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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: js/xpconnect/tests/chrome/chrome.toml
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
var { AppConstants } = SpecialPowers.ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const isExplicitResourceManagementEnabled = AppConstants.ENABLE_EXPLICIT_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT;
async function go() {
let simpleConstructors = [
const errorObjectClasses = [
simpleConstructors = simpleConstructors.concat(errorObjectClasses);
const iwin = document.getElementById('ifr').contentWindow;
if (!isExplicitResourceManagementEnabled) {
for (let c of simpleConstructors) {
is(iwin[c], undefined, "Constructors should not be exposed: " + c);
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["javascript.options.experimental.explicit_resource_management", true]],
let global = Cu.getGlobalForObject.bind(Cu);
// Copied from js/xpconnect/tests/chrome/test_xrayToJS.xhtml
// ==== BEGIN ===
// Test constructors that can be instantiated with zero arguments, or with
// a fixed set of arguments provided using ``.
for (let c of simpleConstructors) {
var args = [];
if (typeof c === 'object') {
args = c.args;
c =;
ok(iwin[c], "Constructors appear: " + c);
is(iwin[c], Cu.unwaiveXrays(iwin.wrappedJSObject[c]),
"we end up with the appropriate constructor: " + c);
is(Cu.unwaiveXrays(Cu.waiveXrays(new iwin[c](...args)).constructor), iwin[c],
"constructor property is set up right: " + c);
let expectedProto = Cu.isOpaqueWrapper(new iwin[c](...args)) ?
iwin.Object.prototype : iwin[c].prototype;
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(new iwin[c](...args)), expectedProto,
"prototype is correct: " + c);
is(global(new iwin[c](...args)), iwin, "Got the right global: " + c);
var gPrototypeProperties = {};
var gConstructorProperties = {};
// Properties which cannot be invoked if callable without potentially
// rendering the object useless.
var gStatefulProperties = {};
function testProtoCallables(protoCallables, xray, xrayProto, localProto, callablesExcluded) {
// Handle undefined callablesExcluded.
let dontCall = callablesExcluded ?? [];
for (let name of protoCallables) {
info("Running tests for property: " + name);
// Test both methods and getter properties.
function lookupCallable(obj) {
let desc = null;
do {
desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
if (desc) {
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
} while (obj);
return desc ? (desc.get || desc.value) : undefined;
ok(xrayProto.hasOwnProperty(name), `proto should have the property '${name}' as own`);
ok(!xray.hasOwnProperty(name), `instance should not have the property '${name}' as own`);
let method = lookupCallable(xrayProto);
is(typeof method, 'function', "Methods from Xrays are functions");
is(global(method), window, "Methods from Xrays are local");
ok(method instanceof Function, "instanceof works on methods from Xrays");
is(lookupCallable(xrayProto), method, "Holder caching works properly");
is(lookupCallable(xray), method, "Proto props resolve on the instance");
let local = lookupCallable(localProto);
is(method.length, local.length, "Function.length identical");
if (!method.length && !dontCall.includes(name)) {
is( + "", + "",
"Xray and local method results stringify identically");
// If invoking this method returns something non-Xrayable (opaque), the
// stringification is going to return [object Object].
// This happens for set[@@iterator] and other Iterator objects.
let callable = lookupCallable(xray.wrappedJSObject);
if (!Cu.isOpaqueWrapper( && callable) {
is( + "", + "",
"Xray and waived method results stringify identically");
function testCtorCallables(ctorCallables, xrayCtor, localCtor) {
for (let name of ctorCallables) {
// Don't try to test Function.prototype, since that is in fact a callable
// but doesn't really do the things we expect callables to do here
// (e.g. it's in the wrong global, since it gets Xrayed itself).
if (name == "prototype" && == "Function") {
info(`Running tests for property: ${}.${name}`);
// Test both methods and getter properties.
function lookupCallable(obj) {
let desc = null;
do {
desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
} while (!desc);
return desc.get || desc.value;
ok(xrayCtor.hasOwnProperty(name), "ctor should have the property as own");
let method = lookupCallable(xrayCtor);
is(typeof method, 'function', "Methods from ctor Xrays are functions");
is(global(method), window, "Methods from ctor Xrays are local");
ok(method instanceof Function,
"instanceof works on methods from ctor Xrays");
is(lookupCallable(xrayCtor), method,
"Holder caching works properly on ctors");
let local = lookupCallable(localCtor);
is(method.length, local.length,
"Function.length identical for method from ctor");
// Don't try to do the return-value check on, since there is
// absolutely no reason it should return the same value each time.
// Also don't try to do the return-value check on Regexp.lastMatch and
// Regexp["$&"] (which are aliases), because they get state off the global
// they live in, as far as I can tell, so testing them over Xrays will be
// wrong: on the Xray they will actaully get the lastMatch of _our_
// global, not the Xrayed one.
if (!method.length &&
!( == "Date" && name == "now") &&
!( == "RegExp" && (name == "lastMatch" || name == "$&"))) {
is( + "", + "",
"Xray and local method results stringify identically on constructors");
is( + "",
lookupCallable(xrayCtor.wrappedJSObject).call(xrayCtor.wrappedJSObject) + "",
"Xray and waived method results stringify identically");
function filterOut(array, props) {
return array.filter(p => !props.includes(p));
function propertyIsGetter(obj, name) {
return !!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name).get;
function constructorProps(arr) {
// Some props live on all constructors
return arr.concat(["prototype", "length", "name"]);
// Sort an array that may contain symbols as well as strings.
function sortProperties(arr) {
function sortKey(prop) {
return typeof prop + ":" + prop.toString();
arr.sort((a, b) => sortKey(a) < sortKey(b) ? -1 : +1);
function testXray(classname, xray, xray2, propsToSkip, ctorPropsToSkip = []) {
propsToSkip = propsToSkip || [];
let xrayProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(xray);
let localProto = window[classname].prototype;
let desiredProtoProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(localProto).sort();
gPrototypeProperties[classname].filter(id => typeof id === "string").toSource(),
"A property on the " + classname +
" prototype has changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
gPrototypeProperties[classname].filter(id => typeof id !== "string").map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
"A symbol-keyed property on the " + classname +
" prototype has been changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
let protoProps = filterOut(desiredProtoProps, propsToSkip);
let protoCallables = protoProps.filter(name => propertyIsGetter(localProto, name, classname) ||
typeof localProto[name] == 'function' &&
name != 'constructor');
let callablesExcluded = gStatefulProperties[classname];
ok(!!protoCallables.length, "Need something to test");
is(xrayProto, iwin[classname].prototype, "Xray proto is correct");
is(xrayProto, xray.__proto__, "Proto accessors agree");
var protoProto = classname == "Object" ? null : iwin.Object.prototype;
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(xrayProto), protoProto, "proto proto is correct");
testProtoCallables(protoCallables, xray, xrayProto, localProto, callablesExcluded);
protoProps.toSource(), "getOwnPropertyNames works");
gPrototypeProperties[classname].filter(id => typeof id !== "string" && !propsToSkip.includes(id))
"getOwnPropertySymbols works");
is(xrayProto.constructor, iwin[classname], "constructor property works");
xrayProto.expando = 42;
is(xray.expando, 42, "Xrayed instances see proto expandos");
is(xray2.expando, 42, "Xrayed instances see proto expandos");
// Now test constructors
let localCtor = window[classname];
let xrayCtor = xrayProto.constructor;
// We already checked that this is the same as iwin[classname]
let desiredCtorProps =
gConstructorProperties[classname].filter(id => typeof id === "string").toSource(),
"A property on the " + classname +
" constructor has changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
let desiredCtorSymbols =
gConstructorProperties[classname].filter(id => typeof id !== "string").map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
"A symbol-keyed property on the " + classname +
" constructor has been changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
let ctorProps = filterOut(desiredCtorProps, ctorPropsToSkip);
let ctorSymbols = filterOut(desiredCtorSymbols,;
let ctorCallables = ctorProps.filter(name => propertyIsGetter(localCtor, name, classname) ||
typeof localCtor[name] == 'function');
testCtorCallables(ctorCallables, xrayCtor, localCtor);
ctorProps.toSource(), "getOwnPropertyNames works on Xrayed ctors");
ctorSymbols.toSource(), "getOwnPropertySymbols works on Xrayed ctors");
// ==== END ===
gPrototypeProperties.DisposableStack = [
"adopt", "constructor", "defer", "dispose", "disposed", "move", "use",
Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.dispose
gStatefulProperties.DisposableStack = ["dispose", Symbol.dispose, "move"];
gConstructorProperties.DisposableStack = constructorProps([]);
gPrototypeProperties.AsyncDisposableStack = [
"adopt", "constructor", "defer", "disposeAsync", "disposed", "move", "use",
Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.asyncDispose
gStatefulProperties.AsyncDisposableStack = ["disposeAsync", Symbol.asyncDispose, "move"];
gConstructorProperties.AsyncDisposableStack = constructorProps([]);
// Sort all the lists so we don't need to mutate them later (or copy them
// again to sort them).
for (let c of Object.keys(gPrototypeProperties))
for (let c of Object.keys(gConstructorProperties))
function testDisposableStack() {
testXray("DisposableStack", new iwin.DisposableStack(), new iwin.DisposableStack());
function testAsyncDisposableStack() {
testXray("AsyncDisposableStack", new iwin.AsyncDisposableStack(), new iwin.AsyncDisposableStack());
function testSuppressedError() {
const c = errorObjectClasses[0];
const args = ['error', 'suppressed', 'some message'];
var e = new iwin.SuppressedError(...args);
// Copied from js/xpconnect/tests/chrome/test_xrayToJS.xhtml
// ==== BEGIN ===
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(e).name, c, "Prototype has correct name");
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(e)), iwin.Error.prototype, "Dependent prototype set up correctly");
is(, c, "Exception name inherited correctly");
function testProperty(name, criterion, goodReplacement, faultyReplacement) {
ok(criterion(e[name]), name + " property is correct: " + e[name]);
e.wrappedJSObject[name] = goodReplacement;
is(e[name], goodReplacement, name + " property ok after replacement: " + goodReplacement);
e.wrappedJSObject[name] = faultyReplacement;
is(e[name], name == 'message' ? "" : undefined, name + " property skipped after suspicious replacement");
testProperty('message', x => x == 'some message', 'some other message', 42);
testProperty('fileName', x => x == '', 'otherFilename.html', new iwin.Object());
testProperty('columnNumber', x => x == 1, 99, 99.5);
testProperty('lineNumber', x => x == 0, 50, 'foo');
// ==== END ===
e.wrappedJSObject.error = 42;
is(e.wrappedJSObject.error, 42, "errors is a plain data property");
is(e.error, 42, "error visible over Xrays");
e.wrappedJSObject.suppressed = 43;
is(e.wrappedJSObject.suppressed, 43, "suppressed is a plain data property");
is(e.suppressed, 43, "suppressed visible over Xrays");
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 1929055</a>
<iframe id="ifr" onload="go();" src="" />