browser.js |
0 |
call-arg-evaluation-err.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Returns abrupt completion resulting from ArgumentListEvaluation
info: |
4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList).
features: [class]
--- |
942 |
call-bind-this-value-twice.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Abrupt completion from re-binding "this" value
info: |
6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget).
7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ).
8. Return ? thisER.BindThisValue(result). BindThisValue
1. Let envRec be the function Environment Record for which the method was
2. Assert: envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is not "lexical".
3. If envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is "initialized", throw a ReferenceError
features: [class]
--- |
1004 |
call-bind-this-value.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Binds the "this" value to value returned by "parent" constructor
info: |
6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget).
7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ).
8. Return ? thisER.BindThisValue(result).
features: [class]
--- |
721 |
call-construct-error.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
Behavior when invocation of "parent" constructor returns an abrupt completion
info: |
6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget).
features: [class]
--- |
923 |
call-construct-invocation.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Invocation of "parent" constructor
info: |
6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget).
features: [class,, Reflect, Reflect.construct]
--- |
1054 |
call-expr-value.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Evaluates to the new "this" value
info: |
6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget).
7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ).
8. Return ? thisER.BindThisValue(result).
features: [class]
--- |
653 |
call-poisoned-underscore-proto.js |
esid: prod-SuperCall
description: >
SuperCall should directly invoke [[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method.
info: |
GetSuperConstructor ( )
5. Let superConstructor be ! activeFunction.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
features: [class]
--- |
602 |
call-proto-not-ctor.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
description: SuperCall should evaluate Arguments prior to checking IsConstructor
info: |
SuperCall : `super` Arguments
3. Let _func_ be ! GetSuperConstructor().
4. Let _argList_ be ? ArgumentListEvaluation of |Arguments|.
5. If IsConstructor(_func_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
features: [class]
--- |
1176 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-expr-throws.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when evaluation throws (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [generators]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
--- |
1269 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-iter-get-value.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when GetIterator fails (@@iterator function return value) (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.1 GetIterator ( obj, method )
2. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
3. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
--- |
1539 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-itr-get-call.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when GetIterator fails (@@iterator function invocation) (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.1 GetIterator ( obj, method )
3. Let iterator be Call(method,obj).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
--- |
1475 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-itr-get-get.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when GetIterator fails (@@iterator property access) (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.1 GetIterator ( obj, method )
1. If method was not passed, then
a. Let method be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
--- |
1515 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-itr-step.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when IteratorStep fails (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.5 IteratorStep ( iterator )
1. Let result be IteratorNext(iterator).
2. ReturnIfAbrupt(result).
7.4.2 IteratorNext ( iterator, value )
1. If value was not passed, then
a. Let result be Invoke(iterator, "next", « »).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(result).
--- |
1658 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-itr-value.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when IteratorValue fails (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.4 IteratorValue ( iterResult )
1. Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
2. Return Get(iterResult, "value").
7.3.1 Get (O, P)
3. Return O.[[Get]](P, O).
--- |
1665 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-obj-unresolvable.js |
description: Object Spread operator results in error when using an unresolvable reference (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1302 |
call-spread-err-mult-err-unresolvable.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when reference is unresolvable (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator). GetValue (V)
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V), throw a ReferenceError exception.
--- |
1436 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-expr-throws.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when evaluation throws (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [generators]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
--- |
1254 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-itr-get-call.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when GetIterator fails (@@iterator function invocation) (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.1 GetIterator ( obj, method )
3. Let iterator be Call(method,obj).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
--- |
1461 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-itr-get-get.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when GetIterator fails (@@iterator property access) (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.1 GetIterator ( obj, method )
1. If method was not passed, then
a. Let method be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
--- |
1501 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-itr-get-value.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when GetIterator fails (@@iterator function return value) (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
7.4.1 GetIterator ( obj, method )
2. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
3. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
--- |
1487 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-itr-step.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when IteratorStep fails (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
6. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
7.4.5 IteratorStep ( iterator )
1. Let result be IteratorNext(iterator).
2. ReturnIfAbrupt(result).
7.4.2 IteratorNext ( iterator, value )
1. If value was not passed, then
a. Let result be Invoke(iterator, "next", « »).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(result).
--- |
1736 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-itr-value.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when IteratorValue fails (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
6. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return list.
d. Let nextArg be IteratorValue(next).
e. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextArg).
7.4.4 IteratorValue ( iterResult )
1. Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
2. Return Get(iterResult, "value").
7.3.1 Get (O, P)
3. Return O.[[Get]](P, O).
--- |
1865 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-obj-unresolvable.js |
description: Object Spread operator results in error when using an unresolvable reference (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1296 |
call-spread-err-sngl-err-unresolvable.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when reference is unresolvable (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator). GetValue (V)
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V), throw a ReferenceError exception.
--- |
1422 |
call-spread-mult-empty.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments when no iteration occurs (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
5. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return precedingArgs.
--- |
1534 |
call-spread-mult-expr.js |
description: Spread operator applied to AssignmentExpression following other elements (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
5. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return precedingArgs.
--- |
1701 |
call-spread-mult-iter.js |
description: Spread operator following other arguments with a valid iterator (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
6. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return list.
d. Let nextArg be IteratorValue(next).
e. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextArg).
f. Append nextArg as the last element of list.
--- |
1951 |
call-spread-mult-literal.js |
description: Spread operator applied to AssignmentExpression following other elements (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ArgumentList , ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let precedingArgs be the result of evaluating ArgumentList.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let iterator be GetIterator(GetValue(spreadRef) ).
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
5. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return precedingArgs.
--- |
1624 |
call-spread-mult-obj-ident.js |
description: Object Spread operator following other properties (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1892 |
call-spread-mult-obj-null.js |
description: Object Spread operator following other arguments with null value (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1412 |
call-spread-mult-obj-undefined.js |
description: Object Spread operator following other arguments with undefined (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1421 |
call-spread-obj-getter-descriptor.js |
description: Spread operation with getter results in data property descriptor (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1628 |
call-spread-obj-getter-init.js |
description: Getter in object literal is not evaluated (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
--- |
1133 |
call-spread-obj-manipulate-outter-obj-in-getter.js |
description: Getter manipulates outter object before it's spread operation (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1617 |
call-spread-obj-mult-spread-getter.js |
description: Multiple Object Spread usage calls getter multiple times (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1548 |
call-spread-obj-mult-spread.js |
description: Multiple Object Spread operation (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1485 |
call-spread-obj-null.js |
description: Null Object Spread is ignored (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1296 |
call-spread-obj-override-immutable.js |
description: Object Spread overriding immutable properties (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
--- |
1367 |
call-spread-obj-overrides-prev-properties.js |
description: Object Spread properties overrides previous definitions (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1499 |
call-spread-obj-skip-non-enumerable.js |
description: Object Spread doesn't copy non-enumerable properties (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
--- |
1085 |
call-spread-obj-spread-order.js |
description: Spread operation follows [[OwnPropertyKeys]] order (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol, object-spread]
flags: [generated]
includes: [compareArray.js]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1693 |
call-spread-obj-symbol-property.js |
description: Spread operation where source object contains Symbol properties (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol, object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1608 |
call-spread-obj-undefined.js |
description: Undefined Object Spread is ignored (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1311 |
call-spread-obj-with-overrides.js |
description: Object Spread properties being overriden (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol, object-spread]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1791 |
call-spread-sngl-empty.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument when no iteration occurs (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
6. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return list.
--- |
1401 |
call-spread-sngl-expr.js |
description: Spread operator applied to AssignmentExpression as only element (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
6. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return list.
d. Let nextArg be IteratorValue(next).
e. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextArg).
f. Append nextArg as the last element of list.
--- |
1720 |
call-spread-sngl-iter.js |
description: Spread operator applied to the only argument with a valid iterator (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [Symbol.iterator]
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
6. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return list.
d. Let nextArg be IteratorValue(next).
e. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextArg).
f. Append nextArg as the last element of list.
--- |
1828 |
call-spread-sngl-literal.js |
description: Spread operator applied to array literal as only element (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
flags: [generated]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
[...] Runtime Semantics: ArgumentListEvaluation
ArgumentList : ... AssignmentExpression
1. Let list be an empty List.
2. Let spreadRef be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
3. Let spreadObj be GetValue(spreadRef).
4. Let iterator be GetIterator(spreadObj).
5. ReturnIfAbrupt(iterator).
6. Repeat
a. Let next be IteratorStep(iterator).
b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
c. If next is false, return list.
d. Let nextArg be IteratorValue(next).
e. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextArg).
f. Append nextArg as the last element of list.
--- |
1636 |
call-spread-sngl-obj-ident.js |
description: Object Spread operator without other arguments (SuperCall)
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
features: [object-spread]
flags: [generated]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
info: |
SuperCall : super Arguments
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor().
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func).
5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation
1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue).
3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue).
4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List.
5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames).
--- |
1623 |
prop-dot-cls-null-proto.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
SuperProperty evaluation when the "home" object's prototype is not
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
features: [class]
--- |
1164 |
prop-dot-cls-ref-strict.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's behavior as a strict reference
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict. PutValue
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, then
6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
b. Let succeeded be ? base.[[Set]](GetReferencedName(V), W,
c. If succeeded is false and IsStrictReference(V) is true, throw a
TypeError exception.
features: [class]
--- |
1795 |
prop-dot-cls-ref-this.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's "this" value
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
GetValue (V)
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception.
5. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
i. Assert: In this case, base will never be null or undefined.
ii. Let base be ! ToObject(base).
b. Return ? base.[[Get]](GetReferencedName(V), GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1924 |
prop-dot-cls-this-uninit.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
SuperProperty evaluation when "this" binding has not been initialized
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding(). GetThisBinding
1. Let envRec be the function Environment Record for which the method was
2. Assert: envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is not "lexical".
3. If envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is "uninitialized", throw a ReferenceError
features: [class]
--- |
1593 |
prop-dot-cls-val-from-arrow.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from arrow function)
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [class, arrow-function]
--- |
1553 |
prop-dot-cls-val-from-eval.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from eval code)
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [class]
--- |
1510 |
prop-dot-cls-val.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [class]
--- |
1471 |
prop-dot-obj-null-proto.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
SuperProperty evaluation when the "home" object's prototype is not
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
--- |
1162 |
prop-dot-obj-ref-non-strict.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's behavior as a non-strict reference
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict. PutValue
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, then
6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
b. Let succeeded be ? base.[[Set]](GetReferencedName(V), W,
c. If succeeded is false and IsStrictReference(V) is true, throw a
TypeError exception.
d. Return.
flags: [noStrict]
--- |
1866 |
prop-dot-obj-ref-strict-strict.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's behavior as a strict reference
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict. PutValue
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, then
6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
b. Let succeeded be ? base.[[Set]](GetReferencedName(V), W,
c. If succeeded is false and IsStrictReference(V) is true, throw a
TypeError exception.
flags: [onlyStrict]
--- |
1798 |
prop-dot-obj-ref-this.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's "this" value
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
GetValue (V)
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception.
5. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
i. Assert: In this case, base will never be null or undefined.
ii. Let base be ! ToObject(base).
b. Return ? base.[[Get]](GetReferencedName(V), GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1936 |
prop-dot-obj-val-from-arrow.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from arrow function)
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [arrow-function]
--- |
1523 |
prop-dot-obj-val-from-eval.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from eval code)
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
--- |
1465 |
prop-dot-obj-val.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty
info: |
1. Let propertyKey be StringValue of IdentifierName.
2. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
3. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
--- |
1430 |
prop-expr-cls-err.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Abrupt completion from Expression evaluation
info: |
1. Let propertyNameReference be the result of evaluating Expression.
2. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference). GetValue
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
features: [class]
--- |
727 |
prop-expr-cls-key-err.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Abrupt completion from type coercion of property key
info: |
1. Let propertyNameReference be the result of evaluating Expression.
2. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference).
3. Let propertyKey be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyNameValue).
7.1.14 ToPropertyKey
1. Let key be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint String).
features: [class]
--- |
862 |
prop-expr-cls-null-proto.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
SuperProperty evaluation when the "home" object's prototype is not
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
features: [class]
--- |
1120 |
prop-expr-cls-ref-strict.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's behavior as a strict reference
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict. PutValue
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, then
6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
b. Let succeeded be ? base.[[Set]](GetReferencedName(V), W,
c. If succeeded is false and IsStrictReference(V) is true, throw a
TypeError exception.
features: [class]
--- |
1754 |
prop-expr-cls-ref-this.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's "this" value
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
GetValue (V)
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception.
5. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
i. Assert: In this case, base will never be null or undefined.
ii. Let base be ! ToObject(base).
b. Return ? base.[[Get]](GetReferencedName(V), GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1883 |
prop-expr-cls-this-uninit.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
SuperProperty evaluation when "this" binding has not been initialized
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding(). GetThisBinding
1. Let envRec be the function Environment Record for which the method was
2. Assert: envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is not "lexical".
3. If envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is "uninitialized", throw a ReferenceError
features: [class]
--- |
1549 |
prop-expr-cls-unresolvable.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Abrupt completion from Reference resolution
info: |
1. Let propertyNameReference be the result of evaluating Expression.
2. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference). GetValue
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception.
features: [class]
--- |
878 |
prop-expr-cls-val-from-arrow.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from arrow function)
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [class, arrow-function]
--- |
1512 |
prop-expr-cls-val-from-eval.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from eval code)
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [class]
--- |
1465 |
prop-expr-cls-val.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [class]
--- |
1430 |
prop-expr-getsuperbase-before-topropertykey-getvalue.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
GetSuperBase is performed before ToPropertyKey in GetValue.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
4. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference).
7. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(actualThis, propertyNameValue, strict). MakeSuperPropertyReference ( actualThis, propertyKey, strict )
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment().
3. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
... GetValue ( V )
3. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
c. If V.[[ReferencedName]] is not a property key, then
i. Set V.[[ReferencedName]] to ? ToPropertyKey(V.[[ReferencedName]]).
d. Return ? baseObj.[[Get]](V.[[ReferencedName]], GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1415 |
prop-expr-getsuperbase-before-topropertykey-putvalue-compound-assign.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
GetSuperBase is performed before ToPropertyKey in PutValue with compound assignment.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
4. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference).
7. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(actualThis, propertyNameValue, strict). MakeSuperPropertyReference ( actualThis, propertyKey, strict )
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment().
3. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
... PutValue ( V, W )
3. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
c. If V.[[ReferencedName]] is not a property key, then
i. Set V.[[ReferencedName]] to ? ToPropertyKey(V.[[ReferencedName]]).
d. Let succeeded be ? baseObj.[[Set]](V.[[ReferencedName]], W, GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1454 |
prop-expr-getsuperbase-before-topropertykey-putvalue-increment.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
GetSuperBase is performed before ToPropertyKey in PutValue with increment operator.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
4. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference).
7. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(actualThis, propertyNameValue, strict). MakeSuperPropertyReference ( actualThis, propertyKey, strict )
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment().
3. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
... PutValue ( V, W )
3. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
c. If V.[[ReferencedName]] is not a property key, then
i. Set V.[[ReferencedName]] to ? ToPropertyKey(V.[[ReferencedName]]).
d. Let succeeded be ? baseObj.[[Set]](V.[[ReferencedName]], W, GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1450 |
prop-expr-getsuperbase-before-topropertykey-putvalue.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
GetSuperBase is performed before ToPropertyKey in PutValue.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
4. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference).
7. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(actualThis, propertyNameValue, strict). MakeSuperPropertyReference ( actualThis, propertyKey, strict )
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment().
3. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
... PutValue ( V, W )
3. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
c. If V.[[ReferencedName]] is not a property key, then
i. Set V.[[ReferencedName]] to ? ToPropertyKey(V.[[ReferencedName]]).
d. Let succeeded be ? baseObj.[[Set]](V.[[ReferencedName]], W, GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1505 |
prop-expr-obj-err.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Abrupt completion from Expression evaluation
info: |
1. Let propertyNameReference be the result of evaluating Expression.
2. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference). GetValue
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
--- |
704 |
prop-expr-obj-key-err.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Abrupt completion from type coercion of property key
info: |
1. Let propertyNameReference be the result of evaluating Expression.
2. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference).
3. Let propertyKey be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyNameValue).
7.1.14 ToPropertyKey
1. Let key be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint String).
--- |
839 |
prop-expr-obj-null-proto.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
SuperProperty evaluation when the "home" object's prototype is not
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
--- |
1118 |
prop-expr-obj-ref-non-strict.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's behavior as a non-strict reference
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict. PutValue
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, then
6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
b. Let succeeded be ? base.[[Set]](GetReferencedName(V), W,
c. If succeeded is false and IsStrictReference(V) is true, throw a
TypeError exception.
d. Return.
flags: [noStrict]
--- |
1825 |
prop-expr-obj-ref-strict-strict.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's behavior as a strict reference
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict. PutValue
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, then
6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
b. Let succeeded be ? base.[[Set]](GetReferencedName(V), W,
c. If succeeded is false and IsStrictReference(V) is true, throw a
TypeError exception.
flags: [onlyStrict]
--- |
1757 |
prop-expr-obj-ref-this.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: SuperProperty's "this" value
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
GetValue (V)
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception.
5. If IsPropertyReference(V) is true, then
a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true, then
i. Assert: In this case, base will never be null or undefined.
ii. Let base be ! ToObject(base).
b. Return ? base.[[Get]](GetReferencedName(V), GetThisValue(V)).
--- |
1895 |
prop-expr-obj-unresolvable.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Abrupt completion from Reference resolution
info: |
1. Let propertyNameReference be the result of evaluating Expression.
2. Let propertyNameValue be ? GetValue(propertyNameReference). GetValue
1. ReturnIfAbrupt(V).
2. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
3. Let base be GetBase(V).
4. If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception.
--- |
855 |
prop-expr-obj-val-from-arrow.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from arrow function)
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
features: [arrow-function]
--- |
1482 |
prop-expr-obj-val-from-eval.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty (from eval code)
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
--- |
1424 |
prop-expr-obj-val.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: Value of reference returned by SuperProperty
info: |
4. If the code matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is
strict mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false.
5. Return ? MakeSuperPropertyReference(propertyKey, strict). Runtime Semantics: MakeSuperPropertyReference
1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment( ).
2. If env.HasSuperBinding() is false, throw a ReferenceError exception.
3. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
4. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
5. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue).
6. Return a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference whose base
value component is bv, whose referenced name component is propertyKey,
whose thisValue component is actualThis, and whose strict reference flag
is strict.
--- |
1389 |
prop-expr-uninitialized-this-getvalue.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
Expression not evaluated when this binding is uninitialized in GetValue context.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
--- |
755 |
prop-expr-uninitialized-this-putvalue-compound-assign.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
Expression not evaluated when this binding is uninitialized in PutValue context with compound assignment.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
--- |
778 |
prop-expr-uninitialized-this-putvalue-increment.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
Expression not evaluated when this binding is uninitialized in PutValue context with increment operator.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
--- |
774 |
prop-expr-uninitialized-this-putvalue.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
description: >
Expression not evaluated when this binding is uninitialized in PutValue context.
info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperProperty : super [ Expression ]
2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding().
3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression.
--- |
752 |
prop-poisoned-underscore-proto.js |
esid: prod-SuperProperty
description: >
SuperProperty should directly call [[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method.
info: |
MakeSuperPropertyReference ( actualThis, propertyKey, strict )
3. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase().
GetSuperBase ( )
5. Return ? home.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
--- |
874 |
realm.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
es6id: 12.3.5
description: >
Default [[Prototype]] value derived from realm of the newTarget value
info: |
1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget().
6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget).
9.1.14 GetPrototypeFromConstructor
3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
b. Let proto be realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
features: [cross-realm, Reflect]
--- |
1016 |
shell.js |
0 |
super-reference-resolution.js |
esid: sec-super-keyword
description: Binds the "this" value to value returned by "parent" constructor
info: |
6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget).
7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ).
8. Return ? thisER.BindThisValue(result).
features: [class]
--- |
590 |