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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include <ostream>
#include "gtest/gtest-param-test.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "mozilla/gtest/MozAssertions.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
using namespace mozilla::net;
LinkHeader LinkHeaderSetAll(nsAString const& v) {
LinkHeader l;
l.mHref = v;
l.mRel = v;
l.mTitle = v;
l.mIntegrity = v;
l.mSrcset = v;
l.mSizes = v;
l.mType = v;
l.mMedia = v;
l.mAnchor = v;
l.mCrossOrigin = v;
l.mReferrerPolicy = v;
l.mAs = v;
l.mFetchPriority = v;
return l;
LinkHeader LinkHeaderSetTitle(nsAString const& v) {
LinkHeader l;
l.mHref = v;
l.mRel = v;
l.mTitle = v;
return l;
LinkHeader LinkHeaderSetMinimum(nsAString const& v) {
LinkHeader l;
l.mHref = v;
l.mRel = v;
return l;
void PrintTo(const nsTArray<LinkHeader>& aLinkHeaders, std::ostream* aOs) {
bool first = true;
for (const auto& header : aLinkHeaders) {
if (!first) {
*aOs << ", ";
first = false;
*aOs << "(mHref=" << header.mHref << ", "
<< "mRel=" << header.mRel << ", "
<< "mTitle=" << header.mTitle << ", "
<< "mNonce=" << header.mNonce << ", "
<< "mIntegrity=" << header.mIntegrity << ", "
<< "mSrcset=" << header.mSrcset << ", "
<< "mSizes=" << header.mSizes << ", "
<< "mType=" << header.mType << ", "
<< "mMedia=" << header.mMedia << ", "
<< "mAnchor=" << header.mAnchor << ", "
<< "mCrossOrigin=" << header.mCrossOrigin << ", "
<< "mReferrerPolicy=" << header.mReferrerPolicy << ", "
<< "mAs=" << header.mAs << ", "
<< "mFetchPriority=" << header.mFetchPriority << ")";
TEST(TestLinkHeader, MultipleLinkHeaders)
nsString link =
u"<a>; rel=a; title=a; integrity=a; imagesrcset=a; imagesizes=a; type=a; media=a; anchor=a; crossorigin=a; referrerpolicy=a; as=a; fetchpriority=a,"_ns
u"<b>; rel=b; title=b; integrity=b; imagesrcset=b; imagesizes=b; type=b; media=b; anchor=b; crossorigin=b; referrerpolicy=b; as=b; fetchpriority=b,"_ns
u"<c>; rel=c"_ns;
nsTArray<LinkHeader> linkHeaders = ParseLinkHeader(link);
nsTArray<LinkHeader> expected;
ASSERT_EQ(linkHeaders, expected);
// title* has to be tested separately
TEST(TestLinkHeader, MultipleLinkHeadersTitleStar)
nsString link =
u"<d>; rel=d; title*=UTF-8'de'd,"_ns
u"<e>; rel=e; title*=UTF-8'de'e; title=g,"_ns
u"<f>; rel=f"_ns;
nsTArray<LinkHeader> linkHeaders = ParseLinkHeader(link);
nsTArray<LinkHeader> expected;
ASSERT_EQ(linkHeaders, expected);
struct SimpleParseTestData {
nsString link;
bool valid;
nsString url;
nsString rel;
nsString as;
nsString fetchpriority;
friend void PrintTo(const SimpleParseTestData& aData, std::ostream* aOs) {
*aOs << "link=" << << ", valid=" << aData.valid
<< ", url=" << aData.url << ", rel=" << aData.rel
<< ", as=" << << ", fetchpriority=" << aData.fetchpriority
<< ")";
class SimpleParseTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<SimpleParseTestData> {};
TEST_P(SimpleParseTest, Simple) {
const SimpleParseTestData test = GetParam();
nsTArray<LinkHeader> linkHeaders = ParseLinkHeader(;
EXPECT_EQ(test.valid, !linkHeaders.IsEmpty());
if (test.valid) {
ASSERT_EQ(linkHeaders.Length(), (nsTArray<LinkHeader>::size_type)1);
EXPECT_EQ(test.url, linkHeaders[0].mHref);
EXPECT_EQ(test.rel, linkHeaders[0].mRel);
EXPECT_EQ(, linkHeaders[0].mAs);
EXPECT_EQ(test.fetchpriority, linkHeaders[0].mFetchPriority);
// Some test data copied and adapted from
// the different behavior of the parser is commented above each test case.
MOZ_RUNINIT const SimpleParseTestData simple_parse_tests[] = {
{u"<s.css>; rel=stylesheet; fetchpriority=\"auto\""_ns, true, u"s.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns, u"auto"_ns},
{u"<s.css>; rel=stylesheet; fetchpriority=\"low\""_ns, true, u"s.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns, u"low"_ns},
{u"<s.css>; rel=stylesheet; fetchpriority=\"high\""_ns, true, u"s.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns, u"high"_ns},
{u"<s.css>; rel=stylesheet; fetchpriority=\"foo\""_ns, true, u"s.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns, u"foo"_ns},
{u"<s.css>; rel=stylesheet; fetchpriority=\"\""_ns, true, u"s.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<s.css>; rel=stylesheet; fetchpriority=fooWithoutDoubleQuotes"_ns, true,
u"s.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns, u"fooWithoutDoubleQuotes"_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel=prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>;rel=prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg> ;rel=prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg> ; rel=prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"< /images/cat.jpg> ; rel=prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg > ; rel=prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): don't ignore spaces in href
// {u"</images/cat.jpg wutwut> ; rel=prefetch"_ns, true,
// u"/images/cat.jpg wutwut"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg wutwut> ; rel=prefetch"_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpgwutwut"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): don't ignore spaces in href
// {u"</images/cat.jpg wutwut \t > ; rel=prefetch"_ns, true,
// u"/images/cat.jpg wutwut"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg wutwut \t > ; rel=prefetch"_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpgwutwut"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel=prefetch "_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; Rel=prefetch "_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; Rel=PReFetCh "_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"PReFetCh"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel=prefetch; rel=somethingelse"_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>\t\t ; \trel=prefetch \t "_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel= prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<../images/cat.jpg?dog>; rel= prefetch"_ns, true,
u"../images/cat.jpg?dog"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel =prefetch"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel pel=prefetch"_ns, false},
// different from chromium test case, because we already check for
// existence of "rel" parameter
{u"< /images/cat.jpg>"_ns, false},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; wut=sup; rel =prefetch"_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; wut=sup ; rel =prefetch"_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; wut=sup ; rel =prefetch \t ;"_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): forbid non-whitespace characters between '>' and the first
// semicolon making it conform RFC 8288 Sec 3
// {u"</images/cat.jpg> wut=sup ; rel =prefetch \t ;"_ns, false},
{u"</images/cat.jpg> wut=sup ; rel =prefetch \t ;"_ns, true,
u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns, u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"< /images/cat.jpg"_ns, false},
// TODO(1744051): don't ignore spaces in href
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel=prefetch;"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/cat.jpg>; rel=prefetch ;"_ns, true, u"/images/cat.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"</images/ca,t.jpg>; rel=prefetch ;"_ns, true, u"/images/ca,t.jpg"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=stylesheet; title=\"title with a DQUOTE and "
true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): forbid missing end quote
// {u"<simple.css>; rel=stylesheet; title=\"title with a DQUOTE \\\" and "
// "backslash: \\\""_ns, false},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=stylesheet; title=\"title with a DQUOTE \\\" and backslash: \\\""_ns,
true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; title=\"title with a DQUOTE \\\" and backslash: \"; "
"rel=stylesheet; "_ns,
true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; title=\'title with a DQUOTE \\\' and backslash: \'; "
"rel=stylesheet; "_ns,
true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; title=\"title with a DQUOTE \\\" and ;backslash,: \"; "
"rel=stylesheet; "_ns,
true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; title=\"title with a DQUOTE \' and ;backslash,: \"; "
"rel=stylesheet; "_ns,
true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; title=\"\"; rel=stylesheet; "_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; title=\"\"; rel=\"stylesheet\"; "_ns, true,
u"simple.css"_ns, u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): forbid missing end quote
// {u"<simple.css>; rel=stylesheet; title=\""_ns, false},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=stylesheet; title=\""_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=stylesheet; title=\"\""_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): forbid missing end quote
// {u"<simple.css>; rel=\"stylesheet\"; title=\""_ns, false},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=\"stylesheet\"; title=\""_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u"stylesheet"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): forbid missing end quote
// {u"<simple.css>; rel=\";style,sheet\"; title=\""_ns, false},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=\";style,sheet\"; title=\""_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u";style,sheet"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): forbid missing end quote
// {u"<simple.css>; rel=\"bla'sdf\"; title=\""_ns, false}
{u"<simple.css>; rel=\"bla'sdf\"; title=\""_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u"bla'sdf"_ns, u""_ns},
// TODO(1744051): allow explicit empty rel
// {u"<simple.css>; rel=\"\"; title=\"\""_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
// u""_ns, u""_ns}
{u"<simple.css>; rel=\"\"; title=\"\""_ns, false},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=''; title=\"\""_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"''"_ns,
{u"<simple.css>; rel=''; bla"_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"''"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; rel='prefetch"_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns, u"'prefetch"_ns,
// TODO(1744051): forbid missing end quote
// {u"<simple.css>; rel=\"prefetch"_ns, false},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=\"prefetch"_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u"\"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=\""_ns, false},
{u"simple.css; rel=prefetch"_ns, false},
{u"<simple.css>; rel=prefetch; rel=foobar"_ns, true, u"simple.css"_ns,
u"prefetch"_ns, u""_ns},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(TestLinkHeader, SimpleParseTest,
// Test anchor
struct AnchorTestData {
nsString baseURI;
// building the new anchor in combination with the baseURI
nsString anchor;
nsString href;
const char* resolved;
class AnchorTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<AnchorTestData> {};
MOZ_RUNINIT const AnchorTestData anchor_tests[] = {
LinkHeader LinkHeaderFromHrefAndAnchor(nsAString const& aHref,
nsAString const& aAnchor) {
LinkHeader l;
l.mHref = aHref;
l.mAnchor = aAnchor;
return l;
TEST_P(AnchorTest, Anchor) {
const AnchorTestData test = GetParam();
LinkHeader linkHeader = LinkHeaderFromHrefAndAnchor(test.href, test.anchor);
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> baseURI;
ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(baseURI), test.baseURI));
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> resolved;
linkHeader.NewResolveHref(getter_AddRefs(resolved), baseURI)));
ASSERT_STREQ(resolved->GetSpecOrDefault().get(), test.resolved);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(TestLinkHeader, AnchorTest,