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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef vm_ArrayBufferObject_h
#define vm_ArrayBufferObject_h
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include <tuple> // std::tuple
#include "builtin/TypedArrayConstants.h"
#include "gc/Memory.h"
#include "gc/ZoneAllocator.h"
#include "js/ArrayBuffer.h"
#include "js/GCHashTable.h"
#include "vm/JSFunction.h"
#include "vm/JSObject.h"
#include "vm/SharedMem.h"
#include "wasm/WasmMemory.h"
namespace js {
class JS_PUBLIC_API GenericPrinter;
class JSONPrinter;
class ArrayBufferViewObject;
class AutoSetNewObjectMetadata;
class WasmArrayRawBuffer;
namespace wasm {
struct MemoryDesc;
} // namespace wasm
// Create a new mapping of size `mappedSize` with an initially committed prefix
// of size `initialCommittedSize`. Both arguments denote bytes and must be
// multiples of the page size, with `initialCommittedSize` <= `mappedSize`.
// Returns nullptr on failure.
void* MapBufferMemory(wasm::AddressType, size_t mappedSize,
size_t initialCommittedSize);
// Commit additional memory in an existing mapping. `dataEnd` must be the
// correct value for the end of the existing committed area, and `delta` must be
// a byte amount to grow the mapping by, and must be a multiple of the page
// size. Returns false on failure.
bool CommitBufferMemory(void* dataEnd, size_t delta);
// Extend an existing mapping by adding uncommited pages to it. `dataStart`
// must be the pointer to the start of the existing mapping, `mappedSize` the
// size of the existing mapping, and `newMappedSize` the size of the extended
// mapping (sizes in bytes), with `mappedSize` <= `newMappedSize`. Both sizes
// must be divisible by the page size. Returns false on failure.
bool ExtendBufferMapping(void* dataStart, size_t mappedSize,
size_t newMappedSize);
// Remove an existing mapping. `dataStart` must be the pointer to the start of
// the mapping, and `mappedSize` the size of that mapping.
void UnmapBufferMemory(wasm::AddressType t, void* dataStart, size_t mappedSize);
// Return the number of bytes currently reserved for WebAssembly memory
uint64_t WasmReservedBytes();
// The inheritance hierarchy for the various classes relating to typed arrays
// is as follows.
// - JSObject
// - NativeObject
// - ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared
// - ArrayBufferObject
// - FixedLengthArrayBufferObject
// - ResizableArrayBufferObject
// - SharedArrayBufferObject
// - FixedLengthSharedArrayBufferObject
// - GrowableSharedArrayBufferObject
// - ArrayBufferViewObject
// - DataViewObject
// - FixedLengthDataViewObject
// - ResizableDataViewObject
// - TypedArrayObject (declared in vm/TypedArrayObject.h)
// - FixedLengthTypedArrayObject
// - FixedLengthTypedArrayObjectTemplate<NativeType>, also inheriting
// from TypedArrayObjectTemplate<NativeType>
// - FixedLengthTypedArrayObjectTemplate<int8_t>
// - FixedLengthTypedArrayObjectTemplate<uint8_t>
// - ...
// - ResizableTypedArrayObject
// - ResizableTypedArrayObjectTemplate<NativeType>, also inheriting
// from TypedArrayObjectTemplate<NativeType>
// - ResizableTypedArrayObjectTemplate<int8_t>
// - ResizableTypedArrayObjectTemplate<uint8_t>
// - ...
// Note that |{FixedLength,Resizable}TypedArrayObjectTemplate| is just an
// implementation detail that makes implementing its various subclasses easier.
// FixedLengthArrayBufferObject and ResizableArrayBufferObject are also
// implementation specific types to differentiate between fixed-length and
// resizable ArrayBuffers.
// ArrayBufferObject and SharedArrayBufferObject are unrelated data types:
// the racy memory of the latter cannot substitute for the non-racy memory of
// the former; the non-racy memory of the former cannot be used with the
// atomics; the former can be detached and the latter not. Hence they have been
// separated completely.
// Most APIs will only accept ArrayBufferObject. ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared
// exists as a join point to allow APIs that can take or use either, notably
// AsmJS.
// In contrast with the separation of ArrayBufferObject and
// SharedArrayBufferObject, the TypedArray types can map either.
// The possible data ownership and reference relationships with ArrayBuffers
// and related classes are enumerated below. These are the possible locations
// for typed data:
// (1) malloc'ed or mmap'ed data owned by an ArrayBufferObject.
// (2) Data allocated inline with an ArrayBufferObject.
// (3) Data allocated inline with a TypedArrayObject.
// An ArrayBufferObject may point to any of these sources of data, except (3).
// All array buffer views may point to any of these sources of data, except
// that (3) may only be pointed to by the typed array the data is inline with.
// During a minor GC, (3) may move. During a compacting GC, (2) and (3) may
// move.
class ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared;
wasm::AddressType WasmArrayBufferAddressType(
const ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared* buf);
wasm::Pages WasmArrayBufferPages(const ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared* buf);
wasm::Pages WasmArrayBufferClampedMaxPages(
const ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared* buf);
mozilla::Maybe<wasm::Pages> WasmArrayBufferSourceMaxPages(
const ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared* buf);
size_t WasmArrayBufferMappedSize(const ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared* buf);
class ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared : public NativeObject {
inline size_t byteLength() const;
inline bool isDetached() const;
inline bool isResizable() const;
inline SharedMem<uint8_t*> dataPointerEither();
inline bool pinLength(bool pin);
// WebAssembly support:
// Note: the eventual goal is to remove this from ArrayBuffer and have
// (Shared)ArrayBuffers alias memory owned by some wasm::Memory object.
wasm::AddressType wasmAddressType() const {
return WasmArrayBufferAddressType(this);
wasm::Pages wasmPages() const { return WasmArrayBufferPages(this); }
wasm::Pages wasmClampedMaxPages() const {
return WasmArrayBufferClampedMaxPages(this);
mozilla::Maybe<wasm::Pages> wasmSourceMaxPages() const {
return WasmArrayBufferSourceMaxPages(this);
size_t wasmMappedSize() const { return WasmArrayBufferMappedSize(this); }
inline bool isPreparedForAsmJS() const;
inline bool isWasm() const;
class FixedLengthArrayBufferObject;
class ResizableArrayBufferObject;
* ArrayBufferObject
* This class holds the underlying raw buffer that the various ArrayBufferViews
* (DataViewObject and the TypedArrays) access. It can be created explicitly and
* used to construct an ArrayBufferView, or can be created lazily when it is
* first accessed for a TypedArrayObject that doesn't have an explicit buffer.
* ArrayBufferObject is an abstract base class and has exactly two concrete
* subclasses, FixedLengthArrayBufferObject and ResizableArrayBufferObject.
* ArrayBufferObject (or really the underlying memory) /is not racy/: the
* memory is private to a single worker.
class ArrayBufferObject : public ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared {
static bool byteLengthGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
static bool maxByteLengthGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
static bool resizableGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
static bool detachedGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
static bool resizeImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
static bool transferImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
static bool transferToFixedLengthImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
static const uint8_t DATA_SLOT = 0;
static const uint8_t BYTE_LENGTH_SLOT = 1;
static const uint8_t FIRST_VIEW_SLOT = 2;
static const uint8_t FLAGS_SLOT = 3;
static const uint8_t RESERVED_SLOTS = 4;
// Alignment for ArrayBuffer objects. Must match the largest possible
// TypedArray scalar to ensure TypedArray and Atomics accesses are always
// aligned.
static constexpr size_t ARRAY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT = 8;
"self-hosted code with burned-in constants must get the "
"right flags slot");
// The length of an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer can be at most INT32_MAX
// on 32-bit platforms. Allow a larger limit on 64-bit platforms.
static constexpr size_t ByteLengthLimitForSmallBuffer = INT32_MAX;
#ifdef JS_64BIT
static constexpr size_t ByteLengthLimit =
size_t(8) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 8 GB.
static constexpr size_t ByteLengthLimit = ByteLengthLimitForSmallBuffer;
enum BufferKind {
/** Inline data kept in the repurposed slots of this ArrayBufferObject. */
INLINE_DATA = 0b000,
* Data allocated using the SpiderMonkey allocator, created within
* js::ArrayBufferContentsArena.
* No bytes are associated with this buffer. (This could be because the
* buffer is detached, because it's an internal, newborn buffer not yet
* overwritten with user-exposable semantics, or some other reason. The
* point is, don't read precise language semantics into this kind.)
NO_DATA = 0b010,
* User-owned memory. The associated buffer must be manually detached
* before the user invalidates (deallocates, reuses the storage of, &c.)
* the user-owned memory.
USER_OWNED = 0b011,
WASM = 0b100,
MAPPED = 0b101,
EXTERNAL = 0b110,
* Data allocated using the SpiderMonkey allocator, created within an
* unknown memory arena.
KIND_MASK = 0b111
enum ArrayBufferFlags {
// The flags also store the BufferKind
DETACHED = 0b1000,
// Resizable ArrayBuffer.
RESIZABLE = 0b1'0000,
// This MALLOCED, MAPPED, or EXTERNAL buffer has been prepared for asm.js
// and cannot henceforth be transferred/detached. (WASM, USER_OWNED, and
// INLINE_DATA buffers can't be prepared for asm.js -- although if an
// INLINE_DATA buffer is used with asm.js, it's silently rewritten into a
// MALLOCED buffer which *can* be prepared.)
FOR_ASMJS = 0b10'0000,
// The length is temporarily pinned, so it should not be detached. In the
// future, this will also prevent GrowableArrayBuffer/ResizeableArrayBuffer
// from modifying the length while this is set.
PINNED_LENGTH = 0b100'0000
"self-hosted code with burned-in constants must use the "
"correct DETACHED bit value");
enum class FillContents { Zero, Uninitialized };
template <class ArrayBufferType, FillContents FillType>
static std::tuple<ArrayBufferType*, uint8_t*>
createUninitializedBufferAndData(JSContext* cx, size_t nbytes,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> proto);
template <FillContents FillType>
static std::tuple<ArrayBufferObject*, uint8_t*> createBufferAndData(
JSContext* cx, size_t nbytes, AutoSetNewObjectMetadata& metadata,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> proto = nullptr);
class BufferContents {
uint8_t* data_;
BufferKind kind_;
JS::BufferContentsFreeFunc free_;
void* freeUserData_;
friend class ArrayBufferObject;
friend class ResizableArrayBufferObject;
BufferContents(uint8_t* data, BufferKind kind,
JS::BufferContentsFreeFunc freeFunc = nullptr,
void* freeUserData = nullptr)
: data_(data),
freeUserData_(freeUserData) {
MOZ_ASSERT((kind_ & ~KIND_MASK) == 0);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(free_ || freeUserData_, kind_ == EXTERNAL);
// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the
// BufferContents does not outlive the data.
#ifdef DEBUG
// Checks if the buffer contents are properly aligned.
// `malloc(0)` is implementation defined and may return a pointer which
// isn't aligned to `max_align_t`, so we only require proper alignment when
// `byteLength` is non-zero.
// jemalloc doesn't implement restriction, but instead uses `sizeof(void*)`
// for its smallest allocation class. Larger allocations are guaranteed to
// be eight byte aligned.
bool isAligned(size_t byteLength) const {
// `malloc(0)` has implementation defined behavior.
if (byteLength == 0) {
return true;
// Allow jemalloc tiny allocations to have smaller alignment requirements
// than `std::malloc`.
if (sizeof(void*) < ArrayBufferObject::ARRAY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT) {
if (byteLength <= sizeof(void*)) {
return true;
// `std::malloc` returns memory at least as strictly aligned as for
// max_align_t and the alignment of max_align_t is a multiple of the array
// buffer alignment.
static_assert(alignof(std::max_align_t) %
// Otherwise the memory must be correctly alignment.
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(data());
return ptr % ArrayBufferObject::ARRAY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT == 0;
static BufferContents createInlineData(void* data) {
return BufferContents(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data), INLINE_DATA);
static BufferContents createMallocedArrayBufferContentsArena(void* data) {
return BufferContents(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data),
static BufferContents createMallocedUnknownArena(void* data) {
return BufferContents(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data),
static BufferContents createNoData() {
return BufferContents(nullptr, NO_DATA);
static BufferContents createUserOwned(void* data) {
return BufferContents(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data), USER_OWNED);
static BufferContents createWasm(void* data) {
return BufferContents(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data), WASM);
static BufferContents createMapped(void* data) {
return BufferContents(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data), MAPPED);
static BufferContents createExternal(void* data,
JS::BufferContentsFreeFunc freeFunc,
void* freeUserData = nullptr) {
return BufferContents(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data), EXTERNAL, freeFunc,
static BufferContents createFailed() {
// There's no harm in tagging this as MALLOCED_ARRAYBUFFER_CONTENTS_ARENA,
// even tho obviously it isn't. And adding an extra tag purely for this
// case is a complication that presently appears avoidable.
return BufferContents(nullptr, MALLOCED_ARRAYBUFFER_CONTENTS_ARENA);
uint8_t* data() const { return data_; }
BufferKind kind() const { return kind_; }
JS::BufferContentsFreeFunc freeFunc() const { return free_; }
void* freeUserData() const { return freeUserData_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return data_ != nullptr; }
WasmArrayRawBuffer* wasmBuffer() const;
static const JSClass protoClass_;
static bool byteLengthGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool maxByteLengthGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool resizableGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool detachedGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool fun_isView(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool resize(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool transfer(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool transferToFixedLength(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool class_constructor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
static bool isOriginalByteLengthGetter(Native native) {
return native == byteLengthGetter;
static ArrayBufferObject* createForContents(JSContext* cx, size_t nbytes,
BufferContents contents);
static ArrayBufferObject* copy(JSContext* cx, size_t newByteLength,
JS::Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> source);
static ArrayBufferObject* copyAndDetach(
JSContext* cx, size_t newByteLength,
JS::Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> source);
static ArrayBufferObject* copyAndDetachSteal(
JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> source);
static ArrayBufferObject* copyAndDetachRealloc(
JSContext* cx, size_t newByteLength,
JS::Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> source);
static ArrayBufferObject* createZeroed(JSContext* cx, size_t nbytes,
HandleObject proto = nullptr);
// Create an ArrayBufferObject that is safely finalizable and can later be
// initialize()d to become a real, content-visible ArrayBufferObject.
static ArrayBufferObject* createEmpty(JSContext* cx);
// Create an ArrayBufferObject using the provided buffer and size. Assumes
// ownership of |buffer| even in case of failure, i.e. on failure |buffer|
// is deallocated.
static ArrayBufferObject* createFromNewRawBuffer(JSContext* cx,
WasmArrayRawBuffer* buffer,
size_t initialSize);
static void copyData(ArrayBufferObject* toBuffer, size_t toIndex,
ArrayBufferObject* fromBuffer, size_t fromIndex,
size_t count);
template <class ArrayBufferType>
static size_t objectMoved(JSObject* obj, JSObject* old);
static uint8_t* stealMallocedContents(JSContext* cx,
Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> buffer);
static BufferContents extractStructuredCloneContents(
JSContext* cx, Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> buffer);
static void addSizeOfExcludingThis(JSObject* obj,
mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf,
JS::ClassInfo* info,
JS::RuntimeSizes* runtimeSizes);
// ArrayBufferObjects (strongly) store the first view added to them, while
// later views are (weakly) stored in the compartment's InnerViewTable
// below. Buffers usually only have one view, so this slot optimizes for
// the common case. Avoiding entries in the InnerViewTable saves memory and
// non-incrementalized sweep time.
JSObject* firstView();
bool addView(JSContext* cx, ArrayBufferViewObject* view);
// Pin or unpin the length. Returns whether pinned status was changed.
bool pinLength(bool pin) {
if (bool(flags() & PINNED_LENGTH) == pin) {
return false;
setFlags(flags() ^ PINNED_LENGTH);
return true;
static bool ensureNonInline(JSContext* cx, Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> buffer);
// Detach this buffer from its original memory. (This necessarily makes
// views of this buffer unusable for modifying that original memory.)
static void detach(JSContext* cx, Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> buffer);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfByteLengthSlot() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(BYTE_LENGTH_SLOT);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfFlagsSlot() {
return getFixedSlotOffset(FLAGS_SLOT);
void setFirstView(ArrayBufferViewObject* view);
struct FreeInfo {
JS::BufferContentsFreeFunc freeFunc;
void* freeUserData;
FreeInfo* freeInfo() const;
uint8_t* dataPointer() const;
SharedMem<uint8_t*> dataPointerShared() const;
size_t byteLength() const;
BufferContents contents() const {
if (isExternal()) {
return BufferContents(dataPointer(), EXTERNAL, freeInfo()->freeFunc,
return BufferContents(dataPointer(), bufferKind());
void releaseData(JS::GCContext* gcx);
BufferKind bufferKind() const {
return BufferKind(flags() & BUFFER_KIND_MASK);
bool isInlineData() const { return bufferKind() == INLINE_DATA; }
bool isMalloced() const {
bool isNoData() const { return bufferKind() == NO_DATA; }
bool hasUserOwnedData() const { return bufferKind() == USER_OWNED; }
bool isWasm() const { return bufferKind() == WASM; }
bool isMapped() const { return bufferKind() == MAPPED; }
bool isExternal() const { return bufferKind() == EXTERNAL; }
bool isDetached() const { return flags() & DETACHED; }
bool isResizable() const { return flags() & RESIZABLE; }
bool isLengthPinned() const { return flags() & PINNED_LENGTH; }
bool isPreparedForAsmJS() const { return flags() & FOR_ASMJS; }
// Only WASM and asm.js buffers have a non-undefined [[ArrayBufferDetachKey]].
bool hasDefinedDetachKey() const { return isWasm() || isPreparedForAsmJS(); }
// WebAssembly support:
* Prepare this ArrayBuffer for use with asm.js. Returns true on success,
* false on failure. This function reports no errors.
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForAsmJS();
size_t wasmMappedSize() const;
wasm::AddressType wasmAddressType() const;
wasm::Pages wasmPages() const;
wasm::Pages wasmClampedMaxPages() const;
mozilla::Maybe<wasm::Pages> wasmSourceMaxPages() const;
[[nodiscard]] static ArrayBufferObject* wasmGrowToPagesInPlace(
wasm::AddressType t, wasm::Pages newPages,
Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> oldBuf, JSContext* cx);
[[nodiscard]] static ArrayBufferObject* wasmMovingGrowToPages(
wasm::AddressType t, wasm::Pages newPages,
Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> oldBuf, JSContext* cx);
static void wasmDiscard(Handle<ArrayBufferObject*> buf, uint64_t byteOffset,
uint64_t byteLength);
static void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj);
static BufferContents createMappedContents(int fd, size_t offset,
size_t length);
void setDataPointer(BufferContents contents);
void setByteLength(size_t length);
* Return the byte length for fixed-length buffers or the maximum byte length
* for resizable buffers.
inline size_t maxByteLength() const;
size_t associatedBytes() const;
uint32_t flags() const;
void setFlags(uint32_t flags);
void setIsDetached() {
setFlags(flags() | DETACHED);
void setIsPreparedForAsmJS() {
MOZ_ASSERT(isMalloced() || isMapped() || isExternal());
setFlags(flags() | FOR_ASMJS);
void initialize(size_t byteLength, BufferContents contents) {
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW)
void dumpOwnFields(js::JSONPrinter& json) const;
void dumpOwnStringContent(js::GenericPrinter& out) const;
* FixedLengthArrayBufferObject
* ArrayBuffer object with a fixed length. Its length is unmodifiable, except
* when zeroing it for detached buffers. Supports all possible memory stores
* for ArrayBuffer objects, including inline data, malloc'ed memory, mapped
* memory, and user-owner memory.
* Fixed-length ArrayBuffers can be used for asm.js and WebAssembly.
class FixedLengthArrayBufferObject : public ArrayBufferObject {
friend class ArrayBufferObject;
uint8_t* inlineDataPointer() const;
bool hasInlineData() const { return dataPointer() == inlineDataPointer(); }
// Fixed-length ArrayBuffer objects don't have any additional reserved slots.
static const uint8_t RESERVED_SLOTS = ArrayBufferObject::RESERVED_SLOTS;
/** The largest number of bytes that can be stored inline. */
static constexpr size_t MaxInlineBytes =
(NativeObject::MAX_FIXED_SLOTS - RESERVED_SLOTS) * sizeof(JS::Value);
static const JSClass class_;
* ResizableArrayBufferObject
* ArrayBuffer object which can both grow and shrink. The maximum byte length it
* can grow to is set when creating the object. The data of resizable
* ArrayBuffer object is either stored inline or malloc'ed memory.
* When a resizable ArrayBuffer object is detached, its maximum byte length
* slot is set to zero in addition to the byte length slot.
* Resizable ArrayBuffers can neither be used for asm.js nor WebAssembly.
class ResizableArrayBufferObject : public ArrayBufferObject {
friend class ArrayBufferObject;
template <FillContents FillType>
static std::tuple<ResizableArrayBufferObject*, uint8_t*> createBufferAndData(
JSContext* cx, size_t byteLength, size_t maxByteLength,
AutoSetNewObjectMetadata& metadata, Handle<JSObject*> proto);
static ResizableArrayBufferObject* createEmpty(JSContext* cx);
static ResizableArrayBufferObject* createZeroed(
JSContext* cx, size_t byteLength, size_t maxByteLength,
Handle<JSObject*> proto = nullptr);
uint8_t* inlineDataPointer() const;
bool hasInlineData() const { return dataPointer() == inlineDataPointer(); }
void setMaxByteLength(size_t length) {
MOZ_ASSERT(length <= ArrayBufferObject::ByteLengthLimit);
setFixedSlot(MAX_BYTE_LENGTH_SLOT, PrivateValue(length));
void initialize(size_t byteLength, size_t maxByteLength,
BufferContents contents) {
// Resize this buffer.
void resize(size_t newByteLength);
static ResizableArrayBufferObject* copy(
JSContext* cx, size_t newByteLength,
JS::Handle<ResizableArrayBufferObject*> source);
static const uint8_t MAX_BYTE_LENGTH_SLOT = ArrayBufferObject::RESERVED_SLOTS;
static const uint8_t RESERVED_SLOTS = ArrayBufferObject::RESERVED_SLOTS + 1;
/** The largest number of bytes that can be stored inline. */
static constexpr size_t MaxInlineBytes =
(NativeObject::MAX_FIXED_SLOTS - RESERVED_SLOTS) * sizeof(JS::Value);
static const JSClass class_;
size_t maxByteLength() const {
return size_t(getFixedSlot(MAX_BYTE_LENGTH_SLOT).toPrivate());
static ResizableArrayBufferObject* copyAndDetach(
JSContext* cx, size_t newByteLength,
JS::Handle<ResizableArrayBufferObject*> source);
static ResizableArrayBufferObject* copyAndDetachSteal(
JSContext* cx, size_t newByteLength,
JS::Handle<ResizableArrayBufferObject*> source);
size_t ArrayBufferObject::maxByteLength() const {
if (isResizable()) {
return as<ResizableArrayBufferObject>().maxByteLength();
return byteLength();
// Create a buffer for a wasm memory, whose type is determined by
// memory.addressType().
ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared* CreateWasmBuffer(JSContext* cx,
const wasm::MemoryDesc& memory);
// Per-compartment table that manages the relationship between array buffers
// and the views that use their storage.
class InnerViewTable {
// Store views in a vector such that all the tenured views come before any
// nursery views. Maintain the index of the first nursery view so there is an
// efficient way to access only the nursery views.
using ViewVector =
GCVector<UnsafeBarePtr<ArrayBufferViewObject*>, 1, ZoneAllocPolicy>;
struct Views {
ViewVector views; // List of views with tenured views at the front.
size_t firstNurseryView = 0;
explicit Views(JS::Zone* zone) : views(zone) {}
bool empty();
bool hasNurseryViews();
bool addView(ArrayBufferViewObject* view);
bool traceWeak(JSTracer* trc, size_t startIndex = 0);
bool sweepAfterMinorGC(JSTracer* trc);
void check();
// For all objects sharing their storage with some other view, this maps
// the object to the list of such views. All entries in this map are weak.
// This key is a raw pointer and not a WeakHeapPtr because the post-barrier
// would hold nursery-allocated entries live unconditionally. It is a very
// common pattern in low-level and performance-oriented JavaScript to create
// hundreds or thousands of very short lived temporary views on a larger
// buffer; having to tenure all of these would be a catastrophic performance
// regression. Thus, it is vital that nursery pointers in this map not be held
// live. Special support is required in the minor GC, implemented in
// sweepAfterMinorGC.
using ArrayBufferViewMap =
GCHashMap<UnsafeBarePtr<ArrayBufferObject*>, Views,
StableCellHasher<JSObject*>, ZoneAllocPolicy>;
ArrayBufferViewMap map;
// List of keys from map where either the source or at least one target is in
// the nursery. The raw pointer to a JSObject is allowed here because this
// vector is cleared after every minor collection. Users in sweepAfterMinorGC
// must be careful to use MaybeForwarded before touching these pointers.
using NurseryKeysVector =
GCVector<UnsafeBarePtr<ArrayBufferObject*>, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
NurseryKeysVector nurseryKeys;
// Whether nurseryKeys is a complete list.
bool nurseryKeysValid = true;
bool sweepMapEntryAfterMinorGC(UnsafeBarePtr<JSObject*>& buffer,
ViewVector& views);
explicit InnerViewTable(Zone* zone) : map(zone) {}
// Remove references to dead objects in the table and update table entries
// to reflect moved objects.
bool traceWeak(JSTracer* trc);
void sweepAfterMinorGC(JSTracer* trc);
bool empty() const { return map.empty(); }
bool needsSweepAfterMinorGC() const {
return !nurseryKeys.empty() || !nurseryKeysValid;
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf);
friend class ArrayBufferObject;
friend class ResizableArrayBufferObject;
bool addView(JSContext* cx, ArrayBufferObject* buffer,
ArrayBufferViewObject* view);
ViewVector* maybeViewsUnbarriered(ArrayBufferObject* buffer);
void removeViews(ArrayBufferObject* buffer);
bool sweepViewsAfterMinorGC(JSTracer* trc, ArrayBufferObject* buffer,
Views& views);
template <typename Wrapper>
class MutableWrappedPtrOperations<InnerViewTable, Wrapper>
: public WrappedPtrOperations<InnerViewTable, Wrapper> {
InnerViewTable& table() { return static_cast<Wrapper*>(this)->get(); }
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
return table().sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
class WasmArrayRawBuffer {
wasm::AddressType addressType_;
wasm::Pages clampedMaxPages_;
mozilla::Maybe<wasm::Pages> sourceMaxPages_;
size_t mappedSize_; // Not including the header page
size_t length_;
WasmArrayRawBuffer(wasm::AddressType addressType, uint8_t* buffer,
wasm::Pages clampedMaxPages,
const mozilla::Maybe<wasm::Pages>& sourceMaxPages,
size_t mappedSize, size_t length)
: addressType_(addressType),
length_(length) {
MOZ_ASSERT(buffer == dataPointer());
static WasmArrayRawBuffer* AllocateWasm(
wasm::AddressType addressType, wasm::Pages initialPages,
wasm::Pages clampedMaxPages,
const mozilla::Maybe<wasm::Pages>& sourceMaxPages,
const mozilla::Maybe<size_t>& mappedSize);
static void Release(void* mem);
uint8_t* dataPointer() {
uint8_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this);
return ptr + sizeof(WasmArrayRawBuffer);
static const WasmArrayRawBuffer* fromDataPtr(const uint8_t* dataPtr) {
return reinterpret_cast<const WasmArrayRawBuffer*>(
dataPtr - sizeof(WasmArrayRawBuffer));
static WasmArrayRawBuffer* fromDataPtr(uint8_t* dataPtr) {
return reinterpret_cast<WasmArrayRawBuffer*>(dataPtr -
wasm::AddressType addressType() const { return addressType_; }
uint8_t* basePointer() { return dataPointer() - gc::SystemPageSize(); }
size_t mappedSize() const { return mappedSize_; }
size_t byteLength() const { return length_; }
wasm::Pages pages() const {
return wasm::Pages::fromByteLengthExact(length_);
wasm::Pages clampedMaxPages() const { return clampedMaxPages_; }
mozilla::Maybe<wasm::Pages> sourceMaxPages() const { return sourceMaxPages_; }
[[nodiscard]] bool growToPagesInPlace(wasm::Pages newPages);
[[nodiscard]] bool extendMappedSize(wasm::Pages maxPages);
// Try and grow the mapped region of memory. Does not change current size.
// Does not move memory if no space to grow.
void tryGrowMaxPagesInPlace(wasm::Pages deltaMaxPages);
// Discard a region of memory, zeroing the pages and releasing physical memory
// back to the operating system. byteOffset and byteLen must be wasm page
// aligned and in bounds. A discard of zero bytes will have no effect.
void discard(size_t byteOffset, size_t byteLen);
} // namespace js
template <>
inline bool JSObject::is<js::ArrayBufferObject>() const {
return is<js::FixedLengthArrayBufferObject>() ||
template <>
bool JSObject::is<js::ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared>() const;
#endif // vm_ArrayBufferObject_h