Name Description Size
browser.js 0
primitive-prototype-with-object.js --- es6id: 12.9.3 description: > Throws a TypeError if `prototype` property is not an Object. info: | 12.9.3 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression instanceof ShiftExpression ... 7. Return InstanceofOperator(lval, rval). 12.9.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C) ... 6. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(C, O). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance ... 3. If Type(O) is not Object, return false. 4. Let P be Get(C, "prototype"). 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(P). 6. If Type(P) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. ... --- 945
primitive-prototype-with-primitive.js --- es6id: 12.9.3 description: > Does not throw a TypeError if left-hand side expression and `prototype` property are both primitive values. info: | 12.9.3 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression instanceof ShiftExpression ... 7. Return InstanceofOperator(lval, rval). 12.9.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C) ... 6. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(C, O). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance ... 3. If Type(O) is not Object, return false. ... --- 871
prototype-getter-with-object-throws.js --- es6id: 12.9.3 description: > "prototype" property is retrieved when left-hand side expression in `instanceof` is object. info: | 12.9.3 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression instanceof ShiftExpression ... 7. Return InstanceofOperator(lval, rval). 12.9.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C) ... 6. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(C, O). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance ... 3. If Type(O) is not Object, return false. 4. Let P be Get(C, "prototype"). 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(P). ... --- 1244
prototype-getter-with-object.js --- es6id: 12.9.3 description: > "prototype" property is retrieved when left-hand side expression in `instanceof` is object. info: | 12.9.3 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression instanceof ShiftExpression ... 7. Return InstanceofOperator(lval, rval). 12.9.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C) ... 6. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(C, O). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance ... 3. If Type(O) is not Object, return false. 4. Let P be Get(C, "prototype"). 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(P). 6. If Type(P) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. 7. Repeat a. Let O be O.[[GetPrototypeOf]](). b. ReturnIfAbrupt(O). c. If O is null, return false. d. If SameValue(P, O) is true, return true. ... --- 1533
prototype-getter-with-primitive.js --- es6id: 12.9.3 description: > "prototype" property is not retrieved when left-hand side expression in `instanceof` is primitive. info: | 12.9.3 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation RelationalExpression : RelationalExpression instanceof ShiftExpression ... 7. Return InstanceofOperator(lval, rval). 12.9.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C) ... 6. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(C, O). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance ... 3. If Type(O) is not Object, return false. ... --- 1066
S11.8.6_A1.js --- info: | White Space and Line Terminator between RelationalExpression and "instanceof" and between "instanceof" and ShiftExpression are allowed es5id: 11.8.6_A1 description: Checking by using eval --- 2055
S11.8.6_A2.1_T1.js --- info: Operator "instanceof" uses GetValue es5id: 11.8.6_A2.1_T1 description: Either Expression is not Reference or GetBase is not null --- 930
S11.8.6_A2.1_T2.js --- info: Operator "instanceof" uses GetValue es5id: 11.8.6_A2.1_T2 description: If GetBase(RelationalExpression) is null, throw ReferenceError --- 643
S11.8.6_A2.1_T3.js --- info: Operator "instanceof" uses GetValue es5id: 11.8.6_A2.1_T3 description: If GetBase(ShiftExpression) is null, throw ReferenceError --- 630
S11.8.6_A2.4_T1.js --- info: First expression is evaluated first, and then second expression es5id: 11.8.6_A2.4_T1 description: Checking with "=" --- 659
S11.8.6_A2.4_T2.js --- info: First expression is evaluated first, and then second expression es5id: 11.8.6_A2.4_T2 description: Checking with "throw" --- 917
S11.8.6_A2.4_T3.js --- info: First expression is evaluated first, and then second expression es5id: 11.8.6_A2.4_T3 description: Checking with undeclarated variables --- 705
S11.8.6_A2.4_T4.js --- info: First expression is evaluated first, and then second expression es5id: 11.8.6_A2.4_T4 description: Checking with undeclarated variables flags: [noStrict] --- 478
S11.8.6_A3.js --- info: If ShiftExpression is not an object, throw TypeError es5id: 11.8.6_A3 description: Checking all the types of primitives --- 1569
S11.8.6_A4_T1.js --- info: Only constructor call (with "new" keyword) makes instance es5id: 11.8.6_A4_T1 description: Checking Boolean case --- 645
S11.8.6_A4_T2.js --- info: Only constructor call (with "new" keyword) makes instance es5id: 11.8.6_A4_T2 description: Checking Number case --- 618
S11.8.6_A4_T3.js --- info: Only constructor call (with "new" keyword) makes instance es5id: 11.8.6_A4_T3 description: Checking String case --- 622
S11.8.6_A5_T1.js --- info: TypeError is subclass of Error from instanceof operator point of view es5id: 11.8.6_A5_T1 description: Checking Error case --- 1588
S11.8.6_A5_T2.js --- info: TypeError is subclass of Error from instanceof operator point of view es5id: 11.8.6_A5_T2 description: Checking TypeError case --- 1059
S11.8.6_A6_T1.js --- info: | Only Function objects implement [[HasInstance]] and can be proper ShiftExpression for the "instanceof" operator consequently es5id: 11.8.6_A6_T1 description: Checking "this" case --- 773
S11.8.6_A6_T2.js --- info: | Only Function objects implement [[HasInstance]] and can be proper ShiftExpression for the "instanceof" operator consequently es5id: 11.8.6_A6_T2 description: Checking Math case --- 594
S11.8.6_A6_T3.js --- info: | Only Function objects implement [[HasInstance]] and can be proper ShiftExpression for the "instanceof" operator consequently es5id: 11.8.6_A6_T3 description: Checking if RelationalExpression is function --- 865
S11.8.6_A6_T4.js --- info: | Only Function objects implement [[HasInstance]] and can be proper ShiftExpression for the "instanceof" operator consequently es5id: 11.8.6_A6_T4 description: Checking if RelationalExpression is object --- 1488
S11.8.6_A7_T1.js --- info: | When "instanceof" returns true it means that GetValue(RelationalExpression) is constructed with ShiftExpression es5id: 11.8.6_A7_T1 description: Checking Object object --- 726
S11.8.6_A7_T2.js --- info: | When "instanceof" returns true it means that GetValue(RelationalExpression) is constructed with ShiftExpression es5id: 11.8.6_A7_T2 description: Checking Array object --- 723
S11.8.6_A7_T3.js --- info: | When "instanceof" returns true it means that GetValue(RelationalExpression) is constructed with ShiftExpression es5id: 11.8.6_A7_T3 description: Checking Function object --- 747
S15.3.5.3_A1_T1.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is number --- 703
S15.3.5.3_A1_T2.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is string --- 705
S15.3.5.3_A1_T3.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is boolean true --- 712
S15.3.5.3_A1_T4.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is boolean false --- 714
S15.3.5.3_A1_T5.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is void 0 --- 708
S15.3.5.3_A1_T6.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is null --- 704
S15.3.5.3_A1_T7.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is undefined --- 714
S15.3.5.3_A1_T8.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V, the following steps are taken: i) If V is not an object, return false es5id: description: V is undefined variable --- 723
S15.3.5.3_A2_T2.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V and V is an object, the following steps are taken: i) Call the [[Get]] method of F with property name "prototype". ii) Let O be Result(i). iii) O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception es5id: description: F.prototype is undefined, and V is empty object --- 909
S15.3.5.3_A2_T5.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V and V is an object, the following steps are taken: i) Call the [[Get]] method of F with property name "prototype". ii) Let O be Result(i). iii) O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception es5id: description: F.prototype is void 0, and V is new F --- 1127
S15.3.5.3_A2_T6.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V and V is an object, the following steps are taken: i) Call the [[Get]] method of F with property name "prototype". ii) Let O be Result(i). iii) O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception es5id: description: F.prototype is string, and V is function --- 903
S15.3.5.3_A3_T1.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V and V is an object, the following steps are taken: i) Call the [[Get]] method of F with property name "prototype". ii) Let O be Result(i) and O is an object. iii) Let V be the value of the [[Prototype]] property of V. iv) If V is null, return false. v) If O and V refer to the same object or if they refer to objects joined to each other (13.1.2), return true. vi) Go to step iii) es5id: description: F.prototype.type is 1, and V is new F --- 1062
S15.3.5.3_A3_T2.js --- info: | Assume F is a Function object. When the [[HasInstance]] method of F is called with value V and V is an object, the following steps are taken: i) Call the [[Get]] method of F with property name "prototype". ii) Let O be Result(i) and O is an object. iii) Let V be the value of the [[Prototype]] property of V. iv) If V is null, return false. v) If O and V refer to the same object or if they refer to objects joined to each other (13.1.2), return true. vi) Go to step iii) es5id: description: F.prototype is Object.prototype, and V is empty object --- 1284
shell.js 0
symbol-hasinstance-get-err.js --- es6id: 12.9.4 description: Error thrown when accessing constructor's @@hasInstance property info: | 1. If Type(C) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. 2. Let instOfHandler be GetMethod(C,@@hasInstance). 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(instOfHandler). features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 643
symbol-hasinstance-invocation.js --- es6id: 12.9.4 description: > Arguments and 'this' value when invoking constructor's @@hasInstance property info: | 1. If Type(C) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. 2. Let instOfHandler be GetMethod(C,@@hasInstance). 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(instOfHandler). 4. If instOfHandler is not undefined, then a. Return ToBoolean(Call(instOfHandler, C, «O»)). features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 883
symbol-hasinstance-not-callable.js --- es6id: 12.9.4 description: > Error thrown when constructor's @@hasInstance property is defined but not callable info: | 1. If Type(C) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. 2. Let instOfHandler be GetMethod(C,@@hasInstance). 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(instOfHandler). 4. If instOfHandler is not undefined, then a. Return ToBoolean(Call(instOfHandler, C, «O»)). 5. If IsCallable(C) is false, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 758
symbol-hasinstance-to-boolean.js --- es6id: 12.9.4 description: > Type coercion of value returned by constructor's @@hasInstance property info: | 1. If Type(C) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. 2. Let instOfHandler be GetMethod(C,@@hasInstance). 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(instOfHandler). 4. If instOfHandler is not undefined, then a. Return ToBoolean(Call(instOfHandler, C, «O»)). features: [Symbol, Symbol.hasInstance] --- 1455