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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
extern crate nserror;
use self::nserror::*;
extern crate nsstring;
use self::nsstring::{nsACString, nsCString};
extern crate thin_vec;
use self::thin_vec::ThinVec;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
/// HTTP leading whitespace, defined in netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttp.h
static HTTP_LWS: &'static [u8] = &[' ' as u8, '\t' as u8];
/// Trim leading whitespace, trailing whitespace, and quality-value
/// from a token.
fn trim_token(token: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
// Trim left whitespace
let ltrim = token
.take_while(|c| HTTP_LWS.iter().any(|ws| &ws == c))
// Trim right whitespace
// remove "; q=..." if present
let rtrim = token[ltrim..]
.take_while(|c| **c != (';' as u8) && HTTP_LWS.iter().all(|ws| ws != *c))
&token[ltrim..ltrim + rtrim]
/// Allocates an nsACString that contains a ISO 639 language list
/// notated with HTTP "q" values for output with an HTTP Accept-Language
/// header. Previous q values will be stripped because the order of
/// the langs implies the q value. The q values are calculated by dividing
/// 1.0 amongst the number of languages present.
/// Ex: passing: "en, ja"
/// returns: "en,ja;q=0.5"
/// passing: "en, ja, fr_CA"
/// returns: "en,ja;q=0.7,fr_CA;q=0.3"
pub extern "C" fn rust_prepare_accept_languages<'a, 'b>(
i_accept_languages: &'a nsACString,
o_accept_languages: &'b mut nsACString,
) -> nsresult {
if i_accept_languages.is_empty() {
return NS_OK;
let make_tokens = || {
.split(|c| *c == (',' as u8))
.map(|token| trim_token(token))
.filter(|token| token.len() != 0)
let n = make_tokens().count();
for (count_n, i_token) in make_tokens().enumerate() {
// delimiter if not first item
if count_n != 0 {
let token_pos = o_accept_languages.len();
o_accept_languages.append(&i_token as &[u8]);
let o_token = o_accept_languages.to_mut();
canonicalize_language_tag(&mut o_token[token_pos..]);
// Divide the quality-values evenly among the languages.
let q = 1.0 - count_n as f32 / n as f32;
let u: u32 = ((q + 0.005) * 100.0) as u32;
// Only display q-value if less than 1.00.
if u < 100 {
// With a small number of languages, one decimal place is
// enough to prevent duplicate q-values.
// Also, trailing zeroes do not add any information, so
// they can be removed.
if n < 10 || u % 10 == 0 {
let u = (u + 5) / 10;
o_accept_languages.append(&format!(";q=0.{}", u));
} else {
// Values below 10 require zero padding.
o_accept_languages.append(&format!(";q=0.{:02}", u));
/// Defines a consistent capitalization for a given language string.
/// # Arguments
/// * `token` - a narrow char slice describing a language.
/// Valid language tags are of the form
/// "*", "fr", "en-US", "es-419", "az-Arab", "x-pig-latin", "man-Nkoo-GN"
/// Language tags are defined in the
/// the spec:
/// > At all times, language tags and their subtags, including private
/// > use and extensions, are to be treated as case insensitive: there
/// > exist conventions for the capitalization of some of the subtags,
/// > but these MUST NOT be taken to carry meaning.
fn canonicalize_language_tag(token: &mut [u8]) {
for c in token.iter_mut() {
*c = c.to_ascii_lowercase();
let sub_tags = token.split_mut(|c| *c == ('-' as u8));
for (i, sub_tag) in sub_tags.enumerate() {
if i == 0 {
// ISO 639-1 language code, like the "en" in "en-US"
match sub_tag.len() {
// Singleton tag, like "x" or "i". These signify a
// non-standard language, so we stop capitalizing after
// these.
1 => break,
// ISO 3166-1 Country code, like "US"
2 => {
sub_tag[0] = sub_tag[0].to_ascii_uppercase();
sub_tag[1] = sub_tag[1].to_ascii_uppercase();
// ISO 15924 script code, like "Nkoo"
4 => {
sub_tag[0] = sub_tag[0].to_ascii_uppercase();
_ => {}
pub extern "C" fn rust_net_is_valid_ipv4_addr<'a>(addr: &'a nsACString) -> bool {
fn try_apply_digit(current_octet: u8, digit_to_apply: u8) -> Option<u8> {
pub fn is_valid_ipv4_addr<'a>(addr: &'a [u8]) -> bool {
let mut current_octet: Option<u8> = None;
let mut dots: u8 = 0;
for c in addr {
let c = *c as char;
match c {
'.' => {
match current_octet {
None => {
// starting an octet with a . is not allowed
return false;
Some(_) => {
dots = dots + 1;
current_octet = None;
// The character is not a digit
no_digit if no_digit.to_digit(10).is_none() => {
return false;
digit => {
match current_octet {
None => {
// Unwrap is sound because it has been checked in the previous arm
current_octet = Some(digit.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u8);
Some(octet) => {
if let Some(0) = current_octet {
// Leading 0 is not allowed
return false;
if let Some(applied) =
try_apply_digit(octet, digit.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u8)
current_octet = Some(applied);
} else {
// Multiplication or Addition overflowed
return false;
dots == 3 && current_octet.is_some()
pub extern "C" fn rust_net_is_valid_ipv6_addr<'a>(addr: &'a nsACString) -> bool {
fn fast_is_hex_digit(c: u8) -> bool {
match c {
b'0'..=b'9' => true,
b'a'..=b'f' => true,
b'A'..=b'F' => true,
_ => false,
pub fn is_valid_ipv6_addr<'a>(addr: &'a [u8]) -> bool {
let mut double_colon = false;
let mut colon_before = false;
let mut digits: u8 = 0;
let mut blocks: u8 = 0;
// The smallest ipv6 is unspecified (::)
// The IP starts with a single colon
if addr.len() < 2 || addr[0] == b':' && addr[1] != b':' {
return false;
//Enumerate with an u8 for cache locality
for (i, c) in (0u8..).zip(addr) {
match c {
maybe_digit if fast_is_hex_digit(*maybe_digit) => {
// Too many digits in the block
if digits == 4 {
return false;
colon_before = false;
digits += 1;
b':' => {
// Too many columns
if double_colon && colon_before || blocks == 8 {
return false;
if !colon_before {
if digits != 0 {
blocks += 1;
digits = 0;
colon_before = true;
} else if !double_colon {
double_colon = true;
b'.' => {
// IPv4 from the last block
if is_valid_ipv4_addr(&addr[(i - digits) as usize..]) {
return double_colon && blocks < 6 || !double_colon && blocks == 6;
return false;
_ => {
// Invalid character
return false;
if colon_before && !double_colon {
// The IP ends with a single colon
return false;
if digits != 0 {
blocks += 1;
double_colon && blocks < 8 || !double_colon && blocks == 8
pub extern "C" fn rust_net_is_valid_scheme_char(a_char: u8) -> bool {
pub extern "C" fn rust_net_is_valid_scheme<'a>(scheme: &'a nsACString) -> bool {
if scheme.is_empty() {
return false;
// first char must be alpha
if !scheme[0].is_ascii_alphabetic() {
return false;
.all(|a_char| is_valid_scheme_char(*a_char))
fn is_valid_scheme_char(a_char: u8) -> bool {
a_char.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || a_char == b'+' || a_char == b'.' || a_char == b'-'
pub type ParsingCallback = extern "C" fn(&ThinVec<nsCString>) -> bool;
pub extern "C" fn rust_parse_etc_hosts<'a>(path: &'a nsACString, callback: ParsingCallback) {
let file = match File::open(&*path.to_utf8()) {
Ok(file) => io::BufReader::new(file),
Err(..) => return,
let mut array = ThinVec::new();
for line in file.lines() {
let line = match line {
Ok(l) => l,
Err(..) => continue,
let mut iter = line.split('#').next().unwrap().split_whitespace();; // skip the IP
iter.filter(|host| {
// Make sure it's a valid domain
let invalid = [
'\0', '\t', '\n', '\r', ' ', '#', '%', '/', ':', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']',
host.parse::<Ipv4Addr>().is_err() && !host.contains(&invalid[..])
// /etc/hosts files can be huge. To make sure we don't block shutdown
// for every 100 domains that we parse we call the callback passing the
// domains and see if we should keep parsing.
if array.len() > 100 {
let keep_going = callback(&array);
if !keep_going {
if !array.is_empty() {