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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
#ifndef tls_agent_h_
#define tls_agent_h_
#include "prio.h"
#include "ssl.h"
#include "sslproto.h"
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include "nss_policy.h"
#include "test_io.h"
#define GTEST_HAS_RTTI 0
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "nss_scoped_ptrs.h"
#include "scoped_ptrs_ssl.h"
extern bool g_ssl_gtest_verbose;
namespace nss_test {
#define LOG(msg) std::cerr << role_str() << ": " << msg << std::endl
#define LOGV(msg) \
do { \
if (g_ssl_gtest_verbose) LOG(msg); \
} while (false)
enum SessionResumptionMode {
enum class ClientAuthCallbackType {
class PacketFilter;
class TlsAgent;
class TlsCipherSpec;
struct TlsRecord;
const extern std::vector<SSLNamedGroup> kAllDHEGroups;
const extern std::vector<SSLNamedGroup> kECDHEGroups;
const extern std::vector<SSLNamedGroup> kFFDHEGroups;
const extern std::vector<SSLNamedGroup> kFasterDHEGroups;
const extern std::vector<SSLNamedGroup> kEcdhHybridGroups;
// These functions are called from callbacks. They use bare pointers because
// TlsAgent sets up the callback and it doesn't know who owns it.
typedef std::function<SECStatus(TlsAgent* agent, bool checksig, bool isServer)>
typedef std::function<void(TlsAgent* agent)> HandshakeCallbackFunction;
typedef std::function<int32_t(TlsAgent* agent, const SECItem* srvNameArr,
PRUint32 srvNameArrSize)>
class TlsAgent : public PollTarget {
enum Role { CLIENT, SERVER };
static const std::string kClient; // the client key is sign only
static const std::string kRsa2048; // bigger sign and encrypt for either
static const std::string kRsa8192; // biggest sign and encrypt for either
static const std::string kServerRsa; // both sign and encrypt
static const std::string kServerRsaSign;
static const std::string kServerRsaPss;
static const std::string kServerRsaDecrypt;
static const std::string kServerEcdsa256;
static const std::string kServerEcdsa384;
static const std::string kServerEcdsa521;
static const std::string kServerEcdhEcdsa;
static const std::string kServerEcdhRsa;
static const std::string kServerDsa;
static const std::string kDelegatorEcdsa256; // draft-ietf-tls-subcerts
static const std::string kDelegatorRsae2048; // draft-ietf-tls-subcerts
static const std::string kDelegatorRsaPss2048; // draft-ietf-tls-subcerts
TlsAgent(const std::string& name, Role role, SSLProtocolVariant variant);
virtual ~TlsAgent();
void SetPeer(std::shared_ptr<TlsAgent>& peer) {
void SetFilter(std::shared_ptr<PacketFilter> filter) {
void ClearFilter() { adapter_->SetPacketFilter(nullptr); }
void StartConnect(PRFileDesc* model = nullptr);
void CheckKEA(SSLKEAType kea_type, SSLNamedGroup group,
size_t kea_size = 0) const;
void CheckOriginalKEA(SSLNamedGroup kea_group) const;
void CheckAuthType(SSLAuthType auth_type,
SSLSignatureScheme sig_scheme) const;
void DisableAllCiphers();
void EnableCiphersByAuthType(SSLAuthType authType);
void EnableCiphersByKeyExchange(SSLKEAType kea);
void EnableGroupsByKeyExchange(SSLKEAType kea);
void EnableGroupsByAuthType(SSLAuthType authType);
void EnableSingleCipher(uint16_t cipher);
void Handshake();
// Marks the internal state as CONNECTING in anticipation of renegotiation.
void PrepareForRenegotiate();
// Prepares for renegotiation, then actually triggers it.
void StartRenegotiate();
void SetAntiReplayContext(ScopedSSLAntiReplayContext& ctx);
static bool LoadCertificate(const std::string& name,
ScopedCERTCertificate* cert,
ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey* priv);
static bool LoadKeyPairFromCert(const std::string& name,
ScopedSECKEYPublicKey* pub,
ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey* priv);
// Delegated credentials.
// Generate a delegated credential and sign it using the certificate
// associated with |name|.
static void DelegateCredential(const std::string& name,
const ScopedSECKEYPublicKey& dcPub,
SSLSignatureScheme dcCertVerifyAlg,
PRUint32 dcValidFor, PRTime now, SECItem* dc);
// Indicate support for the delegated credentials extension.
void EnableDelegatedCredentials();
// Generate and configure a delegated credential to use in the handshake with
// clients that support this extension..
void AddDelegatedCredential(const std::string& dc_name,
SSLSignatureScheme dcCertVerifyAlg,
PRUint32 dcValidFor, PRTime now);
void UpdatePreliminaryChannelInfo();
bool ConfigServerCert(const std::string& name, bool updateKeyBits = false,
const SSLExtraServerCertData* serverCertData = nullptr);
bool ConfigServerCertWithChain(const std::string& name);
bool EnsureTlsSetup(PRFileDesc* modelSocket = nullptr);
void SetupClientAuth(
ClientAuthCallbackType callbackType = ClientAuthCallbackType::kSync,
bool callbackSuccess = true);
void RequestClientAuth(bool requireAuth);
void ClientAuthCallbackComplete();
bool CheckClientAuthCallbacksCompleted(uint8_t expected);
void CheckClientAuthCompleted(uint8_t handshakes = 1);
void SetOption(int32_t option, int value);
void ConfigureSessionCache(SessionResumptionMode mode);
void Set0RttEnabled(bool en);
void SetFallbackSCSVEnabled(bool en);
void SetVersionRange(uint16_t minver, uint16_t maxver);
void GetVersionRange(uint16_t* minver, uint16_t* maxver);
void CheckPreliminaryInfo();
void ResetPreliminaryInfo();
void SetExpectedVersion(uint16_t version);
void SetServerKeyBits(uint16_t bits);
void ExpectReadWriteError();
void EnableFalseStart();
void ExpectEch(bool expected = true);
bool GetEchExpected() const { return expect_ech_; }
void ExpectPsk(SSLPskType psk = ssl_psk_external);
void ExpectResumption();
void SkipVersionChecks();
void SetSignatureSchemes(const SSLSignatureScheme* schemes, size_t count);
void EnableAlpn(const uint8_t* val, size_t len);
void CheckAlpn(SSLNextProtoState expected_state,
const std::string& expected = "") const;
void EnableSrtp();
void CheckSrtp() const;
void CheckEpochs(uint16_t expected_read, uint16_t expected_write) const;
void CheckErrorCode(int32_t expected) const;
void WaitForErrorCode(int32_t expected, uint32_t delay) const;
// Send data on the socket, encrypting it.
void SendData(size_t bytes, size_t blocksize = 1024);
void SendBuffer(const DataBuffer& buf);
bool SendEncryptedRecord(const std::shared_ptr<TlsCipherSpec>& spec,
uint64_t seq, uint8_t ct, const DataBuffer& buf);
// Send data directly to the underlying socket, skipping the TLS layer.
void SendDirect(const DataBuffer& buf);
void SendRecordDirect(const TlsRecord& record);
void AddPsk(const ScopedPK11SymKey& psk, std::string label, SSLHashType hash,
uint16_t zeroRttSuite = TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL);
void RemovePsk(std::string label);
void ReadBytes(size_t max = 16384U);
void ResetSentBytes(size_t bytes = 0); // Hack to test drops.
void EnableExtendedMasterSecret();
void CheckExtendedMasterSecret(bool expected);
void CheckEarlyDataAccepted(bool expected);
void CheckEchAccepted(bool expected);
void SetDowngradeCheckVersion(uint16_t version);
void CheckSecretsDestroyed();
void ConfigNamedGroups(const std::vector<SSLNamedGroup>& groups);
void EnableECDHEServerKeyReuse();
bool GetPeerChainLength(size_t* count);
void CheckPeerChainFunctionConsistency();
void CheckCipherSuite(uint16_t cipher_suite);
void SetResumptionTokenCallback();
bool MaybeSetResumptionToken();
void SetResumptionToken(const std::vector<uint8_t>& resumption_token) {
resumption_token_ = resumption_token;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetResumptionToken() const {
return resumption_token_;
void GetTokenInfo(ScopedSSLResumptionTokenInfo& token) {
SECStatus rv = SSL_GetResumptionTokenInfo(, resumption_token_.size(), token.get(),
ASSERT_EQ(SECSuccess, rv);
void SetResumptionCallbackCalled() { resumption_callback_called_ = true; }
bool resumption_callback_called() const {
return resumption_callback_called_;
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
Role role() const { return role_; }
std::string role_str() const { return role_ == SERVER ? "server" : "client"; }
SSLProtocolVariant variant() const { return variant_; }
State state() const { return state_; }
const CERTCertificate* peer_cert() const {
return SSL_PeerCertificate(ssl_fd_.get());
const char* state_str() const { return state_str(state()); }
static const char* state_str(State state) { return states[state]; }
NssManagedFileDesc ssl_fd() const {
return NssManagedFileDesc(ssl_fd_.get(), policy_, option_);
std::shared_ptr<DummyPrSocket>& adapter() { return adapter_; }
const SSLChannelInfo& info() const {
return info_;
const SSLPreliminaryChannelInfo& pre_info() const { return pre_info_; }
bool is_compressed() const {
return info().compressionMethod != ssl_compression_null;
uint16_t server_key_bits() const { return server_key_bits_; }
uint16_t min_version() const { return vrange_.min; }
uint16_t max_version() const { return vrange_.max; }
uint16_t version() const { return info().protocolVersion; }
bool cipher_suite(uint16_t* suite) const {
if (state_ != STATE_CONNECTED) return false;
*suite = info_.cipherSuite;
return true;
void expected_cipher_suite(uint16_t suite) { expected_cipher_suite_ = suite; }
std::string cipher_suite_name() const {
if (state_ != STATE_CONNECTED) return "UNKNOWN";
return csinfo_.cipherSuiteName;
std::vector<uint8_t> session_id() const {
return std::vector<uint8_t>(info_.sessionID,
info_.sessionID + info_.sessionIDLength);
bool auth_type(SSLAuthType* a) const {
if (state_ != STATE_CONNECTED) return false;
*a = info_.authType;
return true;
bool kea_type(SSLKEAType* k) const {
if (state_ != STATE_CONNECTED) return false;
*k = info_.keaType;
return true;
size_t received_bytes() const { return recv_ctr_; }
PRErrorCode error_code() const { return error_code_; }
bool can_falsestart_hook_called() const {
return can_falsestart_hook_called_;
void SetHandshakeCallback(HandshakeCallbackFunction handshake_callback) {
handshake_callback_ = handshake_callback;
void SetAuthCertificateCallback(
AuthCertificateCallbackFunction auth_certificate_callback) {
auth_certificate_callback_ = auth_certificate_callback;
void SetSniCallback(SniCallbackFunction sni_callback) {
sni_callback_ = sni_callback;
void ExpectReceiveAlert(uint8_t alert, uint8_t level = 0);
void ExpectSendAlert(uint8_t alert, uint8_t level = 0);
std::string alpn_value_to_use_ = "";
// set the given policy before this agent runs
void SetPolicy(SECOidTag oid, PRUint32 set, PRUint32 clear) {
policy_ = NssPolicy(oid, set, clear);
void SetNssOption(PRInt32 id, PRInt32 value) {
option_ = NssOption(id, value);
const static char* states[];
void SetState(State state);
void ValidateCipherSpecs();
// Dummy auth certificate hook.
static SECStatus AuthCertificateHook(void* arg, PRFileDesc* fd,
PRBool checksig, PRBool isServer) {
TlsAgent* agent = reinterpret_cast<TlsAgent*>(arg);
agent->auth_certificate_hook_called_ = true;
if (agent->auth_certificate_callback_) {
return agent->auth_certificate_callback_(agent, checksig ? true : false,
isServer ? true : false);
return SECSuccess;
// Client auth certificate hook.
static SECStatus ClientAuthenticated(void* arg, PRFileDesc* fd,
PRBool checksig, PRBool isServer) {
TlsAgent* agent = reinterpret_cast<TlsAgent*>(arg);
if (agent->auth_certificate_callback_) {
return agent->auth_certificate_callback_(agent, checksig ? true : false,
isServer ? true : false);
return SECSuccess;
static SECStatus GetClientAuthDataHook(void* self, PRFileDesc* fd,
CERTDistNames* caNames,
CERTCertificate** cert,
SECKEYPrivateKey** privKey);
static void ReadableCallback(PollTarget* self, Event event) {
TlsAgent* agent = static_cast<TlsAgent*>(self);
if (event == TIMER_EVENT) {
agent->timer_handle_ = nullptr;
void ReadableCallback_int() {
switch (state_) {
static PRInt32 SniHook(PRFileDesc* fd, const SECItem* srvNameArr,
PRUint32 srvNameArrSize, void* arg) {
TlsAgent* agent = reinterpret_cast<TlsAgent*>(arg);
agent->sni_hook_called_ = true;
EXPECT_EQ(1UL, srvNameArrSize);
if (agent->sni_callback_) {
return agent->sni_callback_(agent, srvNameArr, srvNameArrSize);
return 0; // First configuration.
static SECStatus CanFalseStartCallback(PRFileDesc* fd, void* arg,
PRBool* canFalseStart) {
TlsAgent* agent = reinterpret_cast<TlsAgent*>(arg);
agent->can_falsestart_hook_called_ = true;
*canFalseStart = true;
return SECSuccess;
void CheckAlert(bool sent, const SSLAlert* alert);
static void AlertReceivedCallback(const PRFileDesc* fd, void* arg,
const SSLAlert* alert) {
reinterpret_cast<TlsAgent*>(arg)->CheckAlert(false, alert);
static void AlertSentCallback(const PRFileDesc* fd, void* arg,
const SSLAlert* alert) {
reinterpret_cast<TlsAgent*>(arg)->CheckAlert(true, alert);
static void HandshakeCallback(PRFileDesc* fd, void* arg) {
TlsAgent* agent = reinterpret_cast<TlsAgent*>(arg);
agent->handshake_callback_called_ = true;
if (agent->handshake_callback_) {
void DisableLameGroups();
void ConfigStrongECGroups(bool en);
void ConfigAllDHGroups(bool en);
void CheckCallbacks() const;
void Connected();
const std::string name_;
SSLProtocolVariant variant_;
Role role_;
uint16_t server_key_bits_;
std::shared_ptr<DummyPrSocket> adapter_;
ScopedPRFileDesc ssl_fd_;
State state_;
std::shared_ptr<Poller::Timer> timer_handle_;
bool falsestart_enabled_;
uint16_t expected_version_;
uint16_t expected_cipher_suite_;
bool expect_client_auth_;
bool expect_ech_;
SSLPskType expect_psk_;
bool can_falsestart_hook_called_;
bool sni_hook_called_;
bool auth_certificate_hook_called_;
uint8_t expected_received_alert_;
uint8_t expected_received_alert_level_;
uint8_t expected_sent_alert_;
uint8_t expected_sent_alert_level_;
bool handshake_callback_called_;
bool resumption_callback_called_;
SSLChannelInfo info_;
SSLPreliminaryChannelInfo pre_info_;
SSLCipherSuiteInfo csinfo_;
SSLVersionRange vrange_;
PRErrorCode error_code_;
size_t send_ctr_;
size_t recv_ctr_;
bool expect_readwrite_error_;
HandshakeCallbackFunction handshake_callback_;
AuthCertificateCallbackFunction auth_certificate_callback_;
SniCallbackFunction sni_callback_;
bool skip_version_checks_;
std::vector<uint8_t> resumption_token_;
NssPolicy policy_;
NssOption option_;
ClientAuthCallbackType client_auth_callback_type_ =
bool client_auth_callback_success_ = false;
uint8_t client_auth_callback_fired_ = 0;
bool client_auth_callback_awaiting_ = false;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const TlsAgent::State& state) {
return stream << TlsAgent::state_str(state);
class TlsAgentTestBase : public ::testing::Test {
static ::testing::internal::ParamGenerator<std::string> kTlsRolesAll;
TlsAgentTestBase(TlsAgent::Role role, SSLProtocolVariant variant,
uint16_t version = 0)
: agent_(nullptr),
sink_adapter_(new DummyPrSocket("sink", variant)) {}
virtual ~TlsAgentTestBase() {}
void SetUp();
void TearDown();
void ExpectAlert(uint8_t alert);
static void MakeRecord(SSLProtocolVariant variant, uint8_t type,
uint16_t version, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len,
DataBuffer* out, uint64_t seq_num = 0);
void MakeRecord(uint8_t type, uint16_t version, const uint8_t* buf,
size_t len, DataBuffer* out, uint64_t seq_num = 0) const;
void MakeHandshakeMessage(uint8_t hs_type, const uint8_t* data, size_t hs_len,
DataBuffer* out, uint64_t seq_num = 0) const;
void MakeHandshakeMessageFragment(uint8_t hs_type, const uint8_t* data,
size_t hs_len, DataBuffer* out,
uint64_t seq_num, uint32_t fragment_offset,
uint32_t fragment_length) const;
DataBuffer MakeCannedTls13ServerHello();
static void MakeTrivialHandshakeRecord(uint8_t hs_type, size_t hs_len,
DataBuffer* out);
static inline TlsAgent::Role ToRole(const std::string& str) {
return str == "CLIENT" ? TlsAgent::CLIENT : TlsAgent::SERVER;
void Init(const std::string& server_name = TlsAgent::kServerRsa);
void Reset(const std::string& server_name = TlsAgent::kServerRsa);
void EnsureInit();
void ProcessMessage(const DataBuffer& buffer, TlsAgent::State expected_state,
int32_t error_code = 0);
std::shared_ptr<TlsAgent> agent_;
TlsAgent::Role role_;
SSLProtocolVariant variant_;
uint16_t version_;
// This adapter is here just to accept packets from this agent.
std::shared_ptr<DummyPrSocket> sink_adapter_;
class TlsAgentTest
: public TlsAgentTestBase,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
std::tuple<std::string, SSLProtocolVariant, uint16_t>> {
: TlsAgentTestBase(ToRole(std::get<0>(GetParam())),
std::get<1>(GetParam()), std::get<2>(GetParam())) {}
class TlsAgentTestClient : public TlsAgentTestBase,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
std::tuple<SSLProtocolVariant, uint16_t>> {
: TlsAgentTestBase(TlsAgent::CLIENT, std::get<0>(GetParam()),
std::get<1>(GetParam())) {}
class TlsAgentTestClient13 : public TlsAgentTestClient {};
class TlsAgentStreamTestClient13 : public TlsAgentTestClient {
TlsAgentStreamTestClient13() { variant_ = ssl_variant_stream; }
class TlsAgentStreamTestClient : public TlsAgentTestBase {
: TlsAgentTestBase(TlsAgent::CLIENT, ssl_variant_stream) {}
class TlsAgentStreamTestServer : public TlsAgentTestBase {
: TlsAgentTestBase(TlsAgent::SERVER, ssl_variant_stream) {}
class TlsAgentDgramTestClient : public TlsAgentTestBase {
: TlsAgentTestBase(TlsAgent::CLIENT, ssl_variant_datagram) {}
inline bool operator==(const SSLVersionRange& vr1, const SSLVersionRange& vr2) {
return vr1.min == vr2.min && vr1.max == vr2.max;
} // namespace nss_test