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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef nsAHttpTransaction_h__
#define nsAHttpTransaction_h__
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsIRequest.h"
#include "nsITRRSkipReason.h"
#ifdef Status
/* Xlib headers insist on this for some reason... Nuke it because
it'll override our member name */
typedef Status __StatusTmp;
# undef Status
typedef __StatusTmp Status;
class nsIDNSHTTPSSVCRecord;
class nsIInterfaceRequestor;
class nsIRequestContext;
class nsISVCBRecord;
class nsITLSSocketControl;
class nsITransport;
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
class nsAHttpConnection;
class nsAHttpSegmentReader;
class nsAHttpSegmentWriter;
class nsHttpTransaction;
class nsHttpRequestHead;
class nsHttpConnectionInfo;
class NullHttpTransaction;
enum class WebSocketSupport { UNSURE, NO_SUPPORT, SUPPORTED };
// Abstract base class for a HTTP transaction:
// A transaction is a "sink" for the response data. The connection pushes
// data to the transaction by writing to it. The transaction supports
// WriteSegments and may refuse to accept data if its buffers are full (its
// write function returns NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK in this case).
// 2af6d634-13e3-494c-8903-c9dce5c22fc0
{ \
0x2af6d634, 0x13e3, 0x494c, { \
0x89, 0x03, 0xc9, 0xdc, 0xe5, 0xc2, 0x2f, 0xc0 \
} \
class nsAHttpTransaction : public nsSupportsWeakReference {
// called by the connection when it takes ownership of the transaction.
virtual void SetConnection(nsAHttpConnection*) = 0;
// called by the connection after a successfull activation of this transaction
// in other words, tells the transaction it transitioned to the "active"
// state.
virtual void OnActivated() {}
// used to obtain the connection associated with this transaction
virtual nsAHttpConnection* Connection() = 0;
// called by the connection to get security callbacks to set on the
// socket transport.
virtual void GetSecurityCallbacks(nsIInterfaceRequestor**) = 0;
// called to report socket status (see nsITransportEventSink)
virtual void OnTransportStatus(nsITransport* transport, nsresult status,
int64_t progress) = 0;
// called to check the transaction status.
virtual bool IsDone() = 0;
virtual nsresult Status() = 0;
virtual uint32_t Caps() = 0;
// called to read request data from the transaction.
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult ReadSegments(nsAHttpSegmentReader* reader,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t* countRead) = 0;
// called to write response data to the transaction.
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult WriteSegments(nsAHttpSegmentWriter* writer,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t* countWritten) = 0;
// These versions of the functions allow the overloader to specify whether or
// not it is safe to call *Segments() in a loop while they return OK.
// The callee should turn again to false if it is not, otherwise leave
// untouched
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult ReadSegmentsAgain(nsAHttpSegmentReader* reader,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t* countRead,
bool* again) {
return ReadSegments(reader, count, countRead);
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult WriteSegmentsAgain(
nsAHttpSegmentWriter* writer, uint32_t count, uint32_t* countWritten,
bool* again) {
return WriteSegments(writer, count, countWritten);
// called to close the transaction
virtual void Close(nsresult reason) = 0;
// called to indicate a failure with proxy CONNECT
virtual void SetProxyConnectFailed() = 0;
// called to retrieve the request headers of the transaction
virtual nsHttpRequestHead* RequestHead() = 0;
// determine the number of real http/1.x transactions on this
// abstract object. Pipelines had multiple, SPDY has 0,
// normal http transactions have 1.
virtual uint32_t Http1xTransactionCount() = 0;
// called to remove the unused sub transactions from an object that can
// handle multiple transactions simultaneously (i.e. h2).
// Returns NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if the object does not implement
// sub-transactions.
// Returns NS_ERROR_ALREADY_OPENED if the subtransactions have been
// at least partially written and cannot be moved.
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult TakeSubTransactions(
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsAHttpTransaction> >& outTransactions) = 0;
// Occasionally the abstract interface has to give way to base implementations
// to respect differences between spdy, h2, etc..
// These Query* (and IsNullTransaction()) functions provide a way to do
// that without using xpcom or rtti. Any calling code that can't deal with
// a null response from one of them probably shouldn't be using
// nsAHttpTransaction
// equivalent to !!dynamic_cast<NullHttpTransaction *>(this)
// A null transaction is expected to return BASE_STREAM_CLOSED on all of
// its IO functions all the time.
virtual bool IsNullTransaction() { return false; }
virtual NullHttpTransaction* QueryNullTransaction() { return nullptr; }
// If we used rtti this would be the result of doing
// dynamic_cast<nsHttpTransaction *>(this).. i.e. it can be nullptr for
// non nsHttpTransaction implementations of nsAHttpTransaction
virtual nsHttpTransaction* QueryHttpTransaction() { return nullptr; }
// return the request context associated with the transaction
virtual nsIRequestContext* RequestContext() { return nullptr; }
// return the connection information associated with the transaction
virtual nsHttpConnectionInfo* ConnectionInfo() = 0;
// The base definition of these is done in nsHttpTransaction.cpp
virtual bool ResponseTimeoutEnabled() const;
virtual PRIntervalTime ResponseTimeout();
// conceptually the socket control is part of the connection, but sometimes
// in the case of TLS tunneled within TLS the transaction might present
// a more specific socket control that cannot be represented as a layer in
// the connection due to multiplexing. This interface represents such an
// overload. If it returns NS_FAILURE the connection should be considered
// authoritative.
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult GetTransactionTLSSocketControl(
nsITLSSocketControl**) {
virtual void DisableSpdy() {}
// When called, we disallow to connect through a Http/2 proxy.
virtual void DisableHttp2ForProxy() {}
virtual void DisableHttp3(bool aAllowRetryHTTPSRR) {}
virtual void MakeNonSticky() {}
virtual void MakeRestartable() {}
virtual void ReuseConnectionOnRestartOK(bool) {}
virtual void SetIsHttp2Websocket(bool) {}
virtual bool IsHttp2Websocket() { return false; }
virtual void SetTRRInfo(nsIRequest::TRRMode aMode,
TRRSkippedReason aSkipReason) {};
// We call this function if we want to use alt-svc host again on the next
// restart. If this function is not called on the next restart the
// transaction will use the original route.
// For example in case we receive a GOAWAY frame from a server, we can
// restart and use the same alt-svc. If we get VersionFallback we do not
// want to use the alt-svc on the restart.
virtual void DoNotRemoveAltSvc() {}
// We call this function if we do want to reset IP family preference again on
// the next restart.
virtual void DoNotResetIPFamilyPreference() {}
// Returns true if early-data is possible and transaction will remember
// that it is in 0RTT mode (to know should it rewide transaction or not
// in the case of an error).
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool Do0RTT() { return false; }
// This function will be called when a tls handshake has been finished and
// we know whether early-data that was sent has been accepted or not, e.g.
// do we need to restart a transaction. This will be called only if Do0RTT
// returns true.
// If aRestart parameter is true we need to restart the transaction,
// otherwise the erly-data has been accepted and we can continue the
// transaction.
// If aAlpnChanged is true (and we were assuming http/2), we'll need to take
// the transactions out of the session, rewind them all, and start them back
// over as http/1 transactions
// The function will return success or failure of the transaction restart.
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult Finish0RTT(bool aRestart, bool aAlpnChanged) {
virtual uint64_t BrowserId() {
return 0;
virtual void OnProxyConnectComplete(int32_t aResponseCode) {}
virtual nsresult FetchHTTPSRR() { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
virtual nsresult OnHTTPSRRAvailable(nsIDNSHTTPSSVCRecord* aHTTPSSVCRecord,
nsISVCBRecord* aHighestPriorityRecord,
const nsACString& aCname) {
void SetConnection(nsAHttpConnection*) override; \
nsAHttpConnection* Connection() override; \
void GetSecurityCallbacks(nsIInterfaceRequestor**) override; \
void OnTransportStatus(nsITransport* transport, nsresult status, \
int64_t progress) override; \
bool IsDone() override; \
nsresult Status() override; \
uint32_t Caps() override; \
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult ReadSegments(nsAHttpSegmentReader*, uint32_t, \
uint32_t*) override; \
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult WriteSegments(nsAHttpSegmentWriter*, \
uint32_t, uint32_t*) override; \
virtual void Close(nsresult reason) override; \
nsHttpConnectionInfo* ConnectionInfo() override; \
void SetProxyConnectFailed() override; \
virtual nsHttpRequestHead* RequestHead() override; \
uint32_t Http1xTransactionCount() override; \
[[nodiscard]] nsresult TakeSubTransactions( \
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsAHttpTransaction> >& outTransactions) override;
// nsAHttpSegmentReader
class nsAHttpSegmentReader {
// any returned failure code stops segment iteration
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult OnReadSegment(const char* segment,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t* countRead) = 0;
// Ask the segment reader to commit to accepting size bytes of
// data from subsequent OnReadSegment() calls or throw hard
// (i.e. not wouldblock) exceptions. Implementations
// can return NS_ERROR_FAILURE if they never make commitments of that size
// (the default), NS_OK if they make the commitment, or
// NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK if they cannot make the
// commitment now but might in the future and forceCommitment is not true .
// (forceCommitment requires a hard failure or OK at this moment.)
// SpdySession uses this to make sure frames are atomic.
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult CommitToSegmentSize(uint32_t size,
bool forceCommitment) {
[[nodiscard]] nsresult OnReadSegment(const char*, uint32_t, uint32_t*) \
// nsAHttpSegmentWriter
class nsAHttpSegmentWriter {
// any returned failure code stops segment iteration
[[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult OnWriteSegment(char* segment, uint32_t count,
uint32_t* countWritten) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] nsresult OnWriteSegment(char*, uint32_t, uint32_t*) override;
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // nsAHttpTransaction_h__