Name Description Size
async-await-interleaved.js --- author: Maya Lekova <> esid: await description: > Await on async functions and builtin Promises are properly interleaved, meaning await takes only 1 tick on the microtask queue. flags: [async] features: [async-functions] includes: [compareArray.js] --- 1001
async-generator-interleaved.js --- author: Maya Lekova <> esid: await description: > Await on async generator functions and builtin Promises are properly interleaved, meaning await takes only 1 tick on the microtask queue. flags: [async] features: [async-functions, async-iteration] includes: [compareArray.js] --- 1021
await-awaits-thenable-not-callable.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await can await any thenable. If the thenable's then is not callable, await evaluates to the thenable flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 526
await-awaits-thenables-that-throw.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await can await any thenable. flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 590
await-awaits-thenables.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await can await any thenable. flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 474
await-BindingIdentifier-in-global.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await is allowed as a binding identifier in global scope --- 374
await-BindingIdentifier-nested.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await is not allowed as an identifier in functions nested in async functions negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 445
await-in-function.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await is an identifier in a function --- 349
await-in-generator.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await in a generator is an identifier features: [generators] --- 387
await-in-global.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await is an identifier in global scope --- 327
await-in-nested-function.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await is allowed as an identifier in functions nested in async functions --- 437
await-in-nested-generator.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await is allowed as an identifier in generator functions nested in async functions features: [generators] --- 478
await-monkey-patched-promise.js --- author: Maya Lekova <> esid: await description: > This test demonstrates that monkey-patched "then" on native promises will not get called. Adapted from example by Kevin Smith: flags: [async] features: [async-functions] includes: [compareArray.js] --- 1275
await-non-promise-thenable.js --- author: Maya Lekova <> esid: await description: > This test demonstrates that "then" on a non-native promise will still get called. flags: [async] features: [async-functions] includes: [compareArray.js] --- 1284
await-non-promise.js --- author: Maya Lekova <> esid: await description: > This test demonstrates that "then" on a non-native promise will still get called. flags: [async] features: [async-functions] includes: [compareArray.js] --- 940
await-throws-rejections.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await throws errors from rejected promises flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 534
browser.js 0
early-errors-await-not-simple-assignment-target.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > await is not a simple assignment target and cannot be assigned to. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 427
for-await-of-interleaved.js --- author: Maya Lekova <> esid: await description: > for-await-of iteration and builtin Promises are properly interleaved, meaning await in for-of loop takes only 1 tick on the microtask queue. flags: [async] features: [async-functions, async-iteration, generators] includes: [compareArray.js] --- 1333
no-operand.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > await requries an operand. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 379
shell.js --- description: | A collection of assertion and wrapper functions for testing asynchronous built-ins. defines: [asyncTest, assert.throwsAsync] --- 3603
syntax-await-has-UnaryExpression-with-MultiplicativeExpression.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await's operand is a UnaryExpression flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 441
syntax-await-has-UnaryExpression.js --- author: Brian Terlson <> esid: pending description: > Await's operand is a UnaryExpression flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 449
syntax-await-in-ConditionalExpression.js --- esid: prod-ConditionalExpression description: > await binds more tightly than conditional operators info: | ConditionalExpression[In, Yield, Await] : ShortCircuitExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] ShortCircuitExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] `?` AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] `:` AssignmentExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] ShortCircuitExpression[In, Yield, Await] : LogicalORExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] CoalesceExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] LogicalORExpression[In, Yield, Await] : LogicalANDExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] LogicalORExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] `||` LogicalANDExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] LogicalANDExpression[In, Yield, Await] : BitwiseORExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] LogicalANDExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] `&&` BitwiseORExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] BitwiseORExpression[In, Yield, Await] : BitwiseXORExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] BitwiseXORExpression[In, Yield, Await] : BitwiseANDExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] BitwiseANDExpression[In, Yield, Await] : EqualityExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] EqualityExpression[In, Yield, Await] : RelationalExpression[?In, ?Yield, ?Await] RelationalExpression[In, Yield, Await] : ShiftExpression[?Yield, ?Await] ShiftExpression[Yield, Await] : AdditiveExpression[?Yield, ?Await] AdditiveExpression[Yield, Await] : MultiplicativeExpression[?Yield, ?Await] MultiplicativeExpression[Yield, Await] : ExponentiationExpression[?Yield, ?Await] ExponentiationExpression[Yield, Await] : UnaryExpression[?Yield, ?Await] UnaryExpression[Yield, Await] : UpdateExpression[?Yield, ?Await] [+Await] AwaitExpression[?Yield] AwaitExpression[Yield] : `await` UnaryExpression[?Yield, +Await] flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 2477