Accessible2.idl |
30877 |
Accessible2_2.idl |
@brief This interface exposes the primary set of information about an
IAccessible2 enabled accessible object.
This interface must always be provided for objects that support some
portion of the collection of the %IAccessible2 interfaces.
Please refer to @ref _changingInterfaces "Changing between Accessible Interfaces"
for special considerations related to use of the MSAA IAccessible interface and
the set of %IAccessible2 interfaces.
5045 |
AccessibleAction.idl |
This enum defines values which are predefined actions for use when implementing
support for media.
This enum is used when specifying an action for IAccessibleAction::doAction.
9496 |
AccessibleApplication.idl |
@brief This interface gives access to the application's name and version information.
This interface provides the AT with the information it needs to differentiate
this application from other applications, from other versions of this
application, or from other versions of this application running on different
versions of an accessibility bridge or accessibility toolkit.
Servers implementing IAccessible2 should provide access to the %IAccessibleApplication
interface via QueryService from any object so that ATs can easily determine specific
information about the application such as its name or version.
4610 |
AccessibleComponent.idl |
A value specifying a color in ARGB format, where each 8 bit color component
specifies alpha, red, green, and blue respectively. The alpha value is optional.
4874 |
AccessibleDocument.idl |
@brief This interface represents documents.
This interface is used for a representation of documents.
3140 |
AccessibleEditableText.idl |
@brief This interface provides clipboard capability to text objects.
This interface is typically used in conjunction with the IAccessibleText
interface and complements that interface with the additional capability of
clipboard operations. Note that even a read only text object can support
the copy capability so this interface is not limited to editable objects.
The substrings used with this interface are specified as follows:
If startOffset is less than endOffset, the substring starts with the
character at startOffset and ends with the character just before endOffset.
If endOffset is lower than startOffset, the result is the same as a call
with the two arguments exchanged. The whole text can be defined by passing
the indices zero and IAccessibleText::nCharacters. If both indices have the
same value, an empty string is defined.
Refer to the @ref _specialOffsets
"Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods"
for information about a special offset constant that can be used in %IAccessibleEditableText methods.
9922 |
AccessibleEventId.idl |
%IAccessible2 specific event constants
This enum defines the event IDs fired by %IAccessible2 objects. The event IDs
are in addition to those used by MSAA.
8043 |
AccessibleHyperlink.idl |
@brief This interface represents hyperlinks.
This interface represents a hyperlink associated with a single substring
of text or single non-text object. Non-text objects can have either a
single link or a collection of links such as when the non-text object is
an image map.
Linked objects and anchors are implementation dependent. This interface is derived
from IAccessibleAction. IAccessibleAction::nActions is one greater than the
maximum value for the indices used with the methods of this interface.
Furthermore, the object that implements this interface has to be connected
implicitly or explicitly with an object that implements IAccessibleText.
IAccessibleHyperlink::startIndex and IAccessibleHyperlink::endIndex are
indices with respect to the text exposed by IAccessibleText.
This interface provides access to a single object which can have multiple actions.
An example is an image map which is an image with multiple links each of which is
associated with a separate non-overlapping area of the image. This interface could
also be applied to other kinds of objects with multiple actions such as "smart tags"
which are objects, typically strings, which have multiple actions such as
"Activate URI", "Bookmark URI", etc.
An interesting use case is an image map where each area is associated with multiple
actions, e.g. an image map of smart tags. In this case you would have to implement
two levels of accessible hyperlinks. The first level hyperlinks would only implement
anchor and anchorTarget. The anchors would all reference the image object. The
anchorTargets would reference the second level accessible hyperlink objects. None
of the IAccessibleAction methods would be implemented on the first level hyperlink
objects. The second level hyperlink objects would implement the IAccessibleAction
methods. Their anchors would also reference the image object and their anchorTargets
would reference URLs or the objects that would be activated.
This use case demonstrates that in some cases there is no need for IAccessibleHyperlink
to derive from IAccessibleAction. As a result it may be removed in a later version of
the IDL and it is suggested that implementations should not rely on the inheritance.
8326 |
AccessibleHypertext.idl |
@brief This interface exposes information about hypertext in a document.
The %IAccessibleHypertext interface is the main interface to expose
hyperlinks in a document, typically a text document, that are used
to reference other documents. A typical implementation is to implement
this interface on the smallest text object such as a paragraph of text.
4955 |
AccessibleHypertext2.idl |
@brief This interface exposes information about hypertext in a document.
The %IAccessibleHypertext2 interface extends the functinality of the
%IAccessibleHypertext inteface.
3499 |
AccessibleImage.idl |
@brief This interface represents images and icons.
This interface is used for a representation of images like icons on buttons.
%IAccessibleImage only needs to be implemented in certain situations. Some
examples are:
<li>The accessible name and description are not enough to fully
describe the image, e.g. when the accessible description is used to define the
behavior of an actionable image and the image itself conveys semantically
significant information.
<li>The user can edit the content that includes an
image and therefore the user needs to be able to review the image's position.
4151 |
AccessibleRelation.idl |
@defgroup grpRelations Relations
Use the following constants to compare against the BSTRs returned by
9769 |
AccessibleRole.idl |
Collection of roles
This enumerator defines an extended set of accessible roles of objects implementing
the %IAccessible2 interface. These roles are in addition to the MSAA roles obtained
through the MSAA get_accRole method. Examples are 'footnote', 'heading', and
'label'. You obtain an object's %IAccessible2 roles by calling IAccessible2::role.
13281 |
AccessibleStates.idl |
%IAccessible2 specific state bit constants
This enum defines the state bits returned by IAccessible2::states. The
%IAccessible2 state bits are in addition to those returned by MSAA.
8690 |
AccessibleTable.idl |
@brief This interface gives access to a two-dimensional table.
Typically all accessible objects that represent cells or cell-clusters of a table
will be at the same time children of the table. In this case IAccessible2::indexInParent
will return the child index which then can be used when calling IAccessibleTable::rowIndex
and IAccessibleTable::columnIndex.
However, in some cases that kind of implementation will not be possible. When
the table cells are not direct children of a table, the object representing
the cell can define a "table-cell-index" object attribute identifying the 0
based table cell index. This object attribute is obtained by parsing the
attribute string returned by IAccessible2::attributes. The "table-cell-index"
attribute can be used just like a child index of the typical case. ATs should
first test for the presence of the "table-cell-index" attribute and if it is not
present then IAccessible2::indexInParent can be used as in the typical case
where cells are direct children of the table.
The range of valid coordinates for this interface are implementation dependent.
However, that range includes at least the intervals from the from the first row
or column with the index 0 up to the last (but not including) used row or column
as returned by IAccessibleTable::nRows and IAccessibleTable::nColumns.
Note that newer implementations are now using IAccessibleTable2 and IAccessibleTableCell
rather than this interface.
20460 |
AccessibleTable2.idl |
@brief This interface gives access to a two-dimensional table.
Please also refer to the IAccessibleTableCell interface.
If you want to support older applications you should also support the
IAccessibleTable inteface.
13878 |
AccessibleTableCell.idl |
@brief This interface gives access to the cells of a two-dimensional table.
Please also refer to the IAccessibleTable2 interface.
6613 |
AccessibleText.idl |
A structure containing a substring and the start and end offsets in the enclosing string.
IAccessibleText::newText and IAccessibleText::oldText return this struct.
30351 |
AccessibleText2.idl |
@brief This interface gives read-only access to text.
The %IAccessibleText2 interface extends the functionality of the
%IAccessibleText interface.
3878 |
AccessibleTextSelectionContainer.idl |
This structure represents a single text selection within an accessibility
subtree. This could be within a document, or the subtree of a document. This
selection is defined by two points in the content, where each one is defined by
an accessible object supporting the IAccessibleTextInterface and an
IAccessibleText character offset relative to it.
The end object must appear after the start object in the accessibility tree,
i.e. the end object must be reachable from the start object by navigating
forward (next, first child etc).
This struct also contains a `startIsActive` boolean, to communicate if the
start of the selection is the active point or not.
The active point corresponds to the user's focus or point of interest. The user
moves the active point to expand or collapse the range. The anchor point is
the other point of the range and typically remains constant. In most cases,
anchor is the start of the range and active is the end. However, when selecting
backwards (e.g. pressing shift+left arrow in a text field), the start of the
range is the active point, as the user moves this to manipulate the selection.
6045 |
AccessibleValue.idl |
@brief This interface gives access to a single numerical value.
The %IAccessibleValue interface represents a single numerical value and should
be implemented by any class that supports numerical value like progress bars
and spin boxes. This interface lets you access the value and its upper and
lower bounds.
5498 |
IA2CommonTypes.idl |
These constants control the scrolling of an object or substring into a window.
This enum is used in IAccessible2::scrollTo and IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo.
9042 |
IA2TypeLibrary.idl |
3666 |