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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef wasm_WasmBinaryTypes_h
#define wasm_WasmBinaryTypes_h
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "mozilla/Vector.h"
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
#include "wasm/WasmSerialize.h"
namespace js {
namespace wasm {
using BytecodeSpan = mozilla::Span<const uint8_t>;
// This struct captures a range of bytecode.
struct BytecodeRange {
BytecodeRange() = default;
BytecodeRange(uint32_t start, uint32_t size) : start(start), size(size) {}
uint32_t start = 0;
uint32_t size = 0;
uint32_t end() const { return start + size; }
bool contains(const BytecodeRange& other) const {
return other.start >= start && other.end() <= end();
bool operator==(const BytecodeRange& rhs) const {
return start == rhs.start && size == rhs.size;
// Returns a range that represents `this` relative to `other`. `this` must
// be wholly contained in `other`, no partial overlap is allowed.
BytecodeRange relativeTo(const BytecodeRange& other) const {
return BytecodeRange(start - other.start, size);
// Gets the span that this range represents from a vector-like bytecode.
template <typename T>
BytecodeSpan toSpan(const T& bytecode) const {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(end() <= bytecode.length());
return BytecodeSpan(bytecode.begin() + start, bytecode.begin() + end());
using MaybeBytecodeRange = mozilla::Maybe<BytecodeRange>;
using BytecodeRangeVector =
mozilla::Vector<BytecodeRange, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace js
#endif /* wasm_WasmBinaryTypes_h */