browser.sys.mjs |
An object that holds information about the client window
@typedef ClientWindowInfo
@property {boolean} active
True if client window is keyboard-interactable. False, if
@property {string} clientWindow
The id of the client window.
@property {number} height
The height of the client window.
@property {WindowState} state
The client window state.
@property {number} width
The width of the client window.
@property {number} x
The x-coordinate of the client window.
@property {number} y
The y-coordinate of the client window.
6156 |
browsingContext.sys.mjs |
@typedef {string} ClipRectangleType
63326 |
input.sys.mjs |
Assert that the target coordinates are within the visible viewport.
@param {Array.<number>} target
Coordinates [x, y] of the target relative to the viewport.
@param {BrowsingContext} context
The browsing context to dispatch the event to.
@returns {Promise<undefined>}
Promise that rejects, if the coordinates are not within
the visible viewport.
@throws {MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError}
If target is outside the viewport.
10585 |
log.sys.mjs |
469 |
network.sys.mjs |
@typedef {object} AuthChallenge
@property {string} scheme
@property {string} realm
58952 |
permissions.sys.mjs |
An object that holds the information about permission descriptor
for Webdriver BiDi permissions.setPermission command.
@typedef PermissionDescriptor
@property {string} name
The name of the permission.
3780 |
script.sys.mjs |
@typedef {string} ScriptEvaluateResultType
28009 |
session.sys.mjs |
14660 |
storage.sys.mjs |
Enum of possible partition types supported by the
storage.getCookies command.
@enum {PartitionType}
28236 |