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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_SharedSubResourceCache_h__
#define mozilla_SharedSubResourceCache_h__
// A cache that allows us to share subresources across documents. In order to
// use it you need to provide some types, mainly:
// * Loader, which implements LoaderPrincipal() and allows you to key per
// principal. The idea is that this would be the
// {CSS,Script,Image}Loader object.
// * Key (self explanatory). We might want to introduce a common key to
// share the cache partitioning logic.
// * Value, which represents the final cached value. This is expected to
// be a StyleSheet / Stencil / imgRequestProxy.
// * LoadingValue, which must inherit from
// SharedSubResourceCacheLoadingValueBase (which contains the linked
// list and the state that the cache manages). It also must provide a
// ValueForCache() and ExpirationTime() members. For style, this is the
// SheetLoadData.
#include "mozilla/PrincipalHashKey.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "nsIMemoryReporter.h"
#include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/StoragePrincipalHelper.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CacheExpirationTime.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsHttpResponseHead.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CacheablePerformanceTimingData.h"
namespace mozilla {
// A struct to hold the network-related metadata associated with the cache.
// When inserting a cache, the consumer should create this from the request and
// make it available via
// SharedSubResourceCacheLoadingValueBase::GetNetworkMetadata.
// When using a cache, the consumer can retrieve this from
// SharedSubResourceCache::Result::mNetworkMetadata and use it for notifying
// the observers once the necessary data becomes ready.
// This struct is ref-counted in order to allow this usage.
class SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder {
SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder() = delete;
explicit SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder(nsIRequest* aRequest);
const dom::CacheablePerformanceTimingData* GetPerfData() const {
return mPerfData.ptrOr(nullptr);
const net::nsHttpResponseHead* GetResponseHead() const {
return mResponseHead.get();
~SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder() = default;
mozilla::Maybe<dom::CacheablePerformanceTimingData> mPerfData;
mozilla::UniquePtr<net::nsHttpResponseHead> mResponseHead;
enum class CachedSubResourceState {
template <typename Derived>
struct SharedSubResourceCacheLoadingValueBase {
// Whether we're in the "loading" hash table.
RefPtr<Derived> mNext;
virtual bool IsLoading() const = 0;
virtual bool IsCancelled() const = 0;
virtual bool IsSyncLoad() const = 0;
virtual SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder* GetNetworkMetadata() const = 0;
virtual void StartLoading() = 0;
virtual void SetLoadCompleted() = 0;
virtual void OnCoalescedTo(const Derived& aExistingLoad) = 0;
virtual void Cancel() = 0;
// Return the next sub-resource which has the same key.
Derived* GetNextSubResource() { return mNext; }
~SharedSubResourceCacheLoadingValueBase() {
// Do this iteratively to avoid blowing up the stack.
RefPtr<Derived> next = std::move(mNext);
while (next) {
next = std::move(next->mNext);
namespace SharedSubResourceCacheUtils {
void AddPerformanceEntryForCache(
const nsString& aEntryName, const nsString& aInitiatorType,
const SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder* aNetworkMetadata,
TimeStamp aStartTime, TimeStamp aEndTime, dom::Document* aDocument);
} // namespace SharedSubResourceCacheUtils
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
class SharedSubResourceCache {
using Loader = typename Traits::Loader;
using Key = typename Traits::Key;
using Value = typename Traits::Value;
using LoadingValue = typename Traits::LoadingValue;
static Key KeyFromLoadingValue(const LoadingValue& aValue) {
return Traits::KeyFromLoadingValue(aValue);
const Derived& AsDerived() const {
return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this);
Derived& AsDerived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
SharedSubResourceCache(const SharedSubResourceCache&) = delete;
SharedSubResourceCache(SharedSubResourceCache&&) = delete;
SharedSubResourceCache() = default;
static Derived* Get() {
if (sSingleton) {
return sSingleton.get();
sSingleton = new Derived();
return sSingleton.get();
static void DeleteSingleton() { sSingleton = nullptr; }
struct CompleteSubResource {
RefPtr<Value> mResource;
RefPtr<SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder> mNetworkMetadata;
CacheExpirationTime mExpirationTime = CacheExpirationTime::Never();
bool mWasSyncLoad = false;
explicit CompleteSubResource(LoadingValue& aValue)
: mResource(aValue.ValueForCache()),
mWasSyncLoad(aValue.IsSyncLoad()) {}
inline bool Expired() const;
struct Result {
Value* mCompleteValue = nullptr;
RefPtr<SubResourceNetworkMetadataHolder> mNetworkMetadata;
LoadingValue* mLoadingOrPendingValue = nullptr;
CachedSubResourceState mState = CachedSubResourceState::Miss;
constexpr Result() = default;
explicit constexpr Result(const CompleteSubResource& aCompleteSubResource)
: mCompleteValue(aCompleteSubResource.mResource.get()),
mState(CachedSubResourceState::Complete) {}
constexpr Result(LoadingValue* aLoadingOrPendingValue,
CachedSubResourceState aState)
: mLoadingOrPendingValue(aLoadingOrPendingValue), mState(aState) {}
Result Lookup(Loader&, const Key&, bool aSyncLoad);
// Tries to coalesce with an already existing load. The sheet state must be
// the one that Lookup returned, if it returned a sheet.
// TODO(emilio): Maybe try to merge this with the lookup? Most consumers could
// have a data there already.
[[nodiscard]] bool CoalesceLoad(const Key&, LoadingValue& aNewLoad,
CachedSubResourceState aExistingLoadState);
size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf) const;
// Puts the load into the "loading" set.
void LoadStarted(const Key&, LoadingValue&);
// Removes the load from the "loading" set if there.
void LoadCompleted(LoadingValue&);
// Inserts a value into the cache.
void Insert(LoadingValue&);
// Puts a load into the "pending" set.
void DeferLoad(const Key&, LoadingValue&);
template <typename Callback>
void StartPendingLoadsForLoader(Loader&, const Callback& aShouldStartLoad);
void CancelLoadsForLoader(Loader&);
// Register a loader into the cache. This has the effect of keeping alive all
// subresources for the origin of the loader's document until UnregisterLoader
// is called.
void RegisterLoader(Loader&);
// Unregister a loader from the cache.
// If this is the loader for the last document of a given origin, then all the
// subresources for that document will be removed from the cache. This needs
// to be called when the document goes away, or when its principal changes.
void UnregisterLoader(Loader&);
void ClearInProcess(const Maybe<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>>& aPrincipal,
const Maybe<nsCString>& aSchemelessSite,
const Maybe<OriginAttributesPattern>& aPattern);
void CancelPendingLoadsForLoader(Loader&);
void WillStartPendingLoad(LoadingValue&);
nsTHashMap<Key, CompleteSubResource> mComplete;
nsRefPtrHashtable<Key, LoadingValue> mPending;
// The SheetLoadData pointers in mLoadingDatas below are weak references that
// get cleaned up when StreamLoader::OnStopRequest gets called.
// Note that we hold on to all sheet loads, even if in the end they happen not
// to be cacheable.
nsTHashMap<Key, WeakPtr<LoadingValue>> mLoading;
// An origin-to-number-of-registered-documents count, in order to manage cache
// eviction as described in RegisterLoader / UnregisterLoader.
nsTHashMap<PrincipalHashKey, uint32_t> mLoaderPrincipalRefCnt;
// Lazily created in the first Get() call.
// The singleton should be deleted by DeleteSingleton() during shutdown.
inline static MOZ_GLOBINIT StaticRefPtr<Derived> sSingleton;
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::ClearInProcess(
const Maybe<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>>& aPrincipal,
const Maybe<nsCString>& aSchemelessSite,
const Maybe<OriginAttributesPattern>& aPattern) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aSchemelessSite.isSome() == aPattern.isSome(),
"Must pass both site and OA pattern.");
if (!aPrincipal && !aSchemelessSite) {
for (auto iter = mComplete.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
const bool shouldRemove = [&] {
if (aPrincipal && iter.Key().Principal()->Equals(aPrincipal.ref())) {
return true;
if (!aSchemelessSite) {
return false;
// Clear by site.
nsIPrincipal* partitionPrincipal = iter.Key().PartitionPrincipal();
// Clear entries with site. This includes entries which are partitioned
// under other top level sites (= have a partitionKey set).
nsAutoCString principalBaseDomain;
nsresult rv = partitionPrincipal->GetBaseDomain(principalBaseDomain);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return false;
if (principalBaseDomain.Equals(aSchemelessSite.ref()) &&
aPattern.ref().Matches(partitionPrincipal->OriginAttributesRef())) {
return true;
// Clear entries partitioned under aSchemelessSite. We need to add the
// partition key filter to aPattern so that we include any OA filtering
// specified by the caller. For example the caller may pass aPattern = {
// privateBrowsingId: 1 } which means we may only clear partitioned
// private browsing data.
OriginAttributesPattern patternWithPartitionKey(aPattern.ref());
return patternWithPartitionKey.Matches(
if (shouldRemove) {
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::RegisterLoader(Loader& aLoader) {
mLoaderPrincipalRefCnt.LookupOrInsert(aLoader.LoaderPrincipal(), 0) += 1;
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::UnregisterLoader(
Loader& aLoader) {
nsIPrincipal* prin = aLoader.LoaderPrincipal();
auto lookup = mLoaderPrincipalRefCnt.Lookup(prin);
if (!--lookup.Data()) {
// TODO(emilio): Do this off a timer or something maybe.
for (auto iter = mComplete.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
if (iter.Key().LoaderPrincipal()->Equals(prin)) {
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::CancelPendingLoadsForLoader(
Loader& aLoader) {
AutoTArray<RefPtr<LoadingValue>, 10> arr;
for (auto iter = mPending.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
RefPtr<LoadingValue>& first = iter.Data();
LoadingValue* prev = nullptr;
LoadingValue* current = iter.Data();
do {
if (&current->Loader() != &aLoader) {
prev = current;
current = current->mNext;
// Detach the load from the list, mark it as cancelled, and then below
// call SheetComplete on it.
RefPtr<LoadingValue> strong =
prev ? std::move(prev->mNext) : std::move(first);
MOZ_ASSERT(strong == current);
if (prev) {
prev->mNext = std::move(strong->mNext);
current = prev->mNext;
} else {
first = std::move(strong->mNext);
current = first;
} while (current);
if (!first) {
for (auto& loading : arr) {
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::WillStartPendingLoad(
LoadingValue& aData) {
LoadingValue* curr = &aData;
do {
} while ((curr = curr->mNext));
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::CancelLoadsForLoader(
Loader& aLoader) {
// We can't stop in-progress loads because some other loader may care about
// them.
for (LoadingValue* data : mLoading.Values()) {
"We weren't properly notified and the load was "
"incorrectly dropped on the floor");
for (; data; data = data->mNext) {
if (&data->Loader() == &aLoader) {
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::DeferLoad(const Key& aKey,
LoadingValue& aValue) {
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!aValue.mNext, "Should only defer loads once");
mPending.InsertOrUpdate(aKey, RefPtr{&aValue});
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
template <typename Callback>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::StartPendingLoadsForLoader(
Loader& aLoader, const Callback& aShouldStartLoad) {
AutoTArray<RefPtr<LoadingValue>, 10> arr;
for (auto iter = mPending.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
bool startIt = false;
LoadingValue* data = iter.Data();
do {
if (&data->Loader() == &aLoader) {
if (aShouldStartLoad(*data)) {
startIt = true;
} while ((data = data->mNext));
if (startIt) {
for (auto& data : arr) {
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::Insert(LoadingValue& aValue) {
auto key = KeyFromLoadingValue(aValue);
#ifdef DEBUG
// We only expect a complete entry to be overriding when:
// * It's expired.
// * We're explicitly bypassing the cache.
// * Our entry is a sync load that was completed after aValue started loading
// async.
for (const auto& entry : mComplete) {
if (key.KeyEquals(entry.GetKey())) {
MOZ_ASSERT(entry.GetData().Expired() ||
aValue.Loader().ShouldBypassCache() ||
(entry.GetData().mWasSyncLoad && !aValue.IsSyncLoad()),
"Overriding existing complete entry?");
mComplete.InsertOrUpdate(key, CompleteSubResource(aValue));
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
bool SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::CoalesceLoad(
const Key& aKey, LoadingValue& aNewLoad,
CachedSubResourceState aExistingLoadState) {
// TODO(emilio): If aExistingLoadState is inconvenient, we could get rid of it
// by paying two hash lookups...
LoadingValue* existingLoad = nullptr;
if (aExistingLoadState == CachedSubResourceState::Loading) {
existingLoad = mLoading.Get(aKey);
MOZ_ASSERT(existingLoad, "Caller lied about the state");
} else if (aExistingLoadState == CachedSubResourceState::Pending) {
existingLoad = mPending.GetWeak(aKey);
MOZ_ASSERT(existingLoad, "Caller lied about the state");
if (!existingLoad) {
return false;
if (aExistingLoadState == CachedSubResourceState::Pending &&
!aNewLoad.ShouldDefer()) {
// Kick the load off; someone cares about it right away
RefPtr<LoadingValue> removedLoad;
mPending.Remove(aKey, getter_AddRefs(removedLoad));
MOZ_ASSERT(removedLoad == existingLoad, "Bad loading table");
// We insert to the front instead of the back, to keep the invariant that
// the front sheet always is the one that triggers the load.
aNewLoad.mNext = std::move(removedLoad);
return false;
LoadingValue* data = existingLoad;
while (data->mNext) {
data = data->mNext;
data->mNext = &aNewLoad;
return true;
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
auto SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::Lookup(Loader& aLoader,
const Key& aKey,
bool aSyncLoad) -> Result {
// Now complete sheets.
if (auto lookup = mComplete.Lookup(aKey)) {
const CompleteSubResource& completeSubResource = lookup.Data();
if ((!aLoader.ShouldBypassCache() && !completeSubResource.Expired()) ||
aLoader.HasLoaded(aKey)) {
return Result(completeSubResource);
if (aSyncLoad) {
return Result();
if (LoadingValue* data = mLoading.Get(aKey)) {
return Result(data, CachedSubResourceState::Loading);
if (LoadingValue* data = mPending.GetWeak(aKey)) {
return Result(data, CachedSubResourceState::Pending);
return {};
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
size_t SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::SizeOfIncludingThis(
MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
size_t n = aMallocSizeOf(&AsDerived());
n += mComplete.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
for (const auto& data : mComplete.Values()) {
n += data.mResource->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
return n;
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::LoadStarted(
const Key& aKey, LoadingValue& aValue) {
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!aValue.IsLoading(), "Already loading? How?");
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mLoading.Contains(aKey), "Load not coalesced?");
MOZ_ASSERT(aValue.IsLoading(), "Check that StartLoading is effectful.");
mLoading.InsertOrUpdate(aKey, &aValue);
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
bool SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::CompleteSubResource::Expired()
const {
return mExpirationTime.IsExpired();
template <typename Traits, typename Derived>
void SharedSubResourceCache<Traits, Derived>::LoadCompleted(
LoadingValue& aValue) {
if (!aValue.IsLoading()) {
auto key = KeyFromLoadingValue(aValue);
Maybe<LoadingValue*> value = mLoading.Extract(key);
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(value.value() == &aValue);
Unused << value;
MOZ_ASSERT(!aValue.IsLoading(), "Check that SetLoadCompleted is effectful.");
} // namespace mozilla