::Custom(name),
TransitionProperty::Unsupported(..) => {},