Name Description Size
11.4.1-0-1.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator as UnaryExpression flags: [noStrict] --- 612
11.4.1-2-2.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns true when deleting returned value from a function --- 508
11.4.1-3-1.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns true when deleting an unresolvable reference flags: [noStrict] --- 413
11.4.1-3-2.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator throws ReferenceError when deleting an explicitly qualified yet unresolvable reference (base obj undefined) --- 445
11.4.1-3-3.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns true when deleting an explicitly qualified yet unresolvable reference (property undefined for base obj) --- 425
11.4.1-4-a-1-s-strict.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > Strict Mode - TypeError is thrown when deleting non-configurable data property flags: [onlyStrict] --- 564
11.4.1-4-a-2-s-strict.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > Strict Mode - TypeError is thrown when deleting non-configurable accessor property flags: [onlyStrict] --- 595
11.4.1-4-a-3-s.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > TypeError isn't thrown when deleting configurable data property --- 512
11.4.1-4-a-4-s.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > TypeError isn't thrown when deleting configurable accessor property --- 543
11.4.1-4.a-1.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns true when deleting a configurable data property --- 738
11.4.1-4.a-2.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns true when deleting a configurable accessor property --- 824
11.4.1-4.a-3-s-strict.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator throws TypeError when deleting a non-configurable data property in strict mode flags: [onlyStrict] --- 827
11.4.1-4.a-3.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns false when deleting a non-configurable data property flags: [noStrict] --- 879
11.4.1-4.a-4.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns false when deleting a non-configurable data property (NaN) flags: [noStrict] --- 639
11.4.1-4.a-5.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns false when deleting the declaration of the environment object inside 'with' flags: [noStrict] --- 733
11.4.1-4.a-6.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns true when deleting a property inside 'with' flags: [noStrict] --- 647
11.4.1-4.a-7.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator inside 'eval' flags: [noStrict] --- 569
11.4.1-4.a-8-s-strict.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator throws TypeError when deleting a non-configurable data property in strict mode flags: [onlyStrict] --- 695
11.4.1-4.a-8.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns true for built-in objects (JSON) flags: [noStrict] --- 550
11.4.1-4.a-9-s-strict.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator throws TypeError when deleting a non-configurable data property (Math.LN2) in strict mode flags: [onlyStrict] --- 632
11.4.1-4.a-9.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns false when deleting a non-configurable data property (Math.LN2) flags: [noStrict] --- 596
11.4.1-4.a-10.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns true for property (stringify) defined on built-in object (JSON) --- 646
11.4.1-4.a-11.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns true on deleting arguments properties(arguments.callee) flags: [noStrict] --- 688
11.4.1-4.a-12.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns false when deleting a property(length) flags: [noStrict] --- 633
11.4.1-4.a-13.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns false when deleting Array object flags: [noStrict] --- 640
11.4.1-4.a-14.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns true when deleting Array elements --- 605
11.4.1-4.a-15.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns true when deleting Array expandos --- 602
11.4.1-4.a-16.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns false on deleting arguments object flags: [noStrict] --- 641
11.4.1-4.a-17.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: delete operator returns true on deleting a arguments element --- 635
11.4.1-5-1.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns false when deleting a direct reference to a var flags: [noStrict] --- 475
11.4.1-5-2.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns false when deleting a direct reference to a function argument flags: [noStrict] --- 575
11.4.1-5-3.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator returns false when deleting a direct reference to a function name flags: [noStrict] --- 530
11.4.1-5-a-27-s-strict.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > Strict Mode - TypeError is thrown after deleting a property, calling preventExtensions, and attempting to reassign the property flags: [onlyStrict] --- 557
11.4.1-5-a-28-s.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Strict Mode - TypeError is not thrown when deleting RegExp.length --- 357
11.4.4-4.a-3-s-strict.js --- info: | This test is actually testing the [[Delete]] internal method (8.12.8). Since the language provides no way to directly exercise [[Delete]], the tests are placed here. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operator throws TypeError when deleting a non-configurable data property in strict mode flags: [onlyStrict] --- 827
browser.js 0
delete-unresolvable-base-object-reference-throws-typeerror.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > delete operations throws TypeError exception when base object is unresolvable reference. --- 386
identifier-strict-recursive-strict.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-static-semantics-early-errors description: Parsing error when operand is an IdentifierReference info: | It is a Syntax Error if the UnaryExpression is contained in strict mode code and the derived UnaryExpression is PrimaryExpression:IdentifierReference. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError flags: [onlyStrict] --- 634
identifier-strict-strict.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-static-semantics-early-errors description: Parsing error when operand is an IdentifierReference info: | It is a Syntax Error if the UnaryExpression is contained in strict mode code and the derived UnaryExpression is PrimaryExpression:IdentifierReference. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError flags: [onlyStrict] --- 582
member-computed-reference-null.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator description: Delete Operator throws an error if the base reference is not object-coercible (null). info: | # Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression [...] 5. If IsPropertyReference(ref) is true, then a. If IsSuperReference(ref) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. b. Let baseObj be ? ToObject(ref.[[Base]]). --- 652
member-computed-reference-undefined.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator description: Delete Operator throws an error if the base reference is not object-coercible (undefined). info: | # Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression [...] 5. If IsPropertyReference(ref) is true, then a. If IsSuperReference(ref) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. b. Let baseObj be ? ToObject(ref.[[Base]]). --- 662
member-identifier-reference-null.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator description: Delete Operator throws an error if the base reference is not object-coercible (null). info: | # Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression [...] 5. If IsPropertyReference(ref) is true, then a. If IsSuperReference(ref) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. b. Let baseObj be ? ToObject(ref.[[Base]]). --- 654
member-identifier-reference-undefined.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator description: Delete Operator throws an error if the base reference is not object-coercible (undefined). info: | # Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression [...] 5. If IsPropertyReference(ref) is true, then a. If IsSuperReference(ref) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. b. Let baseObj be ? ToObject(ref.[[Base]]). --- 664
non-reference-return-true.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > The delete expression should return true if the right hand UnaryExpression is not a Reference info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression 1. Let ref be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(ref). 3. If Type(ref) is not Reference, return true. --- 1644
S8.12.7_A1.js --- info: | When the [[Delete]] method of O is called with property name P, and If the property has the DontDelete attribute, return false esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Try to delete Math.E, that has the DontDelete attribute flags: [noStrict] --- 1011
S8.12.7_A2_T1.js --- info: | When the [[Delete]] method of O is called with property name P, and if O doesn't have a property with name P, return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Try to delete not existent properties --- 1537
S8.12.7_A2_T2.js --- info: | When the [[Delete]] method of O is called with property name P, and if O doesn't have a property with name P, return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > Try to delete not existent properties of O, but existent property of prototype --- 1804
S8.12.7_A3.js --- info: | When the [[Delete]] method of O is called with property name P, removes the property with name P from O and return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Delete existent properties --- 2628
S11.4.1_A2.1.js --- info: If Type(x) is not Reference, return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking primitive value and Object value cases --- 530
S11.4.1_A2.2_T1.js --- info: If GetBase(x) doesn't have a property GetPropertyName(x), return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking undeclared variable case flags: [noStrict] --- 452
S11.4.1_A2.2_T2.js --- info: If GetBase(x) doesn't have a property GetPropertyName(x), return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking Object object and Function object cases --- 768
S11.4.1_A2.2_T3.js --- info: If GetBase(x) doesn't have a property GetPropertyName(x), return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking undeclared variable case --- 444
S11.4.1_A3.1.js --- info: If the property has the DontDelete attribute, return false esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable flags: [noStrict] --- 944
S11.4.1_A3.2_T1.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable flags: [noStrict] --- 456
S11.4.1_A3.2_T2.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable --- 552
S11.4.1_A3.2_T3.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, return true esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable --- 612
S11.4.1_A3.3_T1.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, remove the property esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable flags: [noStrict] --- 602
S11.4.1_A3.3_T2.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, remove the property esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable --- 636
S11.4.1_A3.3_T3.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, remove the property esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable --- 714
S11.4.1_A3.3_T4.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, remove the property esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable flags: [noStrict] --- 602
S11.4.1_A3.3_T5.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, remove the property esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable flags: [noStrict] --- 748
S11.4.1_A3.3_T6.js --- info: If the property doesn't have the DontDelete attribute, remove the property esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking declared variable flags: [noStrict] --- 609
S11.4.1_A4.js --- info: | "Delete" operator removes property, which is reference to the object, not the object esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Checking two reference by one object flags: [noStrict] --- 621
S11.4.1_A5-strict.js --- info: | A strict delete should either succeed, returning true, or it should fail by throwing a TypeError. Under no circumstances should a strict delete return false. esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > See if a strict delete returns false when deleting a non-standard property. flags: [onlyStrict] --- 1057
shell.js 0
super-property-method.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Attempts to delete super reference property references throws ReferenceError exception features: [class] --- 524
super-property-null-base.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: The restriction on the base of a super property must not be enforced before the delete expression is evaluated. info: | # MakeSuperPropertyReference ( actualThis, propertyKey, strict ) 1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment(). 2. Assert: env.HasSuperBinding() is true. 3. Let baseValue be ? env.GetSuperBase(). 4. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). # Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression 1. Let ref be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(ref). [...] 5. If IsPropertyReference(ref) is true, then a. Assert: ! IsPrivateReference(ref) is false. b. If IsSuperReference(ref) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. features: [class] --- 1123
super-property-topropertykey.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > ToPropertyKey not performed when deleting a super reference. info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression 1. Let ref be ? Evaluation of UnaryExpression. ... 4. If IsPropertyReference(ref) is true, then ... b. If IsSuperReference(ref) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. --- 777
super-property-uninitialized-this.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > Element expression in delete super not evaluated when this is uninitialized. info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression 1. Let ref be ? Evaluation of UnaryExpression. ... Runtime Semantics: Evaluation SuperProperty : super [ Expression ] ... 2. Let actualThis be ? env.GetThisBinding(). 3. Let propertyNameReference be ? Evaluation of Expression. ... GetThisBinding ( ) ... 2. If envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is uninitialized, throw a ReferenceError exception. ... --- 1052
super-property.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: SuperReferences may not be deleted info: | [...] 5.If IsPropertyReference(ref) is true, then a. If IsSuperReference(ref) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. features: [class] --- 567
white-space-line-terminator-between-delete-unaryexpression-allowed.js --- esid: sec-delete-operator description: > White Space and Line Terminator between "delete" and UnaryExpression are allowed info: | UnaryExpression : delete UnaryExpression --- 1151